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Earth and Life Sciences

Read the following passage carefully before you choose or write your answer. You may
work on the multiple-choice questions and the short-response in any order that you choose.
Be sure to allocate your time carefully so you are able to complete the entire test within the
testing session. Go over the test when you are finished. When you go over the test, make
sure you read the question correctly and that you answered what it asked.

1. Which one is TRUE about the BIG BANG Theory?

The Universe is the Milky way.

The Universe will end in a big explosion.

The Universe started with a violent expansion.

The universe was created 20 billion years ago.

2. What are the two key observational facts that led to widespread acceptance of the Big 1 point
Bang model?

Mark only one oval.

the predominance of matter over antimatter and the large scale structure of galaxies

the cosmic background radiation and the expansion of the universe

the cosmic background radiation and the near-critical density of the universe

the cosmic background radiation and the high helium content of the universe

3. If we look into space and see stars that show a blue shift, what does this tell us about 1 point

the star’s motion?

Mark only one oval.

They are moving away from the Earth

They are moving toward the Earth

They are stationary

We don't know
4. A scientist has studied nine different stars (A-I) and nine different galaxies (1-9). They 1 point
documented what per cent of shift each star and galaxies had. The data is shown below.
Which statement below best supports the data?

Mark only one oval.

All the stars studied are moving away from the Earth

All the stars studied are moving toward the Earth

All the galaxies studied are moving away from the Earth

All the galaxies studied are moving toward the Earth

5. Which of these theories has the hypothesis that "the solar system began as a swirling 1 point
clump of enormous dust and gases that flattened and coalesced over billions and
millions of years"?

Mark only one oval.

Nebular Hypothesis

Big-bang Theory

Companion Star Theory

Plate Tectonic Theory

6. In our solar system today, the inner four planets are not gas-ice giants like the outer 1 point
ones. Why?

Mark only one oval.

The solar system dust from the nebula contracted due to gravity of the sun, whereas
gases were expelled.

The solar system gas from the nebula contracted due to gravity of the sun, whereas
dust was expelled.

The solar system dust from the nebula were expelled due to gravity of the sun,
whereas gases were contracted.

The solar system dust and gases from the nebula contracted and expelled together
as one huge mass.

7. What are the four layers of the atmosphere from the top down? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, troposphere.

thermosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere.

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere.

thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere.

8. Which sphere where all living things on earth are part of it? 1 point

Mark only one oval.





9. Match the letters indicated by the word COVID with those words above. 5 points

Mark only one oval per row.

Metamorphic Rock Sediments Igneous Rock Magma Sedimentary Rock

10. Which path must a rock take once it is in the 1 point

Mark only one oval.

From sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock

From igneous rock to sedimentary rock

Magma cooling into igneous rock

Any path in the rock cycle since

11. Which series of processes changes rock from one type to another? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Deposition cycle

Rock Cycle

Metamorphosis Cycle

Geological Cycle

12. Diamonds, rubies, opals, emeralds, and sapphires are all examples of what substances? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

minerals and amorphous

gemstones and pebbles

minerals and gemstones

crystals and amorphous

13. Which sequence correctly matches each test, A, B, and C, with the mineral property tested? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A—cleavage; B—streak; C—hardness A

—streak; B—cleavage; C—hardness A—

cleavage; B—hardness; C—streak A—

streak; B—hardness; C—cleavage

14. The picture depicts how minerals are being tested. How do the results of the physical tests 1 point
are most useful?

Mark only one oval.

rate of weathering of the minerals

environment where the minerals formed

identity of the minerals

geologic period when the minerals formed

15. Which of the following is the best evidence that Earth’s continents were once in vastly 1 point
different positions than they are today?

Mark only one oval.

Penguins are found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

Fossils of tropical plants are found in Antarctica.

Volcanoes encircle the Pacific Ocean.

Major rivers form deltas from continental erosion.

