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REG NO: 19/3/301/D/382
West Africa is comprises of numerous countries among which includes the following ;Nigeria, Liberia,
Ghana ,Togo ,Cameroon, Mali, chad, to mention but a few with a number of different political parties
before and after independence among the pre- independence political parties included the Nigerian
National Democratic Party that was the first political party to be formed in Nigeria by 1923 ,the Whig
party of 1860,the African National Congress of 1912,of Liberia, The united Gold coast convention That
was formed on 06 march 1957 in Ghana, the committee of Togolese unity and Togolese party for
progress. Therefore, the a above mentioned political parties in west Africa played numerous role in the
struggle for the independence of west Africa as analyzed below;
The leading political parties in west Africa also played the role in grooming strong political leaders for
example the united gold coast convention party of 1957 mentored Kwame Nkrumah in the political
ideologies, Nigerian national democratic party also groomed Hebert Macaulay who stood as the
influential figures for the independence of west African states.
The political heads of the leading political parties in west Africa also mobilized funds for the
independence struggles for instance African national congress 1912 in Liberia levied the funds from the
united nation that enabled the easy championing of the in the independence in west Africa.
The leading political heads in west African political parties demanded for the return of their fellows in the
diaspora to come back and assist them in the championing of the independence in west Africa for instance
in Cameroon the democratic republican party requested their fellows to assist them in the struggle for
their independence in west Africa.
The leading states men in the struggle for the independence of west African countries by the nineteenth
century also created unity among their people through encouraging their masses to have politicalized
desire on the expense of ethnicity since it had encouraged people to stay according to races, religion and
so forth but due to the unity that was created they were able to bring people under one umbrella that
enabled them to champion the independence struggles in west African countries for instance in Togo in
The leading political parties provided the leadership role in the struggle for the West African struggle for
the independence for example the United Gold Coast Convention of Ghana stood as the only eye figure
that finally resulted into the early independence of Ghana and West Africa at large under the leadership of
Kwame Nkrumah.
The leading political parties in West Africa also played an important role of organizing free and fair
elections that gave opportunities to a number of Africans in various affairs of their respective countries as
this in the long run made their struggle successful. Hence, leading to the independence of different
countries albert Macaulay who in turn stood and led Togo into her final independence.
They also played an important role of organizing peaceful demonstration in demand for their political,
economic, and religious rights. This in the long run opened the eyes of the blacks in West Africa to
disagree with their colonial masters for example the Nigerian National Democratic party in 1923 called
the masses to rally for the majority. Hence leading into the growth and the development of nationalism in
West Africa.
On the same note, the leading political parties in West Africa especially in countries of Ghana, organized
and championed boy cots indifferent areas of work like in the cocoa plantations due unpleasant working
conditions of low or mega pay pro-longed hours of work. This therefore, resulted in nationalistic feelings
among the locals in West Africa.

The Second World War was one of the most destructive war that mankind had never
experienced. It started with the German invasion of Poland on the 1st september1939 and ended
with the surrender of Japan on 14th august 1945.However, the war was fought between the Axis
powers of Italy, Japan, and German against the Allied powers of France, Britain, Russia, and
To a smaller the Second World War contributed to the growth and the development of
nationalism in West Africa by 19th century as analyzed below;
The Second World War militarized nationalism in South Africa most especially in countries like
Nigeria, Ghana and many others. This was because the ex-service men returned with new
experience of operating military equipment like Artilleries, Organized masses to rally against
their colonial masters that
At finally paved way for rise and the growth of nationalism in West Africa by 19th century
The1914-1939 world war also contributed to growth and the development of nationalism in west
Africa by so paving way towards the formation of the United nation Organization (U N O) which
was anti-colonial body especially calling an end of European continuity in the African affairs
more so the body provided finically help military assistance which generally gave motives
among the African population. Hence the growth and the development of nationalism in West
Africa by 19th century.
The second world war also contributed into the growth and the development of nationalism in
west Africa by so weakening the economic status of the colonial powers that could no longer
enable their colonial progress , programs .Therefore, Africans saw this as the on fertile ground
for their success in the struggle for their self independence . Hence the growth and the
development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th century.
However, to the greater extend the role or the contribution of other factors also
contributed towards the growth and the development of nationalism in west A Africa as
analyzed below?
The rudimentary methods of the colonial masters upon the African peaceful demonstrations also
gave in virgin grounds for the growth and the development of nationalism in west Africa For
example in 1967 the French colonial masters in Algeria opened live bullets to the poor Africans
during their peacefully demonstration against the violation of their rights as many were being
killed, and others were being left in critical conditions .That strongly contributed into the growth
and the development of nationalism in west Africa by 19th century.
