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Bearings: 1. INSPECT FRONT BEARING Chak tat he bearing i trough 0 worm 12. IP NECESSARY, REPLACE FRONT BEARING (3) Remove the 3 sore (0) Using SST ond a press prets out the Bering s gsr 2. INSPECT REAR BEARING Check that ho bering ot rough a warn 4. IPNECESSARY, REPLACE REAR BEARING (9) Using SS, emave te bearing ser 00786-46011 1D) Using rae. pres in & naw bering ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY 3. INSTALL RECTIFIER END FRAME TO RECTIFIER A 4a Tye (ace the 3 inuater washers on th postin sade ‘actin hls (0) Plage the rect and rae on the atrhaldar, (c)Pice the rar and cover on he rac nd ane (4) Pcs the 2 torr! masters the fovea Torun 4 Won 8 bam, 388) (tat te cor pond condener wih the 4 nt. (a) Chek tht tae soe Pac a nndatr maser one post sto he ‘Pca the vet ad rama onthe ethan ‘Pcs the 2 trmial alates on the Sav tse nthe rectr blr Inve ha condoaer nit the 4a, Tarn 4s him atten, 38 ‘Chock that th ed wee nt tuthing the ati rnd tae, InSTALL ROTOR son Tyee Puc the sap ring and pecer ng ats the rotor SST 0996050010 0898! 00220, 0938208010) &

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