16. Continents were once compressed into a supercontinent/huge landmass called 1 point
eapagan, which means “all lands" *
17. The diagram below shows an outcrop of different layers of sandstone in a region 1 point
receiving heavy rainfall. Which sandstone layer appears to be the least resistant to

Mark only one oval.

Sandstone A

Sandstone B

Sandstone C

Sandstone D
18. The photograph below shows large boulders of metamorphic rock on the slope of a 1 point
mountain. By which kind of erosion and agent would likely bring these boulders down the
slope of the mountain?

Mark only one oval.

Physical weathering and is acted upon by glacial avalance

Chemical weathering and is acted upon by stream flow

Physical weathering and is acted upon by prevailing wind

Chemical weathering and is acted upon the shaking of the ground

19. The diagram below shows a granite bedrock with crack. Water has seeped into the 1 point
cracks and frozen. The arrows represent the direction in which the cracks have
widened due to weathering. Which statement best describes the physical weathering
shown by the diagram?

Mark only one oval.

This type of weathering occurs only in bedrock composed of granite.

The cracks become widespread because of chemical reaction between water and
the rock.

Enlargement of the cracks occurs because water expands when it freezes

This type of weathering is common in regions of primarily warm and humid

20. Lichens, plant roots, and fungi are able to chemically weather rock. These organisms 1 point
typically accomplish this by which chemical reaction?

Mark only one oval.

drawing molecular water from the crystals that make up the rock.

producing acids that cause the decomposition of the rock.

extracting minerals directly from the rock through osmosis.

manufacturing salts that alter the rock's crystal structure

21. Which term best identifies the type of weathering represented by A? 1 point

Mark only one oval.




22. Which substance is represented by X on both sides of the flowchart? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

potassium feldspar

hydrochloric acid


23. Which geologic feature is caused primarily by chemical weathering? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Blocks of basalt at the base of a steep slope

The smooth, polish surface of a rock in a dry, sandy area.

A pattern of parallel cracks in granite mountain

Large cave in limestone bedrock

24. What is the Plate Tectonic Theory? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

the theory that continents have not moved slowly apart to their current locations on Earth

the theory that Earth is broken into sections that fit together into one sphere

the theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle is broken into sections or plates and these
plates move

the theory that hot, less dense material is forced up through Earth's crust through
mid-ocean ridges
25. When Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents had changed position over time, many 1 point
scientists rejected his proposal even though some of the evidence he presented was
compelling. Which of the following describes the primary scientific reason many geologists
originally rejected Wegener's continental drift proposal?

Mark only one oval.

He was trained in a different scientific discipline and was considered an amateur.

His hypothesis lacked a convincing mechanism to explain what forces moved the

He did not defend and argue the merits of his ideas since the evidence was strong.

His field work was poorly executed and lacked the rigor associated with most sciences of the

26. Studies during the 1950s and 1960s showed that the ferromagnetic minerals in ocean- 1 point
floor basalts aligned with Earth's magnetic field when the basalts were still molten.
This information provided evidence supporting:

Mark only one oval.

the theorized stability of Earth's rotational velocity.

a four-billion-year-old estimate of Earth's age.

the hypothesized liquid state of the upper mantle.

a mechanism to help explain how lithospheric plates drifted apart.

27. The diagram below shows the magnetic polarity preserved by minerals within the bedrock 1 point
of the oceanic crust near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Letters A, B, C, and D represent locations
in the ocean-floor bedrock. The most recently formed bedrock is found at the location.

Mark only one oval.

28. Fossils are also strong evidence that continents were once a large single mass. On what 1 point
another landmass would you most likely find fossil remains of the late Paleozoic reptile
called Mesosaurus shown in the map?

Mark only one oval.

North America



29. The picture below represents two parallel mountain ranges. Which two geologic processes 1 point
most likely created this landscape features?

Mark only one oval.

volcanism, followed by metamorphism

faulting, followed by deposition

folding, followed by erosion

glaciation, followed by rifting

30. According to the figure, what type of plate boundary occurs between the South 1 point
American Plate and the African Plate?

