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During the great war in heaven, seven entities battled against seven entities, and before their
fall, these seven entities stole a sacred treasure from heaven that holds the key in restoring
balance between the realms. Chaos broke out of its imprisonment causing havoc in heaven and
hell, making it way to earth. But before chaos could devour the heavenly realm, the supreme
rulers sent the remaining seven entities known as the seven virtues to bring back what was
stolen by the seven entities.

These seven entities were casted out of heaven as they wandered into the physical world to
forever learn from there treason until they find redemption into the holy paradise. And these
seven entities were known as the seven deadly sins.
Chapter One

Fallen Angels

In the dead of night, somewhere in Los Angeles sprung forth immense bright light from the
skies producing a meteor shower, hitting the atmosphere and creating a massive shockwave
that devastated its entire surroundings. Rising from the burning ash were the seven deadly sins,
each one with a mark placed on them representing their sins.

They made their way, naked, into the city. Amongst them were four boys and three girls. Some
onlookers stared at them, while others gave way, and some recorded with their smartphones.
Suddenly, a group of gangsters approached them, being enticed by the female nakedness. The
gangsters stupidly approached one of them and as one started touching her boobs, he was
tossed aside with impact, shattering a kiosk beside him, breaking his back and bleeding out.

The rest of the group members then charged ferociously to attack the sins but were confronted
by a female sin, who singlehandedly defeated the thugs. Just then, the police arrived to the
scene, but most thugs were able to escape, so few were arrested.

The sins stood calmly without struggle, taking in their surroundings as they were approached by
a female officer, assisted by a male officer who couldn't believe his eyes and was staring directly
at the naked girls.

Focus, officer, said his female superior, ordering her comrades to bring in sheets to cover the
sins’ nakedness as they were taken to the station for questioning.

Meanwhile at the station, police began interrogating the sins individually, asking their
whereabouts and where they're from. Without being able to detect their location, identity and
nationality in getting information about them as they kept repeating individually that they're
from a higher dimension known as the heavenly realm.

The captain demanded an answer. She suspected they were just teenagers trying to play pranks
on them. But their dangerous stunts had caused a massive shockwave that leveled the entire
vicinity with ease. She didn’t have proof, but she believed they’d caused it.

The officer began investigating the premises where the seven deadly sins emerged. The burning
ash still remained fresh, covered in tiny flaming particles. During their investigation, the burning
ash began reoccurring and transforming into a thick cloud of smoke that burst through the
atmosphere, landing on some of the officers as dark particles took over their bodies turning
them into strange horrific monsters. Other officers began shooting at it, but it had no effect
until chaos revealed itself as it made its exit wandering into the unknown. The officers fought
against their possessed comrades. One of them tried to kill the other but was saved by another
being who killed it, then stood before him in great luminous light, revealing herself to be the
leader of the seven virtues. Their comrades saved the officers from their possessed victims.

Giving him a hand as he stood up, the leader of the seven virtues introduced herself to the
officers, telling them that they had come to save humanity from the chaos itself who is in
search of the seven deadly sins. At one point, the officer became confused and lost to their
explanations asking them if the government authorized this testing some biochemical weapon
of some kind.

Meanwhile, an officer noticed a mark on one of the seven virtues’ neck, the one who had
introduced herself earlier as Ariel, the virtue of diligence. On her she bore the mark of the
unicorn virtue.

The leader of the seven virtues explained that they are in search of a powerful sacred treasure
capable of defeating the monster known as chaos and if not found, that the entire human race
would cease to exist.

Meanwhile in a nearby neighborhood, lived a certain man who once believed in an ancient
story told by his parents as a kid about the coming of fourteen deities fused together in
stopping a bloodthirsty demon and saving humanity.

Mr. Pinyin, who happened to live not far from the city with his only daughter Chi-Chi, had seen
the news on TV about the strangers from out of town. He was into collecting and studying
magical artifacts. The news spread like wild fire as everyone began complaining about the
mysterious presence in the city.

With the presence of the seven virtues in town, they began their search for the seven deadly
sins and the sacred treasure.

Reports came to the chief officer about the death of their comrades during an investigation
informing them about the dangers they encountered. The sins heard their conversation, and
one of the sins in rage demanded for their release. The officers in charge asked them if they
knew any information concerning the situation. Among the survivors of the officers who
witnessed the death of their comrades, one spotted some markings on the sins and secretly
went to Inform his commander.

Just as allegations were forced on them, Mr. Pinyin walked into the station to make a report
about missing persons who he boastfully claimed to be his relations. The officers took him to a
special room where the prisoners could not hear or see the face of their interrogator, asking
him to identify the missing persons, pointing out to the seven deadly sins. The officers were in
shock, doubting Mr. Pinyin's statement to be true as he was told to name at least three of their
names before they could release them. With the sins’ angelic powers, they were able to hear
his thoughts as they instilled their names into the minds of Mr. Pinyin. He called out their
names, and not just three, but all seven of them which are Samsaveel, Azriel, Ertael, Metatron,
Azazyel, Toumiel, and Touriel. In shock the officers doubted and laughed at Mr. Pinyin, then the
chief officer then called them by the same names Mr. Pinyin had called them. The officers were

Before the officers could let them go, he told them that he'd keep an eye on them. There was
no physical proof to link them to the damage done in Los Angeles. The elderly man then took
them to his home, introducing them to his beautiful daughter Chi-Chi who, in an instant, fell in
love with one of the sins, the sin of sloth. Mr. Pinyin then asked how he was able to know their
names and how they were able to communicate telepathically. One of the sins replied, saying
it's one of their specialties, as easy as child's play.

Later that night, great fog covered the entire city infecting anyone in sight. The sins could feel
its power; "this must be the dark powers of Chaos", Metatron said. "Its plague is contagious to
humans, transforming them into demonic creatures with immense dark potentials". As they
discussed, one of the sins recalled what the officer said concerning chaos and the arrival of the
seven virtues.

"The seven virtues, isn't that your counterparts", Mr. Pinyin asked. "An ancient prophecy
foretold that fourteen divine deities will fuse together in stopping the demonic God called
chaos". They all looked surprised when Mr. Pinyin mentioned about the evil god chaos.
Revealing to them an ancient book of spells containing transcriptions, inscription and
prophecies, they found Mr. Pinyin interesting to be with, seeing that one has faith in humanity’s
survival, but one of the sins wasn't happy about this at all, for being a fugitive of the heavenly
realm, so he walked out in rage to take fresh air.

Their leader then insisted that they stay hidden and avoid an unwanted attraction to prevent
the virtues and chaos from locating them or else they could start another war here on earth.

The next day, the city of Los Angeles became devastated and extremely quiet as the people
looked around curiously and in shock to what had happened to their city. Just then a liquid
substance began coming out of each sewer line and wrapped around those who were unable to
find shelter. Absorbing the life force of individuals, it became a ginormous horrifying mud like
creature burning in flames as it caused havoc in the city. Explosions occurred, alerting the sins
who watched from afar the terror happening in the city. The police came but could not
overpower the situation. The city was in a ruined state and when all hope seemed lost, the
seven virtues came to the rescue battling with the demon who then split itself into minions as it
regained its humongous size and shape.
The virtues battled earnestly against the demons, one aiming towards the ginormous horrifying
monster. He was struck aside with great impact, crushing against a building as it collapsed on
top of him. While defeating the minions, the demon then created a massive energy blast ready
to make waste of the entire city, but one of the virtues who wasn't amongst the fight watched,
taking notice of the monster, observing it before landing a fatal strike which caused the demon
to explode massively with its own attack used on itself.

The city now free from the terror of the demon and his cohort, one of the virtues used his
sword, waving it around the city, causing the citizens to lose their memories of the event that
occurred, instilling in them to be an earthquake distance. The sins remained hidden until
further notice.

Meanwhile back at Mr. Pinyin's apartment, where the sins now lived, Chi-Chi (who had a crush
on one of the seven deadly sins, the sin of sloth whose name was Samsaveel, a leader of the
seven deadly sins) began asking some questions about their arrival and if he'd ever missed his

Samsaveel began telling her of their history and how they got to there. He went on telling her
about the seven virtues and their hierarchy, stating that they were misunderstood by their
creators and were only trying to prevent the inevitable from happening. Chi-Chi, curious, then
asked what the inevitable meant that they were trying to prevent; he went on further telling
Chi-Chi that not all sins were aware of his plans because they might get in the way, although
they were all siblings, most of them would get in the way of his perfect plans. During their
discussion, Ertael, the sin of greed, the fox sin, listened to their conversation secretly after
Samsaveel had explained the both hierarchies of the virtues and sins which are listed below.

The seven deadly sins are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 deadly sins: Sloth, Pride, Greed,
Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Wrath.

1) (Boy)Samsaveel: sin of SLOTH (the counterpart to the virtue modest

slothail= sloth and snail sin) and second in command to the
counterpart to the virtue diligence seven deadly sins
and leader to the seven deadly sins 3) (Boy) Ertael: sin of GREED (the fox
who is also known to inflict laziness sin) counterpart to the virtue
upon the children of disobedience generosity and members of the
2) (Girl)Azriel: sin of PRIDE (the seven deadly sins who is sometimes
liopeak= peacock and lion sin) not to be trusted.
4) (Boy) Metatron: sin of GLUTTONY 6) (Girl)Toumiel: sin of LUST (the goat
(the pig sin) counterpart to the sin) counterpart to the virtue
virtue temperance chastity
5) (Boy) Azazyel: sin of ENVY (the snake 7) (Girl)Touriel: sin of WRATH (the
sin) counterpart to the virtue dragon sin) counterpart to the virtue
kindness patience

The seven virtues are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 virtues: Diligence, Modesty,

Generosity, Temperance, Kindness, Chastity, Patience.

1) (Girl)Ariel: Virtue of DILIGENCE (the 5) (Boy) Kokabiel: virtue of KINDNESS

unicorn virtue) and leader of the (the dolphin virtue) counterpart to
seven virtues, counterpart to the sin the sin envy. He's known to infect
of sloth others with his kindness if there is
2) (Boy) Michael: virtue of MODESTY rage among them.
(the phoenix virtue) counterpart to 6) (Girl)Uriel: virtue OF CHASTITY (the
the sin pride and second in rabbit virtue) counterpart to the sin
command to the seven virtues lust
3) (Boy) Raphael: virtue of GENEROSITY 7) (Girl)Yomyael: virtue of PATIENCE
(the lamb virtue) counterpart to the (the dove virtue) counterpart to the
sin greed sin wrath
4) (Boy) Gabriel: virtue of
TEMPERANCE (the eagle virtue)
counterpart to the sin gluttony

Samsaveel also made mention about the ten commandments who are said to be the ultimate
judge of creation and added that with the sacred treasure stolen from the heavenly realm of
which he'd not deny holds the key in balancing creation, but in the wrong hands it will be the
end of all existence including the supreme rulers. He told her that if the commandments were
ever to wake up from their slumber, they would bring judgement to the earth without any
cause of reasoning.

Chi-Chi found out that the explanation given doesn't require them to steal the sacred treasure
from heaven, but he went further telling Chi-Chi that it wasn't because they stole it for their
personal gain, but it was because the archangels wanted to overthrow the rulers, thereby
releasing chaos from its imprisonment and ending all existence, saying that the rulers took it
upon them as they were condemned and banished from heaven.

Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, the archangels who had formed allegiance with chaos
prepared the rest of the heavenly host to battle against the seven deadly sins as they prepared
their chariots waiting for the signal to be given by chaos.

The seven virtues began their search for the sins unable to track them down. Kokabiel, the
virtue of kindness, was able to shapeshift into one of the officers as he made his way into the
station, being able to perceive previous events like visions. He then asked for the files of the
sins and their whereabouts. Getting the information he needed, he informed the others as they
made their journey towards the sins’ location.

Meanwhile, Mr. Pinyin and some sins who accompanied him went on an errand, leaving others
of the sins with Chi-Chi who was outside on the rooftop assisted by Touriel drying some clothes
when the virtues arrived. Their connections grow stronger and they were able to identify the
sins by their immense auras. Just then, the markings began to glow on each and every one of
the sins and virtues. Seeing one of the sins, Kokabiel quickly attacked his counterpart who was
able to dodge his attack. Toumiel came in to assist. She was also encountered by her
counterpart as they battled.

Meanwhile, the Yomyael, the counterpart of Touriel, located her as they battled while telling
Chi-Chi to take cover. But the leader of the virtues wasn't pleased as to see the three sins who
were overpowered by the virtues demanding that they surrender what was stolen. In rage,
Touriel broke free of her bond as she tried attacking the leader of the virtues but was stopped
by an immense blast from the leader of the virtues that sent her flying to a nearby building,
shattering it as she fell to the ground and passed out.

She kept demanding that they return what was stolen as they threatened the human's life. One
of the sins then told Ariel to piss off, which angered the leader, who then displayed her power
on the girl saying she would end her in an instant. She released the energy which was aimed at
her but was averted by the leader of the sins as Chi-Chi was rescued by Azriel who ordered her
and Mr. Pinyin to get as far as they can from the premises.

With just a hand swing from the leader of the sins, their chains were broken, freeing them. He
told his counterpart that they were on a wrong path and had been brainwashed by the
supreme rulers, blindly following orders that will end the fate of humanity.

The leader refused to believing the truth, jumping into action with her counterpart, clashing
and causing a massive shockwave that devastated the entire surroundings. The sins then faced
off against each other. Their battle was fought tremendously, but the sins took caution of
human welfare. The leader of the virtues demanded that with the sacred treasure, they would
be the one to save humanity from chaos and from the sins as judgement will be passed on
them as well.

They fought, shattering the cities as well. The sins who fought with their counterparts were still
able in some ways to prevent collateral damage upon the citizens.

During their battle, a massive dark cloud hovered above the entire city and began producing
tremendous lightning bolts that struck randomly, destroying buildings and cars. At the same
time, a young girl who was lost from her parents began crying as a direct lightning was heading
towards her, but she was saved by one of the sins. Most virtues saw this with their own eyes,
and began wondering if they're on the right path fighting for the same course. But the leader of
the virtues insisted that one good over a human life isn't compared to what's about to become
of their world.

The lightning began striking tremendously, hitting everything it touched, vaporizing it. Just then
above the hovering clouds, a ginormous horrifying face was formed. The face opened up its
large mouth and began raining hailstones and sulphur. The sins and the virtues then formed an
alliance in battling this terrifying monster sent by chaos, revealing itself to be a walking
disastrous cloud that controls the elements.
Chapter Two

A good fight for course

The demonic monster cloud that controlled the elements of nature battled furiously with the
angels and with most of the cities having been destroyed, many lives were lost. The sins,
alongside the virtues, battled against the monster who singlehandedly defeated them, but they
were unable to lay a single strike on it, so the leader of the sins suggested with the leader of the
virtues to combine their powers in other to take the monster down. At first, she thought he was
referring to the unforgivable sin, which is a forbidden technique used by either of the sins and

With the combined strength and might together with their divine potentials, both leaders’
forces were able to defeat the demon monster cloud. After they had defeated it, the seven
virtues stood in one accord, according to the ways they faced their counterparts as both leaders
stood in front.

"You know it's already begun, we can end all this", said Samsaveel. "But we need to put our
differences aside in other to save humanity".

"Yes! Well, as long as you surrender what was stolen from the heavens", Ariel replied. "I'm
devoted and dedicated to my work as a virtue of diligence to the heavenly realm".

They got in an argument that would resolve to another battle, but the leader of the sins made a
promise that he would later come to fulfil if all this was ever settled. Being in an understandable
situation on both sides, the sins and the virtues shook hands in terms of agreement for now.

However, not all sins were in good terms with the agreement. Ertael disagreed within his own
thoughts. The virtues departed, leaving the sins for now, but keeping an eye on them.

The city was saved for now. It was being watched by chaos from above as it monitored their

Meanwhile, when the sins arrived at Mr. Pinyin's apartment that had been destroyed during
their battle, Azriel used her divine potentials to repair the damage to their apartment,
refurnishing it and making it look better than before. Mr. Pinyin was so grateful for her help as
she boastfully replied "not to mention, it was pretty easy anyway".
They all got in, had a wonderful time, and ate dinner prepared by Chi-Chi, who then went to
meet Samsaveel who was at the rooftop resting.

"Samsaveel...", Chi-Chi said having that look of affection on her face. As she looked up to him,
who doesn't even regard her presence or absence, she then called out to him three times but
no response and as about leaving she saw him close to her, giving her a lovely smile.

"I’m sorry for the way I reacted earlier", Samsaveel said. "I’m not used to socializing with
people, unless it's called for". As he puts his hand on her shoulder, telling her that he'd make an
exception for her if necessary. They both talked up in the rooftop. Chi-Chi couldn't hide her
feelings towards Samsaveel. Revealing her emotions towards him, she felt she had completely
lost it and regretted the way she'd expressed her emotions to someone she barely knew.

He took her hand as he kissed her deeply in a romantic way at the dawn of twilight as they were
being secretly watched by Azazyel.

Three weeks earlier, in Los Angeles, California. In the middle of town where everyone was
about doing their business, a strange looking wretched man walked pass by, infecting every
citizen he encountered with something like a plague, which consumed their physical forms,
turning them into horrifying creatures. Their faces turned pale and their flesh began to peel,
revealing their internal organs. These monstrous beings began attacking the city.

The sins became aware of the plague raging rampant. To their notice, this was not just any
plague, but a curse from the ten commandments upon the earth by chaos. Just then, the sky
turned dark. The sun and moon could both be seen with the stars of the heavenly bodies and
the earth began to crumble, causing a massive earthquake that disrupted every electrical
device globally.

Meanwhile, the virtues were aware of the situation at hand. They arrived at the scene and
could not believe what had happened. The sun burst into immense light greater than a
supernova, causing almost everyone to go blind. With the sun no more in existence, darkness
covered the entire world and not a single power surge could produce light. While meeting with
the sins, the virtues began glowing in bright light but even this was not enough to illuminate the
entire world, though it did illuminate Los Angeles.

The leader of the virtues then told the leader of the sins that the situation was beyond them at
their current level and that they needed the sacred treasure to be restored to its normal state,
but Samsaveel disagreed, saying that's what chaos wants in order to achieve its goal.

