Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6A: 'M Afternoon Afternoon e

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1. Ririn Anggriani (A1M019001)

Single Sentence
1. I'm played badminton afternoon yesterday afternoon
2. Siti went to aunt's house last night
Compound sentence
1. I like friend rice, while my mother likes chicken noodles
2. I'm I was in cooking, when my sister comes home
Complex sentence
1. When it rained yesterday, beno dindn't go to visit grandma's house
2. When As it's hot today, me and my mom buy ice cream
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the
world" (Imajinasi itu lebih penting daripada pengetahuan. Pengetahuan itu terbatas. Imajinasi
mengelilingi dunia. By : Albert Einstein)

2. Gita Nita Utami ( A1M019003)

Single sentence
1. Im I will going to the mall this evening
2. Gita went to the mall last night
Compound sentece
1. I am drying clothes, while my mother is cooking in the kitchen
2. Gita is cooking , while my her sister is playing ball (Apa hubungan Gita dan your sister?)
Complex sentence
1. I was studying mathematics when my brother comes frorm seluma
2. He chooses the meatbaell rather then fried rice
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving"
( Hidup itu seperti mengendarai sepeda. Untuk menjaga keseimbanganmu, kamu harus terus
bergerak. By : Albert Einstein)

3. Nora Kumala Tungga (A1M019005)

Single sentence
1. They are studying ohm's law in the laboratory
2. I Will go to the research tomorrow

Compound sentences
1. I'm studying chemistry, because it's going to be a practicum
2. I am on a diet, yet still want a meatball

Complex sentences
1. After I dido my work, I will help you
2. Nora washes her shoes so they look clean
Life is not easy, but we can grow to be come stronger than life's challenges (Kehidupan ini tidak
mudah, tapi kita bisa tumbuh untuk menjadi lebih kuat daripada tantangan kehidupan) Mario

4. Okta Rahma putri (A1M019007)

Singel sentence
1. My father is a cleaver man
2. I watched drama Korea yesterday
Compound sentence
1. Okta likes cakes but her boyfriends prefers chips
2. Okta loves blackpink and she is Goiong to watch blackpink concsert tomorrow
Complex sentence
1. Okta Will not give up, until she achieves my her goal
2. Silvia returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged
1. " Life is the art of drawing without an eraser ( hidup itu bagaikan menggambar tanpa
penghapus ) "

5. Kiki Fanisah (A1M019009)

Single Sentence
1. I will practicum chemistry of in the laboratory
2. I haeve cells in my body
Compound sentence
1. I'm cooking veagetable, while my Mother is cooking chicken
2. I'm like to study the science, but while my Sister is like is to study math
Complex sentence
1. Kiki, who is tall, an inspiring teacher of science
2. Salsa, in the hospital, came from of north Bengkulu (?)
Nothing in life is to be feared, it’s only to be understood (Marie Curie)

6. Hesi Puspita Sari (A1M019011)

Single Sentence
1. I went to the beach yesterday
2. I watched comedy yesterday
Compound Sentence
1. I like cake while my friend likes chips
2. I like reading short stories while my brother likes games
Complex Sentence
1. When I feel hurt, I Will cry
2. Before the sunsets, I Will be at home.
"Learn from the past, live for today ardently, and keep having work for future"

7. Pegi Gustari (A1M019013)

Single sentence
1. I'm playing volleyball in front of Unib sports center this afternoon
2. I was workingworked on a difficult English practice last night
Compound sentece
1. I didn't sleep last night, because I stayed up late watcheding a football game on television
2. I want to get an A in English class, but my final exam score is not good enough.
Complex sentence
1. Chelsea won the UEFA Champions League in 2019, iIt was the year I entered university in
2. I have to keep doing this English assignment, even though I feel sleepy
“ Many failures in life because people do not realize how close they were to success when they
gave up.”(Banyak kegagalan dalam hidup ini dikarenakan orang-orang tidak menyadari betapa
dekatnya mereka dengan keberhasilan saat mereka menyerah.) – Thomas Alva Edison

8. Elysabet Yulianingsih (A1M019015)

Single Sentence
1. I am going to the your party to night
2. Cecil was not here this morning
Compound sentence
1. When i was studying English, he knocked at the door
2. She always eat bread, as she doesn't like eat rice
Complex sentence
1. Lidia, wich is very smart student, is my best friend
2. Eggplant, is a unique vegetable that, i'm really like it
"Failure is another steppingstone to greatness" - Oprah Winfrey

9. Indah Setiyowati A1M019017

Single sentence:
1. I will be there soon
2. I am playing video game now
Compund sentence:
1. I am watching a movie, when my mom is cooking at the kitchen
2. My sister and I are gonna going to the mall now, but the weather is not good now
Complex sentence:
1. My mom is a nurse, whom always help people in the hospital
2. I'll go to the market now, after i finished helping my mom
Quote: Life is never flat
10. Rizki Yeleni (A1M019019)

