Rocks Study Guide Answers

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Rock Cycle Review Name: Use your notes and your rock labs. C Favorite Rock eo mplete spntences are required. Fill in Sedimentary, Igneous or Metamorphie in each box. Rock Cycle in Earth's Crust Ley 1 aff magma cools, it forms_] (NCO US _ rock by the process of Solids hah oN or erystalh zation 2. Igneous rocks can form Secvirentary, igneous and melamerpinc _ rocks. 3. Sediments form Sedumea}aars, aby the process of weather ‘| “erosion, deppsihenCompaeHita, aod tementahen Hh Ficechon) 4 ‘Sediments form from the process of _ weathering, erosion, depos hea 5 ‘Sedimentary rocks can form Agncus » Sediorertany and -pnelomerphic_rocks. J Whith process changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock? heat and pressure 7. Which process changes sedimentary rock into igneous rock? mane magia, Coolina (Sblids feahion eryotatleahen) 8. Which process changes metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock? Ae pesstion, diewats > With hicahen weathering, erasion, A€peashor, > Se ae than We ts fection) 9. Metamorphism involves the addition of Iga and tementatin) Pressure. to pre-existing rocks. 10, Compaction & cementation of sediments forms Sedime ta’) rocks. 11. Subjecting sedimentary rocks to extreme heat & pressure forms metacceyphic rocks. 12. Solidification of molten materials forms |QA@OUS rocks. 13. Deposition and burial of sediments forms Sediment rocks 14. Deposited sediments may be particles of which types oF 15k? Segime ntar Maremephie ard Igneous rocks. 3 15, Heat & Pressure acting on igneous rocks forms _Metambyphre rocks 16. Solid magma forms _\QNCOUS COCKS IF Teeion 2 for magni what moat happen sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous rocks? ACI 4 18. For weathering & erosion to occur, what process will the rock usually go through first or at the same time? UphFti would expdsethe rock to He Surface, atlouitg it to be exposed 40 ShL processes of Wedhe "9 and €rosi on. 19, Can sedimentary rock form directly from metamorphic rock? Explain your answer. \les, hey roust fiver be expused +0 undergo wea fin and ertsion. 20. All rocks follow the same pathway through the rock cycle is a false statement. Why? Any reck Tamiy can turn inte ary rock farnly 21. How does granite (igneous) change into sandstone (sedimentary)? t+ PAWSt undergo Lae eros), deposition,» Seadirncap and ~tenrhca tion 1 ’ 22. Define igneous rocks. Rocks that form dus to fhe me/hrg, cooling, and erystallizahen Coy solidiheahen ) » pnagnna or lava, 23. Define sedimentary rock, Rock hat Fornas due to cpeathering, erosive, da poser (pb sediments) and lidb: hcatian of sediment. Fermsiin layers, Ustally meer water 24, Define Metamorphic rock. (Dhen ry) Shh4 (CK Goes 4hrugh Neat (tram Surmading aris of Magra) and Pressure (itm mountain bul ding processes) 25, What does foliated mean? hen PYessure in Ere or Loo Aiveckors Causes ther prirerals in metamerphic 00 4p fora visiblt bands o- layers Pathway Between New Zealand and South America, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Molten atrial rom the mantle ries trough the en ‘As the material comes into contact with the very cold ocean water, it cools quickly to become rock. Over time this rock ever so slowly moves across the ocean floor. About 200 million years later, the rock is pushed downwards, As the rock moves downward, it experiences great amounts of heat and pressure. Pathway 2 Deep underground, a new rock forms as heat and pressure change its crystals and cause its grains to become foliated. Over millions of years, this rock is uplifted 10 become part ofa mountain. Then, layers of rock above the foliated rock wear away, until it becomes exposed at the surface. Destructive forces wear it down, and its fragments are carried away by ariver's swilt-flowing water. Eventually, these fragments flow into the ocean ‘Oceair water carries the rock fragments away from the river and they are deposited on a “beach. Over time, more and more sediment is deposited there, until the Tagments that ‘came from the foliated rock become cemented into a new rock. Then more and more rock forms above this rock, until the heat and pressure change its orystals and cause its grains to become foliated. = 26. Which major group or groups of rocks are involved in the description of Pathway io Lares voces orange into meta roerphic rocks, 27. Make a flowchart that describes what occurs in pathway 1 Thing —~, pragma pling —7 Igneous ear magma ——=> Cooling oe. e heat and Matametp ee | pressure cots, 28. Which major group or groups of rocks are involved in the description of pathway 2 Matar phic rocks change into Sedimentary , hen back inte meamerphic 29. Make a flowchart that describes what occurs in Pathway 2. hii Existing rock —» \neat and pressure —~7 id weallherm » 2r0sim, penton Gt — alee Hee Ss heat and pressure —7 Metamer phic Rack. 30. Write a description of another pathway through the rock cycle. In your description, tell how igneous rock changes to metamorphic rock, which then changes to sedimentary rock. —Lgmeus vock goes through head ard pressure tshidh forms mnedarnerphic eck. Mitamerphic rect Thon gees Phreough Weathering, erosion, deposition , (Sed mest) cor chon and camontahn We secinwAtiary rock. . “ 31. Where are intrusive igneous rocks formed? What size of crystals will they have? Totusive igneous mers forma Fram +he Cooling of magma > Slow Cohn, forms large crystals, 32. Where are extrusive igneous rocks formed? What size of crystals will they have? Extusive iqntous recks Jorn Wom dhe Cooling cf lava. Fast cooling forms small crystals 33. Whatare clastic rocks? Sedimon tary rocks that ave mada. oF rock pieces ( pebdus sand, Silt, Clay, Shells) 34. What are foliations in metamorphic rocks? \Jigilole bands [1 re of mindials IN Metamer phic (ers ee lor Q directions) 35. How do chemical a rocks form? From =mittevals Precipitahing out oF sotuhan (ee: derxans jakis) and layering on tha botlro i ve oO ‘ Water evaperahng, leaving minerals behind 36. How do organic sedimentary rocks form? : From thi yemains oF once - living Plants andjer animals Ex: Coat 37. ‘Why would you tend to find lots of fossils in sedimentary rocks? Why not in otherrecks? Fossils Would remain Undistsr bed jp Sedimentary recess as dheg fam in l4thifed layers of set ask Metamerphic and Igneous Protesses Would clos toy the fossil,

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