While in the middle of their discussion, deciding on what to do next, a great terrifying presence
was felt that shook the earth in great disturbance as ginormous horrifying creatures began
approaching out of nowhere, causing havoc. An immense red glowing light shone around the
entire city, revealing their numbers in legions. The demons began battling with the sins and
virtues furiously, as if they'd come for something important.

The demons were evenly matched with the angels, and their powers rose with every encounter.
They fought earnestly, devastating the surroundings within; both angels combined their attacks
and were able to take down a few legions of demons, but their numbers kept increasing. And in
a blink of an eye, an immense powerful wave was aimed at one of the virtues who had been
saved by a sin who took his place, dying in the process and bursting into a great white light that
tore a hole in the sky.

With the death of Azazyel, Touriel rushed into action as she charged towards an unknown
demon who seemed to be powering up with the rest of his cohorts as it drew powers from
them, but was sent backwards flying against a building by another presence known to be
Demorang, a powerful demon created by chaos to end the angels. When all seemed lost, the
archangel appeared, fully armed and ready to consume anything in sight.

The archangels did fight against the demons, but to their surprise, they were corrupted as
things weren’t in favor of the demons. Pretelze, one of the archangels, then said to the sins and
virtues that they had conquered chaos as well as absorbing the commandments within them,
making them an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. With most of the demons defeated,
others surrendered to the new rulers of creation.

Gamaliel, an archangel, then offered a chance of redemption to the angels, telling the sins to
give back what was stolen from heaven. With furious rage in their eyes like a fervent heat, their
presence alone shook the earth, but Samsaveel refused, telling them that they had no right
over creation. Shemêhaza, who then used her manipulative potential on Samsaveel's
counterpart, insisted that they surrender it or she would kill her, but she informed them that
they are unable to stop them, not even with the powers of the unforgivable sin. She went on
telling them that it requires the full presence of divinity and abomination at once to complete
their rituals as it had already led to the death of a sin which is likely irreversible.

Without hesitation, Samsaveel revealed the sacred treasure for the archangels to see as he
walked towards Yehadiel, the leader of the archangels, believing he would receive the powers
of creation as their comrades watched. Samsaveel then demanded that they resurrect his dead
comrade and free his counterpart as he handed the sacred treasure to the archangels. With his
wish being fulfilled, Ariel gave the order as the virtues and sins gathered together in one accord
as the virtues were all absorbed by Ariel and the sins were absorbed by Samsaveel. The rituals
and transformation took place in an instant as both leaders emerged into one being of pure
light known as the unforgivable sin.
The archangels were impressed as well as mocking their transformation to scorn, showing them
what true transformation really was with the sacred treasure at their disposal. Their battle
wiped out all of humanity with a single swing. They battled tremendously as both went all out,
the archangels who emerged into one being were now known as chaotic commandments of
divine chaos. Each clashing attack shook the fabric of existence into nothingness as they battled
on earth. Getting hold of the unforgivable sin slamming their face to depths of the earth, divine
chaos began increasing in size that could cover the heavens as it swung its sword, causing
tremendous earthquakes and hurricanes, changing the atmosphere in great disaster. They
mocked the powers of their transformation as they kept on saying they were no match for their
unfathomable strength.
Chapter Three

Tales of legends part 1

An immense aura began emitting from the earth's core, charging its way towards divine chaos,
ready to unleash all hell at once that would vanquish creation out of existence. With the
immense powers of divine chaos, the unforgivable sin was no match to put an end to their
battle as they regained control and thought within themselves as they split apart, with all hands
on deck they decided to work together to give it everything they had.

They began battling against divine chaos, now fully prepared to launch his final attack. Azriel,
the sin of pride, then launched her most powerful divine energy on divine chaos who barely had
a single scratch on him, creating an immense roar that sent the angels flying in an opposite

Kokabiel and Uriel, assisted by Gabriel, charged towards divine chaos who launched his final
attack on the angels. With the three working together, they created a divine shield, protecting
the others from the blast, creating a path for Michael who boosted Yomyael as she flew
towards the divine chaos only to be caught up by it but was assisted by Touriel who then cut off
its hand. Yomyael, being on top of the ginormous being, tried to subdue the monster but was
blown apart into million piece by its dark potentials.

Divine Chaos became more enraged as it drew out the sacred treasure only to extend its size
and powers as he dipped it into the earth's core ending all life in the universe. Michael suddenly
awoke from his slumber only to find out it was all a nightmare that seemed real. He was
relieved to find himself and his comrades with the sins in the accommodation of Mr. Pinyins'.

"How did we all get here", asked Michael, confused.

The leader of the virtues told him that they had reasoned and resolved their issues for now
after the previous incident and were welcomed to live with the Pinyins. Further telling him that
during the battle he was unconscious for days and needed to regain his strength, as Mr. Pinyin
then walked in passing an important message to the angels.

"The officers who met with the sheriff to investigate on the incident that occurred a few weeks
ago discovered a deep hole, more like a tunnel, right beneath Los Angeles, California,” he said.
The sheriff says an intense vibration seems to be happening right now as government agencies
are been involved in the matter".
"It could be something else, papa", Chi-Chi said. She recalled over the past few years that the
Americans wanted to develop this town and her people living within the rural areas.

But Michael, who seemed troubled about the visions he had, instantly called them to his
attention, revealing all what he had seen. Both leaders of the team took that to heart as Ariel
insisted that the archangels had nothing to do with this and in fact they were also searching for
the sacred treasure and would not hesitate to send backup if things eventually got out of hand.
But the leader of the sins kept on saying that the archangels were not to be trusted as he
reminded her of the previous event that had happened in heaven, but Ariel neglected it, as she
had faith in the archangels believing that they are holier than the sins and would do anything
within their powers to protect the divine realm.

Somewhere in the heavenly realm, the leader of the archangels discovered another sacred
treasure of the supreme rulers that was hidden away from the divine realm itself. Holding onto
it, he could see the past, present and future. It began glowing in bright light, harnessing the
powers within him as it granted him unfathomable omniscience that not chaos nor the ten
commandments were aware of as he sat on the throne of the supreme rulers. With such
immense potential, he was able to subdue his comrades, who bowed and worshipped him.
Meanwhile, right under Los Angeles, where the deep hole was discovered, forensic scientists
investigating it discovered an ocean of boiling lava.

"My God! I have never seen anything like this", said one of the coworkers. "It's like another
world underneath".

Terrified of what they saw that wasn't natural to the laws of physics or nature, they were
scared of going deeper, but some of the coworkers who wanted to investigate more decided to
go with their team leader after signing an undertaking as they went on.

Their information was kept classified to the public. Two months passed, during which there
were no crises that occurred. The sins and virtues did work together, but Ertael, who wasn't
satisfied with his desire, had other plans at hand as he made his exit to a place where he could
strategize his next move. There, he wandered about as he was being watched by Yehadiel, the
leader of the archangels from the divine realm.

Yehadiel appeared to Ertael, who struck a deal with him. Seeing his greedy desires for the same
course, he offered Ertael eternal godhood if he was able to deliver to him the sacred treasure
stolen from heaven.

Lately, within the deep tunnel which the remaining forensic scientists were investigating, was
discovered a purple glowing glob hung on a burning tree. Out of curiosity, the scientists took it,
not knowing its origin. Suddenly, it burst, splattering all over them. The rest of the workers who
weren't affected by the glob began hearing strange voices everywhere as those who were
infected began transforming. The transformed began attacking the rest of their colleagues,
devouring them alive.

They became hideous monsters as they made their way into the city, causing havoc and
inflicting chaos and disaster. The news spread like wildfire to everyone as the angels were all
notified. They began increasing in numbers as many citizens were infected by the hideous
monsters as they produced acidic vomit and spit fire. Each monster was able to control the
elements of nature. And just in time, the angels arrived at scene only for the sins to stay behind
with the Pinyins as the leader of virtues instructed, given that if their help was ever needed,
she'd notify them. For now, she wouldn't want the sins to get involved. As they departed,
Michael told Ariel that it was not her true intention to make the sins stay behind. She wasn't
modest about her opinion, quickly revealing her true purpose to Michael; she stated that she
had yet to trust the sins.

They arrived at the scene only to see the hideous monsters raging rampant in the city.

"It's just like the vision I had", Michael said with a low tone as he looked down on the city with

Ariel gave the orders to protect the innocent from harm’s way while the remaining battled
against the monsters. They were being secretly watched by Ertael, who empowered a monster
secretly with his divine potentials. They battled with the monsters effortlessly and with their
immense glory were able to overcome and to put down the last of the monsters.

"These are people corrupted by the hallucrint", Ariel said. "but how? and why now?".

"It seems to have developed into a glob", Raphael said. "its powers corrupt and it consumes the
human soul, preventing it from reverting to its human form".

Meanwhile, somewhere in a desolate desert at the center of the earth where it's neither night
or day, dry nor rainy, ash and calm, the wind blows tremendously, revealing bones and
feathered birds of all kinds like a death arena, where a war has been fought for eons.

The virtues returned victoriously as they had a good time with the sins and the Pinyins, then
one of the virtues’ counterparts of greed asked about Ertael, but the sins didn't pay much
attention to his conversation, ignoring it as they all jollied that night. Ariel wasn't convinced as
she observed the ways of the sins not minding the whereabouts of their comrade. But on the
other side, Chi-Chi who was with Samsaveel, had a lone time together. In the meantime, the
last monster empowered which they slew began to regenerate as it made its way slippery back
into the sewer pipeline as Ertael watches as he followed the creature.
Following the monster to the depths of the earth, Ertael confronted I and informed him about
its existence, only to strike a deal which got the monster intrigued, as they both planned to
overthrow those who fought for a good course. Just then, he bonded with the monster making
a covenant that sealed their terms of agreement and he sent it to hell.

Chaos saw this from above as it revealed itself to the monster who then boastfully claimed to
be its creator, but the monster refused as it battled with chaos who was unaware of the
monster's desire, knowing the true purpose of chaos inflicting great terror upon the earth. They
battled in hell for hours upon hours as demons began approaching their destination. The
demons watched as they battled without interference because they were leaderless.
Chapter Four

Tales of legends part 2

Six thousand years ago, in the assemblies of the divine realm, all gods gathered in one accord to
decide the fate of humanity. The supreme rulers and other entities vowed to protect humanity
and to send their creations to guild them. But a few gods denied their suggestions, seeing that
it would only lead to conflict of the human race and they did not want to be involved in human
affairs. Their overlord, supreme ruler of the godhead, then proclaimed a tournament which
involved the gods to partake in order to oversee their actions that will result in her final
judgement and anyone who defiles her commandments would be punished and stripped of
their godhood.

The tournament took place in the trial of conquest and each god, according to their hierarchy,
did face challenges of all kinds while others who failed were erased out of existence.

The supreme rulers had suggested earlier with the other gods and had participated in the trial
of her commandments which were above all the gods. During their trials and obstacles placed
on them they began battling with each other as it entails for only the survivals, the overlord
stated that only three would be proclaimed winners. They battled earnestly in other to
overcome one another. The gods thus reduced drastically in numbers, leaving only seven in the
arena. The seven battled against each other but none proved victorious; they were equally

Forming alliances with one another, they were able to defeat most of the Gods as their
numbers reduced to five, using all within their disposal. They battled as one of the Gods made
his way, escaping out of the arena into reality. With the remaining four, one of the Gods
proclaimed it to be madness, seeing how greedy the overlord was as they meant nothing to her
but puppets being eliminated for her selfish desires, being able to convince the remaining three
as they combined their powers in battling her, they fought and fought but were no match for
the overlord as she then transformed into a non-existing being of darkness and began draining
their powers. One of the Gods was able to break free as he charged towards her but was
thrown aside with ease, as the remaining three gained consciousness, fused into one being of
divine light known to be "the pleroma". Seeing this, the overlord became furious, charging
towards the pleroma, wanting to consume it, but he was caught by a God who was able to
replicate himself a hundredfold, capturing her as she broke free by consuming them with her
flames that turned them into ash.
She battled against the pleroma who saw the plans of the overlord to be foolish as she had no
regard for human race and entire creation. They battled vigorously as their clashes and fists
shook the void of creation. Finally, she got hold of the pleroma but was unable to consume it.

"A God cannot go against the commandments", said the pleroma. "Or else it be consumed by
it." The pleroma gave the overlord a new name, "chaos" because she had gone against her
commandment as she cursed the pleroma, who thus sealed her away and with the powers they
had, they split up into two beings, absorbing the other within them, creating within the divine
realm angels of all kinds as they did take charge over their comrades’ creations as well.

Until three thousand years ago, another war broke out in heaven freeing chaos was out of her
imprisonment by members of the former ruler's (god's) creation, it seemed they found out the
true purpose of the supreme rulers as to overthrown them with the help of chaos.

They battled again in heaven as most of the Angels which the supreme rulers had created
fought against the rebellious host that were not their creation, for they had with them the
seraphims, cherubims, thrones, Sethrophese and others.

The Sethrophese are the first angelic tribrids born out of the three sets of hierarchy of Angels.
The supreme rulers had no seraphims, cherubims and thrones but were able to create a copy of
their comrades’ creations.

They had no power and authority over them as they were also involved in the battle. They
fought and drove the angels out of heaven as well as those who they thought to be corrupted
by those angels leaving a piece of her (chaos) in the heavenly realm.

Few were sent down to earth; others were sent to hell, which was created by chaos who had
sent those gods who defiled her commandments. They waged war in hell, breaking free from
the terrors of hell, chaos awaited her return.

Heaven became peaceful once more, but left with a wandering thought of most angels, until a
faithful day, an angel named Lucifer having been blessed with three known personalities such
as Beelzebub, Satan and Lucifer (himself). Seeing the heavenly realm, he decided to go deeper
into the world of man seeing all that there is as he thought within himself but was approached
by Michael another archangel who told him that the human world is forbidden by the angels
until further notice.

He asked Michael about his thoughts but Michael laughed as he replied saying, "the supreme
rulers knows best for it is not in our knowledge to judge their actions".

Lucifer suspects that the supreme rulers are the caricature god of this creation as he seeks to
find out their true purpose. They left earth as they ascended to heaven, the supreme rulers
summoned Lucifer as to question him about the one rule that was not to be defiled but he kept
on demanding that the supreme rulers should be truthful about their plans with humanity and
the other deities that attacked heaven.

They only told Lucifer what he wanted to believe in but within him he was not satisfied with the
truth as he planned with his comrades and his personalities to reveal the hidden truth that was
kept away from them. He summoned his brethren Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Belphegor,
and his personalities which are Beelzebub and Satan. They planned to find out the truth about
the origin of their supreme rulers who seemed to be hiding what's left behind.

In Heaven as on Earth, things didn’t inevitably run smoothly. There are invariably entities who
consider themselves superior to others, to become rulers of all creations.

Lucifer had always felt that his creators were the villains of creation. They had overthrown their
creator as to become the one true being. Gathering the other angels around him, Lucifer
managed to persuade a third of them, to join him in battle against the creators, as to restore
what was long lost, the great throne of Heaven.

A holy war broke out in the heavenly realm, Lucifer and his brethren battled against their
siblings as the supreme rulers were aware of the curse laid by the overlord as they were
prepared for anything, bestowing upon the four beloved archangels who are Michael, Gabriel,
Raphael, and Uriel, the virtues of blessings as well as bestowing it upon the chosen angels;
Jegudiel, Selaphiel and Barachiel. Under the command of Michael and his archangels they
became an archangels of virtues with the chosen, with various markings placed upon them. The
supreme rulers then cursed the rebellious angels with the mark inflicting upon them the seven
deadly sins for their treason.

These are the hierarchies of the first seven virtues

1) (Boy) Michael: virtue of HUMILITY 3) (Girl) Uriel: virtue of CHASTITY (the

otherwise known as MODEST (the rabbit virtue). Counterpart to the sin
phoenix virtue) and the leader of the of lust.
seven virtues. Counterpart to the sin 4) (Boy) Jegudiel: virtue of KINDNESS
of pride. (the dolphin virtue). Counterpart to
2) (Girl) Gabriel: virtue of DILIGENCE the sin of envy.
(the unicorn virtue) second in 5) (Boy) Barachiel: virtue of PATIENCE
command. Counterpart to the sin of otherwise known as MEEKNESS,
sloth. FORGIVENESS (the dove virtue).
Counterpart to the sin of 7) (Girl) Selaphiel: virtue of CHARITY
wrath/anger. otherwise known as GENEROSITY
6) (Boy) Raphael: virtue of (the lamb virtue). Counterpart to the
TEMPERANCE (the eagle virtue). sin of greed.
Counterpart to the sin gluttony.

These are the hierarchies of the first seven deadly sins

1) (Boy) Lucifer: sin of PRIDE (the 4) (Girl) Leviathan: sin of ENVY (the
liopeak= lion and peacock sin) and snake sin). Counterpart to the virtue
the leader of the seven deadly sins. of kindness.
Counterpart to the virtue of humility 5) (Boy) Satan: sin of WRATH (the
otherwise known as modest. dragon sin). Counterpart to the
2) (Girl) Belphegor: sin of SLOTH (the virtue of patience.
slothail= sloth and snail sin) second 6) (Boy) Beelzebub: sin of GLUTTONY
in command. Counterpart to the (the pig sin). Counterpart to the
virtue of diligence. virtue of temperance.
3) (Boy) Asmodeus: sin of LUST (the 7) (Girl) Mammon: sin of GREED (the
goat sin). Counterpart to the virtue fox sin). Counterpart to the virtue of
of chastity. charity otherwise known as

The heavenly realm became chaotic, the supreme rulers never intervened, watching their
creation battle as they went into hibernation into the great luminous light, the angels fought all
the way from the heavenly realm into the physical world, causing a massive shockwave that
was felt tremendously across the world. Fighting to the death.

Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, after the death of the virtues and the sins, three
Sethrophese, which are the second most powerful beings in the heavenly realm, came to earth
where the virtues had died, as they took their glory and made with it copies of the virtues. They
were unable to create the exact same duplicate of the virtues, thus recreating them in their
own will.

