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ACI 547R-79

Refractory Concrete: Abstract of State-of-the-Art Report (Revised 1983)

(Reapproved 1997)

Reported by ACI Committee 547

This abstract first appeared in Concrete International: Design & Construc-

tion, V. 1, No. 5, May 1979, pp. 62-77. The full report is available as a
separate publication in 81/4 x 11 in., paper cover format, consisting of 224
pages. Contents listed on this page represent only tbe sections of the report
covered in this abstract.
Refractory concretes are cur-
rently used in a wide variety of
industrial applications where py-
reprocessing and/or thermal con- Chapter 7 -Properties of
tainment is required. The service Contents of summary
normal weight refractory
demands of these applications are Chapter 1 -Introduction, p. concretes, p. 547R-10
becoming increasingly severe and 547R-2 7.1 - Introduction
this, combined with the constant 1.1 - Objective of report 7.2 - Maximum service temperature
demand for refractories with en- 1.2 - Scope of report 7.4 - Shrinkage and expansion
hanced service life and more ef- 1.3 - Nomenclature 7.5 - Strength
ficient means of installation, has 1.6 - Non-hydraulic setting refrac- 7.6 - Thermal conductivity
tories 7.10 - Specific heat
resulted in an ever expanding re-
fractory concrete technology. ACI Chapter 2 -Criteria for re- Chapter 8 -Properties of
Committee 547 has prepared this fractory concrete selection, p. lightweight refractory con-
state-of-the-art report in order to 547R-5 cretes, p. 547R-11
meet the need for a better under- 2.1 - Introduction 8.1 - Introduction
standing of this relatively new 2.2 - Castables and field mixes 8.4 - Shrinkage and expansion
technology. 2.5 - Load bearing considerations 8.5 - Strength
2.7 - Corrosion influences 8.6 - Thermal conductivity
The report presents back- 2.10 - Abrasion and erosion resistance 8.10 - Specific heat
ground information and per-
spective on the history and cur- Chapter 3 -Constituent in- Chapter 9 -Construction de-
rent status of the technology. gredients, p. 547R-6 tails, p. 547R-12
Composition and proportioning 3.2 - Binders 9.1 - Introduction
methods are discussed together 3.3 - Aggregates 9.2 - Support structure
3.4 -Effects of extraneous materials 9.3 - Forms
with a detailed review of the con- 9.4 - Anchors
stituent ingredients. Emphasis is Chapter 4 -Composition and 9.5 - Reinforcement and metal embed-
placed on proper procedures for proportioning, p. 547R-7 ment
9.6 - Joints
the installation, curing, drying, 4.1 - Introduction
and firing. The physical and engi- 4.3 - Field mixes Chapter 10 -Repair, p. 547R-13
neering properties of both normal 4.4 - Water content
10.1 - Introduction
weight and light weight refractory Chapter 5 -Installation, p. 10.2 - Failure mechanisms
concretes are reported, as are 10.3 - Surface preparation
547R-8 10.4 - Anchoring and bonding
state-of-the-art construction de- 5.1 - Introduction 10.5 - Repair materials
tails and repair/maintenance tech- 5.2 - Casting 10.6 - Repair techniques
niques. Also included is an in- 5.3 - Shotcreting
depth review of a wide variety of 5.4 - Pumping and extruding Chapter 11 -Applications, p.
5.5 - Pneumatic gun casting 547R-15
applications together with the 5.8 - Finishing
committee‘s assessment of future 11.1 - Introduction
needs and developments. Chapter 6 -Curing, drying, Chapter 12 - New devel-
firing, p. 547R-9 opments and future use of re-
Keywords: abrasion; accelerating agents; 6.1 - Introduction
admixtures; aggregates; aluminate cement 6.2 - Bond mechanisms fractory concrete, p. 547R-15
and concretes; anchorage (structural); ce- 6.3 - Curing 12.1 - Introduction
ment-aggregate reactions; chemical analy- 6.4 - Drying 12.2 - New developments
sis; construction; corrosion: curing; drying; 6.5 - Firing 12.3 - Research requirements
failure mechanisms; formwork (construc-
tion); hydration; insulating concretes; kilns;
lightweight concreetes; mechanical proper-
ties; mix proportioning; packaged concrete; Copyright 0 1979, American Concrete Institute mission in writing is obtained from the copyright
All rights reserved including rights of reproduc- proprietors.
physical properties; placing; pumped con- tion and use in any form or by any means, in- Discussion of this committee report may be sub-
crete; quality control; refractories; refrac- cluding the making of copies by any photo pro- mitted in accordance with general requirements
tory concretes; reinforcing materials: re- cess, or by any electronic or mechanical device, of the ACI Publication Policy to ACI Headquar-
pairs; research; shotcrete; spalling; printed or written or oral, or recording for sound ters, P.O. Box 19150. Detroit, Michigan 48219.
structural analysis; temperature; thermal or visual reproduction or for use in any knowl- Closing date for submission of discussion is No-
properties; water; welded wire fabric. edge or retrieval system or device, unless per- vember 1, 1979.

Chapter 1 -Introduction HEAT RESISTANT CONCRETE - Any concrete

which will not disintegrate when exposed to con-
1.1 Objective of report
stant or cyclical heating at any temperature below
The objective of this report is to provide a source of which a ceramic bond is formed.
information on the many facets of refractory con- HIGH ALUMINA CEMENT - See calcium alumi-
crete technology. The report is intended as a unified nate cement.
and objective source of information to aid the engi- NEUTRAL REFRACTORIES - Refractories that
neer or consumer in categorizing and evaluating are resistant to chemical attack by both acid and ba-
monolithic refractory concrete technology and the sic slags, refractories, or fluxes at high temper-
many materials and processes available today. It is atures.
not intended to be a specification or standard, and REFRACTORY AGGREGATE - Materials having
should not be quoted or used for that purpose. refractory properties which form a refractory body
when bound into a conglomerate mass by a matrix.
1.2 Scope of report REFRACTORY CONCRETE - Concrete which is
Refractory concrete is concrete suitable for use at suitable for use at high temperatures and contains
temperatures up to about 3400 F (1870 C). It consi hydraulic cement as the binding agent.
of a graded refractory aggregate bound by a suitable SOFTENING TEMPERATURE - The temperature
cementing medium. This report is concerned with at which a refractory material begins to undergo
refractory concrete in which the binding agent is a permanent deformation under specified conditions.
hydraulic cement, and does not consider concretes This term is more appropriately applied to glasses
which use waterglass (sodium silicate), phosphoric than to refractory concretes.
acid, or phosphates as a principal cementing agent. THERMAL SHOCK - The exposure of a material
It covers all facets of refractory concrete installation or body to a rapid change in temperature which may
and use, including the properties of individual in- have a deleterious effect.
gredients and concretes, placing techniques, methods
of curing and firing, repair procedures, construction
details, and current and future applications. 1.6 Non-hydraulic setting re
The following discussion, while not pertinent to the
1.3 Nomenclature main theme of the report, will be of some interest
The following definitions are used in this report: and use to the reader.
ACID REFRACTORIES - Refractories containing a 1.6.1 Refractory brick - High quality brick, known
substantial amount of silica that may react chem- as firebrick, with unique chemical and physical prop-
ically with basic refractories, basic slags, or basic erties is obtained by blending different types of clay
fluxes at high temperatures. and other ingredients and by varying both the
APPARENT POROSITY (ASTM C20) - The rela- method of processing and the burning temperatures.
tionship of the volume of the open pores in a refrac- In addition to the many varieties of fireclay brick,
tory specimen to its exterior volume, expressed as a high alumina, insulating, silica, fused aggregate, and
percentage. basic firebrick have been developed. Refractory
BASIC REFRACTORIES - Refractories whose ma- brick remains a major construction material for ap-
jor constituent is lime, magnesia, or both, and which plications in which heat containment and control is
may react chemically with acid refractories, acid necessary and in many instances, is the only satisfac-
slags, or acid fluxes at high temperatures. (Com- tory solution to a specific problem.
mercial use of this term also includes refractories Brick has a number of disadvantages when com-
made of chrome ore or combinations of chrome ore pared to monolithic refractories. These dis-
and dead burned magnesite). advantages include multiple joints, complicated an-
choring, higher placement costs, more difficult repair
obtained by pulverizing clinker which consists of hy- procedures, the need to maintain expensive invento-
draulic calcium aluminates formed by fusing or sin- ries of special or scarce items, a certain inflexibility
tering a suitably proportioned mixture of aluminous in structural design, and higher fuel requirements
and calcareous materials. during manufacture.
CASTABLE REFRACTORY - A proprietary pack-
aged dry mixture of hydraulic cement and specially 1.6.2 Plastics and ramming mixes - Plastic refrac-
selected and proportioned refractory aggregates tories and ramming mixes are refractories which are
which, when mixed with water, will produce refrac- tamped or rammed in place and are used for mon-
tory concrete or mortar. olithic construction, for repair purposes, and for
CERAMIC BOND - The high strength bond which molding special shapes. These materials find exten-
is developed between materials, such as calcium sive use in industry. They usually employ a clay, alu-
aluminate cement and refractory aggregates, as a re- mina, magnesite, chrome, silicon carbide, or graphite
sult of thermochemical reactions which occur when base, and are blended with a binder. Heat setting
the materials are subjected to elevated temperature. mixes are likely to contain fireclay or phosphoric
EXPLOSIVE SPALLING - A sudden spalling acid as a binder. Air or cold-setting mixes generally
which occurs as the result of a build-up of steam contain fireclay and sodium silicate as the binder.
pressure caused by too rapid heating on first firing. Compared to ramming mixes, plastic refractories
GROG - Burned refractory material, usually cal- have higher moisture contents and therefore, higher
cined clay or crushed brick bats. plasticity.
TABLE 2.1a - Characteristics of normal weight refractory concretes


