Surface Acoustic-Wave Probes For Chemical-Analysis 3 Thermomechanical Polymer Analyzer @@ H. Wohltjen and R. Dessy

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9, AUGUST 1979

volume cell could conceivably provide a factor of 1000 im- The SAW device GC detector does have some properties
provement in this minimum detectable quantity. Amplitude that continue to make it interesting. It is nondestructive and
measurements afford the possibility of measuring molecular can theoretically be used with any carrier gas. The cost of
weights directly at the output of the GC column, since am- the detector and electronics is low and it is possible to make
plitude response is a function of molecular weight. Improved the detector specific by the application of a selective coating.
sensitivity, especially for high molecular weight compounds,
could easily rank the SAW device with thermal conductivity
and flame ionization type GC detectors. The prospects for The authors thank H. M. McNair for advice and consul-
improving the amplitude measurement scheme are quite good tation on the chromatographic aspects of this research.
when one considers that the system noise level is presently LITERATURE CITED
about four orders of magnitude greater than the theoretical (1) Famell, G. W. "SAW Propagationm Piezoe!ecVic %W', Wave€k3mks,
noise level generated by the detector itself. 1976, 2, 15.
Compared to existing GC detectors, the lithium niobate (2) King, W. H. "Using Quartz Crystals as Sorption Detectors . . . Parts 1
& 2 " , Res.lDev. 1969, 20(4 8 5), 28.
SAW device is not presently competitive in terms of sensi- (3) Hartmann, C. H. "Gas Chromatography Detectors," Anal. Chem. 1971,
tivity, linearity, or dynamic range. A conventional thermal 4 3 ( 2 ) , 113A.
conductivity cell could probably do a factor of 10 better with
little difficulty (3). In addition a thermal conductivity detector RECEIVED for review January 22,1979. Accepted May 1,1979.
has a linear range of about 10' compared to about 10' for the The authors thank the Gillette Charitable and Educational
SAW device. The sensitivity of the SAW device could be Foundation whose funds helped support this research, and
improved by operation a t higher frequencies. The linearity Bendix Corpoation for the loan of a Model 2200 Gas Chro-
could be improved slightly with an electronic oscillator that matograph. All plots were made on a Benson Lehner Plotter,
was less amplitude sensitive. a gift from Corning.

Surface Acoustic Wave Probes for Chemical Analysis. 111.

Thsrmomechanical Polymer Analyzer
Henry Wohltjen' and Raymond Dessy"
Chemistry Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 2406 1

A surface acoustic wave device was developed to perform contact increasing as the sample expanded. The transition
thermomechanical analysis of polymer films. Amplitude is characterized by a significant change in the coefficient of
measurements of TBfor polycarbonate, polysulfone, and single linear expansion of Teflon. Observations of this transition
and twephase copolymers of the above agree with Rheovibron are reversible.
measurements. Low order transitions (at 24 "C) have been A cast film is mechanically coupled to the surface wave.
measured in Teflon. Although the T, measurements using SAW Under these conditions, the measured glass transition tem-
devices were made at 30 MHz, the poor coupling with the perature, T g ,is observed to be much higher than that found
surface made by normal disk samples resulted in the excellent in experiments conducted a t low frequencies, as theory
agreement observed with classical low frequency methods.
predicts. Measurements of the cast film properties are re-
On the other hand, cast films, which have good surface contact
The utility of the SAW device in photoresist investigations
with the substrate, show the shifts in T , predicted by the
has been demonstrated by monitoring the effects of solvent
time-temperature principle. evaporation and photo induced cross-linking of the resist. The
device affords a significant advantage in studies of this kind
because it can monitor films of the same thickness used in
industrial applications.
T h e attenuation of the amplitude of a Rayleigh wave
The SAW device will undoubtedly find many other ap-
propagating in a quartz SAU' delay line has been used to
plications in polymer analysis where its high sensitivity and
determine the glass transition temperature of polymer films
ability to handle small samples are essential.
clamped to the surface. Agreement with low frequency
dynamic mechanical measurements on the same films is good. EXPERIMENTAL
The attenuation is a result of changes in the surface contact A quartz SAW device was employed in all studies of the thermal
between the polymer film and the SAW device which occur behavior of polymer films in contact with the surface. The
when the elastic modulus of the polymer decreases a t the glass previously described temperature test apparatus ( I ) was used to
transition temperature. Measurements obtained by this provide temperature control over the range of 0 to 200 "C. The
measurement are not reversible. polymer films required a clamping mechanism to provide a re-
A crystalline transition occurring in Teflon was easily producible contact force. The system shown in Figure 1 was the
detected in a specimen clamped t o the SAW device. At- most effective. Owing to the very large attenuation of the surface
wave amplitude which was produced by a polymer film a t its glass
tenuation of the surface wave was a consequence of the surface transition temperature, a modified amplitude measurement system
was used. The sensitive balanced bridge system described
Present address: IBM Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktoan previously was replaced by a much simpler apparatus shown in
Heights, N.Y. Figure 2 . The size of the polymer samples was kept small to

