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Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Health, Kean University, Union, New Jersey; and 2Department of Biological
Sciences, Kean University, Union, New Jersey

ABSTRACT sports drinks, making it a good source of sugars that can be

used by skeletal muscle to synthesize glycogen and rebuild
Spaccarotella, KJ and Andzel, WD. The effects of low fat
depleted stores during postexercise recovery (6). In addition,
chocolate milk on postexercise recovery in collegiate athletes.
it is a rich source of casein and whey, which are digested and
J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3456–3460, 2011—Drinking
absorbed slowly (2). This allows blood amino acid concen-
chocolate milk between exercise sessions may improve
trations to remain elevated (16), which may permit extended
recovery. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects muscle anabolism during the recovery period (6,16,20).
of low fat chocolate milk vs. a carbohydrate–electrolyte
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 03/08/2022

Current recommendations for maximizing glycogen resyn-

beverage (CE) on recovery between preseason practice thesis suggest consuming either 1.2 g carbohydrate per
sessions among 5 male and 8 female Division III soccer kilogram of body weight immediately after exercise and each
players. The study used a randomized crossover design: hour after or as multiple small meals for 4–6 hours
between morning and afternoon practices, athletes received postexercise or 0.8 gkg21h21 in combination with amino
either an amount of chocolate milk that provided 1 g carbo- acids or protein (6). Although solid and liquid supplements
hydrate per kilogram body weight or an equal volume of CE are equally effective (8), liquids may be preferred if appetite is
(mean volume of 615 6 101 ml). After their afternoon practice, suppressed during the first few hours postexercise. Liquids
they completed a shuttle run to fatigue. Data were analyzed also provide fluid to aid in rehydration, and the high
using the Wilcoxon paired rank-sign test (for shuttle run time) concentrations of electrolytes in milk (sodium and potas-
and the paired samples t-test (for dietary intake). No significant sium) help replenish those lost through sweating during
exercise. For example, studies comparing the effectiveness of
differences in run time were reported for the group. For the men
milk, water, and carbohydrate replacement drinks at pro-
only, there was a trend of increased time to fatigue with
moting rehydration after cycling in the heat have found that
chocolate milk compared with the CE (exact p = 0.03). Low fat
participants remained in positive fluid and potassium balance
chocolate milk may therefore be as good as a CE at promoting
only on consumption of milk (13,18). Low fat chocolate milk
recovery between training sessions during preseason. is also inexpensive and readily available and is the most
KEY WORDS soccer, preseason, training popular milk flavor among children and adults (15).
To date, most of the studies examining low fat chocolate
milk as a recovery beverage have used male cyclists (7,14);
INTRODUCTION little is known about responses among women or athletes

