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Exit paper Module 1

1. Morality is the process by which we decide what is good. Morality

is the principle by which we determine what is right. These are
the 3 important learnings I’ve learned in our discussion. I learned
that morality is our own understanding of what good and evil is.
Second, morality is our own framework for determining what is
right and bad. Third, our actions are all founded on our morality.
We do and do not act in accordance with our beliefs about what is
good and wrong.
2. We face moral dilemmas on a daily basis. The first moral problem
I had in my life was determining whether to save my dog in the
middle of the road or risk being hit by passing vehicles if I chose to
save my dog. The second moral problem I had was telling the
truth every time my mother inquired about my whereabouts if
she was aware that I was not at home. I chose to tell the truth and
to do what is right, indeed telling the truth to her is a moral
3. Every day, we are faced with morality; it is up to the individual to
decide whether or not to become a moral person. I always treat
everyone else fairly on a daily basis since I know that this is the
right and morally correct thing to do. I know that I applied
morality in my regular living because I treat others fairly and
respect them.

Salmeron, Ina Jane Van Allen P. BPED 2 A

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