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Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1167

DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5951-4


Groundwater storage and depletion trends in the Loess areas

of China
Aidi Huo1,2,3 • Jianbing Peng4 • Xunhong Chen5 • Lin Deng1,2 • Guoliang Wang6 •

Yuxiang Cheng4

Received: 16 October 2015 / Accepted: 30 July 2016 / Published online: 11 August 2016
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Groundwater is the essential source of drinking occurred during 2004 (-7.60 cm yr-1), while the mini-
and irrigation water supplies in most parts of the world. mum occurred during 2003 (1.13 cm yr-1). Groundwater
The Loess area is one among the largest manufacturers of consumption at such high rates will prompt unsustainable
agricultural merchandise in China and is to a great extent groundwater levels, bringing about financial anxiety, vul-
dependent on groundwater for public water supply and nerability to environmental change and excruciating bur-
irrigation. The effect of expanded open supplies and irri- dens to sustenance and water security. Careful assessment
gation on groundwater levels has not been very much of spatiotemporal groundwater storage in the Loess area
investigated, both spatially and temporally. Thus, this study will help China’s water resource managers and policy-
has used remote sensing data from NASA’s Gravity makers administrate groundwater resources in the future to
Recovery and the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems improve water and food security.
to assess the aggregate change in groundwater storage
across the Loess area over a period of 13 years, from 2002 Keywords Groundwater depletion  GRACE  GLDAS 
to 2014. The results demonstrate that the total groundwater Remote sensing  Loess areas
depletion occurred at the rate of 529.73 km3 yr-1, and the
mean groundwater consumption rate was -3.89 cm yr-1
between the winter and monsoon seasons during the period Introduction
of 2002–2014. The most extreme consumption rate
Monitoring of regional to continental scale aquifer water
storage variability using conventional methods, by well
& Jianbing Peng network at points to local scales, is problematic (Rodell et al. 2007). Still, along these lines, to estimate regional
groundwater storage variations can generate errors because
Key Laboratory of Subsurface Hydrology and Ecological
Effect in Arid Region of the Ministry of Education,
of spatial and temporal data gaps, data formatting and
Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, China irregularity, human and mechanical errors and sparsely
School of Environmental Science and Engineering,
accessible metadata for converting hydraulic head to vol-
Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, China umetric water storage. Furthermore, it is costly and labor
State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water
intensive to establish and keep up with running a well
Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and network.
Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China Despite the fact that in situ monitoring well networks
School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, provide high resolution estimates of the aquifer water
Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi Province, China storage variability, remotely sensed data make up the only
School of Natural Resources, University of available source of information for assessing water
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0996, USA resources in sparsely monitored regions (Sun 2013). Con-
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F sequently, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi Province, China (GRACE) satellite mission has pulled in much