Single Sentence
1. I'm Going to the beach next week
2. I will breathe fresh air in the morning

Compound Sentence
1. Eevening primrose blooms at night, while four o'clock flowers blooms in the afternoon
2. Fishes breathe using gills, will birds breathe useing lungs

Complex Sentence
1. Covid-19Sars-Cov2, the deadly virus, attacks the respiratory system
2. hibiscus flower, has a with its red color, is bloomings in the yard house

- I can do it
- i wouldn't wanna be anybody else (selena gomez-who says

11. Liza Christine Veronica (A1M019021)

Single Sentence
1. I can't live without air
2. I love the air in the mountains
Compound Sentence
1. My father has a headache, so he needs medicine
2. I want to go on a vacation, but I don't have time
Complex Sentence
1. I will keep trying until I succeed
2. Because tomorrow is a Math test, I have to study now
"Every day, every hour turns the pain into power"
(Superheroes - The Script)

12. Sausan Fatin Nurazizah (A1M019023)

Single Sentence
1. I want to cooking seblak tonight.
2. I want have to go to the hospital next week.
Compound Sentence
1. Fatin doesn't eat have breakfast, so his stomach hurts.
2. My hobby is playing online games, while my sister has a hobby of playing volleyball.
Complex Sentence
1. He is was very interesting, as I expected.
2. I want to go to the bakery this afternoon, because I want to buy a birthday cake.

Quote :
Be brave and fearless to know that even if you do make a wrong decision, you’re making it for
good reaso.
13. Ida Lestari (A1M019025)
Single Sentence
1. My sister reads a magazine everyday
2. My friend and I need holiday this week.
Compound Sentence
1. I can’t sleep tonight, that’s why I read science books (kok rasanya tidak berhubungan.
Biasanya kalau tidak bisa tidur, nonton, baca novel, etc)
2. Mango plant and durian plant are included in the type of riding rooted plants
Complex Sentence
1. Cactuses are xerophyte plant, so they don’t need a lot of water to care for them.
2. Chiro, has a cat with black color and short hair, is my catmine
It matters not what someone is born, but what grow to be. Jk. Rowling

14. Nadia Okta Kristiana Sihite A1M019027

Singel Sentence
1. I observed flower in garden yesterday
2. I want to study chemistry tomorrow
Compound Sentence
1. I was reading a book while my mom cooked the vegetables
2. I want to study matter metabolism but I am tired
Complex Sentence
1. She is studying science, because tomorrow she'll have exam scienceon it
2. I want to go to supermarket, after I finished doing my homework
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam

15. Fitri Mulyani (A1M019029)

Single Sentence
1. Teacher taughteaching matter metabolism yesterday
2. Dina males am assignmeent metamorphosis at night (???)
Compound sentence
1. Andi learneding photosynthetsics yesterday, but he was did not understand
2. They always come late, and then go home firstearlier
Complex sentence
1. Laboratory this is where the experiment, the measurement of or training scinentific, is
2. After the class was over, i went straight home straightly
"When a thing is done, it's done. Dont't look back. Look forward to your next objective" -George

16. Yorika Triana (A1M019031)

Single sentence
1. The Course will starts next Sunday
2. You I go to holiday every summer
Complound sentence
1. I want drank some weter, for i was thirsty If I was thirsty, I will drink water
2. My mother washed the vegetables, and then she cut them into little piesces
Complex sentence
1. I go to work on sundays, but i dont go to work on saturday
2. I saw him going to work in the this morning when i was going to school
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The most important thing is not to give
up. -Albert Einstein-

17. Dewi Sriyani (A1M019035)

Singgle Setence
1. I am practicing chemistry in the laboratory
2. I read a book in the library this morning
Compound Setence
1. My brother can't eat shrimp because he's allergic
2.The lamp can be lit because of the electric force
Complex Setence
1. I will play badminton after washing clothes
2. Ibn Sina is a prominent Islamic scientist, which dubbed as the father of modern medicine
"Knowledge is not what is memorized, but what is useful" - imam syafi'i

18. Jefri Ronggo Waskito A1M019039

Single Sentence
1. Bengkulu povince is in Indonesia
2. I'm going to the campus this morning.
Compound Sentence
1. If tThe air is clean; the humans will breath well.
2. You can go to school with me or you go to school alone now.
Complex Sentence.
1. Raflesia arnoldi, is a large flower, which comes from sumatera.
2. You can go to the campus, after your assignment in was compleated
Defeat is deleyet victory.

