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Interview skills

Are you smarter than an interviewer? If you prepare properly, you will be. During a job interview,
employers sometimes ask tricky questions to trip you up — not out of maliciousness (độc, khó nhằn),
but to get an accurate sense of your candidacy (sự ứng cử).

Interviewers know that you've probably practiced all of the traditional questions, so they try to stump
you with trickier ones to get a better idea of your background, your communication skills, and how you'll
perform should they offer you the job. Do keep in mind that there may not be a right or wrong
answer for some of these questions. The interviewer will be more interested in how you respond than
what your answer is.

01 Are You the Type Who Checks Email During Your Vacation?

The Trap: This is a tricky one. On one hand, you want to frame yourself as someone who is dedicated to
their work. At the same time, employers know that employee health and wellness is a key factor to
continuous success and want to make sure you're smart about taking care of yourself even outside of
the office. Burn-out is a real thing, and no matter how durable you think you are, everyone is human
and everyone needs a little rest sometimes.

How to Answer: Confirm your dedication to getting your job done, but also convey your understanding
that personal well-being is key to professional success.

Sample Answer: "I'm 100% dedicated to going above and beyond when it comes to fulfilling my
responsibilities. That being said, I also know that it's important to take care of myself to ensure my long-
term success. I try not to work when I'm on official vacation. But, before I leave for a vacation,
I always make sure all my duties are covered before signing off, and I do make sure my supervisor has
my personal cell phone number should an emergency arise."

02 Is This Position a Similar Role to Any Other Jobs You Are Considering? (có apply big khác không?)

The Trap: Your interviewer may have two goals in mind here. He or she may be angling to uncover
where else you're applying or may be trying to get a better idea of your past experience and your future
professional goals. This can be a good way for interviewers to get a sense of your strongest skills and
determine if you'll actually be a good fit for the job.

How to Answer: If you're applying for a variety of different positions, certainly don't name them all - and
don't name-drop different companies. For one, you don't want your employer to think that your skills
and interests are totally all over the place. Of course, it's good to have a wide range of different abilities,
but it's most important to present yourself as the best fit for the specific job you're applying for. For
example, if you're a writer who is also a project manager and you're interviewing for project




management jobs, you wouldn't want to mention that you're also applying to writing jobs. Fortunately,
this is the type of question where it's acceptable to give a general answer and then move on.

Sample Answer: "Yes, I am looking for jobs that fit this description. This is my preferred field, which I'm
personally and professionally passionate about. Fortunately, the job description, requirement, and
responsibilities of this specific position seem best aligned with my experience and interests."

- Có appy vào 2 (hoặc 1 vài big) nhưng mà vẫn thích nhất là XXX bởi vì…(nói đặc trưng về môi
trường làm việc, về đặc trưng tệp khách hàng, hoặc văn hóa công ty)

03 What's Your Biggest Weakness?

The Trap: The first step to fixing a problem is admitting it. When employers ask this question, it's not
just about figuring out your weaknesses, but about finding out whether or not you're aware of them,
and if you're intending to make changes.

How to Answer: Be modest. We all have weaknesses, and it's okay to mention some parts of your skill
set that need work. But, give your weakness a silver lining, and use your answer as an opportunity to
highlight other strengths and underscore your determination to keep getting better.

Sample Answer: "I'm a perfectionist — sometimes to a fault. While this means my work is always high-
quality, I've realized that sometimes I spend more time obsessing over little details that don't matter in
the long-run, rather than moving on to my next task. I'm learning to work on prioritizing between
perfectionism and efficiency, and learning about time management and productivity strategies."

- Đưa ra điểm yếu một cách nhẹ nhàng

- Cách 1 là nói mặt mạnh của điểm yếu đó
- Cách 2 là nói mình đang work on điểm yếu đó như thế nào hoặc kết hợp cả cách 1 và cách 2

04 If You Could Work for Any Company, Where Would You Work? (đậu cả 4 big thì chọn big nào để
làm = tương cự câu trên)

The Trap: Your interviewer may be trying to figure out how invested you are in their company, in
addition to determining where else you might be looking to apply. People sometimes have trouble
answering this type of question because they can't decide if they should keep mum, or mention some
other, big-name companies that they've interviewed with.

The Best Way to Answer: Don't mention any specific companies. Think about if you were on a date, and
your date asks, "If you could date anyone else in this restaurant, who would it be?" If you asked your
date that question, what would you want to hear? Emphasize how the company you're interviewing
with is your top priority.




Sample Answer: "Actually, I've spent a lot of time during my job search researching different companies
I might want to work at, and this company stood out the most. I share your mission, values, and
objectives and feel that I would really thrive in this type of work environment."

- Vẫn thích big xxx nhất vì (nói đặc trưng)

05 Why Do You Want to Work Here? (tại sao lại là EY/KP…) - Lại là đặc trưng công ty

The Trap: Employers want to figure out if you've done your research about the company, and whether
you want this job, rather than any old job.

