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LESSON PLAN green revolution and social effects and change in rural

society after independence

The content in this lesson plan is taken from the 12th standard NCERT

textbook, social change and development in India and from chapter 4

change and development in rural society .In this lesson basically I will

teach two topic one is green revolution and its social effects and second is

change in rural society after independence. In first topic I will introduce basic

information about green revolution its time and who is the father of green

revolution in India and I will explain how green revolution took changes in

the production and what changes came in the agriculture technology, and

which region of india got maximum opportunities in the green revolution,

and what type of economical changes took place in the rural areas , what

changes took place in rural society due to green revolution and most

importantly what were the positive effects and negative effects when green

revolution came in rural society. Second topic change in rural society after

independence have many points basically economical changes in rural

society, status of lower class farmer after independence, how powerful

classes took advantages of technology and green revolution and government

policies and how powerful classes became more powerful politically and


The learners would be able to;

- Have a comprehensive understanding of the content

- Become proficient in effects of green revolution in rural society,

changes in rural society after independence .

- will be able to compare positive and negative effects of

green revolution and social changes in rural society


I would be using images presentation and visual aid to explain the content.

Pupil teacher will recall the last class and then ask various question based

on last class. After that pupil teacher will start to explain the green

revolution and its effects on agriculture processes and production and how

green revolution changed the rural economical processes and what effects

green revolution put on the life low class farmers how big farmers got the

maximum advantages and what changes came into the economical life of

rich farmers .

After this pupil teacher will do a quiz contest in the class :

1- How green revolution was more effective than land reforms for

changing in the rural society.

2- How green revolution brings changes in rural society.

3- What were economical changes in rural society due to green


4- What were social changes in rural society due to green revolution.

5- What were negative social and environmental effects due to green


After this pupil teacher will explain changes in rural society after

independence, increasing agricultural labour, mode of payment changed

from grains to money ,traditional relationship of land owners and agricultural

labour , daily wages labour . Pupil teacher will outline the issues that how

after green revolution land owners found agriculture as a more profitable

bussiness and took back their land from their traditional labour and left them

unemployed and after that land owners started producing with the help of

labour and it increases the labours and started giving money in the place of

grains and other thing as charge of labour .this was the commercialization of

agriculture after independence which brought important changes in the rural

society. it also increased the number of daily wages labourers. Due to this

market based agriculture rural society got connected to large economy and

brought changes in the rural economy. After independence there were many

reasons of these social changes in rural society , those are technology,

green revolution, government policies like deen dayal Upadhyay jyoti yojana

, and loan from government ect . Because of these above reasons brought

changes in rural economy and changed the agricultural processes and so

that the rural society. Due to these changes Powerful class and caste
became more powerful politically and economically they invested their money

in many other businesses and make themselves urbanized.

After this pupil teacher will do a quiz contest in the class :

1- What were the changes in the relationship of land owners and

traditional labourers?

2- What is capitalist agriculture?

3- What is capitalist production system?

4- Changes in economy of rural society after independence?

After this a group discussion will be on the topic :

Economical changes in rural areas after independence was good or bad .

Green Revolution

Green revolution was a revolution started in 1960s and 70s had a drastic

change in the productivity.

Introduced in those areas where there was a possibility of a water source

and fertile land.

Social Consequence of Green Revolution


First time India started exporting grains (rice and wheat), surplus.

It was a great achievement for government but also for Indian scientists who

created seeds.
Employment opportunities increased, demand for agricultural labour went up.


Increased inequality in rural areas

Only rich landlords who could afford the HYV seeds could make profits.

Lower class (agri- subsistence) did not have resources to produce surplus to

sell in market for profit.

Land taken away from tenants by landowners as they wanted to make extra

profit rather than paying them. This was the displacements of tenants.

Displacement of service class

All work which used to be done by manual labour was replaced by

machines (harvestees etc.)

Rich became richer and poor became poorer

Payment was shifted from land to cash.

Instead of increase in wages, they decreased as there was so much

demand for agricultural labour.

Green Revolution in Arid Areas

The crops shifted to multi crop from new crop. So that the profit was more

(irrigation, HYV seeds).

If the crop failed the farmer had nothing to fall back on in case of crop

Everything grown for commercial purposes.

Increased insecurity of the farmer.

It is divided into Andhra and Telengana. Andhra has two rivers Krishna and

Godavari Land is fertile. Landlords in Andhra Pradesh are prosperous.

Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh is in the center of Telengana and

all development is done there only. Farmers of Andhra have sold their

products in Hyderabad.

Different regions have regional inequalities like UP and Haryana.


There is a new class of people that has caused up entire pressure. .

Group of landowners who invest agricultural money into small factories,

invest in machines.

They started: sending their children to school in urban areas, providing


The hybrid seeds, pesticides have an effect on ecology.

Fertility of soil is decreasing.

Farmers prefer organic farming or natural products.

Transformation of Rural Society

Because of GR and land reforms.

1. Agricultural labour increased as agriculture is labour intensive. It was

extensive lot of work involved on the price of land.

2. Payment changed from kind to cash because government wanted

uniformity or one scale of wage (minimum wage).

It was easier to keep track as the payment in kind different from person to


They moved from the hereditary relationship

Loosing of traditional bonds farmers could move from their village to any

other village and pick up work not bonded.

The govt also contributed by developing infrastructure, electricity/water,

cooperate society, irrigation facilities, bankmen, setting up of schools and

hospitals etc.

Kerala and Bihar

In the 80s the Kerala economy got linked to the UAE economy.

There was a need for minimal, manual labour (devices) who went from


They came back with a lot of wealth and their economy boomed.

Keralites depended upon coconuts, fishing, but the new business ventures

began adding to economy.

Agricultural economy was linked to economies from industries.

Kerala already had a booming fishing industry.

Regions such as eastern UP and Bihar, where land reforms have not been

effective, there has hardly been any noticeable change in the agrarian



Write a notes of 50 words changes in social relationships of in

rural society after independence.


Write an essay on green revolution, and explain advantages and

disadvantages of green revolution.

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