Recommended Service
Temperature max., Deg. F 3400 3000 2800 2800 2400 2500 2350 2600 2600
G E - - B C B C c
ASTM Class (C-401)
Water Required for Mixinq, 8-11 8-12 10-12 (3 ) 10-12.5 10-13 15-21 14.0-15.5 11-14 3.5-11 14-16
Percent by Weight
Material Required (1) 160-165 140-145 129-133 129-133 125-130 125-131 108-114 120-124 126-130 137-142 118-120
lbs. per cu. ft., lbs. per bag
Method of Application (2) C -T-S C _T_S_E C-T S C -T-S C-E C-T-E C-T-S-E C C C-T-S-E
Bulk Density, 220 F 165 178 139 147 131 138 130 136 135 143 134 136 112 121 126 133 131 133 144 146 124 131
Heated toI 1000 F 159 169 138 146 128 134 127 133 129 134 132 144 108 117 120 125 126 129 122 124
temperature of: 1500 F 161 174 138 146 128 132 126 133 129 134 130 133
133 108 114 120 122 124 129 138 140 121 122
then cooled 2000 F 161 174 137 146 130 135 127 133 127 135 130 133 108 115 120 123 124 128 140 141 120 121
pcf 2550 F 165 176 139 150 123 128 127 130 124 132 111 114 133 138 121 123
2732 F 160 169 138 146 123 127 128 135 128 138
3000 F 165 167 136 149
Total Linear Change % Heated 220 F 0.0 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.6 -0.l to -0.4 -0.2 to -0.6 0.2 to -0.7 -0.3 to -0.4 -0.1 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.5 0.0 to -0.3 -0.2 to -0.4
to temp. of: then cooled 1000 F -0.1 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.6 -0.2 to -0.3 -0.2 to -0.5 02 to -0.6 -0.3 to -0.4 -0. 1 to -0.6 -0.2 to -0.5 -0.3 to -0.6 - -0.4 to -0.5
(Note: Linear change 1500 F -0.1 to -0.5 -0.2 to -0.6 -0.1 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.5 0.2 to -0.6 -0.2 to -0.4 -0.2 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.7 -0.4 to -0.6 0.0 to -0.3 -0.4 to -0.5
figures are "TOTAL" 2000 F -0.1 to -0.3 -0.2 to -0.7 -0.3 to -0.7 -0.1 to -0.9 0.1 to -0.6 -0.2 to -0.5 -0.4 to -0.8 -0.1 to -0.9 -0.3 to -0.5 -0.1 to -0.5 -0.5 to -0.7
in all cases and include 2550 F -0.4 to -1.3 -0.5 to -1.1 -0.8 to +1.3 -0.5 to +0.2 +1.7 to +2.2 -1.2 to +0.3 -0.1 to +1.7 -0.1 to +0.5
percent of drying 2732 F -0.7 to -1.4 -0.2 to +0.3 -0.5 to +1.0 -0.8 to +0.8 +1.3 to +2.4
shrinkage occurring 3000 F -0.6 to -1.1 +0.1 to +0.7
in conversion from
wet "as cast"
to "as dried" state)

1600 - 2590 450 - 840 360 - 800 400 - 840 260 - 2000 445 - 745 310 - 520 820 - 1170 975 - 1030 / 810 - 1015 1020 - 1250
1820 - 2320 350 - 570 370 - 650 320 - 680 945 - 1240 175 - 310 200 - 270 300 - 590 535 - 710 - 395 - 440
1450 - 2120 290 - 580 230 - 680 530 - 840 020 - 1865 145 - 295 150 - 200 300 - 560 400 - 560 300 - 415 370 - 570
930 - 1400 340 - 590 390 - 780 500 - 970 - 1385 145 - 270 130 - 240 300 - 460 405 - 465 310 - 395 385 - 605
1280 - 2615 820 - 2050 1000 - 2450 1300 - 3030 1245 - 2605 820 - 1780 ’ 520 - 910 370 - 2390
1290 - 2707 1260 - 2400 1110 - 2260 2290 - 3740 2095 - 2930
i i -
750 - 1280 1685 - 4620
Cold Crushing Strength, 220 F 5180 - 10230 1030 - 2160 1420 - 3780 1190 - 2620 510 - 7910 4280 - 3145 990 - 1570 2410 - 3800 3450 - 3870 2150 -- 3580 3075 - 5470
psi 1000 F 8170 - 9160 1070 - 2250 1490 - 2950 1400 - 3000 810 - 6480 645 - 1400 685 - 1030 470 - 2210 1800 - 229 -- 29955- 3795
Heated to 1500 F 7280 - 9395 950 - 2250 1110 - 2770 1690 - 3340 410 - 7110 540 - 1260 630 - 840 530 - 2090 1775 - 2325 450 -- 1590 2425 - 2845
temperature of: 2000 F 3036 -10000 980 - 2050 1330 - 2920 1160 - 3105 620 - 5375 560 - 915 640 - 850 450 - 2070 1480 - 2225 050 -- 1340 1500 - 2105
then cooled 2550 F 6180 - 11000 3280 - 4640 3200 - 7930 4250 -11390 3021 - 3765 3200 - 5490 470 -- 2280 3735 - 6970
2732 F 4330 - 10115 4280 - 5620 5280 -12100 7140 -13175 -
3000 F 3320 - 5325 5870 -10000
Thermal Conductivity 500 F 9.87 6.47 5.35 4.60 5.24 4.10 4.48 7.25 4.60
Btu/in/hr-sq.ft.-Deq F 1000 F 9.46 6.15 5.35 5.00 5.10 4.48 4.85 7.40 5.00
at Mean 1500 F 9.36 5.80 5.40 5.40 5.10 4.85 5.30 7.65 5.40
Temperature of: 2000 F 9.57 5.72 5.65 5.80 5.18 5.19 5.73 7.85 5.80
Chemical Analysis percent
S102 0.03 29.73 47.58 47.31 32.06 44.35 34.64 4.18 46.08
A1 2 0 3 , T 1 0 2 93.65 65.16 48.31 46.73 59.23 46.70 40.03 38.68
Fe 2 03 , Fe0 0.27 1.15 1.47 1.37 0.91 3.05 4.22 4.78
Ca0, Mg0 5.52 2.48 1.47 3.25 6.89 6.09 9.03 11.31
Alkalies 0.11 0.39 0.82 0.84 0.59 0.69 1.22 0.74
Ignition Loss 0.30 0.66 0.15 0.47 - Trace 1.14 0.11

All measurements except thermal conductivity

taken at room temperature.

SI conversion factors
Deg F = 1.8 C + 32
1 pcf = 16. 02 kg/m3
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 psi = 0.006895 MPa
1 Btu-in./hr-sq ft - deg F

TABLE 2.1b- Characteristics of lightweight insulating refractory concretes

Recommended Service
Temp. max., Deg. F 3000 2500 2250 **1800 1600
ASTM Class (C 401) Q Q P&O N Special
Water Required for Mixing,
Percent by Weight 24-27.5 38-47 40-47 46-55 176
Materials Required,
lbs. per cu. ft. 87-92 80-85 48-50 46-48 24
- -
Method of Application* C-S-E C-T-S-E C-T-S-E C-S-E _ C-T-E
Bulk Density,
lbs. per cu. ft., 220 F 92-96 86-90 51-53 48-54 21-25
Heated to 1500 F 90-91 80-83 47-48 47-54 20-25
Temp. of: 2000 F 89-92 80-84 48-49 46-52
then cooled 2250 F 90-91 80-82 47-49
2550 F 86-92
2910 F 88-93
Total Linear Change,
Percent, 220 F -0.2 to -0.3 -0.2 to -0.6 -0.3 to -0.4 -0.1 to -0.4
Heated to 1500 F -0.4 to -0.7 -0.4 to -0.8 -0.3 to -0.9 -1.7 to -2.0
Temp. of: 2000 F -0.6 to -0.8 -0.3 to -0.8 -0.3 to -1.1 -0.8 to -1.3
then cooled 2250 F -0.4 to -0.6 -0.2 to -1.4 -0.4 to -1.4
2550 F -0.6 to +0.8
2910 F -0.2 to +0.2
Modulus of Rupture,
psi 220 F 265-360 190-350 100-150 200-420
Heated to 1500 F 205-225 140-230 70-90 105-140
Temp. of: 2000 F 280-315 120-250 75-115 100-205
then cooled 2250 F 625-640 155-315 160-170
2550 F 950-955
2910 F 1755-1835