The Sethrophese were watched by one of the gods who had escaped into the physical world; he
was able to extract all seven deadly sins grace as it secretly made their way to the heavenly
realm merging with the virtues in heaven causing a massive shockwave wave that split them
The Sethrophese could not phantom their presence and rebirth as they were not responsible
for their creation, he ordered the angels to attack but was confronted by a piece of chaos who
sought the sacred treasure as to bring destruction upon the heavenly realm. The newly
archangels seized the moment as they were responsible for extracting the piece of chaos into
the heavenly realm, they also took sides with the virtues. Just then, the leader of the seven
deadly sins was able to get hold of the sacred treasure in heaven as they fled causing chaos to
chase after them, as the seven virtues were sent after them, the archangels were able to make
war against the Sethrophese, easily defeating the Sethrophese with the powers they had
acquired from chaos in other to overthrow the heavenly realm, killing all the seraphims,
cherubims and thrones, draining them of their potential and glory.
Chapter Five

Tales of legends part 3

After the battle between chaos and the revolting monster, seeing how desperate it was to
become the ruler of the underworld, chaos made another proposal which was very intriguing,
with the monster being defeated by chaos and under his mercy was granted free will to rule the

"I've made you the prince of hell", said chaos. "Take dominion over all and wait for my signal".

As the new leader of the underworld, he was given a name above every other demon: he was
called "Malignant". Chaos departed from their presence.

On a fateful day, the sins and virtues who were assisting the Pinyins (except for Samsaveel, who
was usually asleep all day doing nothing). Just then, Ariel came in, saying;

"You need to get up your butt and give us a helping hand. You can't just sleep all day; your sins
are so pathetic".

Chi-Chi then came with a plate of food to serve Samsaveel. Ariel, seeing this, became very upset
and Chi-Chi calmed her down, but insisted that Samsaveel should work as well.

Ariel angrily worked out of Samsaveel's room, as he laughed at her grabbing Chi-Chi by the
waist in a romantic way as they fell to the bed. Both gazed at each other romantically as they

"I promise to keep you safe, Chi-Chi", said Samsaveel as he promised to Chi-Chi, who kissed him
back in response.

As the angels worked, they were watched by a mysterious being from afar. Just then, the
atmosphere changed, causing a whirlwind that destroyed every building within the rural areas.
Sighting from afar, a virtue spotted a mysterious being whose presence was tremendous,
invoking lightning that struck randomly, vaporizing anything it touched.

Touriel and Uriel flew up to see the situations of things as demons began approaching out of
the ground, causing rampage in the city as well.

Ariel then used her potentials to shield the Pinyins, instructing her comrades to protect the
innocent. Samsaveel, who was with Chi-Chi, told her to be calm and that the virtues and sins
would take care of things. Not minding the destruction happening around them, they stayed
inside having their moment.

The sins worked together with the virtues to battle the demons as they increased in numbers.
The officers and sheriff who worked together in protecting their cities were able to lend some
assistance in rescuing the victims.

They battled with the forces as Azriel noticed something wrong. A demon had begun powering
up an immense powerful blast aimed at the angels, and in an instant, the demon exploded into
pieces. Not knowing who or what caused the explosion, they began creating part for the
mystery man who walked past the demons as they bowed. A mystery man in black suit, with
the most expensive golden wristwatch, suit, and shoes stood in front of the angels.

Ariel became upset as she considered this to be a mockery of her diligence. A virtue attacked
the mystery man with her sword, only to find out that the mystery had nothing to defend
himself but with a finger that countered every attack of the virtues, who tirelessly fought the
mystery man. He explained that he was on their side and that there was lot for them to learn.

Azriel suggested that they listen to him, but Ariel refused, insisting that they take him down
together as she claimed it was a powerful demon. With the angels under the command of Ariel,
they fought the mystery man who quickly froze time in an instant as he battled with the angels,
who were unable to lay a single finger on him.

Meanwhile, Samsaveel, who was with Chi-Chi, noticed that she was motionless. He noticed
something was wrong at that moment, sensing that the angels might be in danger. He instantly
took off to where the battle was being fought.

The angels battling with the mystery man were no match for him as he sent them all flying in
opposite directions.

"Where are your wings", asked the mystery man. "You lack the skills and potential, but your
ancestors didn't". In a blink of an eye, he touched each and every one of them, sending them to
their knees. Samsaveel then landed in front of the mystery man as he held no grudge against
them, pulling out his sword the mystery man called him by his name. Insisting that they discuss
somewhere private, he snapped his fingers, turning every demon into ash as they teleported
away to a secret location and time unfroze.

"Where are we?", Touriel asked angrily as she pulls out her sword. "Or you'll feel the taste of
my wrath".

"Oh! Wrath", the mystery man replied, laughing. "Get it? Because you are the sin of wrath".
"I'm Stadorman", he said, introducing himself to the angels. "God of the firmaments and the
last of the Gods".

"What do you mean by... The last Gods", Ariel asked. "Our creators were the supreme rulers of
the universe".

Stadorman chuckled as he explained further, revealing the secrets of the divine realm, telling
them where they stood was an ancestral battle of their previous lives, as their surroundings
were filled with dried bones of angelic beings, faded wings and skulls.

"Each angelic being represents the seven wonders of divine ascension", Stadorman said.
"Which is why you can never die except your grace is been separated from your soul, the soul is
a container, your grace is the embodiment of divine light and what's keeping you alive above
the mortal realm".

"Where I come from is far beyond that which you know", Stadorman said. "I was able to escape
the horrors of the overlord whom you now know as chaos".

"And what does that have to do with us", Samsaveel asked, eager to know more.

"You may have heard about the ten commandments, the bringers of balance and disorder",
Stadorman said. "Well, so I thought it was the most powerful being there is, I guess I was

Before the tournament of gods and the trials of conquest and her commandments

Few gods had suspected the overlord to be a corrupt godhead over all pantheons

Her overwhelming powers brought the death and fall of most gods

I alone escaped her wrath of madness into reality

As the rest became history,

But I feared thee that she had returned to finish what she had started

Which is why I'm here to help you all fulfill your destiny.

"How can we trust you, a fallen god", Ariel inquired. "You may as well be an accomplice to the
Stadorman shook his head in response as he drew closer to the angels. "If I be an accomplice,
then it's time you see the truth ahead of you". Stretching forth his hand, he jogged their
memories to their past lives, and they could all remember.

Chapter Six

Tales of legends part 4

The angels were sent back in time in an astra form by Stadorman as both sins and virtues could
see their previous lives’ events, each and every one of them could see the past, even that had
happened, and as the virtues could see what the new archangels had done in overthrowing the
heavenly realm as they were been sent back to their current event. Ariel finds it hard to believe
but the leader of the sins isn't surprised at all.

"You saved our previous lives and transformed us", Samsaveel said. "you knew that the
archangels were up to something, killing every heavenly host in other to seize power".

"But that's not all", Stadorman replied. "It's up to you angels to protect mankind from
extinction, you're not just fighting against chaos alone, cause the bridge between the two
realms have been split apart, imbalance the void of existence".

"You'll need your wings of glory", Stadorman said. "You're different from your past lives and its
time to make your own decisions, by working together or be against each other, I may not be
able to know it all, for even the god's have limits, and mind you that there's a great war coming
that would decide the fate of all existence".

Stadorman also told the angels that he could teach them to harness their full potentials in other
to be fully prepared to battle against the coming war.

Meanwhile, Ertael who was not with them had been monitoring their movement, sending them
to their present moment were the demons were no more as the cities were calm the angels
went to the pinyins' as Ertael appeared in the center of the earth where Stadorman had
discharged the angels.

"Your greed has blinded your judgement", Stadorman said without looking back. "Serving more
than two masters at a time will lead to your destruction".

"I only serve myself for the greater good, humanity has brought me nothing to cater for nor the
heavenly realm", Ertael replied in confidence looking around as he sees the dried bones and
swords. "I know a true God when I see one and you're no God, you fled out of the tournament
of god's but your main aim isn't what you seek of my comrades".
"Mammon the sin of greed...", Stadorman said. "How were you able to acquire his memory".

"You know why am here?", Said Ertael. "But it doesn't matter now since you know it all my

"Bring back the sacred treasure and your heart desires will be met", Stadorman said as his eyes
turned black.

"I'll bring back my love and together we'll finish what we've started". Ertael said within himself.
As he vanished.

Meanwhile, in the heavenly realm Yehadiel saw this as he was not able to fathom the strange
energy emitting out of Stadorman. Yehadiel became more furious as he sent hailstones and
sulphur upon the earth, absorbing the orb of destiny. Yehadiel made his way to hell, making a
proposal with malignant whom he confusingly tricked into believing that chaos is not to be
trusted and that in return he would give him dominions over all life on earth. Without any
delay, Yehadiel ordered malignant to prepare his legions of demons as he opened a gateway to
the physical world. This time chaos never intervened seeing all that is going according to plan as
it watched in the shadows.

The angels who were with the Pinyins noticed Ertael’s arrival. He’d suddenly just made an
excuse about finding his true self. Ariel suspected it to be the other way round.

During their discussion, an earthquake occurred as meteors began falling from the skies
destroying every in sight. The oceans began to boil like hot lava as portals began opening
around the globe. The angels quickly rushed out of the house, seeing the destruction upon the
cities and villages. Michael could sense it happening all over the world.

"Is this the end of the world", wondered Mr. Pinyin. Seeing the damage around him, demons
began approaching tearing down the cities and killing people in plain sight. The virtues quickly
took off as they battled the demons terrorizing the cities. Most sins fought the demons
attacking the rural areas.

Metatron and Azazyel teamed up together as they battled earnestly with the demons at the
other end. Samsaveel then teleported Mr. Pinyin and his daughter to a safer location, but
without his knowledge his teleportation spell was counteracted by another presence and they
were captured.

The angels fought the demons in great numbers but were outmatched by the legions and when
all hope seemed lost, a great being of bright light emerged from the heavens holding a flaming
sword which he swung, causing a massive destructive wave that vanquished the demons all
over the earth, destroying everything in sight. Dipping his sword, it destroyed all life into
extinction. The angels were unaffected by the damage, looking around were burnt and ash
living into nothingness. In furious rage, Gabriel attacked the being, dodging its attacks as it sent
him flying against a building. The angels all attacked except for Ertael, who watched. They flew
towards the Samsaveel, telling him to use the sacred treasure as its last resort or else they lose

As the angelic beings stood upright, they were surrounded by the heavenly host as another
presence emerged with legions of demons, with the angelic beings in the middle of the battle.
Chaos who took sides with the demons alongside with malignant.

"What's happening", asked Kokabiel and Metatron.

"The holy war has just begun", Ertael replied.

"How is this possible", Yehadiel asked Malignant. "You broke our covenant to side with chaos".

Stretching forth his hands, both opponents charged toward each other and toward the angels
who are in the middle of the war. They battled earnestly, the sins and virtues against the
archangels and demons.

"Do you still trust the archangels", Samsaveel asked Ariel loudly. She looked down in
disappointment. The two beings collided with great impact, causing a massive destructive
shockwave. Chaos against Yehadiel battled vigorously. Chaos ripped apart Yehadiel, taking the
orb of destiny, which he absorbed, revealing himself first to be Stadorman, but then
transforming into a fair maiden.

The archangels and demons fell under the command of chaos as they knelt before her. This
came as a surprise to them as Ertael appeared before her, handing over the sacred treasure to

"Ertael... You bastard”, said Touriel in an angry state. "How dare you betray your kind". But
Ertael ignored her, staring at Raphael as he called him his lover, saying they can be made whole

"The sacred treasure", Ariel said in a lone tone. "Is this the end?".
Chapter Seven

Flaws of victory

"How did he get that from you", Ariel asked, while looking at Samsaveel.

"It wasn't that difficult after all", Ertael replied. "I had always watched you all, how pathetic it
was thinking we could achieve the same course".

"For thousands of years the battle never ends

Only chaos can bring peace to humanity

Breaking the curse that was laid upon us

This was my destiny to fulfill, to bring balance between worlds".

Ertael said.

"You fool...", Touriel said. "You're gonna free the ten commandments".

"You don't have to do this, Ertael", Uriel said. "We can save both worlds and humanity".

Ertael laughed at them, seeing how foolish they were. Despite their ignorance, he told them
that the ten commandments never existed. Rather, it's a divine energy bestowed upon every
heavenly host, including chaos herself. And in order to transform chaos into perfection, all
commandments must assemble together into divine pleroma to restore that which was forged
by our creators.

"Relinquish your grace and I'll spare what's left of creation", chaos said seeing how helpless the
angels were she mocked them for their creators could not come to their aid.

With the combined strength of Samsaveel and Ariel, they were able to escape, fleeing from
their presence to the center of the earth.
Chaos took charge over all creations; the supreme rulers had not awakened from their
hibernation; it all lay in the hands of the angelic beings who had been betrayed by Ertael, the
sin of greed, only for his greedy desires to be fulfilled.

Three thousand years ago, during the crisis in heaven, an angelic being known as Ziquiel was
responsible for the release of chaos into the heavenly realm, seeing how boastful the supreme
rulers were, declaring themselves above all in spite of having to adhere the true God.

Ziquiel overhead the supreme rulers planning to overthrow the one true God and saying that
with the aid of the commandments, they would be on par with the supreme ruler of the
cosmos. Ziquiel, hearing this, had suspected the supreme rulers to be false gods who lied to the
heavenly host about their existence and creation, planning to gather every divine being created
by every Gods and Goddesses of their creation after the deaths of their comrades to take
charge of their creation as well as absorbing their commandments in other to break the chaos
curse and rule all.

Ziquiel, who heard their plans, revealed them to his comrades Shemêhaza, Suryal, Remiel,
Arataqif, and Ramt, which led to the release of chaos who was on par with the supreme rulers.

Chaos sent her minions and the archangels after the angels to capture them by any means
necessary. When the angels arrived at the center of the earth, they took shelter in a cave, as it
was dark in a harsh weather. They did set up heat to keep their bodies warm. Raphael was also
with them, and they all stared at him in a way that required an explanation.

"What was that all about, you being an accomplice with Ertael”, asked Ariel. "We're virtues, the
holiest of all angels, why would you break that commitment".

Once it was quiet, Raphael began to explain:

"Before the battle of the gods, chaos had already created two beings of light and dark. We were
her subjects reincarnated in every form of divinity to find the sacred treasure and reunite with
the commandments. Chaos, known as the overlord, was born the same day that the one true
God created the other gods. Not fully knowing where they were, chaos took it as an
opportunity to rule over the eons declaring herself God over all".

"How were you able to know this", Samsaveel asked.

Raphael told them they were a piece of her, tricking the other gods in creating the orb of
destiny, and from that moment they were sent to destroy other heavenly hosts, to regain what
was stolen from her. They would be reincarnated in serving other heavenly realms in order to
achieve their goals. The supreme deity was the only being to ever outmatch their creator. He
continued, “we were able to retain our previous lives memories as part of our divinity but there
is one thing that I am certain of, is that your creators are not to be trusted, and I believe you
know the rest".

Hearing this demoralized the angels but Ariel still had hope in their supreme rulers not believing
what Raphael might have thought them to be. And with the world of darkness, a new era
began, an era of chaos. The ruler of the dark powers had come to finish what she had started.

Chao and Ertael could see through the eyes of Raphael, which enraged chaos as she summoned
the toughest of demons accompanied by the archangels to capture the angels as to acquire
their commandments. Little did they know what was installed for them by chaos.

The angels stayed at the end of the earth, planning their next move, for they had nowhere to go
rather to face their demons and stop chaos to fulfill the prophecy. Samsaveel and Ariel, leaders
of the angelic beings, sought within themselves to improve on their potentials if they ever came
up against the inevitable.

The rivalry between the sins and the angels collapsed. They were now working together to face
their common enemy and save humanity once more, restoring balance and order.

"I can't still believe that everyone in the world is gone", said Uriel. "Just like that, in an instant".

"If we are going to do this right, then we'll give it all that we have", said Uriel instilling
confidence on herself, believing in her comrades. "No matter what's out there, our supreme
ruler’s grace is upon us".

The angels all got up looking towards their surroundings and to one another. Gabriel, who was
up in the sky, saw the devastated state of the world, dark and cruel. Just then, he spotted
demons approaching their direction.

"They're coming", Gabriel said.

They all flew up in midair, waiting for the demons as they began to draw nigh. Their numbers
were in legions both big and small under the command of Buer, the chief commander of fifty
legions of demons.

"On my mark", Samsaveel said with rage in his eyes as demons began drawing nigh roaring
against the angels. They aligned in a vertical way with their hands on their swords and together
at once the angels unleashed a powerful blast as they chanted "heavenly sweep" swinging their
swords directly at the demons causing a massive shockwave.

The angels battled against the demons earnestly at the end of the earth. A humongous demon
of fire and ice came crashing down with immense impact shattering the ground beneath. The
angels shielded themselves as they were surrounded with by the demons, who began circling
them as a prey.

"You've already lost the war, chaos rules supreme", said Buer, riding on a giant beast, whose
eyes were red like its skin. It had a goat leg, a tail, two horns, three eyes, sharp fangs, and was
holding a trident in its left hand.

He got off of his beast, walking towards the angels who were shielded. Touching it, he could see
it immense power. He smirked deadly. He couldn't penetrate it at first with mere fists. Spinning
his trident in midair, the atmosphere changed as he hits the trident thrice on the ground,
pointing it towards the angels which produced immense lightning blasts that began tearing
through their barricade.

The angels tried to hold on to it but its magic was too strong, dark energy breaking through.
Just then, Samsaveel jumped out of the opening and was able to cut through Buer's face.
Healing instantly, as the demons wanted to attack, but giving the order not to, he battled with
Samsaveel, each slice and dice creating a massive destructive wave.

Spinning in midair they fought back and forth

In all manner of styles and weaponry conjured

He would swing his trident as Samsaveel avoided it

Clashing against each other, punching using whatever means at the other

The dark art of vanishing instantaneously did they put up a good fight

They both conjured their weapons to fight against each other

Their battle was remarkable, but Buer did it all with one hand tied behind his back

He did prolong their fight to see the potential of the angel

Pushing him to the ground, he demanded they give up their commandments.

After the fall of Samsaveel, who lost to Buer, the angels were surrounded by the demons, and
in an instant the clouds covered with darkness emitting lightning which struck randomly as the
demons were brutally slaughtered. The cloud brightened up again, leaving Buer standing in the
presence of his dead legions wondering what had done this, as the angels were never seen
from his presence.
Chapter Eight

The old Gods

They appeared at a mysterious place only to see other beings with whom they were not
familiar. They stood in the presence of seven entities: Armers, Batraal, Saraknyal, Hanjobadiel,
Setaouël, Lezmegadiel and Abrasax.

