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Course Syllabus
Semester 2, 2021-2022


To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was
created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his
creation might be realized—this was to be the work of redemption. This is the object of
education, the great object of life.

Educate and prepare students through:
1. Biblical-based and Christ-centered business education model,
2. Supportive Christian social environment and modern e-learning infrastructure, and
3. Global-oriented and contemporary business curriculum.

Preparing student with the true Christian values to glorify God and to serve humanity

Core Values:
In doing our responsibilities to God and our duties to the humanity, the UBS faculties are guided
by the FAST acronym.

Faithful. The faculties firmly adhere to the observance of our duty both to God and man by
consecrating our effort, time, and talents in pursuing our mission, achieving our vision, and
living up our philosophy.
Advanced. The faculties commit to progressively acquire knowledge in the culture of the
intellect as well as in the Divine knowledge.
Spiritual. The faculties realize the essential of our devotional life as we are dependent on our
Master Teacher as the source of wisdom and knowledge, as well as the power to performing our
Thorough. The faculties believe that in performing our duty, we must perform our duty
wholeheartedly, exhaustively, painstakingly, excellently and completely in all respect.
UBS expects the students who finish their study to be accountable both to God and men,
professionally competent, socially responsible, balanced in all the aspect of life (i.e physically,
mentally, socially and spiritually). In other words, UBS is a training ground that the graduates
would be trained to be a respected citizen with high moral standard.


COURSE TITLE Financial Management & Policy
PRE-REQUISITE [FINC 252] Business of Finance II
CLASS SCHEDULE Monday-Wednesdaysday
COURSE DESCRIPTION This Subject focus on how to create and manage value in
corporation through Corporate financial decision. to have practical
point of view, this course will focus on cases study.

At the end of the study, the students are expected to:
1. Understand how to make financial decision ethically
2. Recognize the individual and institutional that possess crucial role in capital market
3. Able to interpret the capital market conditions across the economic cycle
4. Understands the implications of transparency of the firm to investors, and the impact of
news about the firm in an efficient market


Behavioral Expectation:
● Attendance. Student are expected to attend all class. 3 late is considered as 1 absent that
eventually would be as a 2% deduction of the overall attendance-allocated percentage.
● Punctuality. Students are expected to be punctual. A 5-minute late would be considered
as absent.
● Dress code. Dress code for this class is similar to the dress code of the University. The
students are expected to abide with the rules and regulation of the University, reflecting
the Christian principles of neat, clean and modesty.
● Respectful. Students are expected to be respectful to others especially during lecture or
● Honesty and Integrity. Plagiarism is greatly discouraged in this course. Moreover, the
students are expected to be cooperative with other students in doing group assignment,
yet independent in their personal assignment. Cheating will be considered zero for quiz
and exam.
Course Requirements
● Discussion and In-class Participation. Participation for group discussion and class
discussion is highly encouraged. 20%
● Case Presentation 50%
● Test 20%
● Attendance 10%
Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf
91 - 100 A
85 - 90 A-
82 - 84 B+
78 - 81 B
75 - 77 B-
70 - 74 C+
67 - 69 C
60 - 66 C-
40 - 59 D
0 - 39 F


Bruner, R. F., Eades, K. M., & Schill, M. J. (2014). Case Studies in Finance - Managing for
Corporate Value Creation. New York: McGraw-H


Jan.10 ORIENTATION AND COGNITIVE PowerPoint Social responsibility by
CLASS  Conformity with rules, Presentation knowing their role as students
ORGANIZATION regulations and course and also their accountability
 Course outline requirements to others by accepting the
distribution requirements
 Group arrangement
organization Philippians 2:3
“Do nothing from factional motives
[through contentiousness, strife,
selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or
prompted by conceit and empty
arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of
humility (lowliness of mind) let each
regard the others as better
than and superior to himself [thinking
more highly of one another than you
do of yourselves].” (AMPC)
Jan. 12 How to Study Case COGNITIVE  Lecturing Professional
and Ethics in Finance  Understand how to build case  Class  Test Ethics
presentation effectively Discussion evaluation Ecclesiastes 9:10 (MSG)
 Understand the concepts of  Assignment “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it
ethics in finance with all your might, for in the realm of
Read p26-43 the dead, where you are going, there
is neither working nor planning nor
PSYCHOMOTOR knowledge nor wisdom..’
 Able to provide attractive
presentation use power point