Cold Crushing Strength,

psi 220 F 615-685 560-1040 290-450 390-750 30-70
Heated to 1500 F 550-610 830-710 160-290 295-405 20-80
Temp. of: 2000 F 450-545 460-800 130-220 200-285
then cooled 2250 F 800-880 500-810 270-330
2550 F 265-1415
2910 F 3535-4100
- I
Chemical Analysis, percent
Si0 2 36.52 40.08 37.38 43.17
A1 2 0 3 , Ti0 2 54.63 38.13 34.79 17.68
Fe 2 0 3 , Fe0 1.38 5.31 6.63 3.11
CaO, MgO 4.56 13.53 17.68 31.34
Alkalies 1.11 1.66 1.88 2.05
Ignition Loss 1.90 1.20 1.45 2.40

Thermal Conductivity (k),

Btu/Hr./Sq. Ft./F./In,
At Mean
Temp. of: 500 F 2.88 2.58 1.66 1.40 0.87
1000 F 3.19 2.86 1.98 1.71 1.15
1500 F 3.50 3.14 2.31 2.01 1.43
2000 F 3.82 3.42 2.63
- -
*C-Casting; T-Troweling; S-Shotcretinq; E-Extruding. All measurements except thermal conductivity taken
at room temperature.
**2000 F (For back-up material)

SI conversion factors
DegF = 1.8 C + 32
1 pcf = 16.02 kg/m'
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 psi = 0.006895 MPa
1 Btu-in./hr-sq ft - deg F

Plastics are generally placed without use of forms. Refractory castables are plant packaged mixes
With the exception of some specialized tabular alu- composed of ingredients that are weighed, blended
mina castables, plastics have a somewhat higher ser- and usually bagged in convenient sizes for shipping
vice limit than castable refractories. Their main dis- and handling. They require only mixing with water
advantages are greater shrinkage and crack on the job to produce refractory concrete. Field
development. Except for phosphate bonded mate- mixes are made from material components which are
rials cured above 600 F (315 C), plastics generally proportioned and mixed on the site just prior to the
have lower cold and hot strengths than refractory addition of water.
concretes. In addition, plastics tend to have a rela-
tively low strength zone on the cool side of the lin- 2.5 Load bearing considerations
ing. Most application designs of refractory concrete con-
Ramming mixes usually have higher density and sider that there is a thermal gradient through the
less shrinkage than plastic refractories. With their material with heat conducted from the hot face to
low water content, they must be forced into place the cold face. A cross section of the refractory will
and require strong well-braced forms. Some of the usually have a layer at the hot face that has a ce-
dryer medium grind ramming mixes are suitable for ramic bond, an intermediate section with a weaker
gunning, and are used for patching and maintenance combination of ceramic and a partial hydraulic bond,
materials. and a cold face section that retains most of its hy-
1.6.4 Gunning mixes other than refractory con- draulic bond. Refractory concrete linings in this type
cretes12,13 - As used in this section, the term “gun- of situation are usually well anchored and self-sup-
ning mixes” does not refer to refractory concrete porting.
and should not be confused with gunned refractory Castables containing high proportions of coarse ag-
materials which produce refractory concrete. Gun- gregates produce refractory concrete with good load
ning mixes are mixtures of non-hydraulic setting in- bearing characteristics. Certain types of refractory
gredients which are installed hot or cold, usually by concrete tend to have low strengths in the inter-
the shotcrete method. mediate temperature zones [1500-2250 F (820-1230 C)]
Gunning mixes generally have low rebound loss, and should not be subjected to excessive mechanical
are predominately used for patching or resurfacing abuse or dead load. Generally, lightweight concretes
brick or other refractories, have a strong internal designed for insulating purposes should not be sub-
bond, and exhibit excellent adhesion or bond to the jected to impact, heavy loads, abrasion, erosion or
existing refractory lining. They find extensive use in other physical abuse. Normally, both the strength
basic oxygen, electric arc and open hearth furnaces, and the resistance to destructive forces decline as
among other applications. the bulk density of the refractory concrete de-
There are a number of special refractory castables
available which have better than average load-bear-
Chapter 2 - Criteria for refractory concrete ing capabilities and withstand abrasion or erosion
selection much better than the standard types.
2.1 Introduction 2.7 Corrosion influences
Refractory concrete is usually made with high alu- High temperature in combination with a corrosive
mina cement. It is not generally used as a structural environment can have a serious deleterious effect on
material and its primary purpose is as a protective both the concrete and the backup steel structure.
lining for steel, concrete or brick structures. It is Generally, the higher density, higher purity refrac-
considered a consumable material requiring replace- tory concretes have better corrosion resistance than
ment after an appropriate service life. the lower density, lower purity types.
Some of the destructive forces that refractory con- Alkalies can effect the service life of refractory
cretes withstand are abrasion, erosion, physical concretes. The furnace charge can give off both alka-
abuse, high temperatures, thermal shock, hot and lies (K2O) and the fuel sulfur compounds (SO2) as va-
molten metals, clinker, slag, alkalies, mild acid or pors. These can penetrate into the pores of the re-
acid fumes, expansion, contraction, carbon monoxide, fractory concrete and react; their reaction products
and flame impingement. cool, solidify, and expand, sometimes causing the hot
Refractory concretes are categorized as either nor- face of the refractory to peel or shear away.
mal weight or lightweight. The former are also re- In certain applications, the refractory concrete is
ferred to as “heavy refractory concretes” and the subjected to highly reducing conditions. Low-iron
latter are often called “insulating refractory con- refractory concretes should be used for this type of
cretes.” Table shows the characteristics of a application.
typical range of normal weight refractory concretes;
Table shows the characteristics of lightweight 2.10 Abrasion and erosion resistance
refractory concretes. Abrasion and erosion begin with the wearing away
of the weakest matrix constituent, binder, leaving
2.2 Castables and field mixes the coarse or hard aggregate to eventually fall away.
Refractory concretes are usually prepared at the job A hard aggregate, a high modulus of rupture, and
site from materials supplied to the user in either of high compressive strength at the hot face are neces-
two ways: (1) prepackaged so-called “refractory cast- sary for good abrasion and erosion resistance in re-
ables;” (2) field mixes. fractory concretes.

Chapter 3 - Constituent ingredients precautions are taken to ensure a sound refractory

concrete. Cyclic heating and cooling tends to disrupt
3.2 Binders portland cement concretes and adding a fine si-
The binders principally used in refractory concretes liceous material to react with the calcium hydroxide,
are calcium aluminate cements. However, ASTM- formed during hydration, is helpful in alleviating the
type portland cements can be used in some refrac- problem.
tory applications up to an approximate maximum of Calcium aluminate (high alumina) cements are
2000 F (1090 C) with selected aggregates, if special commercially available hydraulic binders. They are

TABLE 3.3a- Maximum service temperature of selected aggregates mixed with calcium aluminate cements
under optimum conditions

- Aggregate
- _ Remarks Deg C Deg F
Alumina, tabular Refractory, abrasion 1870 3400
Dolomitic limestone Abrasion and corrosion 500 930
(gravel) resistant
Fireclay, expanded Insulating, abrasion and 1640
corrosion resistant
Fireclay brick, Abrasion and corrosion 1600
crushed resistant
Flint fireclay, 1650
Kaolin, calcined Abrasion and corrosion 1650 3000
Mullite 1650 3000
Perlite Insulating 1340 2450
Sand (Silica content less 300 570
than 90 percent not recommended)
Abrasion and corrosion
Slag, blast furnace Abrasion resistant 540 1000
(air cooled)
Slag, blast furnace Insulating, abrasion and 1200 2190
(granulated) corrosion resistant
Trap rock, diabase (Basic Igneous Rock- 1000 1830
Minimal Quartz) Abrasion
and corrosion resistant
Vermiculite Insulating 1100 2010

TABLE 3.3b- Aggregate grading

Maximum size aggregate (except for gun placement) 1 l/z in. (3.81 cm)
Maximum size aggregate for normal gun placement I/4 in.* (0.64 cm)
Maximum size insulating crushed firebrick 1 in. (2.54 cm)
Maximum size expanded shales and clays ‘12 in. (1.27 cm)