The Best Way to Answer: Don't just say that you want to work there because there's free gym access,
complimentary coffee, and a casual dress code. Make sure your answer has real meaning. Be
enthusiastic in your answer and talk about how you connect with the company's core values, their
mission, and the work they do. Then, you can go into a little more detail about the specific position for
which you're applying.

Sample Answer: "I truly feel aligned with the company's values, mission, and goals. I connect with your
belief in integrity in your work, in fostering an open, honest and supportive workplace, and your desire
to better the lives of both your employees and your customers. I believe that this position, specifically,
will provide a huge — and enjoyable — opportunity for me to contribute to your objectives and add
value to the company as a whole."

06 Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? (long term goals)

The Trap: Employers don't want to invest in hiring, training and paying an employee who's not going to
stick around, or who's going to change career paths. Though it's becoming more and more common for
people to spend less and less time at each job they hold, you certainly don't want to give your employer
any doubts about your commitment to the role.

The Best Way to Answer: You don't have to profess that you absolutely see yourself with the same
company. Instead, answer in a way that demonstrates your commitment to grow within your field.
Employers want to hire employees who are self-motivatedand who have an inner drive to better
themselves and keep learning. But, keep in mind that an employer may follow up with a question asking
about specifics, so if possible have a few key tangible goals you'd like to accomplish.

Sample Answer: "I see myself working within this field, but I hope to have progressed to a higher level
of responsibility, possess a greater degree of knowledge and advance and expand my skill set. I always
want to keep learning, keep getting better, and I hope after five years my efforts will carry me closer and
closer to becoming an expert at what I do. That being said, I'm also committed to staying happy and
fulfilled with my career so that, too, factors into my five-year plans."




07 What Do You Think Your References Will Say About You? (Nói trải nghiệm của mình khi làm với cá
sếp cũ đã thể hiện như thế nào, dùng ngôi thứ 3 để nói các điểm mạnh đó)

The Trap: Employers want to see if you're insecure about your references and if you'll volunteer any
negative information about your prior experience or your ability to succeed in your role.

The Best Way to Answer: Simply put, don't fall for the trap, but do be modest. Under no circumstances
should you offer up any negative information. Your references wouldn't have agreed to serve as
references if they weren't willing to speak positively about you.

Sample Answer: "I've had a wonderful experience working with all of my references, so I do expect their
testimonials to reflect all that we've accomplished together at work, along with positive rapport we
share personally."

08 Which Part of the Job Description Sounds Most Challenging, and Why? (em nghĩ cái gì khó nhất
trong yêu càu công việc của kiểm toán)

The Trap: Are you really as experienced as you say you are? When it comes to a job description, there
will likely be aspects that you can ace, and aspects that will cause you some trouble. Employers want to
know if your strengths align with their greatest needs.

The Best Way to Answer: A lie about your skills will come to haunt you later, so be honest. At the same
time, use the answer as an opportunity to present yourself as a candidate who is always up for a
challenge, and who is sharpening your skills to keep up with that challenge.

Sample Answer: "As a visual designer, the bulk of my experience has been in graphic design, specifically
logos, posters, and advertisement. I find dynamic web design more challenging, but challenges like that I
live for. I just completed an online course on designing for mobile apps, and I'm currently taking another
one in user experience design to ensure my abilities keep up with the latest trends."

09 Tell Me About Your Dream Job.

The Trap: In many cases, passion breeds productivity. Dedication leads to success. Employers want to
know just how invested you'll be in the role, or if you see the job as a stop-gap measure just to keep up
some income while you hunt for something better. Along the same lines, employers want to know if you
love the idea of the job, or the job itself. Just because a job title sounds glamorous, doesn't mean you'll
love the day-to-day work.

How to Answer: Is the job you're applying for your dream job? If yes, then say so, emphatically. If your
dream job is far-flung or far-fetched, it's probably best not to mention it. You want the employer to
understand that you'll be fully invested in the position and not day-dreaming about some other position
while you're at your desk. If the job you're applying for is somewhere in between, you can tactfully
frame your answer to convey that.




Sample Answer: "Advertising is my dream field and the junior copywriting position is an ideal placement
for me right now. Of course, I know I have lots of learning to do before I can achieve my dream job — a
creative director — and I believe this job will put me on that path."

10 Everyone Has One Exaggeration on Their Job Application. What's Yours? (Nhiều bạn hay nói qua
trên CV của mình, còn em thì sao?)

The Trap: Will you fall for your interviewer's attempt persuade you into admitting that's an exaggeration
or little white lie within your application? Hopefully not. And hopefully, your cover letter or resume is
free from any mistruths. It's never worth lying on your application.

How to Answer: Keep your cover letter and resume honest so you can be honest when you answer.

Sample Answer: "I'm confident that my cover letter, resume, and portfolio accurately represent my
experience and my work. You are welcome to reach out to the references I provided if you'd like them
to vouch for my attributes."

- Cứ nói thật trải nghiệm thực của mình, bài học rút ra sau mỗi kinh nghiệm mình trải qua.

List down all these above new/nice/useful vocabularies


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