They stood in front of the angelic beings in luminous light, for they could feel divine presence as
their knees were sent to the ground. This feeling, this immense power, it was unfathomable,

"Arise", Setaouël said in her calm voice.

"Where are we", Ariel asked, for none of the angels had seen the place where they stood.

"Fear not, you cannot be sensed by chaos", said Abrasax. "This is the holy sanctuary created by

"Is this another form of heavenly realm", sai Samsaveel. "You saved us, but why?".

The gods looked at one another as one appeared out of nowhere whose name was Aurora. She
was very delighted to see the angels. Aurora was a cheerful goddess amongst the eons and

"Oh my goodness", Aurora said joking. "You're the angels. I mean, of course you are, and I’m so
happy to see you all safe and sound".

"Pardon me, where are my manners". Aurora asked. "I'm Aurora, goddess of abundance and all
that... You know, actually I didn't make my entrance early but that's sorted out now".

While Aurora was distracted from the main question to as why the angels were brought here,
she was called in a loud, slightly harsh tone, by Hanjobadiel, the god of the season. The gods
narrated their side of the story to the angels as they feared that chaos had grown too powerful
for any of them to face alone.

The gods stated in their theories that chaos might be in accomplice with another god whom
they are not aware of.
From the rising of the sun at its highest peak

To the four cardinal points of the earth

If all ten commandments were ever acquired

With the divinity of each god

As the stars align

When the sun and moon are one

Revealing the creation of eternal glory

From it fountain of youth

Across all wonders of creation

From the spoils of death

That transformed the ash into beauty

Shaking the void of existence

Merging the worlds as one

Time shall stand still

Rendering its course from day and night

Would bring about the great wars of heaven

"If chaos ever fulfills her desires to wage war upon the heavenly realm of the true God and
succeed", Aurora said. "All that you know of it will cease to exist".

"You're our only hope of existence", said Lezmegadiel.

"But you are Gods, you can merge into one divine being and end her", said Gabriel.

The gods revealed to them that that power was beyond their current capabilities, even if they

Meanwhile, Buer went to inform all that had happened to chaos, who suspected that the old
Gods were behind this, for with the powers of the orb, she couldn't find their whereabouts.
"I should have ended those gods eons ago when I had the chance", chaos said in anger as she
unleashed a massive roar that could be heard even in the holy sanctuary.

She ordered her minions to look for them using whatever means necessary.

Meanwhile in hell, malignant became more furious upon seeing how Chaos betrayed him
during the fight she had with Yehadiel after his death. Chaos tricked malignant by sending him
to hell and sealing the gate of hell for eternity with the rest of his demons.

This drove malignant to plot against chaos as to overthrow her and the heavens as well. But
little did chaos know that malignant could see through the eyes of his demons on earth.

The old Gods did teach the angels how to increase in their potentials as well as telling them that
all that was lost could be restored, while the angels were busy harnessing their potentials, Ariel
came to Samsaveel who's thinking about the Pinyins, especially Chi-Chi. since he tried to see
her one more time but could not get through them.

Ariel came to his side, seated with him as she encouraged him with full assurance of the victory
they would get once the war was over. He missed Chi-Chi and Ariel could see this by the look in
his eyes. Raphael watched them.

The gods had told them all that they need to know for where they were time was meaningless,
the seconds, the minutes, the hours, the days, weeks, months and so on they have spent, but to
the outside world a thousand years had gone by and the world had become a living place for
demons, it became hell on earth.

Before the angels could leave, Aurora told them something that they were never to disclose to
any gods before the angels’ departure. As she spoke, she looked down upon the earth with

The angels arrived on earth seeing how transformed it was during their absence.

"Chaos really meant business in this", Touriel said. "Let's give her a taste of her own medicine".

Just then, chaos could sense their presence on earth as well as Ertael who was given the order
to take with him demons as to wage war with them.

Meanwhile in the holy sanctuary, Aurora gathered the gods together in one accord. Not
knowing what was installed for them and without hesitation, Aurora began attacking them as
the gods as they fought back vigorously but were no match for Aurora. She was described by
one of the Gods to be infused with the powers of divine pleroma.
After killing the last surviving god and stealing their commandments and potentials, she
destroyed the holy sanctuary and absorbing it of its fullness and then made her way to hell as
she appeared to malignant telling him of the deal that was made between her and chaos, and
seeing how Chaos was desperate to overthrown the heavens all to herself and that she would
give him the advantage over her.

Malignant, enticed by her offer, wondered why she was being of help to him as she stated that
she had no reason to wage war on creation but only to stop what chaos had brought upon the
earth, promising malignant that she would grant him whatsoever he desired. Malignant,
hearing this, agreed to her proposal as she freed him from his imprisonment, also empowering
him to do according to his will.

The angels began making their way to chaos as they battled every obstacle on their way. And in
a matter of time, Ertael made his appearance to the angels. Seeing how desperate they were in
defeating chaos, Ertael told Raphael not to partake in their act of rebellion as it would only
make matters worse. Insisting that, he convinced the rest to relinquish their commandments.

Raphael got into an argument with Ertael but Ertael ignored him, only focusing his attention on
the angels as they refused to comply.

Summoning a horde of demons, the angels battled against fearless monsters as Ertael charged
towards Samsaveel for a direct kill only to be faced by Ariel, who battled with him.
Chapter Nine

The Vail

The angels battled against legions of demons under the command of Ertael, who fought against
Ariel as he informed her about their weakness and blinded pledge towards the heavenly realm.

Ariel was able to defeat Ertael without much effort in their battle, but the demons kept
increasing in numbers as they charged towards the angels who were surrounded by them. Just
then, they began hearing a loud roar and a battle cry heading toward them. Without any doubt,
demons began approaching them as they were led by malignant, whose rage was upon chaos
and the heavenly realm. The demons who were in support of Ertael could not withstand the
powers of malignant as they began submitting to his will, leaving Ertael with no one under his

Now under the command of malignant, as he revealed his plans to overthrow the heavens and
the earth as his main purpose was to exterminate chaos. Ertael tried to fight back but was
pushed aside easily as he avoided death with the help of Raphael dragging him out of harm’s
way from malignant, Samsaveel told him he wouldn't win this battle as long as they were
together, laughing at the angels as he teleported them in a time loop of reality.

Malignant then made his way to chaos’s domain with his armies of legions as they charged
furiously against the rebelling host. Seeing how powerful malignant had become, chaos decided
to up her game as she began causing numerous earthquakes simultaneously shattering
everything in sight.

The two beings battled vigorously up in the sky as lightning struck randomly. Fists clashed
against the other, causing a massive shockwave devastating their surroundings as chaos
conjured a massive thunder bolts aimed at malignant who absorbed it, thus empowering him
even further as malignant extended his arm, landing a devastating punch toward her, sending
her downward, shattering the ground beneath.

With malignant gaining the upper hand, chaos was forced to use her last resort transforming
into a nonexistent being of darkness and their fight became even more serious and deadly.
They were evenly matched and neither was ready to succumb to the other. Giving it all they
had at their disposal, chaos landed a devastating fist upon malignant causing a tremendous
shockwave. The earth became dark and formless, as she began draining him of his powers
which had no effect on him. Malignant then transformed into a mighty large dragon of wrath,
unleashing numerous amount of heat at chaos who began fading away gradually but was able
to merge with the dragon causing it to rip itself apart piece by piece as it exploded into pieces,
causing a massive shockwave across creation revealing itself to be transformed into a divine
being of yin-yang as it released a massive energy into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, Aurora who saw things from the heavenly realm of the supreme rulers saw
that her plans were in motion as she wanted both beings to fuse into one unstable force.
Meanwhile, the angels in the time loop of reality began to find solutions, as each and every one
of them tried individually but couldn't break through. Ertael then told them it was useless, for
they could never escape the loop reality of an endless cycle. On top of that, ying-yang was a
being of light and dark, a representative of good and evil born out of chaos and disorder, taking
the form of light and darkness and had tried to make its way to heaven but couldn't, combining
two separate entities into one being of misunderstanding.

They began tearing the Vails of heaven. Just then the angels arrived together. Since they had
been able to resolve their conflict and are now at peace with one another. They battled with
the ying-yang creature whose might knew no bounds, they were able to get hold of the sacred
treasure once more as they battled vigorously.

Meanwhile before their arrival in time loop of reality, Ertael saw what his creator had become
and Raphael was able to convince him as they both could see through the eyes of their creator.

"Humanity is left to decide what's best for themselves", Raphael said. " We're not gods to judge
and neither are the gods partakers of these world".

"We want the same course, let's put our differences aside and only then find it true meaning of
life". Raphael said.

"I was blinded by my greed that I could not see what's right in front of me this whole time",
Ertael said in remorse. "Been used by my creator for evil biddings only to reshape the world in
suffering and desolation, how can I be forgiven of my iniquities".

"You are already forgiven", said Ariel putting her hand on Ertael. "I had always thought the sins
were not to be trusted, and with my own eyes have I seen the evil deeds of the creators.
Everything happens for a reason and I believe that reason was meant to be, if not the world
would have ended eons ago".

"Now let's save our world", said Samsaveel.

They conjured out their weapons, transforming it into flaming sword all at once they were able
to break free in a single swing.

They battled earnestly against the creature as it were unable to lay a finger on them, avoiding
every blast it aimed at them. It spread like wildfires as the angels would attack from every
opening they got. It drove the creature insane as it made a mockery of its potentials, grew in
large size. The angels were ever ready to lay waste on it. Their battle strategy was outstanding,
each and every one with their flaming sword as they charged towards it, ying-yang made a
thunderous sound that shook to the very earth's core, sending the angels backwards as it made
the sky turn red, releasing hailstones and sulphur upon the earth like rain.

The clouds darkened, the angels were calm for their battle had become more ferocious than it
was, making their attacks useless to the creature.

"It's time we give it our final shot", said Ariel. "Although at once".

They looked at one another as they began glowing in luminous light, bursting into the
atmosphere as part of the skies became bright like the morning sun.

They had fused into one being of unstable force. Its powers are unique and divine.

Ying-yang recognized the transformation

It came as a shock to the creature

Feeling the presence of divinity

"This power, it remarkably conclusive", said Ying-yang in a million voices. "It can't be, it's
physically impossible, you're no God, you are just mere creation".

The angels had transformed into the pleroma of divinity, spreading forth its mighty wings of

It was clothed with the brightness of the sun

Its mere presence alone shook the very existence of nature

Upon its head lay the seven stars like a crown and a tongue of fire on the forehead above the
middle of the star.

Its eyes burned greater than the heat of the sun

On its right hand, it held the sword of truth burning in flames, its degrees were immeasurable.
On its left, it held the shield of faith.

They fought vigorously back and forth,

The earth became desolate to the point of final destruction,

Back and forth did they battle,

Their transformation was holier, never seen before,

The universe became their battle field,

To the point of creation,

Their swords clashed against the fabric of existence,

The heavens could feel their tremendous battle,

Aurora watches from the heavenly realm,

The angels of the highest order could not fathom their might,

This was the battle of the aeons,

Light and dark, everything that was made was not made,

The firmaments became desolated,

The stars were never seen,

Darkness became one with the light,

The void shook to it very center,

A massive shockwave filled the void,

Shattering reality.

Ying-yang was overpowered at the end by the might of the pleroma, their defeat was inevitable
as they fell to earth in a form of lightning. Being stabbed with the sword of the spirit as it burst
into the corrupt atmosphere. Everything became peaceful, the war is over as the demons fled
into the shadows, some did go back to hell being leaderless other roamed about the
The angels were separated, the sins and the virtues became whole again, but the earth was no
more. A Great voice from the highest heaven came in the form of a divine light, appeared to
them with the holy grail an Angel of incorruptible light.

"The heavens and the earth will forever be in your debt", said the highest order (holy grail).
"Speak of that which you so desire that the heavens will do according to your biddings".

Samsaveel was given the honor to speak for the angels in one voice asking that all should be
restored to order. The grail did as it was told, granting the desire of the angels as great
luminous light covered the earth restoring balance to the world.

The world was restored, Los Angeles, California and her people became a living being. The
angels stood in the center of the street where they were first discovered by the officers before
moving to the Pinyins'. Arriving at their home, Samsaveel took a deep breath.

"It's all good now", said Ariel. Samsaveel knocked at the door, which was answered by Chi-Chi.
He happily hugged her and gave her a kiss. Mr. Pinyin showed up as the angels all went in
having a good time.

Meanwhile, in the supreme rulers’ heavenly realm where Aurora dwelled now, the supreme
rulers awoke from their hibernation only to see Aurora in their kingdom.

"Aurora", said the supreme rulers.

Aurora revealed herself to them as she walked towards them in full confidence.

"We thought the heavenly realm had imprisoned you for all eternity", said one of the supreme
ruler. "You will not succeed".

Aurora chuckled sinisterly. "Fools!, Do you think the aeons and pantheons can hold me forever,
for so long have I waited for lay waste on the heavens from the first to the seventh all would
feel the wrath and might of Aurora".

"You may have been lucky by the grace granted to you by the one true God, but I assure you
that this time you won't".
Chapter Ten

The chosen part 1

As she drained them of their godhood, taking all to herself, she acquired the pleroma from
them and the one that had gone out of ying-yang. She took upon herself and molded in her
image a being of light and dark, as she called Elyawthoim. Meaning the god of the world as she
sent him to the depths of the earth possessing the tree where the hallucrint was born out of.

The people of Los Angeles, California and the entire world became at peace once more and for
over a decade all was peaceful, until twenty-five years later. Somewhere in Africa, a massive
meteor hit the atmosphere, making its way to a deserted location, causing a massive
shockwave that leveled its entire surroundings. It was accompanied by a mighty rushing wind
so great that it produced horrifying sounds. Making its way around the city, it looked for a host
to dwell upon. Somewhere in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., another meteor hit the atmosphere,
landing on earth, filling the surroundings with dust which revealed itself to be a flaming sword,
its handle well designed in gold, the steel made with silver. The sword pierced the ground firmly
as people watched in amazement, and in a matter of minutes, government agencies arrived at
the scene. They tried lifting the sword out of the ground but couldn't. They were able to secure
it from the citizens as they began their research and testing trying to find its origin and source.

Meanwhile, six thousand years ago, in the heavenly realm, Aurora revealed herself amongst the
aeons to the one true God. Seeing how powerful she had become, Aurora had already created
her own pantheons and aeons as well and with the rest of the heavenly hosts, Aurora
contended with the one true God, causing havoc in the heavenly realm. Her creation battled
against the living creator's creation. Her main aim was to overthrown the heavens. Making her
way to the one true God, Aurora was confronted by another diety known as Felicia, who battled
Aurora to a standstill, but before her fall, the one true God made a pronouncement that would
change everything. Seeing this, Aurora was able to extract a piece of the word born out of
God's mouth, molding it into an abstract entity to her will.

Aurora used the word to succumb the heavens as they did to her bidding, but God was able to
break free in his final might using the sword of creation to stab Aurora as she used it to banish
God out of existence, the word left her falling to the earth in separate ways with the sword of
Throughout their days, the angels had lived peacefully defending their newly home on earth
with the Pinyins. Chi-Chi got married to Samsaveel and had two children, a boy and a girl, Ertael
got married to Raphael, Azriel got married to a farmer and had kids, Metatron and Gabriel died
in battle, Toumiel got married to Uriel, Kokabiel got married to Yomyael, Michael and Azazyel
sacrificed themselves in battle, Touriel got married to a wealthy man and bore children, and
Ariel was never heard of.

Somewhere in Africa, a group of bandits beat up a young man so badly that they were about to
kill him after robbing him of his valuables. A mighty wind came upon the young man as it took
him, suspended him in midair, circulating him, making its way into his mouth and nostrils while
descending gently. This made the bandit scared as they summoned courage after his descent as
both eyes were closed.

Just as the bandits were about to strike again, without using his vision, he uttered a word "stop"
that made the bandits motionless as they couldn't resist.

"What sort of sorcery is this", asked one of the bandits. "I am not in control of myself, it's like
my body has a mind of its own".

Looking at them, he forced them to the ground with their knees. His face was all bruised up, still
bleeding, as he wished for his body to be made whole again, and in an instant, he became
whole again. He had never experienced this miraculous act on himself before, thinking to
himself that maybe he had been blessed with unfathomable power. The young man ordered
the bandits to hand him over his belongings. As he took them, the bandits were remained on
their knees. The young man called the police, giving them their location as he departed.

Back at the United States Supreme Court, five notorious criminals were found guilty of the
crimes they had committed and were transported to a maximum security facility for hardened
criminals to be condemned to death. Their vehicle had moved out of the city taking the
criminals where they were meant to be, when, along the roadside in the middle of "nowhere" a
massive meteor hit the vehicle, splitting it in half, spinning the vehicle over. The five notorious
criminals barely got an injury. They were hit by an energy wave from a meteorite that brought a
woman to earth. They had come alive out of the burning vehicle before the explosion, only to
find a beautiful young woman in their presence. One of the criminals approached her, asking if
she okay, but was tossed aside by her energy. The rest stood against her, ready to battle her as
they were no match for her, unleashing a massive wave which caused them to die for a few
minutes. Then they awoke with strange supernatural abilities denominated as "gifts" that came
in form of markings on their necks.

"What the hell was that mate", asked one of the notorious criminals, as they made their exit.
Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, home of the one true God, the angels panicked as the word
had fallen to earth with the sword of creation. Aurora still on earth as the angels feared what
she might be up to next.

"We need a messiah to save us and all of creation", said one of the heavenly host.

"But who can save us?", asked one of the heavenly hosts. "Neither is the sword of creation and
the word at our disposal, for God is nowhere to be found".

Then an Angel whose name was called Patrinity volunteered to go to earth to retrieve both as
her comrades prayed for her safety.

"You will need the help of the sins for we feared that the virtues might not be enough to
overcome every trial", said one of the angel. "Find the chosen".

Somewhere in Los Angeles, California, an earthquake occurred from the city causing a massive
split in its rural area into the ocean. The cracks had boiling lavas that passed through into the
ocean as it did damage some buildings and cars. No one knew what had caused the
earthquakes as the government agency looked into the situation as a being watched from afar.

"It's happening again", he said to himself.

Chapter Eleven

The chosen part 2

Meanwhile, the five notorious criminals who had escaped wandered off in their separate ways
into Los Angeles, California. One of the criminals, whose name was John, who bore the dragon
sin, the sin of wrath, went into a bar in the rural area of Los Angeles forest fall.