Maximum size, with the above exceptions, should

not be greater than 20-25 percent of the
concrete minimum dimension.
Aggregate of V2 in. (1.27 cm) or larger size:
Retained on No. 8 Sieve = 50 percent
Passing No. 100 Sieve = 10-15 percent
Aggregate of less than l/2 in. (1.27 cm) maximum size:
Retained on No. 50 Sieve = 75 percent
Passing No. 100 Sieve = 10-15 percent
*In special cases larger sizes have been used successfully.
specifically designed for use in monolithic refractory refractory properties, depending on the type of ag-
concrete construction. They are generally classified gregate selected for the mix. Combinations of vari-
under three basic categories: Low Purity, Inter- ous aggregates can be made to secure the desirable
mediate Purity, and High Purity. This is a relative properties of each.
classification scheme and is based primarily on the 3.3.1 Lightweight aggregates - Perlite, expanded
total iron content of the cement. shale, expanded fireclay, and bubble alumina are the
Binder selection is primarily based on the service more commonly used lightweight aggregate for com-
temperature desired for the refractory concrete. mercial insulating concretes.
Maximum service temperatures are extended with
3.4 Effects of extraneous materials
increasing Al2O3 and decreasing iron contents.
Lower iron content binders are also beneficial in re- Extraneous materials commonly associated with
ducing carbon monoxide (CO) disintegration of con- portland cements, either as admixtures or as con-
crete (Section 2.7). taminants from equipment or surrounding condi-
tions, may behave differently when used with cal-
3.3 Aggregates cium aluminate cement mixes. Many castables
The maximum service temperatures of selected ag contain proprietary additions which may be ad-
gregates mixed with appropriate calcium aluminate versely affected by field admixtures.
cements are listed in Table 3.3a. These maximum
temperatures are based on optimum conditions of Chapter 4 - Composition and proportioning
binder and aggregate. Thermal properties of aggre-
gates, such as volume change (expansion, shrinkage 4.1 Introduction
or crystalline inversion) and decomposition, can af- In designing mixes, refractory concretes are not only
fect these maximum temperatures, along with the defined by density but also by operating temper-
chemical composition of both aggregate and binder ature. Refractory concretes fall into three subclasses
and the reactivity between these mix constituents. based on service temperature ranges. The first sub
Temperature stability of the aggregate determines class is “ceramically-bonded concrete,” defined as
the maximum service conditions below approx- concrete in which the cement binder and the fine ag-
imately 2400 F (1320 C). Therefore, any type of cal- gregate particles react thermochemically to form a
cium aluminate cement can be used at these temper- bond. This bond is referred to as the ceramic bond
atures. For conditions above 2400 F (1320 C), binder and may occur at temperatures as low as 1650 F
purity also becomes a design factor. Generally, the (900 C). The second subclass is “heat resistant con-
low purity binder can be used with proper aggre- crete,” defined as concrete in which the cement has
gates up to 2700 F (1480 C), intermediate purity to dehydrated but has not formed a ceramic bond. The
3000 F (1650 C) and high purity to 3400 F (1870 C). third category is concrete which still has some hy-
Aggregate gradation is an important consideration draulic bond when heated but performs satisfactorily
in designing refractory concrete. Table 3.3b provides under cyclic conditions.
suggested guidelines for nominal maximum size and
grading of refractory aggregates. 4.3 Field mixes
For refractory mix designs a 1:3 or 1:4 by bulk 4.3.1 Ceramically bonded concrete - The ceramic
volume dry basis cement: aggregate mix is generally bond can be formed at temperatures as low as
used to satisfy typical applications. In certain cases 1650 F (900 C). To aid formation of the ceramic bond,
the ratio may change from as low as 1:2 to as high concretes operating above this temperature should
as 1:6, with the latter being used for lightweight have 10-15 percent of the aggregate passing a No.
concretes. Within the range of normal usage, in- 100 sieve.
creasing the cement content will provide higher Most field insulating concretes are made with pre-
strength development. However, increased cement soaked aggregate. Since the specified proportions
content may also result in increased shrinkage. A are based on dry materials, the actual batch mixes
higher aggregate content will increase insulating or may require correction.

4.3.2 Heat resistant concrete - This concrete is gen- ing. Remains of lime, plaster, or portland cement
erally used in the range 930 F (500 C) to 1650 F (900 will induce flash set and will lower refractoriness.
C). Many coarse aggregates are unsuitable for use as Generally, paddle mixers are used for small to me-
refractory aggregates because they contain quartz, dium size jobs involving calcium aluminate cement
which has a large volume change at 1065 F (575 C ) . concretes. In a paddle mixer, normal weight refrac-
4.4 Water content tory concretes should be mixed for about 2 to 4 min.
Refractory concretes of less than 60 lbs/cu ft (960
A majority of the aggregates used in refractory and kg/m 3) density should be mixed no longer than nec-
heat resistant concretes have high water absorb- essary to insure thorough wetting. This precaution
ency. For this reason specific water/cement ratios is necessary because the lightweight aggregate may
are generally not used in developing mix designs. In- break-up during the mixing action and reduce the ef-
stead, water requirements are arrived at by period- fectiveness of the concrete as a heat insulator. Re-
ically conducting a “ball-in-hand” test (ASTM C860). fractory concretes in the 75 to 90 lb/cu ft (1200-1400
This test is illustrated in Fig. 4.4. The correct water kg/m3) range should be mixed for approximately 2
content is that which will provide a placeable, rather to 5 min. Because working time may be short, all
than a pourable, mix. When using well-soaked aggre- castables should be cast immediately after mixing.
gates, it may be necessary to add little or no water 5.2.3 Mixing and curing temperature - Mixing and
at the mixer. It is sometimes found that a mixture curing temperature can affect the type of hydrates
which appears fairly stiff when discharged from the formed in set concrete. A castable develops its hy-
mixer will yield excess water as the concrete is draulic bond because of chemical reactions between
placed. the calcium aluminate cement and water. To get the
maximum benefits from these chemical reactions, it
is preferable to form the stable C3AH6 during the
Chapter 5 - Installation initial curing period. The relative amount of C3AH6
5.1 Introduction formed versus metastable CAH10 and C2AH8 can be
Regardless of the quality of the refractory cement, directly related to the temperature at which the
aggregate, and/or castable, and regardless of the re- chemical reactions take place.
search devoted to the selection of correct materials Recent work illustrates the significant impact of
for a specific application, maximum service life will mixing and curing temperatures on strength proper-
not be obtained unless the refractory concrete is in- ties. Fig. 5.2.3 34 shows the flexural strength of a
stalled properly. tabular alumina, high purity cement castable plotted
The most frequently used methods of installing re- as a function of mixing and curing temperatures. It
fractory concretes are casting and shotcreting. can be seen that the strength developed after mix-
ing and curing at 85 F (30 C) and drying at 230 F
5.2 Casting (110 C) is nearly twice that of the concrete mixed
5.2.1 Mixing - Proper mixing of castables is of pri- and cured at 60 F (15 C) and dried at 230 F.
mary importance. Care should be taken to avoid Explosive spalling of high purity cement concretes
mixing previously hydrated material into fresh re- can occur when casting and curing temperatures be-
fractory concrete. Mixers, tools and transporting low 70 F (21 C) are used. Thus, a refractory concrete
equipment used previously with portland or other containing a high purity cement should be cast or
type cement concretes must be cleaned prior to mix- cured above 70 F (21 C). This spalling phenomenon is
less likely to occur with low or intermediate purity
cement binders.
Deg c
5.2.4 Transporting - Other than shotcreting and
60 80 pumping, the techniques for transporting refractory
concretes are similar to those used for portland ce-
ment concrete. Some calcium aluminate cement bind-
ers have a shorter placing time available.
5.3 Shotcreting
Shotcreting of refractory concrete is particularly ef-
fective where, (1) forms are impractical, (2) access is
difficult, (3) thin layers and/or variable thicknesses
are required, or (4) normal casting techniques cannot
be employed.
5.3.1 Equipment - There are two basic types of
h shotcrete methods: dry-mix and wet-mix. The dry-
0 Cured 24h mix method conveys the aggregate and binder pneu-
0 Drled 230 F - 24h (110 C)
0 Dried, Fast Fired 2012 F (11 00 C) (ASTM 268-70)
matically to the nozzle in an essentially dry state
0 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 where water is added in a spray. The wet-mix
68 104 140 176
Deg F
method conveys the aggregate, binder and a pre-
24h CURE Temperature DEG F determined amount of water, either pneumatically or
>90% R . H .
under pressure, to the nozzle where compressed air
Fig. 5.2.3 - Flexural strength of tabular alumina, is used to increase the velocity of impact. The dry
high purity cement castable (ASTM C268) method, though it produces greater rebound, is the

most suitable and recommended technique for shot- CA

creting refractory concrete. An exception is the rec- +
ommended use of a wet-mix gun for hot patching.
5.3.2 Installation - To ensure a uniform covering
free of laminations and with minimum rebound, the
nozzleman should move the nozzle in a small circular )

orbit and where possible, maintain the flow from a 3-

4 ft (0.9-1.2 m) distance at right angles to the receiv-
ing surface.35
5 The shotcrete should be left in its as-
placed state. If for some reason scraping or finishing
is required, the absolute minimum should be done so > 95 F (35 C)
as to avoid breaking the bond or creating surface I\

cracks. Shotcreting of refractory concretes can in-

crease the in-place density and result in other
changes in the physical properties. This effect is
more pronounced in lower density castables, and
must be taken into account when specifying thick-
nesses and material quantities for insulating appli-
cations. The user should be aware that certain as- a) Reaction Products of CA
pects of portland cement concrete shotcrete practice
CA H 10 + A H 3
do not apply to refractory shotcrete. CA2

