Summmary 07 Handout

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Software testing is the procedure of putting a system or segment through its paces under controlled

circumstances, observing or documenting the outcomes, and assessing some of the system's features.
It is a software quality technique used for glimpsing and conforming that necessities are precisely
implemented before deploying the software

Direct objectives the testing aims to specify and divulge as many errors as potential in the tested
software. This implies that a particular percentage of bugs tolerable to users will remain nameless.

Indirect objectives are To gather a history of software errors for help in software process headway by
curative and prophylactic steps
and for decision-making

Unit testing is technical tests of the code, and these require constructing test harnesses and creating
test data. The objective is to clinch if each unit of the software creates its expected outcome and Unit
tests are usually recorded and the test aim and expected outcomes should be included

Integration Testing – The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that all of the modules and their
interfaces perform accurately together and to specify any issues also This test help from a current
enterprise architecture that supplies information on all existing systems and their alignments with
each other

System Testing – This tests the functionality of an exclusive system together with interdependencies
between system components furthermore It may contain security testing, usability testing, and
performance testing. The purpose of this test is to prove that the enactment is reasonable for the
system requirements

Performance testing may contain load performance testing, where the system is subjected to heavy
loads over a long time moreover, It often concerns the simulation of considerable users operating the
system as well as the measurement of the retort times for various activities. Test tools are utilized to
simulate a enormous number of users and heavy loads

Acceptance Testing – System users or customers achieve this testing before accepting the product.
This test intends to show that the product meets the business requirements and fulfills customer

A test case or test scenario is a software artifact with a set of test inputs, execution prerequisites, and
desired outcomes developed by an application's developers to ascertain compliance with a program's
intended end-User Interface (U.S.P.A.I.D.).

White-Box Testing – This testing technique is used to affirm the internal logic and program statements
of components or software moreover, It involves stepping through every line of code and every
branch in the code. The tester must be acquainted with the software programming language to
execute this type of testing.

black-box testing– Software testing is concerned with the inputs and outputs of a system where a set
of input is inserted into the software's user interface, and the outputs delivered by the software are
compared with the expected outputs. The tester concentrates on whether the class or module meets
the requirements stated in the specifications.

Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative technique where tests for the code are written before
writing the code also This signifies the application is written with testability in mind, and the
developers consider how to test the application in advance and The outcome of the method is an
associate and a set of unit tests to ascertain its functionality
Software deployment is the procedure of delivering a finalized software product to clients. This
involves packaging, testing,
distributing, and installing the software product. Software files can be deployed manually or through
automated deployment

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