He opened the door. Everyone paused for a while, looking at him strangely as he walked
towards the barman asking for drinks before they start doing their business. Strangers
approached him in a way that suggested they wanted to start trouble.

"You don't belong here, mister", said one of the strangers.

"I don't want any trouble", said John while taking a sip from his drink. "I’m just here to drink".

One of the strangers then put his hand on him, grabbing his shirt, as John smashed the glass on
him causing him to bleed.

The others attacked and they were able to lay some punches on him, but he dodged and
successfully beat them up.

Somewhere in Africa, Aurora arrived as she began to search for the word as to retrieve it all to

John walked all over the town looking for shelter when he noticed he was being followed by a
young lad. As they took a sharp turn to the corner of a quiet place, he was still being followed,
so John made himself scarce, only to pull the young lad aside and ask him why the trail on him.

"I bear you no grudge, for I know you've been chosen", said the young lad as he introduced
himself. "I'm Percival, a chosen of the seven virtues of humility and you, sir, have been chosen
as a member of the seven deadly sins".

John walked with Percival as they discussed. Seeing how serious Percival was in details about
the coming war, he asked John if he had come across anyone who is chosen like him.

"For eons, my parents had told me stories of legends and how they vanished evil from our
world", said Percival. "And now that evil has resurfaced again in great might".
Percival invited John into his home, telling him he could stay as long as he wants to, because he
was in search for the chosen. They arrived at Percival's home within the rural areas of Los
Angeles, California.

"Make yourself at home", said Percival, offering John a beer. "Mind asking why the unusual
dress with numbers".

John never went straight with his story as he lied to Percival about being a victim of
unprecedented incidence.

Somewhere in United States, DC Washington area. The angel named Patrinity arrived in a form
of lightning at Sandy Point State Park beach, the closest beach to the Washington, DC area.
There, she appeared naked in a cloud of smoke. The people watched in fear. Some recorded
with their smartphones as others passed by doing their business. Her wings spread forth
mightily as she puts them into her skin. She was beautiful and fair with blond hair and pink lips,
skin smooth as a pearl. The cops arrived and she did not resist their arrest.

Being taken by the cops, she was interrogated in the interrogation room by a female officer
whose name was Cassandra. She looked at the angel without uttering a word at first and then;

"My report here has no info about you miss...", Said Cassandra.

"Patrinity", said the angel telling her her name.

"Why are you here Patrinity...", asked Cassandra. "Who sent you".

Patrinity stated her business, telling Cassandra where she was from and warning her of the
dangers that were ahead of them. By the looks on Patrinity's face, she was damn serious about
it. Cassandra took note of that, and after the interrogation, they freed her and told her that
they would keep an eye on her. Before leaving the premises, she overheard one of the forensic
scientists explaining to an officer about the mysterious weapon they discovered, revealing that
it's not of this world and that it is something spiritual.

Patrinity asked Cassandra if she could stay with her and that she had nowhere to go, and
Cassandra was willing to offer her a place to stay at her home.

Meanwhile in Africa, somewhere in Lagos, a man named Ibrahim, who had possession of the
word in him, never understood the powers he wielded. Seeing the people around him of how
hopeless they were, he thought within himself to understand this gift that he had. He would go
to his trusted friends and family to discuss what he had at his disposal. Not all were able to
come out with reasonable answers, some would call it to be the Juju of their ancestors which
had granted him unfathomable powers, other would say he's delusional, few of his friends took
him to an Alfa or Imam, until he finally met with the preacher from his church he attended.

His preacher could not also fathom his gift, but believed it to be of God’s chosen upon him after
the demonstration which he had displayed to his preacher.

A few weeks earlier, Aurora caught up with Ibrahim after her long search, meeting him in his
own apartment as she knocked at his door. Ibrahim opened up to see Aurora standing in front
of him.

"You've been chosen by a higher power, Ibrahim Adewale", said Aurora. "And I can help you
fulfill your destiny".

Ibrahim was in shock as she called out to him. He'd never seen her before nor heard about her,
but since he was curious, he let her in.

"Who are you", Ibrahim Adewale asked.

"I'm Aurora, goddess of abundance", Aurora said as she went on telling him of the powers he

What you possess is beyond exceptional

It's divine, it's unfathomable

Unique and most powerful of the heavenly realm

What you possess is godlike potentials

The word which formed the earth

The word which is life

Is in you and you have the power to bend it to its will

Its burden is too great to bear

Many will come for it

To seek that which you have at your fingertips

With it you are God himself.

Ibrahim stood up pacing around thinking things through. "A God myself", He said. "How is that

"Look around you, Ibrahim, you have the powers to shape reality to your beck and call", Aurora
said. "With a word, you can end suffering, death, war, and much more. All you have to do is
pronounce it and it shall be done".

"Even the heavens will bend to your will", Aurora said as she stood up. "But I understand, if it's
too much for you, I can ease your burden".

Ibrahim looked at her, rejecting her suggestions but insisted that she helped him control the
powers as she agreed to it.

Somewhere in Los Angeles, California, the remaining four criminals all found themselves in the
rural areas in a separate town, until the inevitable happened.

Percival taught John all that he needed to know, telling him what the markings represented, the
wars their ancestors fought against the demons and now a new demon had risen to finish what
the former had started.

"My grandfather used to tell me stories of legends", said Percival. "How the angels saved
humanity from total annihilation".

"He said they were the saviors of our creation", said Percival. "He said they were the seven
deadly sins. Although they worked in unity with their counterparts called the seven virtues,
uniting into one divine being to vanquish evil from the earth, my grandfather told me that their
bravery saved the universe as balance was restored once more".

"Lemme get this straight, if am not mistaken", said John. "You're saying that we have to find the
rest of the sins and virtues in order to defeat the great evil that is to come".

Percival nodded in response, indicating yes, which drove John to a state of distress as Percival
told him that they were chosen and it was not a coincidence that destiny brought them

He calmed a bit and thought for a while before asking how they could locate the rest and the

"No worries", said Percival. "That's won't be difficult".

Chapter Twelve

The chosen part 3

Patrinity and Cassandra had a long talk during an investigation at a crime scene where a victim
was murdered by gun men.

"It's been six weeks, Cassandra, and not a word on the sword of creation", said Patrinity. "It
mustn't fall in the wrong hands".

They had investigated the crime scene as they stood to discuss, meanwhile Cassandra was busy
filing a report as she paid attention to Patrinity.

"I am in no position to hand it over and besides no one would believe you", said Cassandra. "I
do believe you Patrinity but what about the others, not everyone believes in miracles like you

"If there are some giant monsters or demons raging rampant in the city, hell here maybe the
government might hand it over to the authorities", said Cassandra. "I’m sorry Patrinity, but
even I have limits too, you know".

She tried had to convinced her but Cassandra wouldn't budge but insisted that she used her
angelic powers to manipulate the authorities in getting what she wanted. Patrinity told her that
it was against the angelic rules to take advantage of it unless it's been called for. She gave her a
look that said, "isn't this urgent".

Back in Africa, Ibrahim Adewale became familiar with his powers as he would them for good as
it wasn't pleasing to Aurora seeing how he would leave the major for minor. Aurora tried
convincing him that he could be far superior to every being that's ever created. He became
famous with his powers as people began saw him as a Prophet of God, for whatever he said
would come to pass as Aurora had order plans within her thoughts.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, California, right under the sea that boiled like hot lava, where the
hallucrint was formed as it began glowing in bright light, it had taken the form of a terrifying
creature known as Elyawthoim who was now fully evolved. Elyawthoim, reborn out of the tree,
made his way to hell to reclaim his throne. Without much effort, the demons succumbed to his
will. On top of that, a massive demon was spotted within the rural areas of Los Angeles,
California causing havoc as it terrorized the people. Just then, Percival and John arrived to the
scene, only to see the horrifying demon raging rampant. They battled against the demon who
had the powers to replicate itself. During their battle, fate had brought the remaining four sins
together as the demons cause havoc, ripping apart buildings and shattering everything in sight.
The demon threw a container towards a child but was saved by one of the criminal who had the
sin of pride.

Percival told the rest to get the people out of harm’s way as he faced the demons all by himself.
He summoned his sacred treasure to battle with the furious demon, and with every slice from
his sacred flaming sword he was able to cut the illusions of the demon's replica. He charged
toward the demon but was thrown aside. Meanwhile, while the sins watched the battle they
were being watched by another being from above with wings.

Marcus, one of the criminals, and the sin of gluttony rushed in to help Percival, who was about
to get crushed by the demon's foot but he was saved by Marcus, who held on to the demon's
foot by ripping a hole through it. The rest of the sins were in shock to see what had happened
as they all worked together in battling against it, but unfortunately the demon was able to
escape back into the sea.

They all looked at one another as Percival told them to come with him. Seeing that they were
complete, he took them to his home.

Five years ago in Africa, in Osun state, outside of Ibrahim Adewale's father's compound, he was
mugged. Ibrahim's father Mr. Balogun Adewale was killed right in front of his child by a group of
terrorists. Before his death, his father encouraged him.

"Be strong, Ibrahim", said Mr. Balogun. "Don't let the past hinder you from what's coming,
something great is coming your way, I don't know what it is but it will surely come".

"Stay strong my son, be of good courage", said Mr. Balogun. "You'll go places where no one has
gone, you'll change the world".

Mr. Balogun Adewale was shot six times in the head as he died just outside his home, leaving
the young lad Ibrahim Adewale to his fate. Ever since his father died, Ibrahim was trained by his
uncle who sponsored his education and later died at the age of fifty-five by an heart attack. The
people within his village saw Ibrahim as a cursed child, so the village elders took him to the evil
forest to die alone. He spent six weeks in the evil forest alone looking for a way out, at the age
of fifteen when Ibrahim was saved by a hunter who took him in from the evil forest and raised
him as his own.

Just then, Ibrahim Adewale woke up being all sweaty breathing heavily.

"Same nightmare...", said Aurora. "You know you could make it go away, why waste your
potential for all these when you can be something greater".
"Lemme guess, you want to use it for your own deeds", said Ibrahim Adewale. "You never told
me your true intentions, but you know I can make you".

"Even if you can, it won't work", said Aurora. "You know why, because I made it, I made you".

Ibrahim looked at her as she sounded confident, having the pride that she would succeed in
what she came for.

Back at Percival's home, the criminals were amazed at what had happened earlier and needed
answers. Percival began explaining to them after hearing what had happened and how they
discovered their markings on them.

"Each marking represents your sins", said Percival. "You may not have known why but
sometimes your markings may have a conjoined sin. You have been chosen, all seven of you".

"What does this have to do with us, we are not the only notorious beings on the planet", said
Julius with his British accent. "Why the hell us, I mean me for crying out loud, I don't know
about any of you but am speaking for myself here".

"Greed", said Percival why looking at Julius. "You possess the fox sin, which is the sin of greed".

"Okay I get it now, but that doesn't mean am the only greedy person and it doesn't change
anything". Julius replied.

"So what are you", said Cassidy. "What is your sin".

"Actually am not one of the sins", Percival replied. "Am a virtue, virtue of humility the phoenix

"Now it's some biblical nonsense, isn't it mate", said Julius.

Why in the middle of their discussion, Rita walked in with the face of seriousness.

"Who the bloody hell are you, missy", asked Silas as he was pushed backwards by a massive
blast from Rita.

"Anyone got a problem with that", said Rita. "Your sins are pathetic".

"Really, upon all the people of the world, this worthless piece of scumbag", said Rita. "Have
they been trained Percival".

"No!", Percival silently answered as Rita yelled out loud "what?".

"With the world at stake Percival you mean to tell me that they are not prepared", said Rita.
Rita put her hand on her head as a sign of disappointment as she shook her head in silence.
Taking a deep breath, she told Percival something quietly and then said it out loud for the
others to hear.

"It's already begun, what our grandfather said to our parents and then passed down to us", said
Rita. "That the word and the sword of creation is here on earth and it's up to us to save
humanity once again".
Chapter Thirteen

The chosen part 4

"I think it's time you know what's really going on", said Aurora. "Before the creation of heaven
and earth, my husband and I brought existence into reality with the word, that which you now
possess, we formed the word out of us to bring things forth in existence".

"And after all that had been made, after the heavens and the earth, the creation of humanity
my husband and I saw that it was good, too good that I had perfected humanity to be like us in
our image", said Aurora. "That he never adhered to, as humans became superior, thus, ruining
his perfect plans".

"Isn't God the one and only", said Ibrahim. "Never heard he had a wife".

"That's because the truth was hidden from humanity", Aurora replied. "You had proof in the old

"Were I come from, there are one of many Gods", said Aurora. "And now he had sent the seven
deadly sins to retrieve that which made the world".

Her explanation was uncomfortable to Ibrahim, he needed more to be convinced if God was
truly the villain here or not, but he did pretend to play along with her plans for now only to find
out the truth later.

Meanwhile in hell, the demon which was sent to terrorize Los Angeles, California made his
report to Elyawthoim.

"My Lord, the prophecies had already begun", said the demon. "The seven deadly sins have
been assembled in unity with the virtues".

Elyawthoim stood up from his throne as his eyes burned fervently, giving his demons orders to
proceed to earth and lay waste on the sins and virtues. He stretched forth his hand and his
legions bowed.

"Alright listen up, things are about to get serious", said Rita. "You were never the first to be
chosen and neither will you be the last, they were others before us and there'll be after us".

"Evil never ends, it always has a way of resurfacing again", said Rita. "Long time ago, your
predecessors or our predecessors fought against the primordial being called chaos, the
manifestation of godhead and destroyer of worlds".

Percival came in to the matter.

"Chaos wanted all ten commandments at her disposal to challenge the one true God but
failed", said Percival. "She was stopped by the sins and virtues; they were able to fuse into one
divine manifestation of godhead known as the pleroma".

"Hold on a second, matey", said Julius while in demonstration. "Are you saying we all are going
to join forces in battling against demons from hell, are you nuts".

Rita stood still looking at him in his blabbing state, after all that had been said and done, Rita
uttered a word.

"If any of you choose to leave now that's fine by you", said Rita. "But mind you, they'll come for
you, your commandments and your gift and then they'll kill you, destroy your world and
everything you love".

For a moment there was quietness, silent like a graveyard as they all silently looked at one

"I thought as much", said Rita. "It won't be easy cause you have been given a second chance of

"What about the others", Percival asked.

"They're not difficult to locate, but it'll trickery in getting their attention", Rita replied.

Meanwhile in heaven, the angels monitored the success of Patrinity as they said to one

"This is taking forever to accomplish", said Astra.

"Give her time, she will eventually overcome", said Saranaiel. "Have faith brethren".

Meanwhile, in Africa. Ibrahim Adewale had gotten used to his abilities and had many followers
and disciples at his disposal. He became so famous that he'd start-up his own ministry. His fame
spread like wildfires across the world, so as his teachings. He used the powers of the word to
heal the sick and perform miracles; some saw he as a God on earth, he became the richest
preacher in the world, he was on global television, everyone heard about him until a fateful day
in United States DC Washington on Saturday night live an interview with the Ibrahim Adewale
on "world wide web news", about 18:00 pm when Cassandra turned on the TV for Patrinity to
notice something unusual about the man on TV.

"They said he's a miracle worker, a man blessed with the gift of God", said Cassandra. "He had
the potential of healing any diseases or whatsoever".
"Well I think he's fake, only trying to extort money from the public... What do you think

Patrinity thought within herself; "It can't be, he's in possession of the word and from the looks
of things he's found out how to use it".

"Patrinity", Cassandra called out to her, only to find out that she had been carried away by her
own thoughts. Touching her to get her response.

"Maybe, just maybe...", Patrinity replied.

"Food's ready Patrinity", said Cassandra. "I've got a big day waiting for me at the office

Six thousand years ago, during the fall of Aurora and her minions, few survived the battle in
heaven and were casted out into the earth. Just as fate had designed it, some fell by the road
side of western Africa in Lagos, some in Washington, DC, USA, and others fell near the seaside.
They were nine in numbers as they had two missions in mind, to retrieve the word and the
sword of creation. They took the form of men as they entered into their various destinations,
on top of that, Aurora had gotten the feelings that her creation had come to earth. Sensing this,
Aurora had re-strategize her plans after speaking with them telepathically as they'd what they
have been told to.

Back in Los Angeles, California. The sins were trained by Percival who taught them all they
needed to know and how to harness their divine potentials hidden within them.

Teaching them the secret of the pleroma on how he was taught by his parents, saying to the
sins; "inorder to achieve the pleroma, you must be at inner peace within yourselves and
Chapter Fourteen

The chosen part 5

On the other hand, Rita went on to make contacts with the other virtues as she began walking
from place to place, and on her first findings she came across a Cynthia in an inn the virtue of
chastity. Cynthia was very excited to see her, as she had spent her entire life waiting for this
opportunity and without hesitation Cynthia agreed to join their conquest and in search for the
remaining virtues.

Both walked around discussing and came across another virtue of kindness whose name is Chris
beating up bandits who tried to extort money from travellers.

"I see you got things taken care of", said Cynthia. "Always helping others whenever necessary".

Chris smiled at her as he tossed a bandit over the floor, he had dealt with them severely. They
walked towards him and before they could utter a word he accepted already.

"Wow", said Rita. "That was easy, not going to know what it was".

"Nah", Chris replied with a smile. "So where are the others".

During their search a massive explosion occurred right in Los Angeles, California within the rural
areas as people began running for safety.

"It's a bit too early for this isn't it", said Chris. "What do you think it is this time".

"The same thing as usual, demons", Cynthia replied.

A massive creature erupted from the ground, having four heads and two eyes on each, and
horns the demon had the ability to spit fire, its strength was outstanding, its roar could level
most of the houses within a range of miles and its sense of smell was remarkable.

Chris summoned his sacred flaming sword and charged towards the demon, avoiding the
attacks of it. Rita and Cynthia joined the action as they battled against it. The demon would
punch the ground so that causing earthquakes to unbalance the virtues, Rita jumped in midair
to aim at the demon but was caught by it as Cynthia was able to find an opening in piercing her
sword through the demon's chest as Chris then jumped in midair and pierced one of its eyes
away, making the demon fall to the ground freeing Rita.