+ H
5.4 Pumping and extruding
Reaction Products of CA 2
Certain refractory concretes can be installed with
positive displacement pumps in conjunction with The cement chemistry abbreviations:
rigid or flexible pipelines. The design of the mix is C = CaO
critical, and special attention must be given to the A = Al2O3
absorptive characteristics and sizing of the aggre- H = H2O
Some applicators use the term “extruding” to de- Fig. 6.2 - Hydration reaction products of calcium
scribe the conveying and placing of refractory con- aluminates 195
crete at velocities that are very low or close to zero
on exit from the pipeline. When extruding, mixing of and crystalline compounds which function as a
the refractory castable and water can be done inter- binder for the concrete. 20,21 The hydration of these
nally or externally depending on type of extruding cements (Fig. 6.2) is exothermic. The rate of the
device. chemical reaction is relatively fast.22 For all practical
5.5 Pneumatic gun casting purposes, calcium aluminate concretes will develop
full strength within 24 hr of mixing.
Pneumatic gun casting, or gun casting, is a rela-
tively new technique for casting concrete and is find- The total drying shrinkage of calcium aluminate
ing increased uses for refractory concrete. Con- cement concretes in air, is comparable to that of
ventional dry shotcrete equipment and procedures portland cement concrete. In order to provide for
are utilized with the exception that an energy reduc- complete hydration, and to control drying shrinkage,
ing device is attached to the nozzle body in place of special attention must be given to the curing of ref-
the standard shotcrete nozzle tip. ractory concretes.
5.8 Finishing
6.3 Curing
Surface finishing or rubbing of refractory concretes
should be kept at a minimum. Use of a steel trowel The temperature of hardening calcium cement rises
should be avoided, and the final surface can be rapidly. If the exposed surfaces are not kept damp,
lightly screeded to grade but should not be worked the cement on the surface may dry out before it can
in any manner. be properly hydrated. The application of curing wa-
ter prevents the surface from becoming dry and fur-
nishes water for hydration. In addition, the evapo-
ration has a cooling effect which helps to dissipate
Chapter 6 - Curing, drying, firing8,16,17,18 the heat of hydration.
6.1 Introduction Conversion of the high alumina cement hydrates,
Refractory concrete should be properly cured for at which occurs if the cement is allowed to develop ex-
least the first 24 hr. Following this curing it should cessive heat, does not present the same problem in
be dried at 220 F (105 C), and then heated slowly un- refractory concretes that it does in high alumina ce-
til the combined water has been removed before ment concretes used for structural purposes. It has
heating at a more rapid rate. been shown that if refractory concrete is fully con-
verted by allowing it to harden in hot water and
6.2 Bond mechanisms then heated to 2500 F (1370 C), the fired strength is
Calcium aluminate cements have anhydrous mineral equal to that obtained for well cured concrete. When
phases which react with water to form alumina gel possible, however, refractory concrete should be

kept cool by appropriate curing under 210 F (99 C) 7.2 Maximum service temperature
for two reasons: The recommended maximum service temperature
l The entire refractory concrete structure does not
will normally assume that the castable will be used
usually reach the maximum service temperature, in a clean, oxidizing atmosphere, such as is present
and the higher cold strengths obtained by good cur- when firing with natural gas. The maximum service
ing may be useful in the cooler portions of the re- temperature is usually determined as the point
fractory. above which excessive shrinkage will take place. It
l If the temperature within the concrete reaches a is about 150-200 F (70-90 C) below the actual soft-
high level during hardening, the thermal stresses ening point of the concrete.
produced during cooling may be sufficient to cause If a fuel has solid impurities, such as in coals or
cracking. heavy fuel oils, or if the solids or dust in the process
Curing should start as soon as the surface is firm. contact the refractory, the maximum permissible
Under normal atmospheric temperatures, this will service temperature will usually be considerably re-
occur within 4 to 10 hr after mixing the concrete. duced. Solid impurities can react with the concrete
The concrete should be kept moist for 24 hr by cov- and produce compounds of lower melting point
ering with wet burlap, by fine spraying or by using which melt and run. This is generally referred to as
a curing membrane. Alternate wetting and drying slagging. The lower softening point thus represents
can be detrimental to the cure of the concrete. a limit for the operating temperature. Slag forming
When using a curing membrane, the compound reactions usually do not occur below about 2500 F
should contain a resin and not a wax base, and (1320 C) except in the presence of alkalies where re-
should be applied to the surface as soon as possible actions can occur in the 1900-2000 F (1040-1090 C)
after placing and screeding. The reason for dis- range.
couraging the use of wax is that a hot surface will A reducing atmosphere can lower the melting
melt the wax, causing it to be absorbed into the con- point and hence the maximum operating temper-
crete, breaking the membrane. ature by 100-200 F (40-90 C) if sufficient quantities of
iron compounds are present in the refractory.3
6.4 Drying
7.4 Shrinkage and expansion
The large amount of free water in the refractory
concrete necessitates a drying period before expo- In discussing shrinkage and expansion of a refrac-
sure to operating temperatures. Otherwise, the for- tory concrete, it is important to define the dis-
mation of steam may lead to explosive spalling dur- tinction between the independent effects of per-
ing firing. manent shrinkage or expansion and reversible
thermal expansion. Permanent change is determined
by measuring a specimen at room temperature, heat-
6.5 Firing ing it to a specified temperature, cooling to room
Following drying of the refractory concrete, the first temperature, and remeasuring it. The difference be-
heat-up should be at a reasonably slow rate. A typi- tween the two measurements is the permanent
cal firing schedule, for a 9 in. (22.9 cm) thick lining, change, which occurs during the first heating cycle.
consists of applying a slow heat by gradually bring- Subsequent heating to the same or lower temper-
ing the temperature up to 220 F (105 C), and holding ature will have little or no additional effect on the
for at least 6 hr. The temperature is then raised at a permanent change. Heating to a higher temperature
rate of 50-100 F (10-40 C) per hr up to 1000 F may cause some additional permanent change.
(540 C) and again held for at least 6 hr. The first Reversible thermal expansion of a specimen which
hold is to allow remaining free water to evaporate, has been previously stabilized against further per-
and the second hold is to eliminate the combined wa- manent change, is the dimensional change as a speci-
ter without danger of spalling. men is heated. Upon cooling, the specimen contracts
Beyond 1900 F (540 C), the temperature of the re- to its original size.
fractory concrete can be raised more rapidly. Calcin- At any given temperature, the net dimensional
ing of the green concrete into a refractory structure change of a refractory concrete is the sum of the re-
will take place between 1600 F (820 C) and 2500 F versible expansion and the permanent shrinkage cor-
(1370 C). Wall thickness and mix variations may re- responding to the highest temperature to which the
quire somewhat different rates of heating, but the castable has been heated.
hold temperatures should remain at least 6 hr. 7.4.1 Permanent shrinkage and expansion - The ini-
If steam is observed during heat-up, the temper- tial heating of a refractory concrete usually causes
ature should be held until steam is no longer visible. shrinkage. At higher temperatures permanent ex-
pansion can occur. This effect, which varies with the
Cbapter 7 - Properties of Normal Weight maximum temperature attained, must be considered
Refractory Concretes with reversible thermal expansion when calculating
the net expansion (or shrinkage) at service temper-
7.1 Introduction ature. The ASTM rating of castables is based on no
There are various physical properties and tests more than 1.5 percent permanent linear shrinkage
which are standard in the refractory industry and occurring at prescribed temperatures (ASTM C64
these are usually provided in the material specifica- and C401). Most normal weight refractory concretes
tions. Table is an example of typical data for will have less than 0.5 percent permanent linear
normal weight refractory concrete. shrinkage after firing at 2000 F (1090 C).

The permanent change appears as cracks after the _____

Deg C
4;. 260 540 820 1090
first firing. These cracks will generally be about 2-3 | | | |

ft (0.6-0.9 m) on centers, and may vary, depending

on the concrete thickness and the anchor spacing.
Usually, the width of the cracks at room temper-
ature is partly dependent on the permanent shrink-
age. Normally, the cracks will be tightly closed at
operating temperatures. Such cracking, which may SUBSEQUENT CYCLING
start during drying, is to be expected and will not
adversely affect the service performance of the re-
7.4.2 Reversible thermal expansion - The reversible
thermal expansion of most refractory concretes is -0.2
approximately 3 x 10-6 in./in./F (5 x 10-6 cm/cm/CL 00 500 1000 1500 2000

