Guide On Finding Photography Niche Origal

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find your
niche and
happily earn a
living from it.

Street Fashion,Architecture,
Product,Still life,
Auto mobile,Small

With so many options to choose

from,How to select your

Let's find out...

Before we jump into this workbook let me tell
you what you can expect from this.

In this workbook I have created some easy to

follow excercises that you can easily follow
with a pen and a paper in hand.

If you are trying every genre of photography

and you are still not satisfied.

I am sure this is the only workbook for you to

know what you really need to focus on.

I would appreciate your feedback after

reading the book.This will encourage me to
create more of such workbooks on different

You can write me a mail

All the best

With Regards
Nishkam Bhatia

What is a niche?

In very simple terms a niche is just like

a dedicated product or a service for a
small amount of audience that will
appreciate it and find it relateable.

For Example on Photo Basics I teach

photography and if you are not
interested in photography you might
not have followed me on Instagram.

or If I was teaching something else like

singing or crafting you might not find it

Let's take another example, Suppose

you have a water blockage who would
you call first? an electrician? A Plumber
or someone who knows a little bit of

I am guessing you answer and I think you and I
would call a plumber to fix it.

Think of this in photography.

Suppose I love doing wildlife photgoraphy on

Internet I post only images of wildlife.

Chances of me getting a wedding gig

are as low as chances of being killed by
this guy...

Why Niche is
It helps you find your ideal
clients easily...

I am sure you don't want to waste your time

on the clients that don't need your services.

There's a common saying

“When you are talking to everyone you are

talking to nobody”

Take a look around you every business

nowadays is a niche business. You
are not amazon to sell everything at one

If you are food photographers

your ideal clients would be cafe
owners, bakery owners and
restaurant owners.

When you niche down you give yourself and
your business a clarity that you will only
focus on certain types of people.

Your marketing plan becomes really easy.

In the world of internet you can easily reach
to these people and their email addresses
are just one search away.

2. Specialize in specific area

Master of none Jack of all If you run in all

directions you will keep coming back from
where you started.

Niching down helps you find what you are

made of and you can master that skill for rest
of your life...

"Why only 1 Niche? I want to do photography
why should I limit myself?"

Do you have the same question after reading

till here? You are absolutely right you should
not limit yourself at all. Infact you should
choose as many niche as you want If you can
master them all DO IT.

But do not confuse your client. What does

that means? It means you can choose any
photography niche but you have to market
just 1 niche that you can master and that you
can make money from.

Money is the oxygen to any business. You

need money and money comes by either
selling products or services.

In photography the product is your time.The

better you can spend your time the more
money you can take from the market.

Market runs on simple formulae. Supply and

If your product or service has zero demand

no matter how good your product is how
good your service is no one will buy it from
you or even hire you.

So the aim of this guide is to find yourself a

niche that has demand and you can supply
the product or service very easily.

Before we jump into the exercise on selecting niche for yourself. I
am mentioning all the niches I am aware of down below. So It is easy
for you to choose later in this guide. If you know something else than
these you can write it down on a paper.


Architectural photography Product Photography

Astrophotography Same-sex weddings

child photography Still life photography

Birth photography Underwater portraiture

Boudoir portraits Wildlife photography

Business headshots Catalogue Photography

Construction time-lapse Wedding photography

photography Still life photography

Corporate events Instagram Portfolios

Dogs Travel Photography

Drone photography Street Photography

Fashion Street Fashion

Food Photojournalism

Glamour Photography Stock photography

HDR photography Small Business Online store

Horses Photography photography

Sports Cafe Photography

Jewels Fitness Photography

Kids products and toys Editorial Photography

Mountain sport Landscape Photography

Owner and pet portraits School Events/Uni Events

Personal vacation Documentary Style

Rock concerts Film Set Photography

Let's do a simple test to find out your niche.


Draw a line and write down all the niches you

love. Even if you haven't tried it, Just write all
of them on a paper.

