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Adal a dekalidad, dur-as ti panagbiag.

College of Teacher Education


With the change of focus in instruction from content to learning outcomes came the
need to redefine and clarify the terms used to determine the progress of students towards
the attainment of the desired learning outcomes. These are measurement, evaluation and

Measurement is the process of determining or describing the attributes or
characteristics of physical objects generally in terms of quantity. Knowledge of the subject
matter is often measured through standardized test results. In this case, the measurement
procedure is testing. The same concept can be measured in another way. We can ask a
group of experts to rate a student’s knowledge of the subject matter. This procedure is
measured through perceptions.

Types of Measurement
Measurements can therefore be objective (as in testing) or subjective (as in
perceptions). In the example cited, testing produces objective measurements while expert
ratings provide subjective measurements. Objective measurements are more stable than
subjective measurements in the sense that repeated measurements of the same quantity or
quality of interest will produce more or less the same outcome.
An educational variable is a measurable characteristic of a student. Variables may be
measurable as in X=age or X=height of a student. However, there are variables that cannot
be directly measured like “class participation”. So, we introduce the concept of indicators.
Indicators, I, denotes the presence or absence of a measured characteristic.
I=1, if the characteristic is present
=0, if the characteristic is absent
For the variable X=class participation, we can let I 1, I2, …, In denote the participation
of a student in n class recitations and let X= sum of the I’s divided by n recitations.

Evaluation originates from the root word “value” and so when we evaluate, we
expect process to give information regarding the worth, appropriateness, goodness, validity
or legality of something for which a reliable measurement has been made. Evaluation is a
process designed to provide information that will help us to make a judgment about a
particular situation. The end result of evaluation is to adopt, reject or revise what has been
Evaluations are often divided into two broad categories:
1. Formative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program while the program
activities are in progress.
2. Summative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of
the program of activities.

San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur Page 1 of 3 ●
Telefax 077-644-0210
Adal a dekalidad, dur-as ti panagbiag.
College of Teacher Education

Assessment FOR, OF and As Learning: Approaches to Assessment

The term assessment is derived from the Latin assidere which means “to sit beside”
(Wiggins, 1993).
Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of students’ performance over a
period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills.
The proposition FOR in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is done to
improve and ensure learning. This is referred to as Formative assessment, assessment that
is given while the teacher is in the process of student information (learning). It ensures that
learning is going on while the teacher is in the process of teaching.
Formative assessment also includes the pretest and the posttest that a teacher gives
to ensure learning. This is also termed pe-assessment.
Assessment OF learning is usually given at the end of a unit, grading period or a
term like a semester. It is meant to assess learning for grading purposes, thus the term
assessment OF learning. It is referred to as summative assessment. The effectiveness of
summative assessment depends on the validity and reliability of the assessment activity and
Assessment AS learning is associated with self-assessment. As the term implies,
assessment by itself is already a form of learning for the students.

To summarize, we measure height, distance, weight, knowledge of subject matter

through testing; we assess learning outcome; we evaluate results in terms of some criteria
or objectives.
Another way of saying it is “assessment is the process of objectively understanding
the state or condition of a thing by observation and measurement. Evaluation is the process
of observing and measuring a thing for the purpose of judging it and of determining its value
by comparison to a similar thing or standard.

Navarro R., Santos R. and Corpuz B(2019). Assessment of Learning 1 Fourth ed.Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Navarro R., Santos R. and Corpuz B.(2017) Assessment of Learning 1 Third Ed.Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing Inc.

San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur Page 2 of 3 ●
Telefax 077-644-0210
Adal a dekalidad, dur-as ti panagbiag.
College of Teacher Education

A. Each of the following statements refers to either (a) measurement, (b) assessment
or (c) evaluation. Write the letter corresponding to your answer.
1. Over-all goal is to provide information regarding the extent of attainment of
student learning outcomes.
2. Uses such instruments as ruler, scale or thermometer.
3. Used to determine the distance of a location.
4. Process designed to aid educators make judgment and indicate solutions to
academic situations.
5. Process of gathering evidence of student competence/skills over a period of
6. Usually expressed in quantities.
7. Its end result is to adopt, reject or revise what has been evaluated.
8. Its main objective is to determine deficiencies so that the appropriate
interventions can be done.
9. It ensures that learning is going on while teacher is in the process of teaching.
10. It can be objective (as in testing) or subjective (as in perceptions).

B. Differentiate each of the following pairs; examples may be cited to further clarify
the meaning.
1. Assessment and Evaluation
2. Formative evaluation and Summative evaluation
3. Measurement and Evaluation

C. Formative assessment is “when the cook tastes the soup while summative
assessment is when the guest tastes the soup.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur Page 3 of 3 ●
Telefax 077-644-0210

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