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Roadway (14.50m.) Roadway·(14.50m.

o 0 0 0 0 0
o 0 ~ ~ 0 ~
N 10.50m ~ 10.50m N ~
·'-~l ;:>.
·1" L-"r ·1
- r "'-
I ,(!) I' I
I 0 I
1 L~"i5 :
0.. ~
7 7 0
• 7

Crash Barrier Crash barrier

Fig. 7.8: Cross Section of Grade Separated Structure

- Pavement Marking

Vehlcularl Pedestrlanl Cattle Underpass; and Elevated Section


2.13.2 Vehicular underpass/overpass

The vehicular under/overpass structures shall be provided at the intersection of the Project
Highway with all the National Highways and State Highways. Such under/over passes shall
also be provided across other categories of roads as per site requirements for crossing of
traffic. The structure may be either an underpass or an overpass depending upon the nature
of terrain, vertical profile of road and availability of adequate right of way etc. Decision whether
the cross road or the Project Highway will be carried at the existing level will be taken at the
time of preparing the feasibility report and would be based on considerations of drainage,
land acquisition, provision of ramps for the grade separated facility, height of embankment
and project economy etc.
2.13.3 Light Vehicle Underpass (LVUP)
The location of LVUPs shall be specified in Schedule 'B'.
2.13.4 Cattle/Pedestrian Underpass (CUP/PUP) and Foot Over Bridge
These shall be provided as specified in Schedule 'B' of the Concession Agreement.
i) A PUP/CUP/Foot Over Bridge may not be necessary within a distance of 2 km
from Vehicular underpasses/overpasses and Light Vehicular Underpasses.
ii) The pedestrian crossings (PUP/FOB) shall have provision for movement of l

physically challenged persons.

iii) Underpasses shall be preferred to Foot Over Bridges.
iv) Pedestrian underpass/Foot Over Bridge shall also be provided within a
distance of 200 m from a school or hospital or factory/industrial area.
v) The Bus Bays along with the Bus Shelters shall be provided at the identified
pedestrian Underpass/Foot Over Bridge locations as specified in Para 12.5
of this Manual. Such locations shall be specified in Schedule 'B'.
A typical cross-section for cattle/pedestrian underpass is given in Fig. 7.8. The central portion
open to sky shall be so covered as to allow air and light, but not rain water.
2.13.5 Road Over Bridges (ROBs)/Road Under Bridges (RUBs) for crossing the Railway

tracks shall be provided as per Section 7 of this Manual.

2.13.6 Tunnels I

Standards for Tunnels shall be as given in Section 14 of this Manual.

2.14 Median Openings

2.14.1 In open country, median openings shall not be spaced closer than 2 km. Additional
controlled openings shall also be provided for insppction and diversion of traffic during repair
and rehabilitation. In built up area, median opening shall be provided as per site requirement
and the spacing between two medians opening in built up area shall not be less than 500 m.
All such locations shall be mentioned in Schedule 'B' of Concession Agreement.


. -~~ -----.-----~------
FOlfr /flning oj'Nfl ../6} .ih~!:,' /I.'I,'1ltti ;D<.~.\'igltKill fJ,OOO)(Kill 498.25() tJ/N/1-65) to RanlSllllt!al/e (Design Km
39,980lExislillg Kin 44, i'57 I (J )~'SISIfLength := 39.980 KIJ,) ill the State {)fTt~/(1l1gan(1llllder Bkarannota
Poriyojna Oil Hyol'hl A ItlUlill' JIll,"

Pocharam X
12 25.480 3-Le~9~d Rgad
VR $ingle~ane
. '
q 38·050 3-~egged
VR 'Singl~Lan~

(i.) Exl~ting cart track may continue within the ROWat grade with. earthen
surface upto suitable location.
(if) The above juncttcn shall Qe improved as Per manual and in consultation
with IE I Project pirector, NHAI .
7 Lateral and vertical clearances at underpasses
Lateral and vertical clearances for VUP / Flyover and provision of SlJ'lrdrails
/crash barriers shall be as per paragraph 2.10 of the Manual. The vertical
clearance for LVUPshall be 4.0m as against rntnimum of 3.5m as given in clause
2.10.2 (ii) of the Manual. The width of the opening at the underpasses/ flyovers
shall be as follows:

tontng of N,.t~/6J ,front Kandl (Design
P'O"I' Kill 0.000) (Kill 498,250 of tVf1~6j)I(J RalltfUll/pal/e (Dcsig» Km
J9,980lexisting K,,, 44.757) (Design Lenglh ali 39,980 Kill) ill the Suue oj'fetaugana nnder'Bhnrannola
Poriyojn« Oil Hybrid Anlutity M()de