Just as Chris was about celebrating the demon healed himself from his fatal injury and became
more furious than it was, it large roar sent the virtues aside as it leaped into the air only to land
on Chris but was pushed aside with extreme force by another virtue with a powerful blast.
Revealing herself was Margret the virtue of diligence. "Miss me guys, thought you might need
an extra hand". said Margret.

The demon got up upset as it charged towards Margret who stayed calm as she'd calculate her
next move. The three maintained their position as the demon charged towards Margret only to
be flung aside with a kick by Margret towards Cynthia who held on to the horn as she twisted it
rotating the demon to fall to the ground given Rita the opportunity to pierce through the
demon's hand.

The demon was able to break free in no time, spitting out fire out of its mouth's it would attack
them individually while it was distracted by another virtue, it's eyes caught onto a virtue as it'd
slam Chris to the ground real hard. "Chris!!!...", Cynthia shouted while throwing her sword
towards the demon who tossed it aside with ease. It began battling them vigorously both
individually and collectively.

They battle and each killing made the demon immune to their attacks not knowing how and
what could put it down for good.

"Should we assist them brother", said Becca. "They never understood the secret of defeating
this monstrosity".

"Patient sister", Anthony replied. "It's just a mere demon of low rankings, a neonatal and yet
they find it very difficult to put down, how pathetic".

After seeing the struggles of their comrades in battle against the demon Anthony then gave his
sister Becca the go ahead to assist the virtues as they watch from above, without proceeding
forward and from where she was, she was able to vanquish the demon with ease in a single
powerful blast that shattered the demon into nothingness.

The virtues couldn't fathom the situation as Cynthia looked towards the skies, pointing above.

"Look, is that what I think it is", said Cynthia. "It's Anthony and Becca, I could sense their
presence from here but a bit foggy".

They never said a word as the left them flying away to their destination.

"Do you really think they'll help", said Chris to Rita.

Meanwhile, in Africa, the two fallen who had come there were able to track down Ibrahim
Adewale with the use of the word. They also met Aurora but pretended not to know her. They
came in form of men after the sermon of Ibrahim Adewale's newly founded ministry at noon
time. Asking politely for him to relinquish the word to them as it is dangerous at his keep.
Ibrahim refused at first, but they kept on insisting with eagerness, so he asked them to leave as
they were becoming a threat to his privacy. One of the fallen got hold of him by his neck as
Aurora jumped in to assist, using her powers to push him aside. The fallen then transformed
into massive horrifying creatures chasing after him, as Ibrahim was about to use the word on
them Aurora told him to stop as he would only make matters worse. She was able to stall them
a bit as they died temporarily.

"What are those", asked Ibrahim Adewale in shock.

"They are demons sent by God to retrieve what you have inside of you, as long as you have it,
many will come for it, including angels", Aurora replied. "They will stop at nothing to have it for
themselves or for God".

Aurora tried convincing Ibrahim that's it wasn’t safe in Africa anymore and that he should leave
and reside in Los Angeles, California where it was safer. At first, he didn't succumb to her
suggestions after giving it a thought and asked for her permission that in three weeks they
would leave Africa if things got out of control.

Later that night in Washington, DC, the two fallen were in search for the sword of creation, as
they were drawn by its mere presence.

Back in Los Angeles, after the defeat of the demons, the virtues came together with the sins.
Cynthia was very excited to see the new successors of the seven deadly sins.

"OMG!", said Cynthia who's excited to see them as she introduced herself. "Are these the
chosen of the seven deadly sins? I actually can't remember how I got my virtue, maybe it was at
the age of ten or not. I'm Cynthia by the way, virtue of chastity, the rabbit virtue... It's on my

"How about the rest", Percival asked Rita, silently. "Did they come".

"In time they'll", Rita replied.

Most of the sins exchanged pleasantries with the virtues except for Julius.

"I thought you said we were fourteen in numbers that are going to save the world", said Julius.
"All I see is twelve in numbers".

"They will join us soon", Chris replied with a smile on his face.

"So what now", Jesse asked.

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, the two fallen which were drawn by the sword of creation
found it location in a secret government facility with maximum security.

"Humans never understood their purpose of existence", said one of the fallen.

They both went in destroying everything in sight as the alarm went off alerting the guards. They
shot at them as they were unsusceptible to their bullets. They killed the guards and then made
their way where the sword was being held as it began glowing in luminous light.

Cassandra was alerted during the incident, informing Patrinity as they both went to check
things out. She could feel their presence as they went. One of the fallen then tried to pull the
sword out of the ground as it wouldn't budge, but luckily Cassandra and Patrinity came on time
as they met face to face with the fallen. The fallen had already recognize Patrinity as they
threaten to kill Cassandra if they were unable to get the sword of creation.

They transformed into horrifying creatures as they moved closer to them. One of the fallen
transformed like a lion with eagle's wings, its wings were removed and it was made to stand on
two feet like a man. The second was like a bear, it is raised up on one side and had three ribs in
its mouth. They charged furiously at them as Cassandra began shooting at them. Patrinity was
able to get Cassandra out of harm’s way as she told her to run like never before. Revealing her
transformation into an archangel of light, having four mighty wings, wearing the bracelet of
righteousness in a golden armor like that of a night and shiny armor as she battled with them.

They flew in circles hovering her, as she grabbed on to one of the demon's feet shattering the
building tremendously as they battled outside. She flew above them as they came in great
speed towards her, clinging her bracelets against the other caused a massive shockwave that
sends them in an opposite direction.

They battled vigorously as the demons worked together in strategizing their attacks. Patrinity
could barely keep up at the end. Cassandra on the other hand, who watched their battle not
from a far distant drove a car towards the demons hitting them aside, who were about to kill

She entered the car as Cassandra drove off at high speed, the demons began chasing them
furiously to get what they came for.

"I am so sorry for not believing in you Patrinity", said Cassandra. "I wish I had seen this coming".

Patrinity told Cassandra not to worry and assured her that it was not her fault. The demons
began chasing them, but were unable to see them, since Patrinity had used her powers in
protecting their ride as it began fading away gradually. Cassandra called for backup from the
authorities as she told them they were been chased by demons.
"How did you get that", Cassandra asked. "Isn't that the sword? No one is able to pull it out".

The demons began their chase on them as they drew closer to their car, causing havoc on the
way. Patrinity got out of it through the front window as she used the sword on one of the
demon with a bear face as it burns fervently with the sword been stabbed through its chest.
The other one charged furiously at Patrinity, sending her to the ground, making the sword to
fall to the other side of the bridge. It destroyed cars and caused explosions that made the
bridge weak to collapse. Throwing a car at Patrinity, who caught it with her hands as she
teleported the people inside out of harm's way, and in great speed the demon crushed the car
against Patrinity as it exploded. The police, FBI, and CIA came on short notice as they began
aiming at the demon who's not affected by their ammunition. It flew up and produced fire from
its mouth, causing havoc on the bridge. Patrinity was able to blast the demon to the ground
with her powers as it stood up in no time only to battle against Patrinity vigorously. And just
then, Cassandra stabbed the demon with the sword of creation as it burst into pieces in flames.

"That's a hell heck of a sword", said Cassandra. "What's it called".

"The sword of creation". Patrinity replied with a smile.

A few years earlier, out in the fields, strange figures battled against angelic beings in a way that
almost destroyed the fabric of existence. They battled earnestly against the creatures of all
kinds, demons and monsters, their swords clashed against their opponents, battle cries and
death like never before.

Hearing voice around him like a reminder of the past, as it began to fade away.

"Anthony...", Becca called out to him. "Are you alright".

He looked at her and smiled at her and replied softly "yes, I am okay".

"It's coming Becca, I can feel it", said Anthony. "It's like history repeating itself, over and over

"We can't allow that to happen again", said Anthony. "Mother would want us to end the circle
of repetition".

Becca smiled, as she knew what that meant.

On the other side of Africa, Ibrahim had been within his own thoughts, thinking about what
Aurora had said about the demons been sent by God to retrieve what he had inside of him.

"We are not safe here Ibrahim", said Aurora. "They can smell and track us down even when you
use the word".
"Are they immune to it", Ibrahim asked. "I need to know because you didn't lemme use it on

"Not all are immune to the word", Aurora replied. "But you can't use it, never again".

Then Ibrahim began to process his thoughts word for word, one after the other.

"When you first came to me, you wanted it so badly", said Ibrahim. "I never got to use it on you,
and if God wants the word he would have sent angels not demons, isn't it".

"God works in mysterious ways", Aurora replied.

"Yeah! I think you're right", Ibrahim replied. "What if this was all part of God's plan for me to
have the word, to use it for good".

"Trust me, God wouldn't want his word to be misused", said Aurora. "Nor will he share his glory
with anyone".

Ibrahim then looked at her, suspicious, as it began to frighten Aurora as he used the word on
her. It sounded like a voice of many waters.

"What are your true intentions", Ibrahim asked. "Why do you need the word and who the hell
are you".

"I'm Aurora, goddess of abundance and the second wife to God", said Aurora. "Heaven for
many years was peaceful, until God decided to take for himself a second wife amongst the
aeon's after his first".

"Why the hell would God need more than one wife", Ibrahim asked.

"God needed to expand his glory and adoration amongst all other aeons of the cosmos", said
Aurora. "He made promises that he wouldn't fulfill no matter the cost, before the outbreak in
heaven in our glorious moment, God and I and the other aeon his first wife made the word. A
word so powerful that it surpassed the other aeons of the cosmos, it was the only thing that
could bring us to our knees".

"His attention was driven away from us", said Aurora. "When we had our separate creation, he
became focused on the other, to neglect my work. It drove us mad that I decided to end the
first aeon of his life and then wage war on earth".

"And God?", Ibrahim asked. "What about him".

"God's gone", Aurora replied.

"What do you mean by gone?", Ibrahim asked. "Do you mean dead?".

"If he were dead, he could still be resurrected", Aurora replied. "I banished him out of

Chapter Fifteen
Finding God part 1

Patrinity and Cassandra arrived home and started making out, they kissed romantically.
Cassandra leaned Patrinity against the wall, sliding her hand towards her breast. Patrinity made
the sword to vanish for safe keep as they continued making out.

They kissed, roughly and gently, for hours. Cassandra carried Patrinity to the bed as they made
out even deeply. Each woman stripped the other of her clothes and then she sucked her boobs.
They both chuckled.

"You're gonna love this", Cassandra whispered quietly into Patrinity's ear. As they foreplayed.

Cassandra undressed and climbed on top of Patrinity who was surprised to see Cassandra with
a d*ck. She smirked at her only to see how surprised she was.

"You're a she-male", said Patrinity.

"Transgender", Cassandra replied. "Got tired of p**sy, hope I am not freaking you out".

"Not at all, dear", Patrinity replied as they made out further.

Pleasuring their desires after sex, she laid on bed as they discussed.

"What does it feel like", Cassandra asked. "Being an Angel, do you ever felt being human again".

Patrinity chuckled, as she told Cassandra that she would gladly accept being human to be with
her no matter the cause.

Cassandra shared her secrets with Patrinity, her past lives and deepest thoughts. From being
bullied way back in college, beaten by her fellow female friends, been betrayed, heartbroken
and many more. Although she had her fun side and wishes she'd like to fulfill, but It was a
moment to live for.

"This demons, what do they want with the sword", Cassandra asked.

"They are not only here for the sword but the word also", Patrinity replied. "The sword is the
only thing that's on par with the word".

"What is the word?", Cassandra asked.

"The word is a powerful tool that made existence into reality", Patrinity replied. "It was formed
by the aeons of heaven, it became so powerful that it put dread in the hearts of all other
Patrinity revealed to her the secret of the heavenly realm, having full confidence and trust in
Cassandra who had also earned her trust from Patrinity.

"No way, God's gone", said Cassandra in shock. "Are you kidding me, Oh my gosh! You're

"If the word is here on earth how do we find it", said Cassandra.

"In Africa", Patrinity replied. "Do you remember from that programme on world web news TV, a
man named Ibrahim Adewale seemed to have possesse the word at his disposal".

"Do you think Aurora has gotten to him", said Cassandra. "Sending her children to apprehend

"I feared Aurora would take precaution", Patrinity replied. "Since she knows the worth and how
powerful the word is".

Meaning in Africa, Ibrahim still had conversations with Aurora who began revealing most of her
plots to Ibrahim.

"You're lying", said Ibrahim. "God can't be gone".

He stood up using the word to bring back God into existence but he couldn't, the word had no
effect. He was broken in spirit.

"Why can't I bring God into existence", Ibrahim asked. "Why can't I unbanish God".

Aurora laughed maniacally. "You can't", said Aurora. "As powerful as the word is, it just can't".

Ibrahim used it on her to explain her reasons why he can't unbanish God from existence as she
stated her reasons.

"I am the only one who can unbanish God", Aurora replied. "No one can except I".

"So you want to be God, isn't it, to be the almighty supreme ruler of the universe", said Ibrahim.
"Guess what, not today, not ever, you know why?, Cause you've failed. I’m gonna find God and
make things right and then you'll be justified for your treason".

Those words angered Aurora as she furiously charged towards him, but as fate put it, Ibrahim
sent Aurora to hell and in a matter of minutes her minions arrived but was succumb by the
word which Ibrahim used against them. He ordered them to take a human form as to serve him
on his quest to find God and make things right.
Meanwhile in hell, Aurora’s presence was felt by the demons as she burns in rage and regret for
not acquiring the word from Ibrahim Adewale. The demons bowed to her as they gave way,
making her way towards her child Elyawthoim who sat on the throne of hell.

"Mother, I had great plans installed upon the heavens and the earth", said Elyawthoim. "Not
even the heavenly host can comprehend my master plan".

He stood up from his throne and bowed to his mother, relinquished his throne for his mother.

Back in Los Angeles, California. The sins and a few virtues who stayed at Percival's home
discussed their next strategy on how to end the coming war, during their discussion a knock
was heard on the door and to their surprise it was Becca and Anthony.

"I knew you guys won't fail to come", said Chris with a smile. "It's good seeing you guys here".

"Now that we're all here", said Percival. "Let's begin".

Meanwhile in heaven, most angels await patiently as others became impatient about the things
of the world.

"It was a mistake to send Patrinity down there", said one of the angel. "She had defiled her
divinity, forgotten why she was sent down there and now she mates with a sinner".

"At least she has the sword of creation", one of the angel replied. "That should give us hope in

"The word is still at his disposal and he has the fallen under his command", said one of the
angel. "If things get out of hand, then we shall intervene".

Ibrahim began to recalled what Aurora had said to him about Los Angeles.

"What could be in Los Angeles", Ibrahim said to himself. "I need to find out clues, hidden
messages. God wouldn't just be banished out of existence without leaving clues for his children
to find. I need to find a way to unbanish God, I need to find God".

He started preparing his belongings as set out to journey through Los Angeles, California. He
took with him both fallen as his accompany.
Chapter Sixteen

Finding God part 2

The next day at ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence), the headquarters of the
Central Intelligence Agency, located in the unincorporated community of Langley in Fairfax
County, Virginia, United States; near Washington, D.C.

Where Cassandra works with the organization with Patrinity as an assistant.

"So God's gone", said Patrinity. "What's gonna happen".

"Our only hope is to use the word and the sword to undo what Aurora did", Patrinity replied.
"Hopefully that would work".

Just then, their superior officer called the attention of the workers for a brief meeting. They
discussed the outbreak that occurred, and were unable to trace back the sword, their only
thoughts were the demons had gotten hold of it thus, leaving the case closed temporarily until
further notice.

After the meeting, Patrinity spoke with Cassandra in her office about the coming threat at hand.
She informed her that she needed to find the seven deadly sins. Hearing this, Cassandra
became more eager to know what the seven deadly sins are all about.

She told her briefly what the seven deadly sins were capable of and how they became what
they were.

"After the creation and before the clash of heaven, these seven entities were known as the
seven deadly sins", said Patrinity. "Their sins were unforgivable, blasphemous, all the atrocities
they'd commit including iniquities".

"They defiled the holy sanctuary of creation", said Patrinity. "Hence abducting the name, the
seven deadly sins. And of course they were seven in numbers".

"They battled against the aeons and their creators", said Patrinity. "They were stronger than the
archangels, and all divine entities, it took the might of their creators to stop them, not even
death could hold them. So their creators sought out another alternative, to create a
replacement, a replica that would revival the sins and out of the aeons made the seven virtues.
Holiest of all the heavenly host".

"Cassandra", said Patrinity. "I would have to go to Los Angeles to find them".

"Lemme come with you", Cassandra asked. "I can be of help; I won't take no for an answer".
"What about your job", Patrinity asked.

"Lemme worry about that", said Cassandra.

Meanwhile in Africa, Ibrahim Adewale had set out for his journey to Los Angeles, California.
Hoping to find some answers on how he can find God and restore balance to the world.

He arrived at Los Angeles, California in three days where he took refuge at a motel. He and the
fallen under his command.

A few thousand years ago, in the heavenly realm and in the assemblies of aeons. All gods came
together in one accord to give account of their works. Aurora one of the aeon of God's wife and
the other presented their work before him. It came to the notice of all other aeons that the
most high God sought to split the aeons into his creations to take charge. Of course this became
very upsetting to most of the God's who sought the idea to be selfish, driving away the
appraisal of the creation of man to be one-sided to the most high God.

"This is treason against creation", said one of the aeons. "The seven powers who took part in
the creation of humanity deserved the right to be worshipped as well".