Mark only one oval.

convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundary

convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary

transform boundary

divergent boundary
31. Which conclusion can best be inferred from the data shown in this map? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Earthquakes and volcanic activities generally are evenly distributed over the surface of

Most earthquakes and volcanic activities occur west of the Prime Meridian and north of
the Equator.

Most earthquakes and volcanic activities are concentrated in zones along plate

Most earthquakes and volcanic activities occur in continents

32. Which of the following is most responsible for the formation of new oceanic crust at 1 point
the edge of two diverting oceanic plates?

Mark only one oval.

mountain building at a continent-continent convergent boundary

magma rising up from the mantle at a divergent boundary

two tectonic plates sliding past one another at a transform boundary

subduction of one oceanic plate under another at a convergent boundary

33. The list below contains common substances that exist in Earth’s present-day atmosphere. 1 point
Which of the substances from the list were thought to be the most abundant in the Earth’s
early atmosphere?

Mark only one oval.

4, 5, 6, 2

1, 4, 5, 6

3, 4, 5, 6

2, 3, 4, 7

34. Organic compounds like amino acids and other biological compounds were 1 point
chemically produced by the action of energy before Earth’s atmosphere can support
life. Which are possible sources of energy that could have led to these precursors to

Mark only one oval.

Solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, and lightning Photosynthesis

and cellular respiration

Nuclear radiation and photosynthesis Lightning

and cellular respiration

35. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey re-created Earth’s early atmosphere in a test tube. 1 point
Then they bombarded the chemical mixture with ultraviolet light and simulated
lightning. What were the results?

Mark only one oval.

Cell membranes had formed.

Ribonucleic acid molecules formed.

Deoxyribonucleic acid molecules emerged

Amino acids and other precursor to biological molecules were created.

36. Which of the following describes why the Miller-Urey theory is widely accepted 1 point

Mark only one oval.

The process of synthesizing organic molecules from a mixture of gases has been
successfully modeled in the laboratory.

Organic molecules are present today in extremely high concentrations.

No other alternative hypotheses have been introduced

Amino acids spontaneously form from molecules in the atmosphere today.

37. Which of the following is MOST likely to have occurred on Earth 1.5 billion years 1 point
ago after the formation of biological organic compounds?

Mark only one oval.

the formation of organic molecules

the appearance of eukaryotic cells

the appearance of multicellular organisms

the appearance of protocells like prokaryotic cells

38. Stromatolites serve as one of the sources of primitive life. Microfossils in rocks that 1 point
exhibit structures of organic carbon were found in very old metamorphic rocks.
Examining the ratio of 12C to 13C, scientists found that there is a high ratio of 12C to
13C characteristic of carbon derived from living organisms. From these pieces of
evidence, roughly, when did life is thought to have evolved on Earth?

Mark only one oval.

3,800,000,000 years ago

500,000,000 years ago

380,000,000 years ago

5,000,000,000 years ago

39. Which of these would fit about fossilised Stromatolites? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Formed around deep-sea vents

Contain the first undesputed fossils of eukaryotes and date from 2.1 billion years

Provide evidence that plants move onto land in the company of fungi around 500
million years ago.

Resemble structures formed by bacterial communities that are found in Australia

and date to 3.7 billion years old.
40. In the early beginning of planet Earth, its atmosphere lacks oxygen. However, it began to 1 point
accumulate because of bacterial activities. Which of the following provides geological
evidence for the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere around 2 billion years ago?

Mark only one oval.

Fossil stromatolites

Deep sea hydrothermal vents

Banded iron formations


41. Which of these provide the most convincing evidence that organisms have evolved 1 point
from simpler pre-existing organisms?

Mark only one oval.

the geographical distribution of organisms

the age of the Earth

the present-day existence of prokaryotes the

fossil record
42. Which types of organisms developed first due to the early environmental conditions 1 point
on Earth?

Mark only one oval.

