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BA(JMC) 2nd SEMESTER, 1st shift
What is Asthma?
As per the World Health Organization or the WHO, Asthma is a condition
'characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in
severity and frequency from person to person. This condition is due to inflammation
of the air passages in the lungs and affects the sensitivity of the nerve endings in
the airways so they become easily irritated. In an attack, the lining of the passages
swell causing the airways to narrow and reducing the flow of air in and out of the
lungs.' There are currently more than 3.5 crore asthmatics in India. Asthma is a
condition with no known cures but whose symptoms can be effectively managed
with the right treatment.
The symptoms of asthma include the

 A tight feeling in the chest

 Inability to breathe
 Coughing fits
 Wheezing fits
These symptoms can be experienced simultaneously and it is possible for an
asthmatic to show one or two of the above symptoms at a time. The symptoms of
asthma, as well as the exacerbation of one’s asthma, can be caused due to asthma
triggers. An asthma trigger is anything that can intensify or bring about the
symptoms of asthma.
Asthma triggers can be classified into two
categories –
 Allergic triggers
The allergic asthma triggers are as  Non-allergic triggers
follows: The main non-allergic asthma trigger
1. Dust Mites is exercise.

2. Cockroaches Exercise, if not done correctly or in

moderation can trigger an asthma
3. Pet Dander attack. Typically, it requires about 4 to
4. Mould 6 minutes of moderately severe or
severe continuous exercise to provoke
5. Smoke the symptoms of asthma.
6. Perfume and Other Strong Odours
Severity of Asthma

This includes attacks no more than twice a week and night time attacks no
MILD more than twice a month. Attacks last no more than a few hours to days.
Severity of attacks varies, but there are no symptoms between attacks.
This includes attacks more than twice a week, but not everyday, and night
MILD PERSITENT time symptoms more than twice a month. Attacks are sometimes severe
enough to interrupt regular activities.

This includes daily attacks and night time symptoms more than once a
MODERATE week. More severe attacks occur at least twice a week and may last for days.
Attacks require daily use of quick-relief(rescue) medication and changes in
daily activities.

SEVERE This includes frequent severe attacks, continual day time symptoms, and
PERSISTENT frequent night time symptoms. Symptoms require limits on daily activities.
Types of Asthma

1. ADULT-ONSET While asthma typically developed during childhood, it can also develop as you get
ASTHMA older in adulthood. Adult-onset asthma may occur because of certain chemicals
and other irritants that you might be exposed to frequently in the workplace.

2. SEASONAL Seasonal asthma is exactly that- when asthma symptoms occur during different
ASTHMA times of the year. This asthma is often due to the change in weather and can be
triggered by different allergens such as trees, weeds and grasses.

3. ALLERGIC Another type of asthma caused by allergens is called allergic asthma. This type of
ASTHMA asthma is triggered by allergens such as dust, dust mites, mold, pollens,
cockroaches, pet dander. As it turns out, allergic asthma is the most common sub-
category of the condition.

4. NON- Non-allergic asthma is caused by the different irritants we encounter in the air like
ALLERGIC perfumes, fresh paint, room deodorizers, wood smoke and tobacco smoke. If you
notice asthma symptoms that aren’t tied to allergens, then there’s a chance it could
ASTHMA be from an irritant that’s in the air.
Types of Asthma

5. ASTHMA- COPD Another condition that can make breathing difficult is an asthma and chronic
OVERLAP obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) overlap. Some notable type of COPDs
out there include emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

6. EXERCISE- Exercise induced asthma occurs because of the narrowing of the airways in the
INDUCED lungs during strenuous exercise. Suffering from exercise induced asthma doesn’t
mean you can’t remain active; just be sure you take the necessary treatment when
ASTHMA you exercise.

Occupational asthma is another type of asthma that can be directly related to

7. OCCUPATIONAL your working environment. Some causes of occupational asthma that might be in
your working environment include chemicals, enzymes, metals, animal substances
ASTHMA and plant substances.

If find yourself suffering from asthma symptoms at night, this is a telltale sign
8. NOCTURNAL that the asthma you might be suffering from is nocturnal. As for why asthma
happens at night, it could be because of the delayed response to an allergen you
ASTHMA encountered in the day, allergens in your mattress, or various other causes.
Different Ways to Manage Asthma
 Avoid Asthma triggers  Using the Peak-flow meter
Asthma is an allergic reaction and that is A peak-flow meter is a small hand-held device,
why, when an asthmatic comes in contact which helps to monitor asthma. This device
with certain allergens, it triggers asthma measures the peak expiratory flow rate, which
gives an idea of the obstruction in the lungs.
symptoms or flare-ups. Everyone’s asthma
is different, and so, their triggers are Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) is the
different as well. To control the problem, maximum speed at which a person can exhale air
it’s important to identify the triggers and from the lungs.
avoid them. Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) is
the volume of air expelled within the first
 Take Regular medication second, after inhaling a deep breath.
Asthma medicine is usually given via The peak flow meter will help an asthmatic to
inhalers so that it reaches the lungs directly know if the symptoms are in control, and also
and causes minimal side effects. The doctor help to determine the effectiveness of prescribed
will often prescribe two kinds of medicines controller medications. This device must be kept
–long term (Controller or Preventer) and clean and used only by one person.
quick relief (Reliever or Rescue).
Different Ways to Manage Asthma
 Follow A Healthy Lifestyle
The choice of diet and daily activities have a significant impact on asthmatics. It is
important to adapt to a lifestyle that can help to prevent asthma symptoms or attack.
Therefore, asthmatics must follow:
1. A Healthy Diet
2. Exercise
3. Yoga
4. Other physical activities (cycling, swimming and walking)

The goal of asthma treatment is to ‘Achieve and Maintain Asthma Control’. Asthma
management has advanced with the diagnosis and ways of monitoring asthma. This
can help physicians optimize the treatment for an asthmatic. To manage asthma
successfully, the person must stay committed to the asthma treatment required. This
will help to ensure a favorable outcome and an enhanced quality of life.
8 Facts on Asthma
Source: WHO (

1. WHO estimates that about 235 million people currently suffer from asthma.
2. Asthma deaths will increase in the next 10 year if urgent action is not taken.
3. Asthma occurs in all countries regardless of level of development.
4. Asthma is one of the major noncommunicable diseases.
5. Symptoms may occur several times in a day or week.
6. Failure to adhere to appropriate treatment can lead to death.
7. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children.
8. The fundamental cause of asthma are not completely understood.

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