ecent research has suggested that milk may be an participating in collegiate-level team sports. However, similar
effective recovery beverage (12). Studies compar- results may be obtained with athletes participating in sports
ing time to fatigue during a second exercise bout that require short bursts of speed interspersed with longer
after an earlier session and recovery with either periods of slower running. Research with male and female
chocolate milk or a carbohydrate replacement beverage have soccer and basketball players has demonstrated significant
reported that run and cycling times are similar or longer with improvements in time to exhaustion when carbohydrate is
chocolate milk (7,10,14). In particular, low fat chocolate milk consumed during and between workouts designed to
contains carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients, such as simulate the intermittent, high-intensity running that occurs
branched chain amino acids, that may aid in recovery (6). Its in these sports (9,19). This finding is particularly important
carbohydrate content is similar to that of many common because fatigue at the end of a game or during a second
practice session limits performance at a time that is critical
Address correspondence to Kim J. Spaccarotella, for making game-deciding plays or maximizing skill acquis-
25(12)/3456–3460 ition and rehearsal. Further, there is limited evidence about
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research how athletes respond in a practical setting. Previous studies
Ó 2011 National Strength and Conditioning Association of chocolate milk have involved fasted subjects (7,14); in
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contrast, athletes usually perform exercise in a fed, non– continuous running between 2 lines separated by 20 m.
glycogen depleted state before consuming a recovery Running speed was maintained by a series of computer–
beverage. Thus, the purpose of the current project was to generated beeps, which began slowly and increased in
compare the effectiveness of low fat chocolate milk and frequency each minute, indicating when the participants
a carbohydrate–electrolyte beverage (CE) on recovery should reach the second line. Fatigue was defined as failure to
between morning and afternoon preseason practice sessions reach the second line for 2 consecutive ends, and time to
among male and female Division III collegiate soccer players fatigue was used to estimate V_ O2max.
and to use these data to help practitioners tailor recom-
mendations for using chocolate milk during recovery in Intervention Days. During the intervention days, athletes
collegiate team sport athletes. completed their morning practice and received either low fat
chocolate milk or an equivalent volume of CE (mean recovery
METHODS beverage volume of 615 6 101 ml). Although it was
Experimental Approach to the Problem impossible to disguise the distinct flavors of the 2 beverages,
The study was conducted using a randomized, crossover design to minimize bias, all beverages were served in opaque
with 13 athletes, and it took place in late summer during the containers by an individual not associated with the
teams’ preseason training camps. This design has been used in experiment, as has been done previously (7). The study
other similar studies to reduce between-subject variability beverages consisted of low fat chocolate milk (Ultimate
(7,14,20): The subjects are randomly assigned to receive 1 of Chocolate Milk, Low Fat, Tuscan Dairy, Union, NJ, USA)
the 2 beverages during the first treatment day and receive the and an isovolumetric amount of a CE (The Gatorade
alternative on the second day, allowing each person to serve as Company, Chicago, IL, USA). The nutrient composition of
his or her own control (4). Before the 2 experimental trials, the these beverages is presented in Table 1. In accordance with
subjects reported to the laboratory for a preliminary visit to current recommendations for postexercise carbohydrate
complete a 20-m shuttle run to fatigue to estimate maximal replacement (11), the volume of milk given provided 1.0 g
oxygen uptake (V_ O2max). The intervention occurred on 2 days carbohydrate per kilogram body weight, and on both days,
during the middle of the preseason separated by a 2-day the beverages were consumed immediately after the first
washout. During the intervention days, the subjects completed practice and again 2 hours later, as done in previous studies
their morning practice and received either low fat chocolate milk (7,14). Current recommendations state that when rapid
or an equivalent volume of CE. The subjects then completed postexercise recovery and rehydration are needed, a beverage
their afternoon practice followed by a 20-m shuttle run to fatigue. containing fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrate should be
At the end of each intervention day, they were asked to rate the used (3). Given these recommendations and the seriousness
effort required during the shuttle run using the Borg rating of of dehydration and depleted carbohydrate and electrolyte
perceived exertion (RPE) scale (1) and complete a dietary intake stores for athletes exercising in the heat, as was the case in
questionnaire. this study, withholding fluid, electrolytes, and carbohydrates
could not be justified. Thus, a beverage typically consumed
Subjects by these athletes during recovery (CE) was used as the
Twenty-six athletes (11 women, 15 men) from the men’s and comparison trial rather than a water-only or a no-fluid
women’s soccer teams volunteered to participate. All subjects comparison.
were healthy and had been cleared to practice by the
university athletic training staff through a recent physical
examination. Of these, 6 were excluded from the team,
5 withdrew because of injuries or illnesses that occurred
during practice, and 2 withdrew because of scheduling TABLE 1. Comparison of selected nutrients in 240 ml
conflicts. Thus, 13 athletes (8 women, 5 men; age: 19.5 6 1.1 of study beverages.*
years; mass: 70.9 6 11.5 kg; height: 171.9 6 9.5 cm; V_ O2max:
41.9 6 9.7 mlkg21min21) were able to complete the shuttle Low fat
run on both days and were included in the final analyses. The Nutrient chocolate milk Gatorade
research was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Energy (kcal, kJ) 160, 669 50, 209
Kean University, and written informed consent was obtained Protein (g) 8 0
from each subject according to the guidelines established by Fat (g) 3 0
the Institutional Review Board. Carbohydrate (g) 27 14
Calcium (mg) 300 0
Procedures Sodium (mg) 240 110
Baseline Visit. The baseline visit occurred at the beginning of
*The data are from and
the preseason training camp, before the athletes began
practicing. Subjects completed a 20-m shuttle run to fatigue
(11) from which V_ O2max was estimated. This test involved

VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2011 | 3457

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Chocolate Milk and Recovery

The subjects then completed their afternoon practice Differences were considered significant at p # 0.05, and all
followed by a 20-m shuttle run to fatigue, modeled after one outcome variables were tested for sequence and period effects.
used in a similar study (9). During this test, subjects ran at Data are presented as mean 6 SD unless otherwise noted.
speeds alternating between 55 and 95% of their estimated
V_ O2max until fatigue, defined by the inability to maintain RESULTS
running speeds (.2 consecutively missed distances of 20 m). When both men and women were considered as a group, time
On both study days, the same evaluator, who was blinded to to fatigue did not differ significantly with chocolate milk
the treatments, determined fatigue. Practice sessions, bever- (6.11 6 5.12 minutes; median 4.21 minutes) compared with
age consumption and completion of the shuttle run took CE (5.03 6 3.41 minutes; median 4.07 minutes; p . 0.05). For
place at approximately the same time each day; in addition, the men only, there was a trend of increased time to fatigue
practice sessions were similar in duration and intensity and with chocolate milk (8.31 6 6.53 minutes; median
consisted of conditioning activities and soccer-specific drills. 4.34 minutes) compared with CE (6.24 6 5.03 minutes;
The subjects were instructed to maintain normal dietary, median 4.06 minutes; exact p = 0.03; effect size 0.2; Spearman
hydration, and activity habits throughout the study so that correlation coefficient 0.90) (Figure 1). The RPE did not
the 2 study days represented ‘‘normal’’ preseason days except significantly differ with chocolate milk (15.8 6 3.0; median
for the consumption of the study beverages. They were also 15.5) compared with CE (14.5 6 2.1; median 14.5; p . 0.05).
instructed to consume the same foods and beverages, aside For the women, time to fatigue did not significantly differ
from study beverages, 2 days before and during both between the 2 beverages, and RPE was not significantly
intervention days. At the end of each intervention day, different with chocolate milk (12.6 6 0.96; median 13)
subjects were asked to rate the
effort required during the shut-
tle run using the RPE scale and
complete a dietary question-
naire, which was previously
validated for use with collegiate
athletes (5,17) and modified so
that respondents were asked to
indicate the number of servings
of each food consumed on that
day rather than on a typical day
in the previous week.

