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Chapter 1 Super Senses Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Supersense of smell Supersense of danger Supersense of sight Supersense of hearing CBSE Board,NCERT Syllabus Std- 5 to 10 Science Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer's Story Activity 1. Different types of snakes Chapter 3 From Tasting to Digesting Activity 1A Sense of Taste Activity 2. Introduction of Digestive system ‘Activity 1 Food spoilage Activity 2 Milk spoilage ‘Activity 3 The making of Aam papad Activity! A concept about- What floats, what sinks? Activity 2. Dead sea Activity 3 Water Solubility Activity 1. The Basic photosynthesis process Activity 2 Germination of seed Activity 3. Pitcher plant- The insect hunter Activity 4 Seed dispersal Activity 1. The storage of rainwater Activity 2A step well structure Activity 1. Diagnosis of malaria Activity 1 River crossing Adventure Activity 2_Life cycle of the mosquito Activity 2. Rock Climbing Activity 3 Camp in the snow Activity 4 Snow mountain climbing, ‘Activity 1A Visit of Ancient Fort Activity 11 ASpace Shuttle Launching Activity 1_ Important Traffic signs Activity 2_ Bulls fetching well Activity 2 Life in Space and rules ‘water arrangement Activity 2 Conserve the useful fuels Activity 3. Various cooking fuels Activity 1 A Ladakh tour Activity 1 Earthquake ‘Activity 1A magic behind blow hot ‘Activity 2A visit to Ladakh Activity 2 After Earthquake and blow cold Activity 3A visit to Srinagar Activity 3 Reconstruction after an Activity 2. Flow of air earthquake ‘Activity 1 Waste Management Activity 1A Village Life ‘Activity 1. Old farming methods System Activity 2 Alife after shifting to ‘Activity 2. Transformations in Activity 2 Waste water treatment small city old farming methods Activity Alife after shifting to ‘Activity 3. Modern Farming Methods metro city ‘Activity 1. Sources of Food Activity 1. Carbohydrates Activity 1. What is Cotton? Activity 2 Herbivores, Carnivores, Activity 2. Protein Activity 2. The process of and Omnivores Activity 3. Lipid Cotton Ginning Activity 4 Vitamins Activity 5. The sources of minerals in Food, Activity 4. Sorting solid materials according to their solubility in water Activity 5 Sorting Liquids according ‘Activity 1. Sorting things based Pe ae ei ‘to their solubility in water on their shape f Activity 6 Sorting materials Activity 2. Sorting things based according to their density Activity 1 Methods of separating substances Activity 2. The Sieving process of sand con softness ER ener (ace ical renin Activity 3. Sorting materials according a pe s and filtration to their hardness: SO Ded ober Activity 4 Saturation, Evaporation conte, and Condensation Process ‘Activity 4. Structure and function of leat ‘Activity 1 Information about Activity 1 Types ofplants and parts ActWitlyS Structure and function Reversible and Irreversible eae ofthe flower changes and its examples P Hee Activity 2. Reversible and irreversible ACtWtY2. Types of root its structure changes Part2 eee Activity 3 Reversible and Irreversible Activity 3 Structure and function changes Part 3 of stem eace Activity 1 Body movement in ‘Activity 1 Adaptations for desert habitat Activity 1 Measurement of Length humans ‘Activity 2 Adaptations for aquatic habitat Activity 2 Motion and its types Activity2_ Body movement in ‘Activity 3 Adaptations for mountain habitat earthworm ani ‘Acthity 4 Adaptations for grassland habitat Activity3 Body moverient in eagle, Activity S_Characteristic of living organisms fish and snake ‘Activity 1 Transparent, translucent ‘Activity 1. Types of electric Cells. Activity 1. Types of magnet vg andopaque objects Activity 2. Different types of electric Activity 2. Magnetic and Non- ‘Activity The making of pinhole circuit connections Magnetic THings ae Activity 3 Electric Torch and its parts Activity3 Poles of magnet ‘Activity 4. Electric Conductors Activity 4 Attraction and replusion between magnets continue. ‘Activity 5 Magnetic compass Activity 4A Heavy Rainfall Activity 6 Making of Magnet at home ‘Activity 5 Rooftop Rain Water Activity 7A