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consideration since its launch. GRACE observes temporal environment in this area is critical. The groundwater stor-
variations of Earth’s gravitational potential, which, after age change trend is one of the key factors influencing
removing atmospheric and oceanic effects and is often ecological restoration in the Loess area of China. The
times caused by changes in terrestrial water storage (Tap- groundwater storage trend was estimated using GRACE for
ley et al. 2004). Managing the limited groundwater China’s Loess area during the period (2002–2014) for
resources in a way that will make certain of equitable, agricultural intensification. The sustainability of present
sustainable, and economically prudent decisions is desir- agricultural activities and vegetation changes were better
able. Observing soil moisture, snow depth, runoff and other understood by contrasting this trend with natural ground-
water cycle components over extensive scales can be water recharge rates. The conclusions from this research
similarly or all the more difficult. will empower land-use planners and decision makers to
GRACE is the first satellite remote sensing mission comprehend how intensifying agricultural practices influ-
which is straightforwardly pertinent to the appraisal of ence groundwater on the long term.
groundwater storage under all types of terrestrial condi-
tions (Tapley et al. 2004; Zhong et al. 2009; Huang et al.
2015). GRACE is unique in that it relies on observations of Data and methods
satellite orbit perturbations which are brought about by
gravitational anomalies close to the land surface. Thus, the Datasets acquisition
exact estimation is the technique that it resolves changes in
the gravity field due to redistribution of mass near the This research evaluated 13-year groundwater tendency
Earth’s surface, including oceanic and atmospheric circu- from 2002 to 2014. The tendency was derived from the
lations, and as well terrestrial water cycling. By isolating examination of remote sensing images. They recorded
the contributions to temporal mass variability implement- groundwater depletion tendency with the aid of GRACE
ing numerical models and auxiliary observations, it is mission and GLDAS missions across the Loess area in
conceivable to gauge the changes in groundwater storage China. The primary scientific target of GRACE mission
over adequately huge regions (Rodell and Famiglietti 2002; was to provide a highly accurate Earth gravity field model
Feng et al. 2013). and its time-variable characteristics with a spatial resolu-
With the surface water storage variations assessed, for tion of 300 km and a temporal resolution of 10 days.
example, from the Global Land Data Assimilation System Andersen and Hinderer (2005) showed that GRACE is
(GLDAS) and then subtracted from the terrestrial water capable of capturing the changes in continental ground-
storage (TWS), GRACE brings to forefront a new oppor- water on inter-annual scales corresponding to 9 mm water
tunity to monitor the groundwater storage variations thickness on spatial scales of 1300 km and longer. The
(Rodell et al. 2004). Over the past decade, GRACE has GRACE field was filtered using the 300-km-wide Gaussian
been utilized to gauge regional water storage variations, filter method and was finally converted to mass in units of
e.g., in the USA (Famiglietti and Rodell 2013), the Yangtze equivalent water thickness (EWT). The groundwater stor-
River basin (Hu et al. 2006; Ferreira et al. 2013), the age change was also evaluated in different seasons (May,
Amazon River basin (Chen et al. 2009; Feng et al. 2012; August and December) for the study period. In addition, we
Frappart et al. 2013), the Lake Victoria (Awange et al. calculated the shortage of groundwater resources in the
2008) and the Congo River basin (Crowley et al. 2006), Loess area. The calculation was made by comparing the
observing the mass balance of Antarctica (Wen et al. 2011; groundwater depletion to natural groundwater recharge via
Velicogna 2009) and Greenland (Luthcke et al. 2006; Chen precipitation.
et al. 2011), as well as assessing the contributions of gla-
ciers and ice caps to sea-level rise (Jacob et al. 2012; Chen Study site description
et al. 2013).
The Loess area of China is one of the regions with the Loess covers about 10 % of the Earth’s land surface and is
most extremely harmed ecological environment. According for the most part dispersed in temperate climates and semi-
to history, this area is one of the cradles of the Chinese arid climates on the edge of deserts, where the population
nation and its culture. It has beautiful, large forest, as well is dense, and also has high industry/agriculture develop-
as a forest-steppe area. Be that as it may, in the past ment. Loess is an eolian sediment; it is homogeneous,
2000 years, environmental problems such as water short- permeable, friable, somewhat intelligible, normally non-
ages, vegetation reduction and frequent natural disasters stratified and frequently calcareous. The silt particle con-
were reported to be severe (Moiwo et al. 2009; Tang et al. tent of Loess accounts for a significant proportion
2013). Thus, recovery and management of the ecological (50–80 %); Loess is made up of quartz, feldspar, mica and

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Fig. 1 Map of China with the Loess area. The map shows 9 provinces and cities (The red dotted line are the boundaries based on the Yellow
River; those boundaries divide China’s Loess area into three sub-areas from west to east.)