AndQI~·Jogipet eYQa~s
4.0 l.VUP
1 X 12 4.0 LVUP OakQorR9,lld
1 X 12 4.0
2 x 14.5 1 X 12 4.0 LV\JP

with grHlsfor useof pedestrians.

7.1 Interchange

Trumpet type interchange

" ...
Name Qfthe
Typlyal Cross
Remarks .

1 Loop 1 410 As per fig. 2.4 X 3-liime secson Design Qfthe L90PSshall
~ be carried out as Per
trumpet plan provided in
2 Loop 2 390 As per fig. 2.4 Y 3-lane secuon : Annex-II
Note: The Rampsfor LQOp18: LOQP2shall also be constructed by the contractor as per
Trumpet plan provided in Annexure ".

8 Lateral and vertical clearances at overpasses

Lateral and vertical ctearances at overpassesshall be as per paragraph 2.11 of the
Manual. The width of the opening at the overpassesshall be as'follows:

9 Elevated Corridor

Inni"g 0/ rVH·161 fro,,, Kalil/{ (DfJSf8" K,u 0.000) (Kill 498.2500/ Nfl..65) to Rftlll,\'tlll/}(,IIu (Dc.slgll Km
39.980/E:~isling Km 44.757) (Des/gil ~('''81'' • 39.980 Kilt) ill I(U/ StalC 'of Tq/(II'[:Ulltr 'I/uler IJI"'I'(lII""/(1
Pariyqj"n 011 Hybrid AJlNllit)' ~t'/(id(J

Item Manllal ' ~ .' R,rovislonas per" MOdified Provision

, Clause ", M~nuiil ...
ew Three', Lane
Bridge with one' side New Three Lane Bridge with
foot path : '1.5.80 m one side foot path: 16.00 m
(10.5 m C<!rriageway (10,5 rn Carriageway + 1.5 m
+1,5 m pavee) Pilved Shoulder.... 2xl. Q m
shoulder+ ZX.( Qm a
crash barrier Shyness+ 1.~
shynes (t, 'crash m footpath ... O,~ m
barrier+ 1.~ m Pedestrtan Railing)
footpath ...0.3 m
(iv) Width qf Structures CI. 7,3 ere the cjaHy Width of all the bridges to
(ii) (b) traffic in pel) be widened /
exceeds 30,000 at reconstructionl new
the time of feasibility construction shall be as
study/bidding, the mentioned in Para 7.3 of
width of new bridge. Schedule B.
shall be as per Six-
lane. standards vide
details given in Fig,

TypiCalCros's"SectiO[1 of cr. 2,17 F g. iT
,"~ Fi~. 2.2A
4 t.ane Div,icje~Hi~hway
without Service. Roads
and 'with Depressed
Median in existing road
section with Left Side
widenin (60 m PROW)
(VI) 'TYpicalCross Section of Cl. 2. 7 Fig. 2.2 Fig. 2.2 B
4 Lane Divided Highway
without Service Roads
and with Oepressed
Median in Realignment
L stretch (60m PROW)
---i""fypl,al ross ection of C1. 2.17 Fig. 2.3 Fig. 2.3 A
4 tane Qivicjed Highway
with Service Roads and
with Oepressed Median
in ~ypa~s Locations
60m PROW)
Typical CrossSection of C1.2.17 Fig. L~ Fig. 2.5 A
4 Lane Divided Highway
with Slip Roadsand with
Raised Median for LVUP
approaches on existing
road 60m PROW) , k.
"'C"'ro'-s:;'s =17~;,_ . ...:,2_.
5 ~O#,!::.- .......
~ ;;;~;-;;----...J


. .1 61
Four fatlillg 0/ NII·f61 p.:.JA "("",Ii (Oesigll Kill 0.000) (Kill 498.250 of NH·65) 10 Romsanpalle {Design Kill
39.9$OI£xisliIJg Kit' ~".1"$".I (flo.fig'" I...ength ... 39.980 Km} ill the State of Teitllt),;(1I1(1 under 8110I'(I("'(1/('
Pari),Ojl/(1 011 /'Jybr"{ AIJ'H(~'V.....