magnetism safety es Harvesting water from? ‘Activity 2 Evaporation of water from wet clothes ‘Activity 3 Water cycle continue Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Presence of air around us Presence of oxygen in air Presence of dust and smoke in air Presence of air in water and soil continue. Activity 5 Component of air Activity 6 The Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air Activity 1. Waste disposal: At landfill Activity 2. Vermicomposting, Activity 3. The paper recycling. process Activity 1 A deep Photosynthesis ‘Activity 1. Human Digestive system Activity 1 process Activity 2 Cow Digestive system Activity 3. Nutrition in Amoeba Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 4 ett Tvoes ol thermore Activity 1. The determination of ‘Activity 2 The Convection of water pee een Casa eee thecal Activity 2. Natural indicator: Activity 4 Sea breeze and land breeze Tercera ActvY 2 huien absorptions Activity 3 The Neutralization process Color Matters Shearing and Scouring of Wool Sorting and Dyeing of Wool Spinning and Rolling of Wool Sericulture: Rearing of silkworms to produce silk The ant bite: Neutralization in everyday life Activity 1 Types of physical changes part-1 Activity 2. The Phase change of water: Melting, Evaporation, Condensation Activity 3A combustion of magnesium strip Activity 1 Air exerts pressure ‘Activity 2 Air flows from higher air pressure area to the lower air pressure area Activity 3. High speed wind reduces the air pressure Activity 4. Rusting of iron Activity 5 Reactivity of Metals ‘Activity 4. Air expands on heating: Hot air balloon ride Activity 5. Wind current on the earth Activity 6 Rainfall in the monsoon Activity 1. Adaptation of animals inthe polar regions Activity 2 Adaptation of animals in tropical rainforests Activity 1 Soll Profile Activity 2. The Percolation rate test of land Activity 3. Measure the moisture of soil ‘Activity 4 Water absorption capacity of different soils Activity 5. Layers of soll Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 The breathing rate The breathing process ‘Aerobic respiration ‘Anaerobic respiration with less oxygen continue. Introduction to human heart Excretory system in humans Transport of water and food in plants ‘Activity 5 Anaerobic respiration inyeast Activity 6 Breathing in cockroach and earthworm Activity 7. Breathing in fish Activity 8 Respiration in plants. ‘Activity 1 Vegetative propagation by stem cutting, Activity 2. Vegetative propagation by buds ‘Activity 3. Vegetative propagation in Leaf ‘Activity 4 Vegetative propagation in cactus Activity 1 The blood and its, components Activity 2. The circulatory system in human Activity 5 Fragmentation in spirogyra Activity 6 Asexual reproduction by spore formation Activity 7 Reproduction through spore formation in fern Activity 8 Structure and function of the flower Activity 9 Pollination and fertilization Activity 10 Seed Dispersal Activity 4 Non-Uniform motion Activity 5. Distance vs Time graph for uniform motion om Activity 1 Siow motion or Fast motion Activity 1. The important symbols of Activity 6 Distance vs. Time graph electric components Activity 2 Measurement Of Time for non-uniform motion ‘Activity 2. The Making of a battery Activity 3 Speed and its Activity 3 Heating effect of electric measurement current and its uses. Activity 4 Units of speed ‘Activity 4. The fuse: Working principle Activity 5 Uniform motion aa and application ‘Activity S Magnetic effect of Activity. The Newton's Disc: electric current The Disappearing Colour Activity 6 The working of Electric Disc Belll onl i ae cons ‘Activity 6 Refraction of light by esate ire convex lens and ‘Activity 2 Usages ofthe concave panes te mirror Laws tion of light, ‘Activity 3. Usages of convex mirror sy ero refine ot le contiwe.. Activity 1 Availability of water Activity 1 Visit to a forest ‘Activity 1 Waste Water Collection on earth ‘Activity 2. The five link food chain ‘Activity 2 Wastewater treatment Activity 2. Water cycle: An Overview Activity3_ The three link food chain Activity 3 Underground water: Activity 4 The balance between