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im 2 (») Participles / Voice phan ti / The A Participtes ‘| Present Participles 1 Thi ip dién © The world is trying to stop global warming, © Violence on television is increasing juvenile delinquency. 2) Dinh ti mang tinh hi dng © We should protect every living creature. © Not all television programs are intorosting. 2D Past Patcples 1) Thi hodn thiah © We have experienced! a great dea of etess in our daly Ives © Before he airplane was ivented, people a! hough that onl bits oul fy 2) ‘inh tt mang tn bi dng © Highly educated people may get better jobs than others. © Some parents are never satisfied with their children's grades. G Participle Clauses 1 Cie dang mea phn i Minh dé pn ct de dng 48 chi Ut gan, snug bi, iu hig, 1 don mea trang ti © Traveling in other countries, you should folow their customs. (= When you travel...) © Boing easly affected by the media, children should not watch television without their parents. (= Because they are...) © Stuciying with a group, you will get distracted easly. (= Iryou study...) © Hating electronic waves, | spend a ft of time in front of my computer. (= Though 1 nai © Wearing hor glasses, my grandmother was reading a book. (= With her glasses on...) 2) Quan hé gta m@oh dB phan ivi em hofe ménh 8 trang tit © Getting hotter, people plan outdoor activities. (X) + With the weather getting hotter, people plan outdoor activities. (= As the weather gets...) Unit 2 | Partciples / Voi © Exploring outer space, we should solve the environmental problems on Earth. (X) + Before exploring outer space, we should solve the environmental problems on Earth, (= Before we explore...) 8) Mot 6 ménh 48 phan tt duge ding Yam em de ng © Generally speaking, people with good eating habits do not frequently get sick. © Juclging from my experience, some movies are not worth watching. © Compared with nonfiction, fiction is more fun to read. B voice 1] The Active and Passive Voice ‘Alot of people | saw | thie movie. (Chi dng) iy a i i ig ai «fen at tao rer fo sca Sirona anasbecumstertn xis ‘When to Use the Passive Voice ND 1) Ki di tuymg nh han dng quan trong hon nguti Ue hign han dng © Our environment should be protected (by us). © Children should be taugiht (by their parents) to take responsibilty for their actions. 2) Khi ng thy higm hank dng king 1 rng hog khng quan trang, © Nobody is allowec! (by hospital authorities) to use a mobile phone in the hospital. © Many soldiors wore killod in the war (by othr soldiers), 3) Khi ng i min én Kieu © twas found in some research that children tend to imitate the parent who isthe same sex. © The sample was collected! from the water, and the number of germs was counted. 23 Check-Up Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given verb. 1 Hound documentaries (bore) 2 There is a heavy rain in the countryside. (a) 3 Some students to participate in extracurricular activities. (require) 4 People others! secrets are trustworthy. (keep) 5 South Korea rapidly since the Korean War. (levelop) © Parents are now that there is too much violence on television. (complain) 7 We should have the food shortage. (prevent) 8 Adolescents ‘on television are often rebellious. (show) 9. The greenhouse effect will ‘many counties in dangor. (put) 10 Plastic bottles should (recycle) 1 Every person fa knack for something. (have) 12, Ten years ago, public transportation ‘more frequently than nowadays. (use) Unit 2 | Correct the errors in the follo Wg sentences. Some sentences have no errors. | Usually, people live in rural areas are friendly. 2 The polluting air may cause lung cancer. 3 Nuclear weapons should not used in any circumstances. 4 Inmy opinion, a lecture class is more tired than a discussion class. Children raising in large families usually get along well with others. 6 Many scholars have acknowledged the negative impact of the media. 7 Generally speaking, a lot of people using computers to get updated information, 8 Young children should not permitted to travel by themselves. 9 The president of our country elects every five years. +10 Addicting to the Internet, some children feel awkward when talking to others face to face. 11 Itis important that foreign language classes be staffed with good teachers. 112. Natural sciences give us insight into the future as well as teaching us about the origin of the word 25 % ‘Writing Practice ‘Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order. 