Finals GP1

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Cabugao Institute

Cabugao, Ilocos Sur

Name:_______________________________ Grade and Section:_________________________ Score:_________

Final Examination in General Physics 1

Directions: Choose the correct answer by writing its letter before the number.

1. The sound carried by air from a guitar to a listener is a wave of which of the following type?
a) Longitudinal stationary c) Transverse stationary
b) Transverse progressive d) Longitudinal progressive
2. Assertion (A): The velocity of sound in air increases due to the presence moisture in it.
Reason (R): The presence of moisture in air lowers the density of air.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
3. Assertion (A): When a source of sound moves towards a stationary observer, the wavelength of the sound
received by the observer decreases.
Reason (R): Doppler effect is applicable only when the velocities of source of the sound and observer are
less than the velocity of sound.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
4. Which of the following does the frequency of vibration of a string depend on?
a) Its length c) Tension of the string
b) Its linear density d) All of the above
5. A person standing between two parallel cliffs, fires a gun. He hears the first echo after 2.5 s and second echo
after 3.5 s. If speed of sound is 330 , then what will be the distance between the cliffs?
a) 990 m c) 970 m
b) 980 m d) 960 m
6. An open tube of length 4 m is dipped in water. To what depth, it is to be immersed in water so that it is in
resonance with a fork of frequency 340 Hz at its second overtone? Use the speed of sound presented in
number 5.
a) 2.25 m c) 2.75 m
b) 2.50 m d) 3.0 m
7. A uniform rope of certain length and mass hangs vertically from a rigid support. A block of mass 10 times
the mass of the rope is attached at the free end of the rope. A transverse pulse of wavelength λ is produced
at the lower end of the rope. The velocity of the pulse when it reaches the top of the rope is _______ times
that at the bottom.
a) 11 1 1
c) d)
b) √ 11 11 √11
8. When a source of sound of frequency “n” crosses a stationary observer with a speed Vs (<< speed of sound
V), the apparent change in frequency is given by ___________.
nV s
b) 2 nV Vs
2nV V s
9. The velocity of sound in a gas is ___________.
a) Directly proportional to its density
b) Inversely proportional to its density
c) Directly proportional to square root of its density
d) Inversely proportional to square root its density
10. In a stationary wave,
A) All the particles in the wave have equal amplitude.
B) Different particles in the wave have different amplitude.
C) There is continuous phase difference between any two particles in the wave
D) The phase difference between the particle in a given loop in the wave is zero.
a) A, C and B are true c) A, C and D are true
b) B, C, and D are true d) B and D are true
11. Sound travels through rocks in the form of
a) Non-elastic waves.
b) Only transverse and elastic waves.
c) Only longitudinal and elastic waves.
d) Both longitudinal, transverse, and elastic waves.
12. Assertion (A): All particles between two consecutive nodes vibrate in the same phase.
Reason (R): Particles on two sides of a node vibrate mutually in opposite phase.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
13. Assertion (A): The apparent frequency remains the same as the source approaches a stationary observer.
Reason (R): The apparent change in frequency depends on the distance between the source and the observer.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
14. The fundamental frequency of vibration of a stretched string is _________ its linear density.
a) directly proportional to
b) directly the proportional to square root of
c) inversely proportional to
d) inversely proportional to the square root of
15. A person standing at A, fired a bullet against a wall and hears an echo after 4 s. He walked 170 meters
towards the wall and fired another bullet and hears echo after 2.5 s. What is the distance from the wall to the
place A?
a) 140 m c) 453.3 m
b) 240 m d) 160.66 m
16. Three open organ pipes of same radius have their fundamental frequencies n1 , n2, and n3 , respectively. These
three pipes are joined end to end to form a single organ pipe. If the fundamental frequency of the new pipe
formed in n, then which of the following options is true?
a) n=n1 +n2 +n 3 1 1 1 1
c) = + +
1 1 1 n n1 n2 n 3
b) n= + +
n1 n2 n3 1
d) =n1 +n 2+ n3
17. Two strings have lengths in ratio 3:4 and radii in the ratio 4:5. When they are stretched, the ratio of the
tension developed is 25:36. If they are made of same material, then calculate the ratio of fundamental
a) 5:12 c) 25:36
b) 25:18 d) 5:6
18. Speed of a sound wave is “v”. If a reflector moves towards a stationary source emitting waves of frequency
of “n” with speed “u”, calculate the frequency of the reflected wave.
v +u v−u
a) ( )n c) ( )n
v−u v
v−u v +u
b) ( )n d) ( )n
v +u v
19. When sound is transmitted through air
a) Only the pressure varies temporally.
b) Only the density varies temporally.
c) Both pressure and density vary temporally.
d) Both density and pressure vary permanently.
20. A particle executing SHM completes 180 π vibrations in 2 minutes. What will be the frequency (in Hz) of
this motion?
π 5π
a) c)
2 2
3π 7π
b) d)
2 2
21. What is the distance between two successive particles which are in the same state of vibration?
a) Wavelength
b) Frequency
c) Phase
d) Amplitude
22. Which of the following figures is suitable for 2nd harmonic in vibrating string?

