RLC Series: Experiment No:-06 DATE: - 08/05/2020

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Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps

EXPERIMENT No:- 06 DATE:- 08/05/2020

Aim : Implementing and study series RLC circuit using Simulation software

Apparatus :-

Resistor (value), Inductor (value), Capacitor (Value), Signal Generator, Milliammeter, bread
board, connecting wires, Simulation Software Tina

Theory :-
(1) What is resonance?
The Resonance of a series RLC circuit occurs when the inductive and capacitive reactances are
equal in magnitude but cancel each other because they are 180 degrees apart in phase. The sharp
minimum in impedance which occurs is useful in tuning applications.
Resonance in AC circuits implies a special frequency determined by the values of the
resistance, capacitance and inductance when either the current or impedance in maximum
condition: XL = XC
In a series RLC circuit there becomes a frequency point were the inductive reactance of the
inductor becomes equal in value to the capacitive reactance of the capacitor. In other
words, XL = XC. The point at which this occurs is called the Resonant Frequency point, ( ƒr ) of
the circuit, and as we are analysing a series RLC circuit this resonance frequency produces
a Series Resonance.

(2) Obtain condition of resonance and formula for resonance frequency for RLC series circuit.

At resonant frequency, XL = Xc

At resonance f = fr and on solving above equation we get,

3) What is Transient Analysis?

Ans: The difference of analysis of circuits with energy storage elements (inductors or
capacitors) & time-varying signals with resistive circuits is that the equations resulting from
KVL and KCL are now differential equations rather than algebraic linear equations resulting
from the resistive circuits.
Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps

The transient simulation is the calculation of a networks response on arbitrary excitations. The
results are network quantities (branch currents and node voltages) as a function of time.
Substantial for the transient analysis is the consideration of energy storing components, i.e.
inductors and capacitors.
The relations between current and voltage of ideal capacitors and inductors are given by

or in terms of differential equations

To calculate these quantities in a computer program numerical integration methods are required.
With the current-voltage relations of these components at hand it is possible to apply the
modified nodal analysis algorithm in order to calculate the networks response. This means the
transient analysis attempts to find an approximation to the analytical solution at discrete time
points using numeric integration.

Transient Analysis of series RLC Circuit

Consider a series RLC circuit as shown in fig and it is excited with a dc voltage source C−−sV.
Applying around the closed path for ,

Fig: RLC Circuit excited with a DC voltage source

The current through the capacitor can be written as Substituting the current ‘’expression in
eq and rearranging the terms,
Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps

The above equation is a 2nd-order linear differential equation and the parameters associated with
the differential equation are constant with time. The complete solution of the above differential
equation has two components; the transient response and the steady state response.

Procedure :-
1. Connect the Series RLC circuit as shown in figure 1.
2. Make sure that the milliammeter is in series with the circuit.
3. Keep the values fixed of R, L and C.
4. Keep varying frequency of the input signal from zero onwards
5. Measure frequency ‘f’ and current ‘I’ in mA.
6. Tabulate readings and draw graph of frequency v/s current.
7. Calculate value of bandwidth using formula B.W= fL-fH
8. Implement the circuit using circuit simulator software and verify answers of current and
bandwidth using simulation
Circuit Diagram:

Fig 1: Circuit diagram of RLC circuit implemented on TINA

Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps

Fig 2: Option to change the frequency where frequency is taken equal to 100Hz

Fig 3: Value of current when frequency equals 100Hz

Fig 4: Graph
Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps

Observation Table:-

Sr. No. Frequency (in Hz) Current(in mA)

1 75 247.18
2 80 319.59
3 85 437.70
4 90 663.24
5 95 1220
6 100 2300
7 105 1220
8 110 708.88
9 115 497.50
10 120 385.10
11 125 315.69

Observation Graph:-

Current V/S Frequency


Current (mA)




75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Frequency (Hz)
Kashish Jain 2019130022 FE Comps


𝒇𝒓 = where L = 2.54 & C = 10mF

𝒇𝒓 =

𝒇𝒓 = 99.91 Hz
Result :-

Resonance Frequency
Theoretical Practical
99.91Hz 100Hz

By this experiment, It is verified for a series RLC circuit that at resonance, the impedance is
minimum (i.e. Z = R) and the current is maximum at Resonant Frequency.
This Resonant frequency was calculated theoretically by the given formula. We can then verify
the values obtained by the graph with the theoretical value.

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