These are the seven Powers that began to work: Goodness made a psyche of bone, Providence
made a psyche of sinew, Divinity made a psyche of flesh, Lordship made a psyche of marrow,
Kingdom made a psyche of blood, Zeal made a psyche of skin, Understanding made a psyche of
hair. The host of demons took these substances from the powers to create the limbs and the
body itself. They put the parts together and coordinated them. The first ones began by making
the head: Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme, the right
eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Ieronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the
nose; Banenrphroum, the lips; Amen, the front teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the
tonsils; tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the neckbones; Dearcho, the
throat; Tebar, the shoulder; Mniarcon, the elbow; Abitrion, the right arm; Evanthen, the left
arm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the
fingers of the left hand; Kriman, fingernails; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast;
Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the
navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the
right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the skeleton;
Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar,
the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine;
Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, respiration; Entholleia, the
flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock; Arabeei, the penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals;
Gormakaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg;
Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin;
Tupelon, the left shin; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot;
Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes; Miamai, the toenails. And those who
were appointed over all of these are: Zathoth, Armas, Kalila, Iabel, Sabaoth, Cain, Abel. The
energizing powers in the limbs were divided among: the head made by Diolimodraza; the neck
by Yammeax; the right shoulder, Yakouib; the left shoulder, Verton; the right hand, Oudidi; the
left, Arbao; the fingers of the right hand, Lampno; the fingers of the left hand, Leekaphar; the
right breast, Barbar; the left breast, Imae; the chest, Pisandriaptes; the right shoulder joint,
Koade; the left shoulder joint, Odeor; the right ribs, Asphixix; the left ribs, Synogchouta; the
abdomen, Arouph; the womb, Sabalo; the right thigh, Charcharb; the left thigh, Chthaon; the
genitals, Bathinoth; the right leg, Choux; the left leg, Charcha; the right shin, Aroer; the left shin,
Toechtha; the right knee, Aol; the left knee, Charaner; the right foot, Bastan; its toes,
Archentechtha; the left foot, Marephnounth; its toes, Abrana. Seven govern the whole body:
Michael, Ouriel, Asmenedas, Saphasatoel, Aarmouriam, Richram, Amiorps. The one who
governs perceptions: Archendekta The one who governs reception: Deitharbathas The one who
governs imagination: Oummaa The one who governs integration: Aachiaram The one who
governs impulse: Riaramnacho.

There are fourfold sources of the bodily demons: hot, cold, dry, wet. [Matter is the mother of
them all.] Ruler of hot: Phloxopha Ruler of cold: Oroorrothos Ruler of dry: Erimacho Ruler of
wet: Athuro. Their mother stands among them: Onorthochrasaei She is unlimited She mixes
with all of them. She is matter and they are nourished by her. The four chief demons are
Ephememphi, associated with pleasure, Yoko, associated with desire, Nenentophni, associated
with distress, Blaomen, associated with fear. Their mother is Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe. Out from
these four demons come passions: From distress arise Envy, jealousy, grief, vexation, discord,
cruelty, worry, mourning. From pleasure come much evil and unmerited pride, And so forth.
From desire come Anger, fury, bitterness, outrage, dissatisfaction, And so forth. From fear
emerge Horror, flattery, suffering, and shame. [Their thought and truth is Anayo, the ruler of
the material soul. It belongs with the seven senses, Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.] This is the total
number of the demons: 365. They worked together to complete, part by part, the psychic and
the material body.

"It is given unto none to judge me, to stand against me", said God. "I'm the Alpha and Omega,
the bright and morning star, the beginning and the end".

The seven aeons who took part in creation were casted aside by God in other to make an
example for the other aeons to adhere to. Aurora sought within herself to reason with her
husband, brought the idea to create the most powerful tools of all; the sword and the word.

"See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me", said God. "I kill, and I make alive; I
wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand".
She did convinced God to create it with the other aeon as a deed of merciful act and by so
doing merge with it into one as the supreme ruler of the aeons.

But the other God's were furious about this, it drove them into regrets for adhering to the word
God had spoken and for no reason he had vanquished the seven powers that worked for the
creation of humanity.

"Your God whom you've made to rule over the all had done this against you", said Aurora as
she stood in the council of the aeons. "What shall it profit the very existence of a being whom
doeth as it pleases".

She made them understand that God can now be replaced as she revealed to them that which
can that which she had created with God and the other aeon. She promised to revive the seven
powers that took part of creation in humanity as long as the aeons sided with her against
heaven. For God had already splitted the heavens from the heavens, given each powers to rule
under his command over their creation, to give account over the all.

And then there was war in heaven against the aeons of God and the aeons which sided with

"This world is my creation, to do with as I please", said God. "All powers had been given unto
me, in heaven and on earth".

Aurora recalled the past events while in hell, ", it's been too long since you've ruled over the
all", said Aurora. "Now it's my turn to perfect that which was corrupted by your doings".
Chapter Seventeen

Finding God part 3

Meanwhile, Ibrahim stayed back home at the chosen. They arrived at Los Angeles, California
and resided within the urban areas in an hotel. Thinking what his arrival could become of.

"Is there anything special about this place", Ibrahim asked the fallen using the word.

"It were the angels first came to dwell on earth", one of the fallen replied. "It brings back
memories of the first armageddon on earth".

"Are you saying that the world has been destroyed before, aside from the time of Noah", said
Ibrahim. "What happened".

The fallen told him all that he needed to know, during the time of the seven deadly sins and the
seven virtues, and of course, over the past decades they either reincarnate or find an emissary
to take their place.

"The seven deadly sins", said Ibrahim. "And the seven virtues".

"Are they also after what I possess", Ibrahim asked as the fallen were unable to provide
answers to his questions.

Few days later, Patrinity and Cassandra arrived at Los Angeles, California and resided within the
rural areas and took shelter in a motel.

"I heard stories about this place, hopefully a myth", said Cassandra. "Rumours about it being
the city of Lost Angels".

"What's special about this place anyway", Cassandra asked as she wrapped her arms around

"It's the center of everything", Patrinity replied while looking at the window. "Where the first
war was fought on earth and again, and again that led the destruction of the world".

"So this sins and virtues are the only ones that could save humanity right", Cassandra asked as
her arms still wrapped around Patrinity.

"Hopefully", Patrinity replied as she turned towards Cassandra given her a gentle touch on her
face. "Sometimes they reincarnate, other times they pass on to the next and next for eternity,
till they find redemption in heaven".

And then they kissed romantically in great affection till they make out.
Somewhere within the rural areas of Los Angeles, California the ocean began to boil in the dead
of night releasing horde of flying creatures to roam the town and then made its way into the

The sins and virtues all felt the presence of the demons all at once.

"They are here", said Anthony.

"Who's here", John asked.

"Demons", Chris replied.

Patrinity who had felt the presence of the demons woke from her slumber as she observed
things through the window. Seeing how the demons would move from place to place, some
flew hovering the town making loud horrifying sound. Cassandra rolled to the other side of the
bed but couldn't feel the presence of Patrinity. She opened her eyes to see Patrinity standing
close to the window side naked.

"What's the matter dear", Cassandra asked. "Won't you come to bed, it's late already".

"I felt their presence, they are here", said Patrinity. "The demons".

Cassandra stood up naked as she moved towards Patrinity wrapping her arms around her.

"So what now", Cassandra asked.

"Well we wait", Patrinity replied as she turned towards her with a smile on her face and then
kissed her. "Like you said, it's late".

Meanwhile, Ibrahim decided to go for a late night walk as he ordered the fallen to stay at the
motel room while he goes alone. Along the way, a couple of miles far from his motel, he was
encountered by two demons who could smell the word on him. They screamed out loud to
inform the others, getting close to Ibrahim, he used the word on them to keep suspended, just
then more demons began approaching towards him in order to devour his life, he tried using
the word but he couldn't, seeing how the demons were after him, he decided to run for his life.

Running towards the rural areas of Los Angeles, California as the demons chased him from
behind, he would use the word on few only to be chased by another, he stumbled to ground
during the chase and just then, he encountered a virtue who stood in front of him as the
demons stood still. They could feel the presence of other virtues and the sins. And out of
nowhere, the virtues and sins battled against the demons and his armies.
"Go through that path and you'll be saved", said Cynthia who pointed towards the direction for
Ibrahim while they battled against the demons.

Meanwhile at the hotel of Ibrahim Adewale, a demon approached the other demons as to free
them from the word which Ibrahim has binded them to as they made their exit.

After the virtues and sins had faced off against the demons, a strange presence watched them
from afar as its presence was noticed by Anthony and Becca.

"Anthony, wait", said Becca. Anthony chased after the being and was able to catch up to it as it
used all means to divert his attention towards it. He chased it towards the end of the rural areas
and then dived into the ocean as it escaped.

He returned back to his comrades who were with Ibrahim as they went back to their safe
house. They could all feel the presence of the word inside of him as Anthony began circulating
him trying to observe his motives.

"Why are you here", said Anthony as he looked at him in a suspicious manner.

"I am looking for God", Ibrahim replied. A few of the sins laughed at him.

"You can't be serious", said Percival. "God is in heaven, why looking for him here on earth".

"I guess you haven't heard then, God's gone", said Ibrahim Adewale. "He's banished out of
existence, and my guess is that he might have left a clue here on earth".

"And who gave you that idea that God's gone, leaving a clue here on earth", said Julius.

"Aurora", Ibrahim replied. As Anthony and Becca both stared at each other for a while before
looking at Ibrahim.

"Did you just say Aurora", Becca asked. "What did she say to you".

"She said she banished God and that she's the only one that can unbanish him", said Ibrahim. "I
used the word on her to get the information and then sent her to hell".

"Holla holla...", said Julius. "Lemme get this straight, you're saying that you used the word to
send someone to hell and can't use it to bring back God. We'll have you tried making the world
a better place with the word".

"What else did she say to you", said Becca.

"She made mention of a sword...", Ibrahim replied.

"The sword of creation", said Anthony and Becca at the same time.
"You will need to stay with us for the meantime", said Percival. "It's not safe out there for you,
since the demons know you're here and it's not a coincidence for you being here, it's part of
God's plan".

The next day, Cassandra and Patrinity took a walk in the street of Los Angeles, California within
the rural areas after they had done their necessaries. They also went to the local market to get
some food items and other stuffs.

During their outing, a tremendous explosion occurred creating a massive shockwave that was
felt within the entire rural areas, people began running for safety as most people were killed in
the process by horrifying looking demons and creatures. And just as the shockwave occurred,
Patrinity had already transformed protecting Cassandra under her wings.

"You need to leave now Cassandra", said Patrinity. "Things are about to get ugly".

But Cassandra ignored her and insisted on staying, luckily for her she came prepared as she
aimed her guns towards a demon, shooting at it simultaneously. The demons then charged
toward them as Patrinity summoned the sword of creation to battle against them. Cassandra’s
ammunition had no effect on the demons, but rather enraged them to charge furiously against
them. She battled earnestly against the demons and took them down all by herself before the
arrival of the sins and virtues.

"These people faced this everytime", said Cassandra as she held on to Patrinity who took off
with her.

On the other side, when the sins and virtues arrived, Percival, Rita, and Becca were able to spot
Patrinity flying away.

"Is that what I think it is?", said Rita. "An angel".

"She took them down effortlessly without help", said Percival. "This means she's on our side".

"But how can we locate her", Becca asked.

And during their discussion, another presence was felt tremendously by the chosen as an
invisible force was able to keep them off balance, sending all to the ground. Not aware of what
had happened, the virtues formed a circular shape of battle strategy and implied that the sins
do the same as well. Before the sins could agree on their decisions the invisible force pulled
them apart by sending them flying in an opposite direction.

It began making horrifying sound as it twirled around the virtues creating a flaming dust like
particles in the atmosphere.
Chapter Eighteen

God's gone

Meanwhile in the chosen apartment, Ibrahim wasn't aware of what's going on outside as he
was approached by an entity who came to reason things with him, taken the form of a man he
showed and told Ibrahim he could do a lot more, given him the alternative that he could
become God and rule over the all.

"Who are you", Ibrahim asked.

He revealed himself to be an angel of light from the heavenly realm, as he told Ibrahim that
God cannot be found and that he's gone and someone has to take his place. He offered Ibrahim
an intriguing offer, saying he wasn’t here to battle against him, convincing Ibrahim that the
virtues will get in the way and there are other powers out there who are in need of the word.

Before leaving, he told Ibrahim that he could use the word to restore his wasted years and
bring his father back to life. Ibrahim wanted to know more about the word and how he can
make good use of it. He then told Ibrahim this:

When the moon is full and the light shineth over the waters

Speak the word which bringeth forth life

The word is powerful

It can resurrect the dead

It killeth and maketh alive

The word is the only thing that can undo

the damages that are done

Say your desires upon the ocean

Give in to it and let the powers work

Adhere to it will and it shall come to pass

But in so doing you will need the sword of creation

To grant you safe passage on your journey.

"What's the sword of creation", Ibrahim asked.

"It's a powerful tool that can rival the word", the angel of light replied and then vanished into
thin air".

Meanwhile the sins and virtues battled against the invisible force vigorously, Margret, on the
other hand, was able to extend her grace that pushed the invisible force aside. She instructed
one of the sins to use their sacred treasure to seal the force away while they kept it distracted.

"What does she mean by that", asked Jesse.

"We don't have any sacred treasure", said Julius. "You trying to get us killed, ain't you".

Just then, out of annoyance, John was able to summon his sacred treasure and instantly used it
against the invisible force which drove it back into the atmosphere. And when the others
turned to look at him, he had gotten his wings as they went back in, in an instant.

"What da bloody hell is that", Marcus said in shock. "You've got angel wings, although it was for
a moment there and then bam vanished".

His sacred treasure had also vanished; the rest of the sins were amazed.

"You did good", said Cynthia with a pat on his shoulder as she smiled at him.

Meanwhile at the motel, Patrinity arrived with Cassandra safely at their balcony.

"Those demons, my ammunition had no effect on them", said Cassandra. "Not surprised at all
the way you took them like a champ".

"I am glad you're safe now", Patrinity replied with a smile on her face. "But still haven't found
the seven deadly sins".

She drew closer to Patrinity, put her hands around her neck. "It's Los Angeles, their home town.
We'll find them", said Cassandra. "But in the meantime I have something to show you".

They both went in as Cassandra brought out a confidential file out of her bag and handed it to

"What am I looking at", asked Patrinity, as she flipped over the pages. Something caught her
attention about an experiment called "project fall".

"What's project fall", Patrinity asked.

"Project fall is a secret organization under the ODNI", Cassandra replied. "When you first came
to earth the organization had been working on something called the Sethrophese and were
able to detect you as an angel".

"Sethrophese...", Patrinity replied softly, trying to recall what it means and she finally found out
its meaning, her eyes exploded wide open. "They are the first angelic tribrids born out of the
three sets of hierarchy of Angels. They were created by the supreme rulers of the seventh
heavens because they had no seraphims, cherubims and thrones but were able to create a copy
of their comrades creations in other to fight against chaos".

"What does this have to do with the organization", asked Patrinity.

Cassandra looked at her in an unusual way that she got the message on time.

"The Sethrophese had already been cloned", said Cassandra. "Hundreds of them or more".

"With the use of advanced technologies and metaphysics", said Cassandra they were able to
recalibrate their memories".

"What do they want it for", asked Patrinity. "This is against the creation of God".

"The United States government wanted absolute power at their disposal to win against the
Russian revolution", said Cassandra. "A Sethrophese was able to wipe out the entire Russian
base without effort and now they want to spread forth their powers to all nations that pose a
threat to the state".

"Due to the success of the organization, and the previous incident that occurred three weeks
ago, a Sethrophese escaped its pod", said Cassandra. "And now it roams freely".

Patrinity paced around for a while thinking about what's going to happen next.

"This is bad, really bad", said Patrinity. "If a demon ever saw a Sethrophese on the loose it could
be trouble".

"If we find the sins and virtues they could be of help", said Cassandra.

"I just hope it's not too late", said Patrinity.

The sins and virtues returned to their apartment only to find Ibrahim standing close to the
window repeating a phrase out loud.

"The sword of creation is the key", said Ibrahim. "The sword of creation is the key".

"Ibrahim", Rita said as she touched him on his shoulder. "Is everything alright".

He turned towards them. "He was here", said Ibrahim. "The angel of light".
"What did he come for", Percival asked.

"He said find the sword of creation", said Ibrahim. "It is the key".

Meanwhile in hell, a messenger came to deliver a message to Elyawthoim and his mother.

"My Lord", said the demon. "A Sethrophese lived".

He turned towards his mother as she knew what it was without uttering a word.

"With the powers of the Sethrophese, we can put the sins against the virtues", said Aurora.
"Take as many legions with you, find the Sethrophese and harness its power".

Late at night, after the sins and virtues had dinner along with Ibrahim, they all rested. Ibrahim
could hear voices calling out to him at late hour. A beautiful voice in an enchanted tone, her
voice called out to Ibrahim.

Luckily, Jeremy saw Ibrahim walk by as he went out, he secretly followed Ibrahim outside
where the voice called out to him, Jeremy could not hear the voice but could feel a strange
presence far off. The melodious harmony enticed Ibrahim as he moved further away from the
apartment and then he came face to face with a female demon whose name is siren mistress of
the night. Jeremy watched in secret as she kissed Ibrahim, he's eyes turned dark as he was
being manipulated by the demon.

"I could smell your presence", said the siren. "If it isn't Jeremy the goat sin, the sin of lust".

He was shocked that the demon knew his name, he came out of his hiding place, revealed
himself to her.

"What do you want with him", said Jeremy.

"What's inside of him", Siren replied as she transformed into half woman half snake, she
wrapped her tail around Ibrahim, lifting him up from the ground.

Jeremy charged towards her to attack but her siren scream pushed him aside. He charged again
and again until he landed a punch on her that pushed her to the ground. They battled earnestly.

"Why can't the others be alerted", said Jeremy.

"Trying to call for backup", said siren with a deadly smirk on her face. "I had silenced the
atmosphere to my beck and call, no matter how loud our battle is, no one can hear us".

"Then I guess I have to go all out", said Jeremy as he charged towards her. She controlled the
waters from the ocean against Jeremy. Jeremy never stood a chance but did not give up hope.
"You are powerless without your sacred treasure and wings", said Siren. "You can't win".

Both fists clashed against the other, causing a massive shockwave that sent them backwards.
And just then, Jeremy’s wings came forth mightily, surprisingly shocking to the siren who tried
her enchantment song but was of no effect on Jeremy. She then used it on Ibrahim to order
Jeremy with the word.

"Stand down", said Ibrahim using the word against Jeremy which is of no effect. It frightened
the demon as Jeremy drew nigh while summoning his sacred treasure and was able to cut off
her hand, dropping Ibrahim to the ground as she fled back into the ocean.

Chapter Nineteen

"Ibrahim, are you alright", asked Jeremy, giving him a slight tap on his cheek. He helped him up
and then flew home.

The next day, Jeremy told the rest what had happened and how he was able to summon his
sacred treasure and wings. But Ibrahim couldn't remember what had happened to him

"What's a siren", Silas asked.

"A demon of the night, who enticed her victims with melodious harmony", Margret said. "But
why now".

"Although, siren mistresses of the night are not to be trusted", said Becca. "Why they work
under the legions of hell, they are the lowest in rank and far lethal of all the demons".