Storage and use ‘oxygen and carbon dioxide Activity 5 The Soil erosion eT) Activity 3. Irrigation: Sources, Traditional Methods and Modern Nees Activity 1 MleroorgeniemsIeroduction- activa Clone tI porate Activity 4 Fertilisers: Adding eer eater eae Step in So Preparation Nutrition to Soll and Weedicid ce eee cee Boa See ae ‘A Protection from Weeds Ik Spreads, How Affects Human Body Sleednlone Toc abd sced Activity 5 Harvesting, Threshing Activity 3. Fungi: Where and How They Grow oo) and Storage of produced crop. Activity 4. Vaccine: What Ils and How it Works saat Activity 5 Food resent: Paseurzaton ofl Activity 4 Chemical properties of metal part Aatvty Chemical properties of metal part2 ‘Activity 1 Polymer: Introduction and Activity 1 Physical property of metal seeyays Chores copes Classification Based on Availabilty arin cama Source and Structure of Monomer Chain activity 2. Metals are good conductors Actviy7_Chemial properties of ree regres clereasiad Act Recon of metals thai Da Activity 3. Metals are hard, lustrous, nec i risetmtr ar etacea ee malleable, ductile, sonorous Activity 10 Reactivity Series of Metals Types ont Activity 1. Introduction of coal Activity 2. Processing of coal-tar and coke Activity 3. Petroleum refinery Activity 1. What is ignition temperature? Activity 2. Heating water in a paper cup Activity 3. How to control fire Activity 4 Types of combustion Activity 5 Structure of flame Activity 1 Different cells of Male reproductive organs Human body introduction and function Activity2. Basic structure of Female reproductive organs ‘Animal cell Fertilization in human Activity 3 Basic structure of Development of embryo Plant cell inhumans Activity 1 An Amazing Visit of National Park Activity 2. Visit of Wildlife Sanctuary Activity 3. Forests: Our Lifeline Activity 4 Deforestation: Harmful Effects of Itand Prevention from It Activity 5. Fertilization in frog Activity 6 Asexual reproduction in Hydra by budding Activity 7. Binary fission in Amoeba Activity 1 Types of Glands and their functions Activity 2. Sex determination in Humans Activity 3. Human sex determination- Female Activity 4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction Activity 5 Increasing and Reducing Friction Activity 6 Rolling Friction ‘Activity 7 Fluid Friction Activity 1. The Force Activity 2. The effects of force on object state and shape Activity 3. Types of the force Activity 4 The Pressure ‘Activity 1_ Introduction of Friction ‘Activity 2. The force of friction Activity 3. The factors affecting Friction Activity 1 Conductivity of liquids Activity 2. Electroplating Activity 3. Electroplating- In realtime ‘Activity 1 How sound produced Activity 2 The sound produced by human Activity 3. Propagation of Sound Activity 4 The Ear structure and function Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 ‘Two kinds of charges after rubbing materials ‘What causes Lightning Earthquake Seismograph: to detect and record earthquake Day and Night on earth Change of season on earth Phases of the moon Activity 1. Laws of reflection Activity 2. Regular and irregular reflection Activity 3 The Periscope and its function Activity 4 Introduction to solar system and it's planets Activity 5 Constellations Activity 6 Comets, meteors, and meteorites Activity 7 Artifical satellites ‘Activity 4 Normal eye Anatomy Activity 5 Defects of Eye: Myopia and how is it corrected Activity 6 Defects of Eye: Hypermetr- ‘pia and how is it corrected Activity 7. Defects of Eye: Presbyopia and how is it corrected Activity 8. Astigmatism eye Activity 1 Air pollution Activity 2. Water pollution Activity. Wastewater treatment Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 ‘Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Matters in our surroundings States of Matter Can Matter Change its State? Law of conservation of mass Law of constant proportions Information about atom Molecules of elements Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Element, compound ‘And mixture Types of mixtures What is a solution What is a suspension ‘The Structure of an Atom, ‘Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr’s