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Q.1 Read the passage given below carefully and choose the most appropriate option from the ones given
and write its justification.

Children should be educated without pressure. They should enter into adulthood free from the damaging
effects of tradition and fear. Free expression of thought should be given to the children. A child once
asked Krishnamurthy, “Is it your hobby to give lectures? Don’t you get tired of talking? Why are you
doing it? Krishnamurthy replied: ‘I am glad you asked that question, you know, if you love something,
you never get tired of it. I mean love in which there is no desire of wanting something out of it. If you are
talking because you are getting something out of it: money, reward, sense of your importance: then there
is weariness. Then it has no meaning because it is only self-fulfilment, but if there is love in your heart, it
is like a fountain, always giving fresh water.”
According to Krishnamurthy, children should be educated without :
(a) money
(b) fear
(c) teachers
(d) pressure

Justify your answer. So that the learning can be enjoyable.

What type of expression should be given to the children?

(a) free
(b) busy
(c) damaging
(d) complex
Justify your answer. It will help the child to express their thoughts confidently.

If you ___________________ something you never get tired of it.

(a) hate
(b) love
(c) enjoy
(d) express

Justify your answer. Because one puts his heart and soul to it.

According to the passage, which reward will not make you feel weary?

(a) sense of importance

(b) money
(c) love in your heart
(d) only reward

Justify your answer the love towards your work will never make you feel tired of it.

Which word is wrongly matched with its opposite?

(a) damaging - preserving
(b) never - always
(c) weariness - tiredness
(d) fresh - stale

Justify your answer. As they are the synonym

Q.2 Fill in the blanks by framing adjective of the words given in the bracket.

i. I saw a _____blackish___________ spot on my uniform. (black)

ii. That girl is very ______talkative________ (talk)

Q.3 Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparisons

i. She is as ______tall__________ as her sister. (tall)

ii. Raghav dances ____better___________ than his friends. (good)

Q.4 Answer the following in 30-40 words.

i. What are the various changes that took place in the field of cricket which made it popular?
Change in the formation of bat from bent to straight, wicket from two to three, ball and

ii. What would you have done to compete with the other shopkeepers in the market?
I believe in changing my self as per the need hence I would have invested a little in the
advertisement of the product to increase my sell. Rather then sticking to the rudimentary
decisions of sticking to work and let people discover my shop with the word of mouth only.

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