other minerals; it is also enriched in carbonate (typically up Monitoring Station; these groundwater observation wells
to 10–15 % or higher) (Hu et al. 2015). Chinese Loess is are mainly located in the Yinchuan Plain area in Ningxia
primarily dispersed in the middle reaches of the Yellow Province (see Fig. 1). The Yinchuan Plain is one of Chi-
River (Fig. 1), representing about 72 % of Loess covered nese oldest irrigated areas. The Yinchuan Plain lies in the
area (0.44 million km2) in China (Li et al. 2009). Chinese east edge of monsoon climate of China, with an average
Loess distribution areas are larger than any other country of annual precipitation of 192, l00 mm lower than in a year of
the world. Loess Plateau in northwest China is the largest low water. It also has an annual average temperature
Loess Plateau of the world; Loess plains of North China are between 8 and 9 °C and an average annual evaporation of
also the largest in the world. China’s Loess total area 1162 mm. The precipitation is different in space and time,
accounts for 6 % of the land area. From a regional per- the precipitation from July to September accounting for
spective, China’s Loess area is mainly distributed in about 70 % of the precipitation of the whole year.
Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Ningxia, Qinghai and As a Cenozoic fault basin, the Yinchuan Plain contains
Hebei provinces (Fig. 1). In detail, Loess mainly dis- 7000 m of Cenozoic sediments overlain by about 2000 m
tributed in central and eastern Gansu, central and northern of weakly consolidated Quaternary material (Wu et al.
Shaanxi, the south and west Inner Mongolia, most of 2008). Geological mapping uncovers the landform zoning
Shanxi, northern, west and northwest of Henan, western from the northwest to the Yellow River in the southeast
Shandong, Liaoning mountain area and the east of Qinghai. (Fig. 1). They start from an inclined pluvial plain, then
The Loess of the north China Plain is more deeply buried in changed to a pluvial–alluvial plain and subsequently to an
the thick alluvial layer. Loess layer thickness is generally alluvial–lacustrine plain, near the river. To the east, the
up to 100 m. Quaternary sediments became thick and bolstered a multi-
The observed groundwater level data were used to verify layer aquifer system, up to 250 m thick, with a shallow
the groundwater storage changes estimated by GRACE in phreatic aquifer underlain by two confined aquifers. The
the Loess areas of China. Herein, in the Loess areas of aquifers are isolated by normally continual aquitards with
China from 2002 to 2010, the observed groundwater data thickness between 3 and 10 m. The Yinchuan Plain is a
were collected by Ningxia Geological Environment conventional agrarian area. There are a large number of

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pumping wells, many of which are phreatic wells (Qian Total soil moisture (SM) estimations based
et al. 2012). on GLDAS
As the phreatic table depth is relatively shallow (typi-
cally less than 3 m subsurface), groundwater flow direc- The Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS) was
tions are largely governed by surface topography. developed mutually by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Groundwater generally flows north and east, and exten- (GFC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
sively correspondent with the Yellow River course. istration (NOAA) to estimate and record land surface states
Hydraulic gradients are relatively steep in the south and and fluxes (Rodell et al. 2004, 2009). The prepared GLDAS
west, indicating large groundwater fluxes (Qian et al. information was available online, and the services were
2012). provided by the Information Services Center and Goddard
The monthly groundwater levels from the Yinchuan Earth Sciences Data (
Plain, a district in the Loess area, were compared to GRACE/ In the GLDAS, estimates on the total SM can be
GLDAS observed groundwater storage trends across north- obtained by utilizing land surface models (LSMs). It is the
west China for 2002–2014. Geographical Information Sys- global remote sensing data that drive the models. Of the
tems (GIS) were then used to characterize trends between land surface models, the National Centers for Environ-
observed groundwater level and remotely sensed ground- mental Prediction/Oregon State University/Air Force/Hy-
water storage. To test the groundwater variations trend drologic Research Lab Model (NOAH), MOSAIC,
obtained from GRACE time-variable gravity field model, the Common Land Model (CLM) and variable infiltration
groundwater level changes in monitoring wells from the capacity (VIC) are very famous. In the present research, a
same spatial location were compared to the GRACE/ land hydrology LSM in the GLDAS, Noah 2.7.1, is used as
GLDAS observed groundwater storage height. The varia- an equivalent thickness to estimate soil moisture from the
tions in groundwater storage height are calculated by the surface up to a depth of 200 cm. The net groundwater
Environmental Monitoring Institute of State Land and storage can then be calculated using the Noah estimates of
Resources Ministry. This network is primarily aimed at total SM together with TWS estimates based on GRACE.
monitoring the impact of climate on groundwater levels. A Details on the Noah, LSMs and GLDAS may be derived
large portion of the wells are situated in unconfined or near- from Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Ser-
surface confined aquifers. Pumping or other anthropogenic vices Center (GES DISC).
stresses have minimal effects on them to ensure that the
groundwater level variations in these monitoring wells are Precipitation and TWS
predominantly influenced by climate but negligibly by
anthropogenic activities or tide. The good quality datasets The Information Services Center and Goddard Earth Sci-
from the network make sure the calculation precision in the ences Data provide the monthly rainfall data on district scale
water storage variation. during the period between 2002 and 2014. Annual hyeto-
graphs were constructed using the monthly rainfall data. The
GRACE-based terrestrial water storage (TWS) archives of the monthly GRACE data grids of land mass can
estimations be found in the University of Texas Center for Space
Research (CSR) (Landerer and Swenson 2012), Jet Propul-
GRACE data have been widely used for groundwater studies sion Laboratory (JPL), and the GeoForschungsZentrum
all around the world (Rodell et al. 2009, 2004; Rodell and Potsdam (GFZ) and may be obtained online (Swenson and
Famiglietti 2002; Rodell et al. 2007). The GRACE mission Wahr 2006) ( Sean
was launched on March 17, 2002. Two satellites work in Swenson developed the processing algorithms on GRACE
unison in the GRACE satellite mission. The mass anomalies land data ( The present GRACE
attributed to groundwater volume variations make the datasets were built on the basis of the level V spherical
gravitational field change that in turn results in perturbations harmonics (RL05) from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL-
in the GRACE satellite orbits. One satellite captures the NASA), Center for Space Research (CSR-Texas) and Geo
perturbations as variations in TWS, while the other experi- Forschung Zentrum (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany). From the
ences changes in the orbit (Rodell et al. 2007). Along these GRACE data download page, the information on the
lines, the planet’s gravitational field can be used to deduce its GRACE data solutions (Chen et al. 2011), glacial-isostatic
composition and structure (Tapley et al. 2004). Based on the adjustments (Geruo et al. 2013) and degree one coefficients
working principle that the satellite orbits each location once a (Swenson et al. 2008) obtained from the data can be deduced.
month, the scientists can estimate monthly resolution chan- Mass variability resulting from snow water equivalent and
ges in TWS over the globe. plant biomass was considered negligible in the study, since