"Mother once told us stories about the sirens casted out of heaven", said Anthony. "Their
powers are like the word and image if they acquire the word, they would be unstoppable".

"How were they casted out of heaven", Marcus asked. "Was it the angels".

"No, the angels were no match for them, not even the highest of them", Becca replied. "It was
the seven deadly sins. The virtues were no match as well".

"Which is why, when Ibrahim used the word on you Jeremy", said Anthony. "It had no effect".

Ibrahim stood up in shock like he's confused about something and said, "I used the word on
you. When?".

"So what now?", Cassidy asked.

"The sirens never gives up", said Becca. "They'll keep on coming until they get what they came

Meanwhile, at the motel, Patrinity had informed Cassandra that she'd be going out to look for
the sins and virtues. Cassandra came along with her and not far from the motel, another
presence was felt by Patrinity. He moved towards them as Patrinity could remember him to be
one of theirs from the heavenly realm.

"What brings you to earth Kaprinadael", said Patrinity. "My mission is not yet done".

Kaprinadael never uttered a word at first. He stared at Cassandra and then stared at Patrinity.

"I believe you have the sword", said Kaprinadael with a deadly smirk. "Who is this mortal?, That
you have defiled your divinity upon".
"You've broken the angelic code Patrinity", said Kaprinadael. "Hand over the sword and
relinquish your grace".

Cassandra, hearing it, became upset and challenged the angel as well as defending Patrinity.

"You speak when spoken to Cassandra Clare", said Kaprinadael. "Now stand aside".

"You don't understand", said Patrinity. "The Sethrophese lived again, and I am positive that the
demons would go after it, since it's capable of creating an angel".

"Your mission was to retrieve the sword and the word and nothing else", Kaprinadael replied.
"Am sorry it has to come to this, the angelic code matters a lot and once your powers are
removed you'll be replaced by another".

"I’m sorry, but I can't allow that", said Cassandra as she drew out her guns and fired at the
angel. She and Patrinity made their escape into town.

Meanwhile in hell, the siren sent to retrieve the word came to Elyawthoim and his mother to
present a case before them.

"My lord's", said the siren. "I bring grave news my lord's... The word is ineffective against the

"Then it's time for the next phase", said Elyawthoim.

"You don't have to do this", said Patrinity. "Give me more time, am so close to finding the

"There's no time left Patrinity", said Kaprinadael. "With the sword at your disposal, I will be
taking God's place among the aeons. For the coming war must take its course".

"That's repugnant to the throne of God", Patrinity replied. "You don't want to save humanity
isn't it".

"Humanity will be saved but it will come at a cost", said Kaprinadael. "Don't make this harder
than it already has".

Patrinity then summoned the sword of creation as to battle against Kaprinadael.

"I won't allow that happened", said Patrinity.

Kaprinadael revealed his form, spread out his wings as he summoned his sacred treasure.

"I'll only say this once Patrinity", said Kaprinadael as the heavens opened revealing the host of
Angels that took sides with Kaprinadael. All with their flaming swords "Let it go, you wouldn't
want to put the humans in harm's way".

Kaprinadael charged towards Patrinity who then vanished with Cassandra to where the
predecessors once came to earth.

"I should had seen this coming", said Patrinity out of annoyance. "I failed".

Cassandra tried cheering her up with the hopes of confidence and just then an idea came to
her. As she realized that she can use the sword to send an interference only entities could feel
and in doing so it alerted the demons of their whereabouts. On the hand, the chosen felt a
great disturbance, not knowing what it means except for Anthony and Becca, as they were
familiar with its occurrence. They all arrived at the location of Patrinity and Cassandra, leaving
Ibrahim all to himself at their apartment.

Patrinity then informed them about the coming war, Anthony and Becca, not surprised at all,
were able to recognize the sword of creation which Patrinity held in her hand as she also told
them about the Sethrophese, which rang a bell to Anthony and Becca, who then later revealed
themselves to be the children of Azriel, stating that their mother had passed on the memories
of the heavenly realm to them, which was of no surprise to Patrinity. The chosen began
planning their strategy. On top of that, Kaprinadael and his angels hovered around the city in
search of Patrinity and the sword.

Meanwhile, Elyawthoim who also got the signals from hell, sent out his demons into the world
to cause havoc, as the atmosphere changed into complete darkness. On top of that, Ibrahim,
who was all alone had an unknown guest who surrounded the apartment as they transformed
into horrifying creatures, and with nowhere to turn to he was encountered by siren who was
able to manipulate him before he could use the word on her. She then ordered the demons to
go after the chosen. The ground began splitting apart as ginormous monsters began raging
rampage in the city and her town.

Patrinity told the chosen that the fate of creation rested upon their shoulders once again. As
the angels approached them, they were encountered by demons who battled against
Kaprinadael and his armies. The sins and virtues all worked together in battling against the
demons and were able to protect the innocent from harm’s way.

Chapter Twenty

The battle became more furious as demons charged furiously at them. As the skies sprung forth
hailstones causing a massive shockwave in the atmosphere, it came to earth to reveal itself as a
demonic Sethrophese, having six wings and almost indescribable as it is terrifying and powerful.
It devours with iron teeth and crushes what is left with its feet. It also has ten horns having little
horn arising among the ten. The little horn has the eyes of a man and a mouth which brought
forth fire and sulphur. The Sethrophese recognizes not friend or foe as it destroyed everything
in sight. Ripping apart demons and Angels.

It attacked the chosen and its speed are remarkably overwhelmed, its roar leveled the entire
city. They battled against the Sethrophese vigorously with different techniques and specialty.

John and Jeremy, who had attained their sacred treasure, gave it all their efforts in battling
against the Sethrophese. The virtues also transformed having their sacred treasure as they
battled, creating an opening for Patrinity, using the sword of creation to end the monstrosity.

On top of that, Siren appeared with Ibrahim and the demons revealing her plans to the chosen,
stating the release of her siblings who were imprisoned by the seven deadly sins.

"With the word, I'll be able to have my vengeance", Siren said with the hatred in her heart. "To
free my sister".

The atmosphere began producing tremendous lightning and wind, and with a single clap she
was able to devastate the surroundings in destructive force. Patrinity shielded Cassandra with
her grace. She sent forth her demons to battle against them, Patrinity then enchant Cassandra's
ammunition with her divine powers never to run out of bullets that were able to kill the
demons in a single shot.

They battled their way towards siren who shot destructive blasts at them. Avoiding every blast,
they jumped in midair for a lethal attack but were pushed aside by siren's shockwave. She
battled against them, seeing what they were capable of as she avoids the gunshots of
Cassandra with ease. Cynthia was able to get a clear shot at her that sent her flying
uncontrollably to the ground.

They all charged furiously at her using everything at their disposal, but she avoided the attacks
and vanished towards Ibrahim, commanding him to use the word on the virtues against the
sins. In doing so, Patrinity faced off against her as Cassandra made her way to Ibrahim trying to
undo her enchantment by slaps, and talk.

The virtues fell under the control of the word and attacked the sins in full force. They battled
against their individual counterparts earnestly. John and Jeremy were able to keep up to their
counterparts being the only ones who were able to attain their wings and sacred treasure.

The rest of the sins were able to attain their sacred treasures and wings after numerous times
of trials and defeat. After John and Jeremy had stood in the gap of battle for them as they were
defeated as well by the virtues who combined their powers together in a single blast aimed at
the sins, causing a massive destructive shockwave which felt like the sins had perished in
destruction and just then they emerged out in glory with their sacred treasures and wings.

Meanwhile, Cassandra tried talking to Ibrahim, reminding him of who he was and what he was
capable of doing. Inside his thoughts, he was spellbound with the chains of the siren song. A
demon that was half dead struggled its way to Cassandra pushing her aside as it took control
over Ibrahim's body. During the fight of the sins and virtues, the sins were able to overpower
their counterparts as the spell was broken due to the fact that Ibrahim's body is in control of
the demon who used the word to free their masters from hell.

In the battle of siren against Patrinity, they both felt great disturbance from the earth's core
which erupted hot lava randomly as the ocean began to boil as mighty tempest could be felt all
over. As massive energy blast burst into the atmosphere revealing horde of demons and from
above the mother and the son watched from afar.

Aurora stretched forth her hand which made the possessed Ibrahim exploded freeing him of
the word as it made its way to Aurora. And in an instant she merged with her son absorbing the
life force within creation, killing the siren instantly for her betrayal of the dark. She then used
the word on Patrinity which is of no effect due to the fact she had the sword at her disposal.

"It's up to you now", said Patrinity. "The fate of creation is at your fingertips".

"Let the unmaking begin", said Aurora as she created a massive destructive blast that wiped out
all living things out of existence. Patrinity held on to Cassandra, covering her with her wings as
they kissed while been erased out of existence.

The sword fell to the ground unharmed, as all eyes fixed on it. Aurora tried using the word on
the virtues but was stopped by Marcus’s blast. Each sin held on to their counterpart and
interchangeably threw the other towards Aurora, which created a diversion as they battled
against her.

Their battle strategy was remarkably outstanding that put Aurora off balance; their
counterattacks were unpredictable to her.

"Whatever it is you want, you won't succeed in it", said Percival as the virtues went on
circulating her throwing attacks on her as the sins battled her.
The enraged Auror, who pushed the chosen aside from her path.

"Enough!!!...", Aurora said in rage, her eyes burned with fires. "Pathetic angels in the body of
puny mortals".

Summoning the sword to her aid empowered her

like never before, as she grew in massive size

In her possession she had the sword of creation

and the word along with the powers of the Sethrophese

who were able to recreate the virtues of the predecessors

Her spoken words shook the fabric of existence like a

true God, she boastfully claimed herself as the supreme ruler

The heavens above were frightened by her absence

Her presence on earth could be felt in the heavenly realm

None could challenge her might and superiority

Her eyes are like the thunderous tempest of the ocean

It burns fervently with the gaze of reality

Her voice as that of many waters

Her spoken words are as sharper than two edged sword

It aimed at the chosen as they successfully avoided the attack

They charged furiously at her but were unable to lay a finger on her

She was like an invincible deity but with flaws

Upon her forehead lies the true godhead of the aeons

On her right hand she held the existence of life force

On the left, she held the sword of creation

Her transformations were glorious

It was of no match for the chosen to overcome no matter how hard they tried;

They fought earnestly against her but she doesn't budge.

"Enough", said Aurora. Her words alone sent the chosen afar of.

"She's too powerful", said Percival. "How can we stop her".

"There's a way we can stop her", Becca said. "But we have to trust in each other, like our
predecessors did, it's the only way we can stop her".

"How?", Julius asked?

"By believing", Cynthia replied.

Aurora then swung the sword across creating a devastating shockwave that separated the sins
from the virtues and then lifted it up to the sky, it shook the heavens and the earth.

"I'm and there's none to stand against me", said Aurora. "This is the true power of creation".

Just then, bright shun over creation, so great that even Aurora could not withstand it.

"What is this power", Aurora said. "This presence is unfathomable; can it be".

The chosen had merged into one divine entity

So great that it made the heavenly host bow

Their presence illuminated all of creation

Their glory is immense

The sword of creation began to glow from Aurora's hand

As it burst in great flames of fire

What stood in front of her was something remarkable

A divine perfection of the pleroma,

so great that it made the word as useless as nothing

Having fourteen mighty wings of glory

On their head lies the stars of heaven with tongues of fire roundabout
On their left they held the shield of faith

As the sword of creation was drawn to them

Their powers were so great that it mocked the transformation of Aurora to scorn

"This is beyond pleroma", Aurora said with a shaky voice. Using the word meant nothing to
their transformation.

"What are you?", Aurora asked.

"We're the holy one", the holy one with the voice of many waters which sounded thunderous.
Aurora charged towards the holy one but was killed in an instant, turning her into nothingness.

The world was devastated; all life had been extinguished

It looked upon the waste land as it spoke the word of life

The thing that were not came forth

Restoring order and balance to all creation as they ascended to heaven.

Their powers were so great that they could not separate, the angel Gamelilian came to the holy
one which had restored the world to order knelt before him saying;

"As the Lord liveth, he rules over the all", said Gamelilian.

All the angels bowed to him, for they were beyond trinity and all other aeons, their powers are
unfathomable without limit. The world once experienced peace as they found redemption in
the holy paradise.

Here ends the seven deadly sins versus the seven virtues.

(Ziquiel, Shemêhaza, Suryal ,Remiel, Arataqif, Ramt,) Baraquiel, Hermoni Matariel, Ananiel,
Setaouël, Shamshiel, Agrebakk, Sahriel, Loukas, Samyaza Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel,
Ramiel = Ramuel, Daniel =Danel, Azkeel, (Saraknyal,) Asaël = Asael, (Armers, Batraal,) Anane,
Zavebe, Turel, Arazyal, (Abrasax,) Sablo, Gamaliel Zadkiel, (Hanjobadiel,) Jophiel, Saraqael,
Ibriel, Raziel, Castiel, (Lezmegadiel,) Amenadiel, Behemoth, (Aurora.)

The chosen of the seven deadly sins

1) John: sin of WRATH (the dragon sin)

2) Silas: sin of PRIDE (the liopeak= lion and peacock sin)
3) Jesse: sin of SLOTH (the slothail= sloth and snail sin)
4) Jeremy: sin of LUST (the goat sin)
5) Cassidy: sin of ENVY (the snake sin)
6) Julius: sin of GREED (the fox sin)
7) Marcus: sin of GLUTTONY (the pig sin)

The chosen of the seven virtues

1) Percival: virtue of HUMILITY (the phoenix virtue) Rita's relation and son of Chi-Chi and
2) Cynthia: virtue of CHASTITY (the rabbit virtue)
3) Margret: virtue of. DILIGENCE (the unicorn virtue)
4) Chris: virtue of KINDNESS (the dolphin virtue)
5) Rita: virtue of TEMPERANCE (the eagle virtue) Percival's relation and daughter of Chi-Chi
and Samsaveel
6) Anthony: virtue of PATIENCE (the dove virtue) brother to Becca and son of Ariel
7) Becca: virtue of CHARITY (the lamb virtue) sister to Anthony and daughter of Ariel

These are the hierarchies of the first seven virtues

(Boy) Michael: virtue of HUMILITY virtue) and the leader of the seven virtues.
otherwise known as MODEST (the phoenix Counterpart to the sin of pride.
(Girl) Gabriel: virtue of DILIGENCE (the (Boy) Barachiel: virtue of PATIENCE
unicorn virtue) second in command. otherwise known as MEEKNESS,
Counterpart to the sin of sloth. FORGIVENESS (the dove virtue).
Counterpart to the sin of wrath/anger.
(Girl) Uriel: virtue of CHASTITY (the rabbit
virtue). Counterpart to the sin of lust. (Boy) Raphael: virtue of TEMPERANCE (the
eagle virtue). Counterpart to the sin
(Boy) Jegudiel: virtue of KINDNESS (the
dolphin virtue). Counterpart to the sin of
envy. (Girl) Selaphiel: virtue of CHARITY otherwise
known as GENEROSITY (the lamb virtue).
Counterpart to the sin of greed.

These are the hierarchies of the first seven deadly sins

(Boy) Lucifer: sin of PRIDE (the liopeak= lion (Girl) Leviathan: sin of ENVY (the snake sin).
and peacock sin) and the leader of the Counterpart to the virtue of kindness.
seven deadly sins. Counterpart to the virtue
(Boy) Satan: sin of WRATH (the dragon sin).
of humility otherwise known as modest.
Counterpart to the virtue of patience.
(Girl) Belphegor: sin of SLOTH (the slothail=
(Boy) Beelzebub: sin of GLUTTONY (the pig
sloth and snail sin) second in command.
sin). Counterpart to the virtue of
Counterpart to the virtue of diligence.
(Boy) Asmodeus: sin of LUST (the goat sin).
(Girl) Mammon: sin of GREED (the fox sin).
Counterpart to the virtue of chastity.
Counterpart to the virtue of charity
otherwise known as generosity.

The seven deadly sins are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 deadly sins: Sloth, Pride, Greed,
Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Wrath.
(Boy)Samsaveel: sin of SLOTH (the slothail= members of the seven deadly sins who is
sloth and snail sin) counterpart to the virtue sometimes not to be trusted.
diligence and leader to the seven deadly
(Boy) Metatron: sin of GLUTTONY (the pig
sins who is also known to inflict laziness
sin) counterpart to the virtue temperance
upon the children of disobedience
(Boy) Azazyel: sin of ENVY (the snake sin)
(Girl)Azriel: sin of PRIDE (the liopeak=
counterpart to the virtue kindness
peacock and lion sin) counterpart to the
virtue modest and second in command to (Girl)Toumiel: sin of LUST (the goat sin)
the seven deadly sins counterpart to the virtue chastity
(Boy) Ertael: sin of GREED (the fox sin) (Girl)Touriel: sin of WRATH (the dragon sin)
counterpart to the virtue generosity and counterpart to the virtue patience

The seven virtues are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 virtues: Diligence, Modesty,

Generosity, Temperance, Kindness, Chastity, Patience.

(Girl)Ariel: Virtue of DILIGENCE (the unicorn (Boy) Gabriel: virtue of TEMPERANCE (the
virtue) and leader of the seven virtues, eagle virtue) counterpart to the sin gluttony
counterpart to the sin of sloth
(Boy) Kokabiel: virtue of KINDNESS (the
(Boy) Michael: virtue of MODESTY (the dolphin virtue) counterpart to the sin envy.
phoenix virtue) counterpart to the sin pride He's known to infect others with his
and second in command to the seven kindness if there is rage among them.
(Girl)Uriel: virtue OF CHASTITY (the rabbit
(Boy) Raphael: virtue of GENEROSITY (the virtue) counterpart to the sin lust
lamb virtue) counterpart to the sin greed
(Girl)Yomyael: virtue of PATIENCE (the dove
virtue) counterpart to the sin wrath

NB anger (wrath) and greed, anger for meekness, wrath for forgiveness, greed for Charity,
greed for generosity
Lust _ chastity

Gluttony_ temperance

Greed_ charity/generosity

Sloth_ diligence

Wrath(anger)_ forgiveness/meekness/patience

Envy_ kindness

Pride_ humility/ modest


Divine sin

Unforgivable sin

Heavenly hell


Divine artifacts

Orb of destiny

Sacred treasure

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