0003-2700/79/0351-1470$01 OO/O F 1979 American Chemical Society



w 2 J 0



0 I IO" I I o]

+-- 0
F l O ' - - ) i
25 ___c/
60 30
Figure 1. Polymer film clamping system TEMPERRTURE (DEGREES C)

Figure 3. Polyethylene terephthalate glass transition profile


* TOLSI.11

Figure 2. Simplified amplitude measurement apparatus

prevent excessive attenuation of the wave. Samples were '/s-in.
in diameter and were obtained by using an ordinary paper punch.
The polymers were pressed into films about 10 mils thick.
After mounting the 1/8-in.diameter film on the surface of the
SAW device, the rf power level and rf amplifier output tuning
controls were adjusted to provide about 9.5 V of dc signal as
measured at the output of the detector amplifier. The temperature - 1
scans in all experiments were done in increments of 3 "C at a rate
of 1.5 OC/min.
The bisphenol A polycarbonate homopolymer film was 10 mils
thick and had a number average molecular weight (M,) of about
15000. An oriented sample was obtained by straining it 50% in
I 1
a tensile test apparatus. The thickness of this oriented bisphenol 0
0 40 BO
1 I
120 160 200
A polycarbonate sample was 7 mils. The polysulfone homo- TEMPERRTURE (DEGREES C)
polymer film was originally 10 mils thick and had a molecular
weight (M,) about 28 000. An oriented polysulfone sample had Figure 4. Bisphenol A polycarbonate (unstrained) glass transkion profile
a thickness of 8 mils and was obtained by straining it 25% in a
tensile tester. Single- and two-phase block copolymers of the of this solution was applied, under subdued lighting conditions,
polysulfone and polycarbonate were also tested. The single-phase to the surface of the SAW device and the amplitude response was
block copolymer had blocks of polycarbonate (M, = 10 000) and monitored at room temperature. When the solvent was completely
polysulfone (M, = 10000) combined to give a molecular weight evaporated, a small UV lamp was used to illuminate the pho-
(M,) of about 36 000. The single-phase block copolymer films toresist. The response of the SAW device amplitude was recorded.
were 14 mils thick. A two-phase block copolymer was tested which
was made from blocks of polycarbonate ( M , = 22 000) and poly- RESULTS
sulfone ( M , = 26 000) to yield a product with a molecular weight A 10-mil thick film of polyethylene terephthalate produced
(M,) of about 40000. Films of the two-phase copolymer were 14 the curve shown in Figure 3. As the temperature approached
mils thick. The classical glass transition temperatures (T,) were the glass transition, the sample began to soften and adhere
measured on a Rheovibron dynamic mechanical tester operating to the SAW device, thus attenuating the wave. At 75 "C the
a t 3.5 Hz. wave was almost completely attenuated. This is the reported
An attempt was made to detect a well known crystalline glass transition temperature of polyethylene terephthalate.
transition occurring in poly(tetrafluoroethy1ene) around room
temperature. A 25-mil thick sample of Teflon sheet was obtained Thus, points of discontinuity in the amplitude vs. temperature
and a '/8-in. diameter sample was clamped onto the surface and profiles provide a clear indication of the glass transition
cycled between 0 and 60 "C in search of the transition. temperature of polymer specimens clamped t o the SAW
An experiment was conducted to see if the mechanical behavior device.
of very thin polymer films cast upon the surface could be Figure 4 presents the results of a n unoriented bisphenol
monitored. A 0.2-g piece of poly(methy1 methacrylate) was A polycarbonate sample. A glass transition temperature of
dissolved in 20 mL of acetone. A single drop of this solution was 156 "C is apparent. Another polycarbonate sample was
placed on the SAW device and the solvent was permitted to strained by 50% and the resulting profile appears in Figure
evaporate. The temperature of the film was scanned from 60 to 5. The results are very similar with the strained sample,
180 "C.
Current interest in polymer photoresists and their behavior indicating a T , of 152 "C.
inspired a series of experiments to ascertain if the rate of solvent Figures 6 and 7 show the amplitude vs. temperature re-
evaporation and rate of photo irradiation induced cross-linking sponse of an unoriented polysulfone film and one strained by
could be followed using the SAW detector. Kodak KPR pho- 25%. Once again, the results are quite similar with the T ,
toresist was mixed 1 part to 2 with Kodak KPR Thinner. A drop of the unoriented sample occurring a t 186 "C and that of the