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the former was insignificant due to the temperate climate in Furthermore, the discrepancy in DGW thickness between
the Loess area. summer and winter seasons was calculated to estimate the
post-monsoon depletion in groundwater storage.
Total SM and groundwater storage (GW)

Soil moisture, groundwater and snow were assumed Results and discussion
herein to be the non-negligible contributors to TWS
mass variability in the Loess area. Thus, on the basis of Precipitation trends in the Loess area of China
GRACE-estimated terrestrial water storage changes
(DTWS) and numerically modeled soil moisture changes The monthly annual average rainfall is 12.25 mm in the
(DSM) and snow water equivalent (DSWE), groundwater Loess area from 2002 to 2014. The highest monthly rain-
storage changes (DGW) were calculated as fall, which was observed in the Loess area in July, 2013, is
DGW ¼ DTWS  ðDSM þ DSWEÞ ð1Þ a total rainfall of 48.53 mm. January and December are the
driest months in the period from 2002 to 2014 with the
where, DTWS, DSM and DGW are estimated in centime- least number of rainfall days.
ters. GRACE-derived TWS is composed of all of the An increasing trend at the rate of 0.04 mm a year is
apparent mass variability sources as well as the non-intu- identified from the rainfall data from 2002 to 2014.
itive or hidden ones. In this study, surface water and bio- Hence, it is the elevated use of groundwater resources
mass were the two potential mass variability sources that but not the climate change (particularly the decreasing
were excluded. Since it is supposed in the technique that rainfall) that is responsible for any depletion in
groundwater would be continuous in space across the tar- groundwater storage.
geted region, surface water can be treated as an intersection
of the water table with the land surface (Winter 1998). And
thus surface water variations would be effectively excluded Groundwater storage tendency in the Loess area
from the error sources. In order to obtain monthly global
maps for vegetation biomass, Rodell et al. (2005) applied Groundwater storage is estimated by GRACE as the
relationships deduced from field investigations to satellite EWT in centimeters (cm). The Loess area groundwater
derived maps of leaf area index. Compared with the storage (DGW), shown as the EWT (cm), is shown in
uncertainty in GRACE-based hydrology, seasonal and Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Figure 2 illustrates the TWS trends
inter-annual biomass changes typically were much smaller. in the Loess area during the period of 2002–2014. Fig-
However, uncertainty led by variations in surface waters ure 3 illustrates the GW trends in the Loess area in the
and biomass must be considered part of error sources, peak summer (May). However, the GW trends in August
despite the fact that surface waters and biomass were not and December are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, respec-
exactly quantified in this study. The collected data on mean tively. The average DGW levels were used to normalize
monthly SM were preprocessed by the GES DISC group the DGW data from April 2002 to December 2014
(Rodell et al. 2004). Cautiousness should be taken when (baseline average). And the baseline was established to
downloading temporal and spatial (0.25°)-(monthly) reso- identify the tendency of a particular month data in
lution Noah data in similar format as the data on GLDAS comparison with the monthly data in the long term.
are furnished in diverse spatio-temporal resolutions. Soil Therefore, a minus sign in DGW represents a minus
moisture aggregate from Noah is tantamount to the total of deviation from the baseline average. Thus, the value of
SM. The total of SM was estimated from four datasets -0.94 cm (lower than baseline) was the average DGW
representing SM from 0 to 10, 10 to 40, 40 to 100 and 100 for the summer month, while the values of 0.99 and
to 200 cm, respectively. GIS software was used to process -1.12 cm were averages for monsoon and winter sea-
all data. Finally, GRACE-based estimates of DTWS and sons, respectively. The minus signs show that the DGW
GLDAS-based DSM, EWT or DGW were calculated. Since trend is varying negatively. The result is analogous to
the study aim is to identify groundwater trends in peak that from Wu and Gao (2008) in the groundwater esti-
summer, GLDAS and GRACE data were obtained online mates. December had the most groundwater consumption
for such months as May, August and December during the owing to the extraction of groundwater and less occur-
period from 2002 to 2014. rence of rainfall days in the winter. The monsoon sea-
The yearly DGW consumption comprehensively influ- sons demonstrate an increase in DGW due to having the
enced by agricultural activities and summer was assessed on highest rainfall amount (during the month of the
the basis of the discrepancy in groundwater storage thickness August), 49 % more than May. Thus, a higher storage
(DGW) between high rainfall months and peak summer. than the average can be found in the monsoon season