1 Nauti ta 6 thé tim thy mye ti cia minh trong ene sng bing eich lam eng vie ba minh, Gi ie people their gous / by doing may find tei obs) 2 Niu eu hai tit ge vn ei ge ri (are et many / manswered J philosophical questions) 3 Bling eich ty hg, ban 6 thé ye hn fh lp hn (ou by learning /can practice hy yourself reasoning) 4S» vi hi ng tt nghitp phi thing, nhing ng tt mip da hye of thé c6 niu o@ (nay have f compared with / college graduates high schoo graduates / more job opportinitis) ‘5 ‘True Ki diem try, ym nn kim tra Ui i rude (cheok / before the weather / you should / going camping fist) © Ching ta nén cnn bj sin sing phing hit ot chim hoa thién nhién nao e6 thé xy ra, (any possible be prepared for! natural disasters / we should) 7 Ny nay ngbi ta qué quan tim dn ene sing rng ten nbitng ng ni ing, (100 people are nowadays / elites private ives interested in) ‘8 Nhitng vn 8 mii tvng king dg gi quyét of thé de dg tutmg,la cia ching a (nay threaten unsolved / our future / environmental problems) 9 Mots ng cho rng go vién nén due sinh vin dn gi (say be evaluated teachers should /by thee students /some people) 10 Chang tabi inh hung bi ning nga tré tli hon etng nh 1d nh ng Lon tabi hon, (Gounger people /are influenced by folder people / we as well as) Unit2 | Parliciples / Voice B| Using the given words or phrases, translate the following into English. 1 10 1" 2 Ban khing nén lam én khi dang xem phim trong rap. (watch movies) [Nhiéu nguyén nbn caching béo phi da duse cong ching bit dén, (obesity; know) [Mgt Ki a bidt due, ngin ng khong thé dé ding bi qué di (acquire) Ce nue dang phat trién ein sy gp d@ tt nhitng nite Khe. (developing countries) (Nok sf nguti bj tute di bi due gio dye bi ban, (deprived of) da ban tp thé de hing ngay, ban sé thé ln én mah Khe, vor: ont) ing ch sit dang phung ign giao thing cng cing, ching tae Uh Ha gdm 6 nhiém Khang Kh. ase;reduce) ‘Theo jin ea th, king thé ifn cho bgo ue de. Gusti) (Ce ki bil vn ha o6 thé de King phe chi hi cing ta e6 ging chp nin nhing Khe big 4, (oxeroome) Xéb theo lich sit i od ng, Kh 8 tgo a mle gi King 6 chin tram. (create) hing ng tt nghigp Agi hge thing die xem La Uiga kin thie thet. (conser) Me di di di thin et lug ene sng, spt trién eng nghitp cng dt to ra nha vn 4 x8 i improve; socal problems) a a Writing Challenge Translate the fotlowing into English. 1 Khtng 6 6 thé dat ge eh Wing sv may min 2 ‘Tri em dB bj did gi 6 mdi mé Lien, 3 Ney ei mt kin King gi it ha ting ob Uh Km tn gi inh ban, 4 Sau ki eu dung nig sian Kh ban 8 in ee ngs quyét ink 5 Tht Ki din die phat minh, nhip sng oka ching tat chm chp 6 Néu niu nui ham quan tim in phe oxi, thé gi tr Uhinh mtn tt hon ting 7 Dii Ki trem bri king bitte thing cin trén tv I ding hay khong {8 Ching te phi i hi tr thd jh bog Uém nia. 9 Khi nt chuygn vis, ban nén nin thing vio mat guid. 10 Néiti de phép chon noi a sng, is sng 3 New York. ‘11 New ota ey thin vn ng thich lam vige mt min, 12 Ging nbn ving trem eb Khuynh Ying bat cheb me, ef be cha me nén of ging t@ chin ning im gtng sing Unit2 | Part Complete the following paragraphs in English. 1 So wi uj sng @ mit chin phi ln, tity cue sig 0 mat ch tanh nghe o vé ip din hon. Sing mt th tin ni, (i ob Uh quen bit tt c kang ging cia ti, Mii quam ttng te x nh ny 98 gp bio v8 ‘bi Ki mh tie 06 thé xy ra, Living in a. small town, | may get fo know all of my neighbors. This social interaction will help protect, ime trom possible crimes. 2 ‘Toi cho ring tinh ech cia con nga ge uy dnh bi cha me ki cin tha do, Vi dy, trem hu hang vt 6 thé ste thin hing ng Kn 6 tn ty cho minh. trang tm, Tdi Ii, rem bb é ob Khuynb hung phat ‘rin ‘tin thio i tpg. | believe that a person's personality is determined by his parents during his childhood. On the contrary, neglected children tend to develop low self-esteem, 38 Xét theo kinh nghigm cia ti, nue Php quyén 1 hon bt et nie nao hie. Bae bit Paris daye moh danh Ta than phi ca nghethuat va kin tre, Vi vay, tai mudin Gn thm nde Php mgt Vn nda ni ti 6 eo hi Paris especially has been called a city of art and architecture. Considering that, I would like to visit France again if | had a chance. 4 Nhitng ng ni ing ge xi quan tim thing tham gia vio ede hot ding x8 iS tham gia ea ho rt dng kbc Ie vi gti ta thug Ving nghe ho. Tay vy, hyo thé gy ning hw qu xa cho phong rte Ki tp dem dn cho cing cing thing tn si le Socially engaged celebrities often participate in social movements. However, they may cause bad consequences for the movement when they misinform the public. ‘Tivi of hai cho tré em, Tre em cin bé vt bj tvi te ng. Vi dy, ngubi ta ni ring ree sinh xem tiv qu nid o thé mie cing ty ‘Tolovision is bad for children. For instance, itis said that infants who watch television too much may become autistic. 6G uti tii, fiw duge xem la loai dng vt quan trong. Theo truyén thuyét lip quéc cia ching tii, Danyown, ng 1p ra dt nude, ra dit KE hgp gia contri cin Thing dé va mot ni phy nd do gi bin thanh, According to our national foundation myth, Dangun, who founded the country, was bom from a Union between a son of God and a woman who was transformed from a beat, 2

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