The denial of the proper and the sound education to the West African young population also
stood as one of other factor towards the growth and development of nationalism in West Africa
by 19th century. This was due to historical fact that, the whites enjoyed high levels of education
at the expense of poor Africans however, according to the few educated Africans like Kwame
Nkrumah this was an abuse that need to be checked and stopped for
The strong desire for self-rule or self-independence among the people of West Africa especially
in countries of Togo, Nigeria, and Ghana to mention but few also gave way for the growth and
the development of nationalism in West Africa. This was because the minority whites from
countries of France, German and Britain had fully dominated the political, economic and the
social affairs of the majority black factor that could no longer be tolerated by 19th century hence
leading to growth and the development of nationalism in West Africa.
The unfair or the harsh colonial policies of administration of the colonial masters towards the
Africans was yet another factor behind the growth and the development of nationalism in West
Africa by 19th century. For example the African leaders would be flogged before the prance of
their subjects however, Africans were never ready to submit by this especially by the 19th century
hence leading to growth and development of nationalism in West Africa.
The banning of African political parties was yet another serious attribute that sparked off the
feelings of nationalism in west Africa by 19th century at expense of whites political parties that
operated with ease, the Africans this the abuse of the highest order which could not be allowed
beyond the 19th century .Hence room for the growth and development of nationalism in west
Press censorship of whites also generated into feelings of nationalism among the people of west
Africa by 19th century .For example the whites never allowed Africans hold any small gathering
without the permission of the whites, more so Africans were not allowed into any exposer onto
newspapers, radios and many other sources of information however, this annoyed the majority
population hence leading into the growth and the development of nationalism in west Africa by
19th century.
The influence of the missionary church also contributed towards the growth and development of
nationalism in west Africa .As the church strongly stood by her position and preached against the
illness , unfairness, discrimination of whites upon the Indianans of Africa as this in the long run
opened eyes of the affected Africans who responded by so following the desires of themselves
more so the church provided financial support to the affected Africans that finally proved the
growth and the development Of nationalism in west Africa by 19th century.
The positive role and the contribution of Asian countries like Japan, India Pakistan and many
others also resulted into the growth and the development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th
century. This was due to fact that, they provided financial support, military assistance and many
other help to the West African countries that motivated the local population in demand for their
rights hence leading to the growth and the development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th
The imprisonment of West African leaders by the colonial masters also paved ways for the
development of nationalism in West Africa by19th century as most of the African leaders were
imprisoned without trial. However, to the Africans this could not be tolerated by 19th century.
Hence growth and the development on nationalisms in West Africa.
The outbreak of wind of change across the African continent was yet another factor that
constituted into the growth and the development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th century.
This was due to historical fact that by 1960s most of African countries had started demanding for
their full independence a factor that influenced the West African population to demand for their
independence hence leading to the growth and the development of nationalism in West Africa by
19th century.
The formation of the organization of African Union (O A U) also contributed into the growth
and development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th century. This was because the body was
against any kind of foregone dominating over the affairs of Africa .Mores the body also provided
financial assistance, military help to those that were struggling in demand for total independence.
This finally
Resulted into nationalistic feelings heave the growth and the development of nationalism in
West Africa by 19th century.
Land alienation policy that was strongly hated by the Africans also contributed into growth and
development of nationalism in West Africa by 19th century. As the whites decided to push
Africans into dry areas, infertile at the expense of them who took part in occupying the most
favorable areas? This in long run was not welcomed among the majority Africans by 19th
The exploitation of the African natural resources like gold, diamond, copper, also led into the
growth and the development of nationalism in west Africa by 19th century .To make matters
worse, the whites repatriated the African profits to their home countries that left the majority
blacks with no option other than to demand for the an immediate end of the above
threat .Therefore, contributed into the growth and development of nationalism in west Africa by
19th century.
The introduction of new foreign system of rule in divide and rule policy that was pleasing the
majority population of west African individuals as they were divided in different aspects of life.
However, the whites employed this method as the way of pro-longing their Illy rule in West
Africa that could not be allowed by 19th century .Hence the growth and the development of
nationalism in West Africa.
African historical studies London, frank Cass 1979
Crowder, m West Africa long man 1977
Davidson B. Africa history of content London spring book 1972
Wilson H.S. origins of West African nationalism.
Glasson’s Macmillan St. martin press 1969

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