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Fig. 2 Terrestrial water storage estimated from GRACE and land JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory (in the legend, it is ‘‘jpl’’). Note that
surface models (blue bars). GFZ GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam; ‘‘200204’’ represents April, 2002
CSR Center for Space Research at University of Texas, Austin;

Fig. 3 Groundwater storage estimated from GRACE and land surface models (May). SM soil moisture; SWE snow water equivalent

Fig. 4 Groundwater storage estimated from GRACE and land surface models (August). SM soil moisture; SWE snow water equivalent

(post-monsoon), while a lower storage than the baseline (-7.60 cm yr21), while the minimum occurred in
in the summer and the winter. December, 2009 (-0.06 cm yr-1). The groundwater uses
for irrigation have resulted in an average consumption of
Estimation of depletion rates of groundwater 759.14 km3 yr-1 in volume over the entire Loess area with
storage an area of 1,950,410 km2 for the study period.
The Loess area was divided into three sub-areas from
The mean groundwater variation in thickness is about west to east with the Yellow River serving as the boundary.
-3.89 cm yr-1, during the whole period of 2002–2014. Those sub-areas were: the Western, Central and Eastern
The maximum consumption rate occurred in May, 2004 areas (in Fig. 1). Their average depletion rates of

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1167 Page 7 of 11 1167

Fig. 5 Groundwater storage estimated from GRACE and land surface models (December). SM soil moisture; SWE snow water equivalent