However, the expansion coefficient may be as high Temperature Deg F

as 4 x 10-6 in./in./F (7 x 10-6 cm/cm/C) for high alu- Fig. 7.4.2 - Net thermal expansion of a typical re-
mina concretes and to 5 x 10-6 in./in. /F (9 x 10-6 fractory concrete
cm/cm/C) for chrome castables. Fig. 7.4.2 shows
typical length changes due to permanent shrinkage
and reversible expansion. 100 pcf (320 to 1600 kg/m3) and can be formulated to
have high maximum service temperatures and rela-
7.5 Strength tively high strengths. This often allows the use of
7.5.1 Modulus of rupture - Modulus of rupture is these materials as single component, exposed service
measured by means of a flexure test and is consid- linings.
ered as a measure of tensile strength (ASTM C268). Table shows physical property values for typ-
The extreme fiber tensile strength calculated from ical lightweight refractory concretes.
this test will be 50 to 100 percent higher than the
tensile strength derived from a straight pull test. 8.4 Shrinkage and expansion
Typical modulus of rupture values are 300 to 1500
psi (2.07-10.4 MPa). Shotcreting can increase modu- The reversible thermal expansion of lightweight con-
lus of rupture values by up to 50 percent. cretes will vary from 2.5 x 10-6 to 3.5 x 1O -6 in./in./F
Fig. 7.5 shows typical trends of modulus of rup- (4.5 x l0 -6cm/cm/C) Because of compensating per-
ture strength versus temperature. manent shrinkage, the thermal expansion of light-
7.5.2 Cold compressive strength (crushing) - The weight refractory concrete is normally insignificant
test is ordinarily run on 9 x 41/2 x 21/2 in. (22.9 x 11.4 and is usually ignored in the design of lightweight
x 6.4 cm) specimens 9 in. (22.9 cm) straights in brick refractory concrete systems.
terminology with pressure applied to the smallest.
surface (ASTM C133). Failure in this test is gener- 8.5 Strength
ally due to shear. Strengths of lightweight refractory concrete are
Crushing strengths vary from 1000 to 8000 psi (6.9 measured by both a modulus of rupture and a crush-
to 55.2 MPa). Typically, compressive strengths are ing test.
three to four times greater than modulus of rupture 8.5.1 Modulus of rupture - Typical values range
values. from approximately 50 (0.3 MPa) to 400 psi (2.8
7.6 Thermal conductivity MPa).
For normal weight refractory concretes, thermal
Deg C
conductivity tends to vary with density. Typical val- 100 260 540 820 1090 1370
ues (k factors) range from about 5 Btu-in./sq ft -hr-F -1” ---I----w
(72 W -cm/m 2-C) for 120 pcf (1920 kg/m 3) material to
about 10 Btu-in./sq ft -hr -F (144 W-cm/m2-C) for
160 pcf (2560 kg/m 3 ) material. There is usually an in-
crease in thermal conductivity with temperature.
7.10 Specific beat
The specific heat of a refractory concrete increases
with temperature from about 0.20 Btu/lb/F (837 J/
kg-C) at 100 F (40 C) to about 0.29 Btu/lb/F (1210 J/
kg-C) at 2500 F (1370 C). This can vary plus or minus
0.025 units, depending on the aggregate.

Chapter 8 - Properties of lightweight

refractory concretes 212 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

8.1 Introduction Temperature Deg F

Refractory concretes are widely used as insulating Fig. 7.5 - Effect of temperature on modulus of rup-
materials. They have a wide range of densities (20 to ture

TABLE 8.5.1 - Hot and cold modulus of rupture of a 2800F (1538C) lightweight refractory
concrete containing expanded fireclay aggregate

Modulus of rupture, psi (MPa)

(Hot tested (Cold tested after
at temperature) -___----- firing and cooling)
230F (110C) 350 (2.4) 350 (2.4)
1 0 0 0 F (538C) 300 (2.1) N.D.*
1500F (816C) 250 (1.7) 250 (1.7)
2000F (1093C) 210 (1.4) 225 (1.6)
2500F (1371C) 240 (1.7) 470 (3.2)
2700F (1482C) 90 (0.6) 800 (5.5)

*N.D. = Not Determined

Table 8.5.1 shows the difference between the cold 8.3 Forms
and hot modulus of rupture for a typical 2800 F Both metal and wood forms are used for refractory
(1540 C) lightweight refractory concrete. concrete.
8.6.2 Cold compressive strength (crushing) - Cold 9.4 Anchors41,44,45,46
crushing strengths vary from 200-500 psi (1.4-3.5
MPa) for lightweight refractory concretes with den- An anchor is a device used to hold refractory con-
sities up to 50 pcf (800 kg/m3). For materials having crete in a stable position while counteracting the ef-
fects of dead loads, thermal stressing and cycling,
densities in the 75-100 pcf (1200-1600 kg/m3) range, and mechanical vibration. Anchors and anchoring
the cold crushing strength varies from 1000-2500 psi systems are not designed to function as reinforce-
(6.9-17-3 MPa). ment.
8.6 Thermal conductivity Anchors are produced as alloy steel rods or cast-
Thermal conductivity is one of the most important ings, and prefired refractory ceramic shapes. The re-
physical properties of a lightweight refractory con- quirements of a particular installation will determine
crete and is controlled primarily by the density of the type and positioning of anchors. Typical factors
the concrete. For hydraulically bonded, alumina-si- to be considered are: unit size, wall thickness, num-
lica concretes, a usable correlation exists between ber of refractory concrete components, area of appli-
concrete density [after drying at 230 F (110 C)] and cation, and service temperature.
the thermal conductivity (k factor). Typically, the 9.4.1 Metal anchors - The most frequently used
thermal conductivity for insulating concretes ranges metal anchors are V-clips, studs, and castings. How-
from 1 to 4 Btu-in./sq ft-hr-F (0.1 to 0.6 W/M2-C). ever, in special applications, welded wire fabric, hex
steel and chain link fencing are used. Generally,
8.10 Specific Heat metal anchors are extended from the cold face for
2/3 to 3/4 of the lining thickness and are staggered
The specific heat of a lightweight refractory con-
crete is approximately the same as that of normal to avoid formation of planes of weakness.
weight concrete. The range is from 0.2 Btu/lb/F Metal V-clips, stud anchors and castings are avail-
(837 J/kg-Cl at 100 F (40 C) to approximately 0.3 able in carbon steel, Type 304 stainless alloy, Type
Btu/lb/F (1255 J/kg-C) at 2500 F (1370 C). 310 stainless alloy, and other suitable alloys. The
choice of material depends on the temperature to
Chapter 9 - Construction details which the anchors will be exposed. Carbon steel can
be used for anchor temperatures of up to 1000 F
8.1 Introduction (540 C). Type 304 stainless is suitable for anchor
Construction details are an important ingredient in temperatures of up to 1800 F (980 C) and Type 310
the successful application of refractory concrete. stainless is adequate up to 2000 F (1095 C). Depend-
Proper design details and careful implementation are ing on the grade of alloy, alloy steel castings can
essential, and parameters such as support structure sustain a maximum temperature of between 1500 F
integrity, forms, anchors, and construction joints (815 C) and 2000 F (1095 C).
have a major influence on the overall quality and 9.4.2 Pre-fired refractory anchors (ceramic anchors)
performance of refractory concrete installations. - The principal use of ceramic anchors is to anchor
refractory plastic, rather than refractory concrete.
8.2 Support structure However, ceramic anchors are used in areas where
Normally, refractory concrete is permanently sup- refractory concrete is subjected to high service tem-
ported by a back-up structure. The support material perature. In addition, they are sometimes used as a
is usually bolted or welded steel which, prior to in- substitute for metal anchors where concrete thick-
stallation of the refractory concrete, should be nesses are 9 in. (230 mm), or greater.
checked to ensure that there is no warpage and that Ceramic anchors usually are composed of refrac-
all joints are structurally sound and tight. tory aggregates, clays, and binders. They are me-

