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First of all before you decide you should learn about covid-19.
Let me give you some information,
Covid-19 is a virus which scientist’s think its coused by bats because it’s similar to the sars-
like “BatCov RaTG13” virus in bats. Covid-19 is a respiriatory disease, is transmitted through
air. According to the statistics the Covid-19 cases end up with a 1% of death . It doesn’t
sound much but think about the nearly 8 bilion people, it is.
The most seen symptoms are high fever, cough, not being able to taste or smell and tiredness
but when it gets more serious you loose consciousness, pain in the chest, heavy breathing
even death in some scenarios. If you have a chronic disease coming from the past its harder
for you. The death from Covid is 70% people with chronic diseases. The types of virus de-
tected in the past 2 years are as follows: Alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon, eta, Iota, kappa, mu,
zeta, delta, omicron. Delta and Omicron are said to be more dangerous than others.

After being vaccinated you should see the full effect in about 2 weeks. A person without any
chronic diseases, would probably recover easily with just a simple fever and a sore throat.
And it prevents the risk of death for people with chronic diseases. According to a recent
study, only one person out of two hundred patients who are connected to a respiratory device
in the intensive care unit, 2 doses of biontech, only two out of a hundred people received 1
dose of Biontech vaccine, and the rest were either never vaccinated or had a Sinovac vaccine.

Furthermore, there is some evidence that, people who have been vaccinated are less likely to
transmit the virus to other people, which means getting vaccinated is not just to protect our-
selves, but also to help us get through the virus before it spreads. As the virus spreads, it mu-
tates and forms different variants on its own. If we can get vaccinated and reduce the spread-
ing of the virus, it can reduce the rate of occurrence of these variants or we can block it com-

So, should those who have had covid-19 before, get vaccinated? If a person has had the dis-
ease before the person's body already recognizes the Sars-CoV-2 virus and knows how to re-
act. However, the fact that it has already passed does not mean that it produces a specific reac-
tion only in the variant it has undergone. If the virus has many variants and encounters an-
other variant, this time it could be sick again and it could be worse than before. A study shows
that people who had covid-19 before and were not vaccinated is about 2.5 to 5 times more
likely to face Covid-19 again than a person who has not had COVID-19 but had got vacci-

As a result, the vaccine significantly reduces the risk of death (death rate of 3 per 1000 after
the 2nd dose of vaccine). As for the side effects of the vaccine, most effects go away within 2
weeks anyway. Beside reducing mortality rate, if we get the disease, it allows us to pass the
disease comfortably. At the same time, since it is a global virus, it is thought that it can pre-
vent its spread, which means that the world would go back to normal as soon as possible.In
the past, we were able to defeat epidemics in the same way, with the help of vaccine. For ex-
ample, the swine flu is transmitted by a virus (H1N1) such as covid-19. If there was no swine
flu vaccine, if the society had not been vaccinated, the situation could not be brought under
control, it would have done much more damage. Because of the unrealistic allegations, the
vaccination should not be given up on. We all need to be vaccinated to get over it quickly.

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