groundwater were -6.68, -4.09 and -0.89 cm yr-1, occurred in 2003 (1.13 cm yr-1), while the maximum
respectively. This infers that the Western part of the Loess occurred in 2004 (-7.60 cm yr-1).
area in China showed the largest depletion rate GW depletion resulted from the comprehensive effect of
(-6.68 cm yr-1) in the study period, while the Eastern part climatic and anthropogenic causes. However, the anthro-
showed the lowest depletion rate (-0.89 cm yr-1). In pogenic activities, such as watershed surface changes and
recent years, due to a relatively more dense population in the rapid development of economic and social, are the main
the Western and Central regions, irrigation and public causes of groundwater depletion. The watershed surface
water consumption are larger than in Eastern areas. These changes significantly in the Loess areas of China. Lakes
may be the main reasons for the decline in groundwater atrophy area accounted for about 18 % of the total area of
reserves in the western and central areas. Rainfall increase the lake; wetland area is reduced by about 28 %; forest
driven by climate change has increased soil water and coverage increased by about 10 %; irrigated area from 18.5
groundwater storage to a certain degree but not enough to to 51.8 % of total arable land area; and urbanization level
compensate for the long-term decline. rose from 19 % in 1980 to 47 % in 1980. In Beijing, for
China Geological Survey Bureau has conducted example, urban population rapidly increased from 12.57
investigations and evaluations of groundwater resources million in 1999 to 19.61 million in 2010, a 56 % increase.
in the Loess area of China (Chen et al. 2010b).
According to the investigation’s report from 2001 to Alleviating future irrigation water stress
2011, groundwater storage variations in the Loess area of in the Loess Area
China showed regional characteristics, and there are
differences in the western, central and eastern areas. The The change in groundwater level in the Loess area is deeply
sustainable use of groundwater resources tends to be affected by various factors: anthropogenic causes, geolog-
very challenging. ical structure, climate change and topography; it also shows
During the period of 2001–2011, the total recharge a strong spatial correlation. Such spatial correlation is
showed a decreasing trend and the regional average weakened by the impact of human economic activities.
groundwater level declined in the study areas. The regional Zhang et al. (2013) analyzed the overall spatial distribution
groundwater level in the northwest arid areas of China of water resources in the Loess area. It was found that the
declined faster than in several other major aquifers. change in the groundwater level showed a substantially
As regard the recommendations of the analysis of rain- declining trend from the Southeast to the Northwest, and the
fall–recharge relationships (Wu et al. 1996), 8 % annual rate gradually decreased. Figure 6 shows the spatial varia-
rainfall contributes to groundwater recharges in the Loess tions of groundwater in the Loess area beginning from
area. With this assumption, the recharged groundwater August, 2002 to August, 2014 based on the GRACE satel-
volume is 299.41 km3 yr-1. Accordingly, the groundwater lite image datasets, in which the change trends are similar to
usage exceeds the annual recharge 529.73 km3 yr-1. GW that of Zhang et al. (2013) research results. It should be
consumption at such high rates may cause unsustainable noted that Fig. 6 reflects changes in the spatial distribution
groundwater uses, leading to vulnerability to climate in the change of groundwater levels; the value of each
change, socio-economic stress and unendurable burdens to spatial grid position is relative to the average within the
water and food security. Likewise, the mean GW con- range of the grid, rather than the true high groundwater
sumption rate is -3.89 cm yr-1 from summer to winter equivalent. The color of each grid point reflects the changes
(between 2002 and 2014). The minimum consumption rate in the groundwater amount in the corresponding location.

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Fig. 6 Spatial variations of groundwater in the Loess area from August, 2002 to August, 2014. Maps show the variations for 6 years

Fig. 7 Monthly changes in equivalent groundwater thickness derived from GRACE gravity satellite data in the Loess area and the change in
groundwater level derived from two observation wells in the Yinchuan Plain

The color contrast needs to be carefully understood as 64022020005, which are shown in Fig. 1) in the Yinchuan
regards the different grid points. For example, the diagram Plain during the period of 2002–2010. The changes in
with a blue dot indicates the point below the average of groundwater level at the monitoring wells show a down-
13 years’ water levels; the red dot indicates the point above ward trend, which is similar to that of the GRACE at the
the average of the 13 years. There may be more ground- same spatial location. The results of groundwater amount
water storage in the blue areas than in the red areas. change based on GRACE and are closely related with the
Figure 7 shows the monthly changes in EWT of soil and snow water. In this paper, soil water and snow data
groundwater derived from GRACE gravity satellite data in derived from GLDAS global data were used; its accuracy
the Loess area and the change in groundwater level derived has a certain effect on the results of estimated accuracy on
from two observation wells (6402230033 and groundwater change. However, due to the small number of