chanically pressed into shapes which provide for at- 8.6 Joints37,48
tachment to either the wall or roof and are ribbed to In cast installations, construction joints occur at the
aid in securing the refractory concrete. Ceramic an- junction of walls and roofs or where large place-
chors are pre-fired at elevated temperature to pro- ments are broken into separate sections. Cold joints
vide a strong, dense structure. Depending on the of this type will not bond and should be avoided
composition, service conditions, and other factors, where it is necessary to contain liquid or gases.
ceramic anchors are available with maximum service It is often necessary to include a provision for ex-
temperature ratings of up to 3200 F (1760 C). pansion. Expansion joints can be formed by inserting
Ceramic anchors are attached to structural wall or materials such as wood, cardboard, expanded poly-
roof supports by bolts and/or metal support cast- styrene or ceramic fiber in the appropriate location.
ings. In order to minimize the tendency of the re- Shotcrete installations require construction joints
fractory concrete to sheet spall, the hot face of the at transitions between materials, or when appli-
ceramic anchor should extend to the hot face of the cation must be curtailed due to shift changes or ma-
refractory concrete. terial supply. In these cases, the in situ refractory Thin single component linings. Plain metal concrete should be trimmed back to produce a clean
chain link fencing is often used to anchor single com- edge perpendicular to the shell. Expansion com-
ponent linings, less than 2 in. (50 mm) thick, com- pensating materials are not generally inserted into
posed of lightweight or medium weight refractory this type of joint. If a joint edge is allowed to stand
concrete and exposed to low to moderate mechanical for a prolonged period of time (more than 4 hr), it
stresses and/or service temperatures. should be thoroughly moistened before any new ma-
terial is applied. Single component linings up to 9 in. (230 mm)
thick. Normally, single component linings 2 in.
(50 mm) to 9 in. (230 mm) thick, composed entirely of Chapter 10 - Repair
lightweight, medium weight or normal weight re- 10.1 Introduction
fractory concrete, and exposed to moderate stresses
and service temperatures use metal anchors. Repair of refractory concrete should be considered
only when economics dictate that cost and downtime Single component linings greater than 9 in. do not justify complete replacement. Before under-
(230 mm) thick. Normal weight refractory concrete taking a repair, an effort should be made to deter-
linings, greater than 9 in. (230 mm) thick, utilize ei- mine the cause of the previous failure. If possible,
ther ceramic or metal anchors. The type of anchor the design and/or construction details should be
chosen will depend on the operating parameters. modified to reduce the possibility of a recurrence of Roofs. Two types of anchor systems, internal failure and to prolong service life between repairs.
and external, are used for single component roofs. Hot repair techniques are valuable for minimizing
The choice depends on roof thickness and on con- downtime and for extending an operating run until a
struction and design preferences. scheduled shutdown. Hot repairs are especially suit- Multicomponent linings. Multicomponent lin- able for temporary repairs of localized failures and
ings of 9 in. (230 mm) or less in thickness which are hot spots.
subjected to moderate service temperatures and me-
chanical stresses should employ metal anchors. 10.2 Failure mechanisms
Multicomponent linings of 9 in. (230 mm) or Some of the phenomena that can cause failure are:
greater thickness, composed of a combination of (1) Thermal stress and thermal shock; (2) Exposure
lightweight or medium weight refractory concrete as to excessive temperatures; (3) Mechanical loading;
back-up in conjunction with a normal weight refrac- (4) Erosion and abrasion: (5) Corrosive environments;
tory concrete, can use a combination of ceramic and (6) Anchorage failures and (7) Operational problems
metal anchors. or upsets.
With multicomponent shotcrete linings, the back-
up component is applied directly to the shell and 10.3 Surface preparation
provisions must be made either to protect the an- When the installation to be repaired is made of mor-
chor (metal or ceramic) from rebound build-up, or to tar or concrete, it is important to prepare the sur-
clean the anchor after placing of the back-up layer. face of the old material so that a mechanical bond
Rebound build-up can destroy the grip between the will be formed between it and the new refractory
heavy weight refractory concrete and the ceramic concrete. No significant chemical bond will be
anchor. formed, and adhesion of the repair material must de-
pend primarily on the mechanical bond. Preparation
of the surface requires removal of all deteriorated or
9.5 Reinforcement and metal embedment spalled materials and roughening of the exposed
The use of steel as a reinforcement should be sound surface of the old concrete. In all cases, the
avoided. In general, the metal will cause cracking chipping of old material must leave a flat base, and
due to the differential expansion, caused by temper- square shoulders approximately perpendicular to the
ature or oxidation, between the metal and concrete. hot face, completely around the perimeter of the re-
For the same reason heavy metal objects such as pair section. If this is done properly, there is no
bolts, pipes, etc. should never be embedded in re- need to chamfer the edges or provide fillets to walls
fractory concrete. and floors. Once initial removal of loose concrete has

been completed, the old refractory should be not. The latter utilize non-hydraulic and chemical
sounded with bars or hammers to make certain only binders (see Section 1.6.4). Since these materials are
sound material remains. intended for temporary repairs, they may not have
Areas that were not chipped should be thoroughly service life or properties equivalent to those in the
sandblasted to remove any traces of soot, grease, oil original lining.
or other substances that could interfere with the While field mixes can be used for hot gunning,
bond. Excess sand and loose debris must then be most applications use proprietary (prepackaged) ma-
blown from the surface with compressed air. Par- terials which are specially designed for specific con-
ticular care must be taken to remove any debris ditions of installation. Some manufacturers have de-
from around the anchors. signed special spray or gunning equipment and
maintenance programs to install their hot repair ma-
10.4 Anchoring and bonding terials on a planned basis.
If possible, patches should be anchored with a min-
imum of two anchors which should be solidly at-
tached to the shell. In cases where this is impossible, 10.6 Repair techniques
anchors should be solidly embedded in the old re- 10.6.2 Refractory concrete - When a refractory con-
fractory. Ceramic anchors should extend to the hot crete is selected to effect repairs, the type of place-
face of the new refractory concrete. Otherwise, ment procedure must insure that the full thickness
sheet spalling may occur. If metal anchors are used, of the repair section is installed in as short a time as
they should be brought as close as possible to the possible, preferably in a single lift.
hot face. The distance will depend on the metal- When refractory concrete is placed by the shot-
lurgy of the anchors and the thermal conductivity of crete method, certain precautions must be fol-
the concrete. lowed.35 The area being repaired must be delineated
Where anchors are not practical, or repairs are in advance so that the concrete can be shot to the
shallow, mechanical bonding will be aided by cutting full section depth or thickness before any layer de-
chases or keyways in a waffle pattern across the en- velops an initial set.
tire surface of the repair section and by slightly un- It is important that the refractory concrete be
dercutting the existing refractory. cured properly during the 24-hr period following
In certain limited applications, where other means placement (see Section 6.3). After the concrete has
are not available, the bond may be improved by pre- been moist-cured for 24 hr, drying and firing can be
coating the surface to be repaired with a bonding initiated (see Sections 6.4 and 6.5). Speeding up the
agent. When repairing refractory concrete with a moist-curing, drying and firing can result in a
similar cast-in-place material pre-wetting is required, marked reduction in the physical properties and life
and use of a neat calcium aluminate cement slurry of the repair.
may improve bonding. 10.6.3 Plastic and ramming mixes - A refractory
mortar coating may be used to improve bonding
10.5 Repair materials when repairing refractory concrete with a plastic or
A wide range of repair products is available for re- ramming mix. In order to achieve high density and
pairing refractory concrete. However, it is usually prevent laminations, it is recommended that plastic
best to use a material similar to that being repaired. refractories be installed by the pneumatic ramming
Refractory concrete is frequently used as a repair method using a steel wedge-type head. The basic
material and performs satisfactorily in many situa- pattern of ramming should be to build up layers of
tions. Among the other available repair materials plastic on top of the backing wall. The plastic is
are the following: placed in strips and laid at right angles to the forms.
1. Air setting mortars; It is important to angle the pneumatic rammer so
2. Phosphate-bonded and clay-based heat-setting that the strips are driven against the form, and side-
mortars; ways against the previously installed material. The
3. Steel-fiber reinforced refractory concrete; repaired area should be trimmed to a rough surface
(Steel-fiber reinforced refractory concrete will gener- for more uniform drying.
ally exhibit superior resistance to cracking and abra- Moisture escape holes should be made by inserting
sion. However, the fibers will not perform well if the a 1/8 in. (3 mm) diameter pointed rod, approx-
temperatures to which they are exposed induce oxi- imately two-thirds of the depth of the material, on
dation. If the conditions are such that the fiber-rein- approximately 6 in. (150 mm) centers. In order to
forced system is above the oxidizing, but below the prevent formation of an outer skin, which can seal in
melting temperature of the particular fibers being moisture, a short period of forced drying of air-set-
used, it is possible that they may still be utilized, de- ting plastic refractories is desirable. Excessive tem-
pending on the temperature gradient through the perature or direct flame impingement, which will
concrete, the furnace atmosphere, the permeability seal the surface and prevent escape of moisture,
of the concrete, the severity and frequency of tem- must be avoided.
perature cycles, the exposure time at maximum tem- The following heat-curing procedure has been
perature, and the mechanical loading.) found to give good results with plastic and ramming
4. Plastic refractories and ramming mixes; and mixes: Remove all free moisture at a temperature of
5. Hot repair materials. Some of the repair mate- not over 250 F (120 C). Following removal of free
rials used for hot patching contain calcium aluminate and absorbed moisture, raise the temperature at a
cement as the principal binder, however, most do rate of 75-100 F (42-56 C) /hr until the desired oper-
ating temperature is reached. If steam is observed (a) Iron and steel
during heat-up, hold the present temperature until it (b)lNon-ferrous metal
stops. (c)lPetrochemical
Whenever possible, repairs using plastic mixes (d)lCeramic processing
should be carried out immediately prior to heat-up. (e)lGlass
A properly burned-in plastic will exhibit less crack- (f) Steam power generation
ing than a plastic exposed to lengthy air drying. (g) Aerospace
10.6.4 Steel-fiber reinforced refractory concrete (h)lNuclear Cast-in-place mixes. A problem with steel fi- (i) Gas production
bers is their tendency to “ball-up”. Clusters of fibers (j) MHD power generation
can be broken up by hand feeding or shaking of the (k) Lightweight aggregate
sieve before addition to the concrete mix. In some (l) Incinerator
cases, vibration will tighten up the fiber clusters and (m) Cement and lime
it is not a recommended method of fiber dispersal.
The addition of steel fibers tends to reduce the
workability of the mix. Normally, this can be over- Chapter 12 -New development and future use
come by internal or external vibration. Use of addi- of refractory concrete
tional water is not recommended since this will de- 12.1 Introduction
grade cured strength and increase the porosity. Shotcrete mixes. Steel fiber reinforced re- Traditionally, developments in the refractories in-
fractory concretes can be shot into place by either dustry have been closely related to the process in-
the wet or dry process. Fiber lengths approaching dustries, the primary customers for the product.
the internal diameter of the material hose or nozzle In recent years, there have been marked changes
can be shot successfully. Because rebound of the fi- in the production and use of refractories. A number
bers can be dangerous, the nozzleman and support of factors have contributed to these changes includ-
crew should wear protective clothing when dry ing:
shooting with steel fibers. (a) development of new and improved industrial
10.6.5 Hot repair procedures - Hot repair pro- processes,
cedures are based on standard shotcreting tech- (b) demand for higher temperatures and increased
nology. However, because of the high temperatures, production rates associated with the above devel-
certain differences are necessary. Compared to nor- opments,
mal shotcreting, the high temperatures require a (c) improvement in the quality of refractory prod-
specially designed nozzle and an excessive amount of ucts and increased use of different types of refrac-
water in the mix in order to insure proper delivery, tories, especially the monolithic castables and,
impingement, compaction, and material retention. (d) increased technical knowledge of the service
Hot shotcreting requires that the nozzleman and a behavior of refractory materials.
helper stand outside the furnace and manually or With these technological advancements, in-
mechanically manipulate an extended nozzle or vestigations into the use of refractory concretes for
“lance” within the furnace. Special ports or openings special applications is increasing. Typical of these
must be provided in the furnace for proper access. new and proposed applications are incinerators, coal
The length, size, and design of the nozzle depends on gasification plants, chemical process plants, steel
the furnace configuration, temperature, and type of plants, and foundries.
In general, the best bonds are achieved when the 12.2 New developments
vessel interior is a red or orange color (1500-1700 F 12.2.1 Steel fibers187,188,189,191 - The following poten-
(815-925 C)]. The refractory concrete repair must be tial advantages are offered by the use of steel-fiber
allowed to heat-cure prior to placing the unit back in reinforcement in monolithic construction:
service. The length of time to accomplish this, al- (a) improved flexural strength at ambient and ele-
though usually brief, will depend on the temperature vated temperatures,
at the time of repair, the type of material used for (b) improved thermal and mechanical stress resis-
the repair, and the thickness of the installed mate- tance,
rial. (c) improved thermal shock resistance,
(d) improved spall resistance, and
Chapter 11- Applications (e) improved load-carrying ability.
However, degradation of the steel fibers at high
11.1 Introduction temperature can occur under service conditions and,
Refractory concretes are currently used in a wide therefore, limit the full potential of these materials.
variety of industrial applications where pyroprocess- Note: See References 197 through 205.
ing or thermal containment is required. Because 12.2.2 Shotcrete - The use of shotcrete for new re-
there are literally hundreds of refractory concretes fractory construction and for repairs is a rapidly
available, it is impossible to discuss every composi- growing field and successful results have been
tion and its application. Accordingly, only the more achieved in many applications.
important applications, where refractory concretes 12.2.3 Precast shapes - Increasingly, precast shapes
have been used successfully, are reviewed. Included are being used for special conditions and this trend
in the review are the following industries: will continue.