Statistical Analyses
To account for possible gender-
related physiologic differences
in hormone concentrations
(e.g., estrogen) and the struc-
ture and capacity of the cardio-
vascular and respiratory systems
(e.g., heart size and blood vol-
ume) that may affect fluid
retention, gas exchange, ventila-
tory response, and, ultimately,
exercise performance (21), the
data were analyzed both for all
subjects combined and for men
and women separately. Inspec-
tion of the run time and RPE
data indicated that they were
nonparametric; thus, the Wil-
coxon paired rank-sign test was
used to test for differences in
Fig. 1. Mean time to fatigue (min) during shuttle run vs. type of recovery beverage consumed among collegiate soccer
time to fatigue and RPE. Di- players (n = 5 men and 8 women). For the men only there was a trend of increased time to fatigue with chocolate milk
etary intake data were analyzed compared to carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage (CE) (exact p = .03). (Values are means 6 standard deviation).
using paired samples t-tests.
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compared with CE (13.3 6 0.5; median 13; p . 0.05). To providing a different volume of fluid each day could affect
further evaluate time to fatigue with the 2 beverages, hydration status and feelings of gastrointestinal comfort,
a difference score was calculated as run time with milk possibly influencing the results in other ways. However,
minus run time with CE. For the men, the average difference research comparing the consumption of a high carbohydrate
in run time between the 2 beverages was 1.67 6 1.95 minutes, replacement drink with an isocaloric amount of chocolate
and for the women, it was 0.40 6 2.81 minutes. No sequence milk reported that participants cycled longer on consuming
or period effects were found for any of the data, and no the milk (14), even though both beverages provided
differences in intake between the chocolate milk and CE days equivalent energy, suggesting that differences in the
were reported for any food groups besides dairy (p , 0.00). carbohydrate type or fat content might alter the effects of
the beverages on recovery. Further, comparison of isocarbo-
DISCUSSION hydrate (7,10) amounts of milk and a high carbohydrate
The results of this study suggest that consuming low fat replacement drink reported that time to exhaustion was no
chocolate milk between morning and afternoon practices different (10) or longer with the milk (7), again suggesting
may be as good as an isovolumetric amount of CE at that other factors, beyond the energy and amount of
promoting recovery, measured by shuttle run time to fatigue, carbohydrate provided by the milk, may account for its
among Division III soccer players. These findings are effectiveness. Further work is needed to clarify these findings.
consistent with those of previous reports (7,10,14): They
support the recommendation of low fat chocolate milk as an PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
effective recovery beverage (3), and importantly extend
This study suggests that low fat chocolate milk may be as
earlier findings to female athletes and practical, field settings
effective as an isovolumetric amount of CE at promoting
(e.g., preseason).
recovery between preseason practice sessions. Practitioners
Although the mechanisms explaining the effectiveness of
can suggest drinking low fat chocolate milk immediately after
chocolate milk are not completely clear, the combination of
exercise and throughout the recovery period in a volume that
carbohydrate, milk protein, fluid, and electrolytes may
will help athletes obtain about 1 g carbohydrate per kilogram
promote muscle glycogen resynthesis and rehydration to
body weight per hour. They can encourage their athletes to
speed recovery between exercise sessions (12). During low- to
substitute low fat chocolate milk for full fat dairy products and
moderate-intensity exercise (below the lactate threshold or at
suggest foods such as fruit smoothies or cereal made with
ca. 70% V_ O2max), the greater fat content of milk compared
chocolate milk to improve diet quality while promoting
with that of CE may also increase blood levels of free fatty
acids, delaying glycogen depletion (7,14). Future studies
should investigate whether low fat chocolate milk is effective
for recovery from high-intensity exercise, as well, given the REFERENCES
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