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1167 Page 9 of 11 1167

groundwater monitoring wells with long-term water level GRACE data have been used to estimate rates of ground-
data, further evaluation of their accuracy is currently water depletion, flood potential, drought and reservoir
unable to be conducted. storage changes (Wang et al. 2011). GRACE, most espe-
In China, irrigation water use has grown rapidly. Water cially, can give timely data for areas of sparse monitoring
shortage in China, particularly in the north and northwest data.
of China, is very serious. While the water shortage in this According to the above analysis, GRACE satellite has
region is severe, irrigation water use efficiency is only unique advantages in the aspects of measuring land surface
about 20 %. Excessive irrigation in Ningxia has had a water storage changes; it also provides a new perspective
significant influence on downstream water users along the for the study of global, regional or basin water balance.
Yellow River. It is widely believed that an increase in the However, GRACE satellite data also has some limitations
agricultural water use efficiency is the key to mitigating on predicting the change trends in water resources:
water shortage and reducing environmental problems.
1. Low spatial resolution is suitable for large-scale global
Numerous studies have shown that groundwater inter-
or regional. The smaller it measures the area, the less
ventions are necessary to promote groundwater recharge
gravity data there is. If the area is less than 193,000
and increase GW to ensure water availability in the future.
square kilometers, then, calculation of the groundwater
Sustainable groundwater development plans can be plotted
storage is very difficult (Rowlands et al. 2005). The
if groundwater recharge and storage are better estimated at
scaling transformation needs to be conducted for small
macro- and micro-watershed scales. But estimates on larger
areas. How to further enhance the spatial resolution is
scale are currently unavailable owing to limited field data.
still an issue for GRACE studies.
Therefore, the groundwater intervention plans should be
2. The validation and accuracy assessment are relatively
focused on increasing groundwater resources to fight
difficult. The validation for GRACE is mostly con-
against steady decreases, as well as with agricultural
ducted through the land surface and hydrological
practice improvements. Due to increased water scarcity,
model or comparative analysis. Several studies show
the irrigated area is unlikely to expand in the dry land
that the results of GRACE and hydrological model
region of the Loess area. Good irrigation scheduling
inversion agree well, but their differences can not be
requires the timing of irrigation and the amount of water
ignored. On the other hand, hydrological models
applied to match actual field conditions. Furthermore,
themselves are not able to fully inverse the amount
water-saving irrigation depends on adopting water-saving
of change in hydrology, on the basis of which, the
techniques in the delivery and application of the water.
comparison is controversial. At the same time, due to
Limited irrigation is a system of crop management in
the lack of real independence of observations for the
which dryland cultivation is integrated with a limited water
global hydrological signal change, the variation of the
supply in an irrigation network that is only able to supply
observed hydrological information GRACE obtained
part of the water needed for crop growth (Shan and Deng
can not be explained correctly.
2000). Limited irrigation is possible to develop water-
saving information systems for a precise control of the Although, the spatial resolution of GRACE satellite data
timing and quantity of irrigation water, and thus, limited is low for the Loess area of China, it is a large area
irrigation can be expected to be a dominant form of crop (1,950,410 km2), and results obtained by this method in the
cultivation in the future. In other words, it is to raise the field of hydrology and water resources have a very
following ratios to their maximum: soil-stored water con- important reference value. Therefore, strengthening the
tent/precipitation volume; water consumption/soil storage research efforts of the method will have a very important
of water; transpiration/water consumption; biomass practical significance in promoting the development of
yield/transpiration and economic benefit. The upgrading of hydrological sciences.
these hydro-pedagogical and plant parameters is the key
issue to be solved. The results in this study will improve
the comprehending of the present water consumption and Conclusions
the accessible GW that can be fed in artificial ways.
GRACE provides a record of variations in total terrestrial Temporal changes in groundwater reserves were evaluated
water storage (defined as all of the snow, surface water, soil based on the GRACE satellite gravity image data in the
moisture and groundwater) across the globe (Voss et al. Loess area for 2002–2014. The groundwater reserves in the
2013). Recent studies have demonstrated that water storage month, and annual changes were analyzed and compared
changes can be inferred from the GRACE data with suf- with the corresponding rainfall data; soil water and snow
ficient resolution and accuracy to benefit regional water data derived from GLDAS global data were used to assist
resources management (Chen et al. 2010). For example, the analysis. The following conclusions can be drawn:

1167 Page 10 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:1167

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Basic Research Program of China (973 Program): The formation,
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evolution mechanism and mitigation of loess geohazards and geo-
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for both shallow and deep aquifers in North China Plain.
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and technology of social development in Shaanxi Province (Grant No.
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2016SF-411) and the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of
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Landerer F, Swenson S (2012) Accuracy of scaled GRACE terrestrial
Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Grant
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Li Z, Liu WZ, Zhang XC, Zheng FL (2009) Impacts of land use
groundwater level data. The authors are also grateful to the anony-
change and climate variability on hydrology in an agricultural
mous reviewers for their constructive comments to polish the
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