 Exercise rationality in making
Jan.17 Test 1
Jan. 24,26, FINANCIAL COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
31 ANALYSIS AND  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
Feb.2 FORECASTING discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
evaluation “The glory you gave to me I have
given to them, that they may be one
just as we are one. I in them and you
PSYCHOMOTOR Case 8 in me – that they may be completely
 Able to use the financial tools one, so that the world will know that
you sent me, and you have loved
to solve the relevance problem them just as you have loved me..’
Case 9

Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision on
corporate governance
Feb.7,9,14 ESTIMATING THE COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
COST OF CAPITAL  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
evaluation “The glory you gave to me I have
given to them, that they may be one
just as we are one. I in them and you
PSYCHOMOTOR Case 13 in me – that they may be completely
 Able to use the financial tools one, so that the world will know that
you sent me, and you have loved
to solve the relevance problem Case 15 them just as you have loved me..’

 Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision
on corporate governance
Feb. 16, CAPITAL COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
21,23, BUDGETING AND  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
Mar. 2, 7 RESOURCE discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
ALLOCATION evaluation “The glory you gave to me I have
given to them, that they may be one
just as we are one. I in them and you
PSYCHOMOTOR Case 18 in me – that they may be completely
 Able to use the financial tools one, so that the world will know that
you sent me, and you have loved
to solve the relevance problem Case 24 them just as you have loved me..’

Case 25
Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision on
corporate governance
Mar. 9 Continue evaluation for mid semester performance
Mar. MANAGEMENT OF COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
14,16,21, 23 THE FIRM’S  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
EQUITY: discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
DIVIDENDS AND evaluation “The glory you gave to me I have
REPURCHASES Case 33 given to them, that they may be one
just as we are one. I in them and you
PSYCHOMOTOR in me – that they may be completely
 Able to use the financial tools Case 36 one, so that the world will know that
you sent me, and you have loved
to solve the relevance problem them just as you have loved me..’

Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision on
corporate governance
Mar.28 MANAGEMENT OF COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
Apr. 4, 6,11 THE CORPORATE  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
CAPITAL discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation
STRUCUTURE evaluation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
“The glory you gave to me I have
given to them, that they may be one
PSYCHOMOTOR Case 31 just as we are one. I in them and you
 Able to use the financial tools in me – that they may be completely
one, so that the world will know that
to solve the relevance problem Case 32 you sent me, and you have loved
them just as you have loved me..’
Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision on
corporate governance
Apr. VALUING THE COGNITIVE  Lecturing  Test Professional competence;
13,18,20,25 ENTERPRISE:  Understand the core issues  Class evaluation Prudence
ACQUISITION AND discuss in the case Discussion  Presentation John 17:22-23 (MSG)
BUYOUTS evaluation “The glory you gave to me I have
given to them, that they may be one
just as we are one. I in them and you
PSYCHOMOTOR Case 42 in me – that they may be completely
 Able to use the financial tools one, so that the world will know that
you sent me, and you have loved
to solve the relevance problem Case 52 them just as you have loved me..’

Exercise rationality and
objectivity in making decision on
corporate governance
Apr.27 Continue evaluation for the semester performance
May Final


Name Stanley S Nangoy

Contact Detail Mobile/WA 0813 5595 4362
Consultation by Appointment

Prepared by Approved by

Stanley S Nangoy Tonny Soewignyo, MSC, Phd

Lecturer Chair, Department of Management

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