23. The frequency of the first harmonic produced in air column enclosed in a closed pipe is 300 Hz. If its length
is 40 cm, then what is the velocity of the sound in air?
a) 320 m/s c) 400 m/s
b) 340 m/s d) 480 m/s
24. According to Kepler’s law of planetary motion __________.
a) Planets trace equal distance in equal intervals of time.
b) Planets move around sun with constant speed.
c) Planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbit
d) Both a and c.
25. The period of revolution of geostationary satellite is _____________ that of the period of rotation of the
a) equal to c) less than
b) greater than d) both a and c
26. Which of the following is not correct about escape velocity?
a) It depends on mass of the planet.
b) It depends on the value of acceleration due to gravity of the planet.
c) Escape velocity is greater than orbital velocity for a given planet.
d) None of these.
27. When distance between two bodies of masses m 1 and m2 is doubled, then gravitational force between them
is ___________ of initial gravitational force.
th th
1 1
a) b)
4 5
c) 4 times
d) twice
28. The ratio of the masses of two planet is 1:10 and the ratio of their diameters is 1:5. If the length of a seconds
pendulum on the first planet is 0.5 m, then the length of the seconds pendulum on the second planet is
a) 0.2 m c) 0.4 m
b) 0.3 m d) 0.5 m
29. According to Kepler’s 3rd law of planetary motion, ______________.
a) T ∝ R c) T 3 ∝ R 2
2 3
b) T ∝ R d) T ∝ R 3
30. Two satellites of identical masses orbit around two planets separately. The ratio of their distances from the
centers of their planets is 2:1 and the ratio of the g values on the surfaces of planets is g p : 1. If the ratio of
their escape velocities is 2:3, then gp = _________.
4 3 2 5
a) b) c) d)
9 9 9 9
31. The difference in the readings shown by a spring balance for a body of mass 40 kg on the surface of the
Earth and a planet of the Earth and a planet of mass half of that of the Earth and radius twice that of the
Earth is ________.
a) 320 N b) 3200 N c) 350 N d) 500 N
32. In a planetary motion, a planet _________ in equal intervals of time.
a) Traces equal areas
b) Travels within a uniform speed distance
c) Both a and b
d) Travels with a uniform velocity
33. A cylindrical body floats in water such that half of its volume lies above the surface water. What is the
relative density of the material, with which of the body is made of?
a) 0.50 b) 1.0 c) 0.75 d) 1.5
34. Two solids X and Y float in water. It is observed that X floats with half of its volume immersed and Y floats
with two-third of its volume immersed. What will be the ratio of densities of X and Y?
a) 2:3 b) 4:3 c) 3:4 d) 3:2
35. Arrange the following steps in sequential order to explain the working of a hydraulic press.
A. The pressure transmitted to the water in the press tube exerts thrust on the press piston in the upward
B. Now when the piston of the pump tube is pressed, the pressure is exerted on the water in the pump tube.
The pressure is transmitted to the water in the press tube.
C. The lever attached to the pump piston is lifted up to draw water into the pump tube.
D. Due to the thrust on the press piston, the platform connected to the press piston moves in the upward
E. When the platform moves in the upward direction, the material placed on the platform is pressed against
the concrete ceiling.

36. Assertion (A): A piece of ice floats on water.

Reason (R): Density of ice is less than the density of water.
a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
37. If the weight of the body and upthrust on the body in a liquid are equal, then the body
a) Sinks.
b) Floats and partly immerse in the liquid.
c) Floats and immerse in the liquid.
d) Completely lies outside the liquid.
38. The mass of a wooden block size 8 x 8 x 8 cm is 307.2 g. When it is floating in water, how much is the
height of the wooden block above water level.
a) 6 cm c) 4.8 cm
b) 4 cm d) 3.2 cm
39. A ball of density p is released from deep inside a liquid of density 2p. It will move up
a) With increasing acceleration.
b) With decreasing acceleration.
c) With constant acceleration.
d) With zero acceleration.
40. If two spheres of same materials immersed in water experience unequal upthrust, then which of the
following statements is/are true?
a) Their volumes inside the water are equal.
b) Their loss of weights in water are equal.
c) Their volumes inside the water are unequal.
d) Both a and c.

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