It can be drone photography, Nature

Photography or even still life. Just write all of
them under the heading "Niches I love"


Draw another column and write down all the

niches that you are good at. Suppose you are
good at travel photography or wedding
photography or you also know something
about food photography and you know you
can improve your skills later.

Write them all under this column.

"Niches I am Good At"


People need these 7 things from anyone.

Doesn't matter if it is a business a friend or

those 7 things are

Security, Admiration, Time, Money,

Escape, Pleasure, and Passion.

If you can select any niche that can deliver

people any 1 of these 7 things they need.

You can easily earn money from it.

For example wedding photography gives

people admiration and also pleasure when
they see themselves after 40years later
wearing the wedding dress.

In product photography you deliver money

because a good product photo can actually
make the buyer buy the product.

You have to carefully think of these 7 things
and select the niche which can provide these
things or atleast you can provide them from
the selected niches.

Write them down or choose from the previous

page. "Niches that people need"

How money in photography works?

For that you need to understand photography

properly.There is a false understanding about
photography that every photography niche
cannot earn you money.

This is not how it works, Think of this like

another business. You will get money if you
help others achieving what they want.

I am here dividing photography into three

simple niches and than there are sub niches.


artistic includes all the niches that you

do by yourself for yourself for example
food etc.

In artistic photography you are not being
controlled by the client you do everything as
you like and you can earn money from such
niches either by selling your photo books
online,Conducting workshops,Teaching
photography full time, or building a
community on the internet and later monetising
it through different ways.

You can choose the artistic niche as a full time

career but it takes time to give you the returns.
If your conditions doesn't allow you live
without money for 7-8 years you should not
choose artistic photography at first place.

You have to do other jobs along with the

artistic photography to earn bread and butter.

Commercial Photography:

Commercial photography includes all type of

niches in which the output of your images
depends upon someone else's opinion. For
example fashion photography,

Product photography, Wedding photography
food photography etc. The images that can
help someone achieve those 7 things that I
mentioned above.

You will get instant money from this type of

photography and there are no limits on your

The better you work,The better you market

yourself and your work the more clients you
can get and hence more money.

Commercial photography is the quickest way

to earn money through photography you can
choose either job in studios or even do
freelancing by yourself.You also have an
option for opening a home studio and running
a business from your home.

Documentary photography: These types of

photography required very high level of
patience and time. You can become a
photojournalist, You can document some
You can work for a client and document their
new house or new building project for a
builder you can also document someone's life.

Basically showing something as it is and not

adding extra things to either improve it or
make it look bad.

From above mentioned niches you can select

the type of job you want and depending upon
how patience you are you can choose your
own niche.





Yes your niche will be the combination of all
three factors.

The one you love,The one you are good at and

the one people will pay you money for.

You have to take time think and write down

everything as told.

This concept is taken from a book called

IKIGAI The japanese way of living a happy life.

I will not dive into the book you can read it

separately. This book helped me choose my
favourite niche.

I love helping people solving their concepts

and I love photography so I have chosen to be
a photography mentor not an expert but
mentor. Teaching what I know to the audience
that matters and the audience is you.

Find your niche based on your patience of
earning money. Money will follow if you have
the constant will of doing same thing again and
again until it becomes your habit and you are
being called a master of that.

Also to be clear, there are infinite ways to earn

money in the world of internet if you are
willing to do work.

WORK is what matters so make sure to

upgrade your skills regularly keep reading
keep watching and keep listening to the good
stuff on the internet.

This is a very simple formulae to find your

niche.If you are still confused you don't know
what you love what you don't. You might have
not tried capturing those stuff.

The best way to find what you love is to try

capturing different niches.Capture as much as
you can.You don't necessarily have to post
everything on the internet.Just enjoy the

Analyse yourself the kind of niche you are
enjoying the most.I hope this will make it easy
for you.

The goal is simple to help you find the niche

you love which can earn you money as well.

If the guide is still not enough for you and you

are still not able to decide the niche. You can
mail me your queries with exact problem in
detail to

I would be more than happy to reply to your

questions and help you find out your niche.

Thank you so much for reading this guide.All

the best and may god bless you with a healthy


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