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Chapter 1

Introduction to Management

BDM 202 Principles of Management


What is Management?

Types of Managers

Functions of Management

Managerial Roles

Management Skills
The greatest management
principle in the world is:

'The things that

get rewarded
and appreciated
get done.'
~Micheal LeBoeuf~
1.1 Introduction
Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer, then
was pushed out of the company and later
returned as Apple's interim president

Upon his return, Jobs was able to revive the dying

company by raising morale, reducing costs and
inflated inventories, streamlining from 16 product
lines to four revamping the distribution system, and
spearheading the new iMac computer.

This is an example that shows the wide variety of

circumstances and jobs a manager must jungle in today’s
dynamic business environment.
1.2 What is Management?
Management refers to the process of coordinating and integrating work activities so
Definition that they’re completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people.

Efficiency Effectiveness
Process Coordinating
“Doing things right” “Doing the right things”
Getting the most is completing activities
The process refers to Coordinating others’ output for the least so that organizational
the ongoing work activities is input the goal of goals are attained
functions or primary what distinguishes a which is to minimize
activities engaged in manager’s job from a resource costs
by managers. non-managerial one.
1.2 What is Management?

Organization Organizing includes determining:

what tasks are to be done,
An organization consists of a group of who is to do them,
people who cooperate at one time in order how the tasks are to be grouped,
to achieve the same aim and objective. who reports to whom
and where decisions are to be made.
In an organization, it is very important for
the staff to understand the relationship
between them, their job scopes, character
and attribute.
1.3 Types of
Managers are someone who works with
and through other people by
coordinating their work activities in order
to accomplish organizational goals.

However, keep in mind that managers

may have other work duties not related
to integrating the work of others.
1.3 Types of Managers

The lowest level of management Manage the work of first-line

manages the work of non-managerial managers.
Responsible for implementing the
often called supervisors and strategies, policies, and decisions
heads of division. made by the top management
fully responsible to supervise and
responsible to deliver information.
monitor operation workers'
activity. hold positions such as head of the
achieve short-term plans made department, branch manager, and
by the top-level manager and functional manager.
middle manager.
1.3 Types of Managers

Responsible for making

organization-wide decisions
establishing plans and goals that
affect the entire organization
structure the objective, policy,
and strategy of the overall
Common titles for top managers
are CEO, COO, president,
chairman, and Vice executive
1.3 Types of Managers
1.4 Management Functions
Management is a process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organizing resources
like human, financial, physical, and information to achieve organizational objectives.

There are FOUR (4) management functions:

Planning Organizing Leading Controlling

Defining goals, Arranging work to Working with and Monitoring,

establishing accomplish through people to comparing, and
strategies to achieve organizational goals. accomplish goals correcting the work.
goals, developing Build a relationship and motivate
plans to integrate structure to execute individuals in the
and coordinate plans. organization to
activities. complete tasks.
1.4 Management Functions


It will be used to organize the organizational resources like

raw material, humans, physical and information.
Management will reduce the wastage level of resources.
To achieve effectiveness in using resources, management
function has to be implemented efficiently.
The importance of management will be implemented by a
Roles &
1.5 Management Roles
involves relationships with individuals and it is routine that helps
the organization smoothly operate. Sub role in interpersonal
The head represents the organization in a formal
Figurehead occasion such as greeting and entertaining
visitors, having dinner with clients and attending
formal events.

Responsible to motivate and directing worker by

giving instruction, create standard work
performance, and training the workers

Liason involves the relationship between the manager

with individuals outside the organization.
Related to receiving and sending information. There are THREE (3) sub roles in informational role :

Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson

involves information deliver importance deliver information to

search, filtration, information that is received external personnel in
acceptance might from external resources to organization from annual
affect the members in the report, speech, press
organization. organization. conference and others.
Focus on the manager’s ability to decide about an important decisions that can effect the
organization. There are FOUR (4) sub roles in the decisional role :

Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler

involve the decision-making about the try to settle the problem that usually arise
changes in the organization or unit his/her outside their control.

Resource Allocator Negotiator

involves in the delivering of organization responsible representing the organization

resources to an individual in the major negotiations.
1.5 Management Skills
Managers need certain skills to perform the
varied duties and activities associated with
being a manager.
Robert L. Katz found through his research in Technical skills are skills that include
knowledge of and proficiency in a certain
the early 1970s that managers need three specialized field.
essential skills or competencies. This skill is especially important for first-line
managers because many of this
managers spend time helping employees solve
worked related problems, training, then in most
efficient procedures, and monitoring performance

Interpersonal skills include the

ability to work well with other
people both individually and in a Conceptual skills include the ability to
group. think and to conceptualize abstract and
it is most important for a middle complex situations, to see the
manager since they are the bridge organization as a whole.
of communication between the
To understand the relationships among
lower level and top-level manager
the various subunits, and to visualize how
the organization fits into its broader


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