2.9,5 :;i~ht Distance for the

be a~QPtecj
throughout the S.NQ Chainage Type of
stretch (I(rn) Structur
0.000 vur
2 1.583 VUP
3 4.100 ,(.,VtJP
4 4.920 VUP
( 5 6.815 LVUP
6 7.450 LVUP
7 7.900 VUP
8 It. J 85 LVUP
9 17.100 LVUP
10 18.350 INUP
11 20.875 (NUP
12 26,Z83 VUP




r -.-
..r -- -~~~ ..~~ j





Q .~
"'> ~
,e ~

IE" ...

-- -

, ~

Pour toning o.fNI-'-16! j;'onl Koudt {Design Km 0.000) (Kill 498.2j() oj',Vfl-65) to Ramsanpattc (D.?~igllKm
39.980lExislillg Kill 44.757) {Design Length • .19.9BO Kill) ;11 the State of Telangana 1111der 8/1((I'(rtJlla/tI
Pfll'iyojl1fl on fly/;)rid Annuity At/ode
constitute a Changeof Scope,save andexcept any variations in the length
arising out of a Changeof Scopeexpresslyundertaken in accordance with
the provisionsOf Article 13.
(ii) Fig. 2.2/1..,Fig. 2.26 are modified figures of Fig. 2.2 of Mal'lu~l.
(iii) Fig. 2.3 A is modified figures of Fig. 2.3 of Manval.
(iv) Fig. 2.5 A, Fig. 2.5 ~ are modified figures of Fig. 2.S Of ManlJal.
(Y) Fig. 2.QA, Fig. 2.6 ~ are moditied figures of Fig. 2.6 of MQn\J1).l.
(yi) Fig. 7.26 A, is modlfied figVre of Fig. 7.26 of Mant,lal
(vii) Fig. 7.~ A, is rnodifled figllre of Fig. 7.5 of Manual.

4.4 Alignment Plan and Longitu<;Jinal$ectiQn

An alignment plan and tongitudinat section (Plan qnd Profile) of the project
highway are given at Appendix B-1 in Sqft copy and has to be designed based on
4.S (ilvilt up Areil: In built-up sections, footpaths/fully paved shoulders shall be
prQv,iqeqin the following stretches: .

.Sr. Streich (peSiQn C~~lna~L 'F411YPa;"ed

No. Cross ~ectiOIl
~iQm (kmL~o (~ill),L. Shoulders/Footpaths'
~-t ~-~
1 11.820 12.150 2.0m Paved Shoulders Clnd1.5m.
F:i92.6 A
2 17.4qO 2.0m Paved Sho~lders and1.5m
19.a40 FQotpath Fig 2.6 e
2.0m Paved $houlders ~md Him'
3 . 18.120 18.72Q .Fig 2.6 B
Footeath :
~. Pavement Oesign
~.1 Pavement design shalt be carried out in accordance with Sectiol' !5 of the
Flexible Pavement for Main Carriageway shall be designed for minimum design
traffic of 5QMSAfor a minimum design perlod of 1!5years. However, minimum
,, thickness of Subgrade, Granular Sub-Base,Wet·Mix Macaqam, OBMand BC in
flexible pavement shall be ~OOmrn, 200 mm, 2~0 mm, 100 mm and 40 mm
Flexible Pavement for slip roads and service roads shall Qe.designed for
minimum design traffic of 10 MSA. However, minimum thickness of Subgrade,
Granular Sub-Base,Wet·Mix MacaOam,OI)Mand BC ill flexible' pavement shall
be 500 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 60 mm and 40 mm respectively
Rigid pavement shall be designed for mimmum Cv.POof 16706. However,
minimum thickness of subgrade, GS~, OLC(j'nd PQCin rigid' pavement shall be
500mm, 150mm, 150mmand 300mm respectively.
~.2 Type Qf pavement
Flexible pavement is proposedfor main carriageway esweu i,IS service/slip roads
for the entire project length. Rigiq pavement shall be: g e .... . Toll Plaza
location. .
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