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The Henley College

Centre number: 62441
Josh Hills
Student number: 987819

Rationale Project Concept Evaluation

Over all the unit I feel like I For the short film that i'm When reflecting on the work i
have slowly developed my preparing to do i have teamed do throughout the project i will
skills especially when it comes up with Oscar cooper as i feel use a lot of my planning and
to editing. I feel like of you like we have a good analysis of similar short films to
watch my last short film that i combination of skills and will grasp ideas and to make my
made you will see that my complement each other with work look more professional,
editing skills and techniques are strengths, Oscar is creative also teacher feedback will be
have improved a lot, i feel like i and has many good ideas, he's really helpful when i comes to
have adapted my editing skills also good at writing scripts, my analysing my work and
to the storyline of the short film strengths are editing and also improving my work to make it
to make it more looking or locations and doing more interesting and better. I
understandable and more some planning so both of are will document all my changes i
emotional, for example in my skills will help make a improved make to show how i will
last short film the way i zoomed production for both of us. For improved my skills throughout
into the flashback and faded the production i want us to the production and all the
the colours slowly in from make the audience emotionally things i do like editing changes
colour to black and white and invested in the main character or different camera angles or
then back highlighted the and also for them to feel really tweaks to the script and much
flashback and showed more sad when the middle of the more
emotions than if it was edited story happens, i want to make
simply the audience feel a connection
with the character and for the
film to make the audience feel
sorry for our main character
and to make them feel sad. I
think that this project is the
perfect balance of realistic to
make and to be able to look
professional and to have plenty
of emotion in the timeframe
given to us. I feel like our story
enables us to be creative when
filming especially in the fight
scene and also the story allows
me to add some good editing
techniques and also the
flashbacks he gets after the
fight, as well as the start when
its showing a compilation of
him boxing training in the gym

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