model of the atom ‘Atomic Number and ‘Mass Number continue. ‘Activity 5 What is @ Colloidal solution? ‘Activity 6 separating the components of a mixture ‘Activity 7. Separation of immiscible Liquids Activity 8 Separation of Miscible Liquids Activity 4 Electronic Configuration of elements Activity 5. Valency of the electron Activity 6 Noble gases, Activity 7_ Isotopes and Isobar Activity 1. Basic structure of Animal cell Activity 2. Basic structure of Plant cell Activity 3 Different cells of Human body Activity 1. Biological Classification Activity 2. The five kingdom classification Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity S Epithelial Tissue Activity 6 Connective Tissue Activity 7 Muscular Tissue Meristematic Tissue Reig ee Te Tea of plants Simple permanent tissue Epidermal and Guard Cells Complex permanent tissue Classification of Plants Classification of Animals Classes of Vertebrates Binomial nomenclature ‘Activity 4 Non-Uniform motion Activity 5 Distance Vs Time Graph for non-uniform motion Activity 6 Velocity Vs Time non-uniform motion Activity 1. Uniform motion Activity 2. Velocity vs Time graph for uniform motion Activity 3. Distance vs Time ‘graph For uniform motion ‘Activity 1 Universal Law of Gravitation Activity 1. What is Work? Activity 2. Free Fall Activity 2 The Energy Activity 3. Mass and Weight Activity 3 Forms of Energy Activity 4 Thrust and Pressure Activity 5. Archimedes Principle Activity 1 ‘Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Balanced and Unbalanced forces First law of motion Inertia and mass The Second law of motion The Third law of motion Conservation of momentum ‘The Potential Energy ‘The Law of conservation of Energy potential energy of an object at a height The Power ‘Activity 1 Sound and its propagation Activity 2. Sound waves and longitudinal waves Activity 3 Characteristics OF ‘Sound wave ‘Activity 4 Disease and its causes (Malaria) Activity 5 Waterborne diseases- Cholera ‘Activity 6 Foodborne diseases and their cure ‘Activity 7 What is antibiotic? and how does it work? Activity 4 Sonic boom, Activity 5 Echo Activity 6 Reverberation Activity 7 Reflection of sound Activity 8 Ultrasound Activity 1. Health and its failure Activity 2. Part 1: What does disease look like? Part 2: Infectious and Non-infectious disease Activity 3. Disease and its auses(AIDS) Activity 5 water pollution Activity 6 A complete process of water cycle Activity 1 The movement of Activity 7. Nitrogen cycle airswinds Activity 8 Carbon cycle Activity 2_ Air expands on heating: Activity 9 Oxygen cycle Hot air balloon ride Activity 10 The ozone layer ‘Activity 3. Formation of clouds and Rain Activity 4 Air pollution Activity 1. Types of Cropping Activity 2. Types of irrigation Activity 3. Fertilizers Activity 4 Crop Protection Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Storage of grains Cattle Farming Poultry Farming Fishery Apiculture ‘Activity 1. Chemical Reaction ‘Activity 2. Combination Reaction ‘Activity 3. Decomposition Reaction continue Activity 3. How do metal carbonates ‘and metal hydrogen ‘carbonates react with acids? Activity 4 What do all acids and all bases have in common? Activity 5 What happens to an acid or base in a water solution? Corea) Activity 4. Displacement Reaction Activity Double Displacement Reaction Activity 6 Oxidation- Reduction Activity 6 Are the crystals of salts really dry? Activity 7. Reaction of metallic oxides with acids Activity 8 Is this an exothermic or endothermic process? Activity 9 How do acids and bases react with each other? Activity 1 Acids and Bases in the laboratory Activity 2 How do acids and bases react with metals? Activity 1. Physical Property of Metal: Good Conductors of Heat Activity 2 Metal Physical Properties: Sonorous, Malleabi Lustrous, Hard Activity 3 Electric conductrs Activity 4 allotropes of carbon and oxygen Activity 5 Homologous series and nomenculture of chlorine group ‘Activity 6 Homologous series and nomenculture of hydroxyl group ‘Activity? Homologous series and ‘nomenculture of aldehyde group ‘Activity 4 Chemical properties