Prokaryotic and aerobic

Prokaryotic and anaerobic

Eukaryotic and aerobic

Eukaryotic and anaerobic

43. Which of the following is NOT true about cell theory? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

All living things are made of cells no matter how tiny the organism is.

Cells are the basic unit of life.

All cells can be seen with the naked eye.

All cells come from pre-existing cells

44. Looking at a cell under a microscope, you note that it is a prokaryote. How do 1 point
you know?

Mark only one oval.

The cell lacks a cytoplasm

The cell lacks a cell membrane

The cell lacks a nucleus

The cell lacks DNA materials

45. All cells have a cytoplasm either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. What is the cytoplasm? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Area inside the mitochondria

Area inside the cell membrane except the nucleus

Area outside the cell membrane

Area inside the nucleus

46. A cell has mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and 1 point
other parts. Based on this information, what could it be?

Mark only one oval.

a cell from a fertilised egg

a prokaryote

a bacterium.

it could be any of the above

47. Which of the following CORRECTLY matches an organelle with its function both 1 point
prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Mark only one oval.

mitochondrion . . . photosynthesis

nucleus . . . creation of energy (ATP) from sugars

cell membrane . . . movement

vacuole . . . storage
48. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both contain mitochondria. Which of the following 1 point
statements is true about mitochondria?

Mark only one oval.

They are the site of protein production in both cells.

They are the site of carbon production in both cells.

They provide photosynthesis in both cells.

They are the site of energy production in both cells.

49. Genetic information is passed on to a new generation is an example of which 1 point

characteristic of living things?

Mark only one oval.

Living things are made of cells.

Living things grow and develop.

Living things adapt to their surroundings. Living

things reproduce.
50. Using the following image of the cells, identify two of the labelled 1 point

Mark only one oval.

1 - DNA, 2 - cilium

1 - DNA, 2 - flagellum

1 - cilium, 2 - DNA

1 - flagellum, 2 - DNA

51. Using the following image of the cells, identify what kind of cell is A. * 1 point
52. Using the following image of the cells, identify what kind of cell is B. * 1 point

Click all that apply humans are made up of according to the level of organization. 5 points

Tick all that apply.

Organ systems

Which of the following exemplifies that sexual reproduction leads to genetic 1 point
variations of the offspring?

Mark only one oval.

The offspring look exactly like each other.

The offspring look exactly like their parents.

The offspring have the characteristics of both parents.

The offspring are weak and die upon birth

55. What is known as the sum total of all the chemical reactions going on in 1 point

Mark only one oval.





56. Responding to the effect of heat is a manifestation that... 1 point

Mark only one oval.

all living things respond to their environment

all living things adapt to their environment all

living things reproduce

all living things do not need energy.

57. The diagrams show a plant at the start of an experiment, and the same plants more than a 1 point
weeks later. Which characteristic of living organisms is demonstrated by this experiment?

Mark only one oval.





58. Which characteristic of living organisms can involve ingestion, absorption and 2 points
assimilation for everyday need and development? Select two of the following:

Tick all that apply.

59. All living things share the same characteristics of life whether they are small and 4 points
simple, large or complex, innocent, familiar or strange, whether they inhabit the
land or the water. Match the short descriptions on the left side with those
characteristics of life on top by clicking only one circle in each number *

Mark only one oval per row.

sexual/asexual adapt &

stimuli reproduction evolve
Prroduce offffsprriing

adjjustt and change tto enviirronmentt

genettiic iinfferrmattiion Aiirr,, watterr,, weattherr......

60. All living things share the same characteristics of life whether they are small and 4 points
simple, large or complex, innocent, familiar or strange, whether they inhabit the
land or the water. Match the short descriptions on the left side with those
characteristics of life on top by clicking only one circle in each number

Mark only one oval per row.

energy grow and made of

use development cell
Uniicellllullarr/Mullttiicellllarr Larrva tto adulltthood
Phottosyntthesiis and rrespiirrattiion

abiilliitty tto move

61. Dis the the pathway of blood in the hearth to the lungs 10 points

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