12.3 Research requirements 46. Vaughn, S. H., Jr., “Guidelines for Selection of Mon-
Unfortunately, selection and use of refractory con- olithic Refractory Anchoring Systems,” Iron and Steel En-
cretes is still considered an art and, with a few ex- gineer, May 1972, p. 64.
187. Lankard, D. R., and Sheets, H. D., “Use of Steel
ceptions, the properties of refractory concretes are
Wire Fibers in Refractory Castables,” American Ceramic
not utilized in rational design schemes. In many in-
Society Bulletin, V. 50, No. 5, 1971, pp. 497500.
stances, the wrong properties are being measured or
188. Lankard, D. R.; Bundy, G. B.; and Sheets, H. D.,
the available data are not being used correctly.
“Strengthening Refractory Concrete,” Industrial Process
Future research efforts should be directed to-
Heating (London), V. 13, No. 3, Mar. 1973. pp. 34-47.
wards obtaining a better understanding of the be-
189. Lankard, D. R., “Steel Fiber Reinforced Refractory
havior of refractory concretes under service condi-
Concrete,” Refractory Concrete, SP-57, American Concrete
tions. Increased emphasis will be placed on elevated
Institute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 241-263.
temperature properties and how they are influenced
191. Fowler, T. J., “Lessons Learned from Refractory
by such factors as proportioning, grading and compo Concrete Failures,” Refractory Concrete, SP-57, American
Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 283-303.
Areas of needed research include the following: 195. Tseung, A. L. L., and Carruthers, T. G., ‘Refrac-
(a) Dimensional stability tory Concretes Based on Pure Calcium Aluminate Ce-
(b) Chemical attack
ments,” Transactions, British Ceramic Society (London), V.
(c) Mechanical properties 62, 1963, pp. 305-321.
(d) Property measurements and tests 197. Peterson, J. R., and Vaughan, F. H., “Metal Fiber
(e) Process conditions Reinforced Refractory for Petroleum Refinery Applica-
(f) Rational design procedures tions,” Paper No. 51, Presented at Corrosion/80, National
Association of Corrosion Engineers, Pittsburgh, 1980.
References 198. Crowley, M. S., “Steel Fiber in Refractory Applica-
1. ACI Committee 116, Cement and Concrete Terminol- tions,” Paper No. MC-81-5. National Petroleum Refiners
Association Refinery and Petrochemical Maintenance Con-
ogy, SP-19, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1967, ference, Pittsburgh, 1981.
146 pp. 199. Venable, C. R., Jr., “Refractory Requirements for
2. Van Schoeck, Emily C., Editor, Ceramic Glossary, Ammonia Plants,” American Ceramic Society Bulletin, V.
American Ceramic Society, Columbus, 1963. 48, No. 12, 1969, pp 1114-1117.
3. Norton, F. H., Refractories, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill 200. Farris, R. E., “Refractory Concrete: Installation
Book Company, New York, 1968, 782 pp. Problems and Their Identification,” 18th Annual Sympo-
5. Robson, T. D., High Alumina Cements and Concretes, sium on Refractories-Changes in Refractory Technol-
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1962, 263 pp. ogy-In Place Forming, American Ceramic Society, St.
20. Chatterji, S., and Jeffry, J. W., “Microstructure of Louis Section, The Engineers Club, Mar. 12, 1982.
Set High-Alumina Cement Pastes,” Transactions, British 201. MacZura, G.; Hart, L. D.; Heilich, R. P.; and Ko-
panda, J. E., “Refractory Cements,” Ceramic Engineers
Ceramic Society (London), V. 67, May 1968, pp. 171-183. and Science Proc.-Raw Materials for Refractories Con-
21. Midgley, H. G., “The Mineralogy of Set High-Alu- ference, (4) 1-2, 1983, pp. 46-67.
mina Cement,” Transactions, British Ceramic Society (Lon- 202. “Standard Recommended Practices for Determin-
don), 1966, pp. 161-187. ing Consistency of Refractory Concretes,” (ASTM C 860-
22. Wygant, J. F., “Cementitious Bonding in Ceramic 77), 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17.
Fabrication,” Ceramic Fabrication Processes, W. D. King American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
ery, Editor, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1958, pp. pp. 932-937.
171-198. 203. “Standard Recommended Practice for Preparing
34. Givan, G. V.; Hart, L. D.; Heilich, R. P.; and Mac- Refractory Concrete Specimens by Casting, (ASTM C 862-
Zura, G., “Curing and Firing High Purity Calcium Alumi- 77), 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17,
nate Bonded Tabular Alumina Castables,” American Ce- American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
ramic Society Bulletin, V. 54, No. 8, 1975, pp. 710-713. pp. 940-946.
35. Shotcreting, SP-14, American Concrete Institute, De- 204. “Standard Recommended Practice for Firing Re-
fractory Concrete Specimens,” (ASTM C 865-77) 1982 An-
troit, 1966, 223 pp. nual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17, American Society
41. Wygant, J. F., and Crowley, M. S., “Designing Mon- for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 949-951.
olithic Refractory Vessel Linings,” American Ceramic So- 205. “Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Con-
ciety Bulletin, V. 3, No. 3, 1964, pp. 173-182. crete Specimens by Cold Gunning,” (ASTM C 903-79) 1982
44. Crowley, M. S., “Failure Mechanism of Two-Com- Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17, American So-
ponent Lining for Flue-Gas Dust,” American Ceramic So- ciety for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 978-979.
ciety Bulletin, V. 47, No. 5, 1968, pp. 481-483. The complete report was submitted to letter ballot of the com-
45. Crowley, M. S., “Metal Anchors for Refractory Con- mittee which consisted of 16 members; 16 members returned af-
cretes,” American Ceramic Society Bulletin, V. 45, No. 7, firmative ballots.
1966, pp. 650-652. The preceding report was a summary. The complete report will
be available in May as a separate publication.

ACI Committee 547

Refractory Concrete

I. Leon Glassgold Timothy J. Fowler Joseph Heneghan

Chairman Editor Secretary
Henry E. Anthonis Sidney Diamond William S. Netter
Seymour A. Bortz William A. Drudy Richard C. Olson
William E. Boyd Joseph E. Kopanda William C. Raisbeck
Khushi R. Chugh Svein Kopfelt Richard L. Shultz
David R. Lankard

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