of Metal Activity 5 Metal reacts with Water Activity 6 Reactivity Series of Metals ‘Activity 7 Properties of onic compounds ‘Activity 8 Magnetic separation process: Extraction of metals Activity 9 Prevention of corrosion Activity 8. Homologous series and nomenclature of carboxyl group Activity 9 Homologous series and nomenclature of unsaturated ‘compound Activity 10 Chemical properties of carbon compound Activity 11. Soap And Detergent Activity 1. Types of bonds Activity 2. Versatile nature and catenation of carbon, structure of carbon compounds Activity 3. Saturated and unsaturated compounds of carbon Activity 1 Dobereiner's Triads Activity 2 Newland's law of octaves Activity 3 Mendeleev's periodic table Activity 4 Modern Periodic Table Activity 1 Adeep Photosynthesis pracess Activity 2. Nutrition in Amoeba Activity 3. Detaled Human Digestive System Activity 4 Types of Respiration ‘Activity S Human respiratory system Activity The human heart Activity 5 Tropism in plants Activity 6 Nastism in plants Activity 7 Hormones of the plant Activity? Transport and exchange of 02 and C02 in humans ‘Activity 8 Lymphatic system in the human Atty 9 Transportation in plants ‘Atty 10 Excretory ystam in humane ‘Atty 11 Hemodiayse ‘atv 12 craton in plants ‘Aalvty 13 Anaerobic respiration with ess oxygen ‘atv 14 Anaerobic respiration in yeast Activity 1 Binary fission in Amoeba Activity 2. Fragmentation in spirogyra Activity 3 Regeneration in Hydra Activity 4 Asexual reproduction in Hydra by budding Activity 1. The Human Nervous System Activity 2. The reflex action Activity. The human brain Activity 4 The endocrine glands and hormones Activity 5 Asexual reproduction by spore formation Activity 6 Vegetative propagation by buds or eyes. Activity 7 Vegetative propagation inLeat ‘Activity 8. Fertilization in human ‘Activity 9 Development of embryo inhumans Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity S Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Introduction of heredity and DNA Mender' law of segregation and the law of dominance Mendes law of independent assortment Nature, Position and Size of image formed by the Concave mirror Nature, Position and Size of image formed by the Convex mirror Reflection of Light, Image formulation by concave Lens Image formulation by conevex Lens Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Sex determination in the human Evolution Evolution and classification Fossils Evolution of wild cabbage Evolution in human Human eye Defects of Eye: Myopia and how is it corrected Refraction and dispersion of light Primary and Secondary Rainbow Activity 1 Law of reflection Activity 2 Making process of concave and convex mirror Activity 3 Introduction Activity 4. Definition ‘Activity Atmospheric refraction Activity 6 Twinkling of stars, Activity 7 Advance sunrise - delayed sunset Activity 8 Scattering of light: Tyndall effect Activity 9 Blue colour of the sky Activity 10 The sunrise and sunset Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 What is Current? OHM'S LAW. Relation between R & | for constant V with different electric material Resistivity Fleming's lefthand rule Electric motor Electromagnetic Induction Electric Generator Activity S Resistance of a system of resistor Activity 6 Resistors in Series Activity 7 Resistors in Parallel Activity 8 Heating Effect of Electric Current Activity 1 Sources of Energy Activity 2. Fossil Fuels, Activity 3. Thermal Power Plant Activity 4 Hydro Power plant Activity S Biomass Activity 1 Magnetic Lines and Magne- tic field creates in simple electric circuit Activity 2 Right Hand Thumb Rule Activity 3 Solenoid Activity 7 Solar Energy ‘Activity 8 Solar Cooker Activity 9. Tidal Energy ‘Activity! Wave Energy Activity! Ocean Thermal Energy Activity 12 Geothermal Energy ‘Activity 13 Nuclear Energy ‘Activity 1 Food chain Activity 1. Water storage by dams ‘Activity 2 Food web ‘Activity 2. Water Harvesting ‘Activity 3 Ozone layer and its Activity 3. Rainwater Harvesting, depletion ‘Activity 4 The formation and conservation of Coal and Petroleum

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