19. Irma oktiara difa (A1M019041)

* Simple
1. Rini is playing a doll
2. I am like him
* Compound
1. I am playing game and debi is studying science
2. I am like orange but my sisters like apple (apakah ini bertentangan, kenapa pakai but?)
* Complex
1. I know that iIntan came to surabaya last week
2. When Anggi is singing, eEveryone cheers at him when Anggi is singing
* Quotes
Life without love is like a tree without blossom or fruit

20. Angelina br Sebayang (A1M019043)

Single Sentence
1. I study science in theevery afternoon (Saya belajar sains di sore hari)
2. teti is taking a physics exam (teti sedang mengikuti ujian fisika)
Compound sentence
1. Lea is studying physics, and while Lia is studying chemistry (lea belajar fisika dan Lia belajar
2. Susi is measuringes the soil pH and Budi is recordings the her observations (Susi mengukur
pH tanah dan Budi mencatat pengamatannya)
Complex sentence
1. Water from seas, rivers, and lakes evaporates due to the heat exposure to heat from the sun
(Air dari laut, sungai, dan danau menguap karena terkena panas matahari)
2. Lina caomes home after shopping from the market (Lina pulang setelah berbelanja dari pasar)
"Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment
you stop trying"
(Jangan menyerah ketika Anda masih memiliki sesuatu untuk diberikan. Tidak ada yang benar-
benar berakhir sampai saat Anda berhenti mencoba .by: Bryan dison)

21. Pera Fitriani (A1M019045)

Single Sentence
1. I am studying human organ system material
2. I am will observinge the structure of the plant body
Compound sentence
1. Dina is memorizing the names of the planets, but she is having a hard time in
remembering them
2. I am reading material about the nervous system, while and my sister is playing cell phone
Complex sentence
1. I can't take the science exam before I am submitted my assignment
2. Chika has is always participated in the Science Olympiad since his middle school until
Quote :
Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't
have, you will never, ever have enough (Oprah Winfrey).
22. Tanda Nauli Sitorban Dolok(A1M019047)
Single sentence
1. I'm working on a human anatomy project
2. santi is working on biology report
Compound sentence
1. Tanda likes cakes but her friend prefers chips
2. I want to watch a movie, yet I do not know what movie to watch
Complex sentence
1. I will wait for him until he caomes home
2. You have to respect me since I am older than you
'I Love You But I'm Letting Go' by Pamungkas

23. Desti Purnama Nengsih (A1M019049)

Single Sentence
1.I will study online tomorrow afternoon
2. I am going to the beach tomorrow afternoon
Compound sentence
1. Desti was waiting for the shoe package since this morning, but the shoe package was too late
2. My mother is at work, so I go for a walk (Kalimat ini tidak berhubungan)
Complex sentence
1. I washed my shoes so they look clean
2. my sister asked me to go home before it rains
"Where focus goes, energy flows." - Tony Robbins
(Dimana ada fokus maka di situlah energi akan mengalir)
24. Adib syuja Dewa (A1M019051)
#kalimat majemuk tunggal
1. i'm going to the school this morning
( saya pergi ke sekolah pagi ini)
2. i walk alone to school in the every morning to school
(saya berjalan sendiri dipagi hari menuju sekolah)
#Kalimat majemuk setara
1. he was tired, so he head a headache
(dia lelah,dan dia mengalami sakit kepala)
2. i'm drank some water, for i was thirsty
(saya minum air, karena saya haus) (cek di atas)
#kalimat majemuk campuran
1. this cofee is still hot, i'm not drinking it now, after is cold i'll drink it
(kopi ini masih panas ,saya tidak meminumnya sekarang, nanti setelah dingin akan saya minum;
belajar membuat Bahasa Indonesia yang efektif. Berhubung kopi ini masih panas, saya akan
meminumnya nanti)
2. he goes went to the market to buy a lot of kitchen ingredients, after coming home and then he
will coock for the family lunch
( dia pergi kepasar untuk; membeli bahan dapur yang banyak habis, setelah pulang dia akan
memasak makan siang kelurga)
"Failure only happens when we give up'’ (Kegagalan hanya terjadi bila kita menyerah)

25. Eko Parwono (A1M019053)

Single sentence
1. Eko and Malik read the instruction on the whiteboard, and then wriote it on their book.
2. My lecture came late to the lab today.
Compound sentence
1. Eko and Diki got the appreciation for their research
2. Eko and Galih read and wrote the instruction there (Pikirkan kalimat yang lebih efektif).
Complex sentence
1. I will wait for Bayu until he comes to lab.
2. While I am reading, Dimas is busy preparing for the material.
"Do what you can with all you have,wherever you are" Theodore Roosevelt (Mantan Presiden
Amerika Serikat) "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Zig
26. Naftalia Artaria Hutabarat (A1M019055)
Single Sentence
1. I will go to the market with my mother
2. My mother is a beautiful person
Compound Sentence
1. a man Likes me, but I don’t like him
2. My family likes jengkol but Ai I don’t like it
Complex Sentence
1. My sister didn’t go toO class, because she was lazy toO study
2. My mother is mad at me, because i’m lazy toO study
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." (Satu-satunya hal yang harus kita takuti adalah
rasa takut itu sendiri.)- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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