J0 Z

5 0

w o
0 -


a .
B o N

-....e.... ......
0 4 I I I 1 0 I I I I 1
40 ao 120 160 200

Figure 8. Single-phase block copolymer glass transition profile


0 I I I I 1 -0I 40 8'0 120 160 200

Figure 9. Two-phase block copolymer glass transition profile

Table I. Comparison of Tg Measurement Methods

Glass Transition
Temperature, 'C
polymer Rheovibron device
polycarbonate 150 156
polysulfone 190 186
polycarb-polysulfone, 175 174
single-phase copolymer
polycarb-polysulfone, Tgl= 1 6 0 ' C 171
two-phase copolymer Tp,= 1 8 1 ^ C 195

Two discontinuities appear in the profile at 171 and 195 "C

which correspond to the Tg'sof the two domains present in
the film. Interpretation of the data at temperatures above
100 "C was made difficult by the temperature dependence of
the transducer efficiency. A large base-line shift is actually
0 40 ao 120 160 200 superimposed on the profiles in Figure 4 through 9. It should
TEWPERRTURE (OEGREES C) be possible to design interdigital transducers for the SAW
Figure 7. Polysulfone (strained 25 % ) glass transition profile device which minimize this base-line shift with temperature.
Comparison T , measurements were performed on a
strained sample occurring at 189 "C. Rheovibron dynamic mechanical analyzer operating a t 3.5 Hz.
The glass transition for a single-phase polycarbonate- Table I lists the results obtained by measuring tan delta peaks
polysulfone copolymer is presented in Figure 8. A single T , on the Rheovibron and results obtained from the SAW device.
of 174 "C is indicated. Figure 9 illustrates the results obtained An experiment was performed to see if the subtle crystalline
from a two-phase polycarbonate-polysulfone block copolymer. transition of Teflon could be detected around room tem-



I I I 1 I
0 1 I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (SEC) *lo-*
Figure 10. Teflon crystalline transition
Figure 12. Solvent evaporation in KPR photoresist




..**I .


s =i
'1 I

0 I 0
0 *O an 120 160 250 4 I I I I


Flgure 11. Glass transition profile of a PMMA cast film

perature. The results are presented in Figure 10. A sub-

stantial signal was obtained with maximum attenuation of the
surface wave occurring at a temperature of 27 O C , in agreement
with the literature.
All of the studies conducted up to this point utilized
polymer film specimens about 10 mils thick. A very thin film
of poly(methy1 methacrylate) (PMMA) was cast as described
in the Experimental section. This film contained about 200
gg of the polymer and covered a circular area on the SAW
device which was about 9 mm in diameter. The thin film had
a thickness of approximately 0.1 mil. No clamp was used on
this specimen. The amplitude response vs. temperature profile
for the PMMA film is displayed in Figure 11. A very strong
attenuation of the surface wave was observed with the peak
attenuation occurring a t a temperature of 150 "C. Figure 12
illustrates the response of the SAW device as solvent evap-
orates from a spot of KPR photoresist present on the surface.
The effect of then irradiating this photoresist film is shown
in Figure 13. The sudden shift in the base line after 200 s
is caused by electronic interference when the UV lamp is
turned on. A steady decrease in the attenuation is observed
until approximately 300 s has elapsed, a t which time the
irradiation ceases to have a significant effect on the film.
The interesting mechanical properties of polymers are a
direct consequence of the fact that they are viscoelastic

perimentally cannot be explained so simply. First of all, the trivial. The device is quite rugged and possesses a small
loss modulus for a linearly viscoelastic material experiences thermal mass which permits fairly rapid-temperature scans
a maximum at or near the glass transition temperature (2). to be made.
The Tgp.rofiles obtained from the SAW device do not exhibit While T , measurements are very useful, the ability of the
any maxima (or minima) when the sample is clamped to the SAW device to detect more subtle transitions would greatly
SAW device. Instead, complete attenuation of the surface increase the spectrum of potential applications. Most
wave persists long after the glass transition temperature has polymers experience relaxation transitions a t temperatures
been passed. An explanation for the glass transition behavior far below the glass transition. These relaxations typically
of thick film (i.e., 10 mils) polymer specimens mechanically involve movements of small chain segments or side groups and
clamped to the surface can be realized if one considers the exhibit modulus changes substantially less than those seen
following: First, the loss modulus of the sample is large enough at the T,. Poly(tetrafluoroethy1ene) (Teflon) undergoes a
to cause substantial attenuation of the surface wave even when first-order transition around room temperature which is a
the sample is nowhere near the glass transition temperature. result of order-disorder effects in the crystalline regions of
Second, the only factor preventing complete attenuation of the polymer (5). The response obtained from the SAW device
the wave prior to reaching the glass transition temperature with a Teflon film on the surface (Figure 10) agrees very
is the relatively poor adhesion of the polymer in the SAW closely with data describing the linear expansion coefficient
device. The films used were not optically flat and this would of Teflon (6). Between 10 and 27 "C, the Teflon linear ex-
be essential if good adhesion to the surface was to be obtained. pansion coefficiencincreases from about 1.25 X to 2.1 X
Third, as the glass transition temperature was reached, the reciprocal degrees centigrade. This would cause the film
polymer would soften and the clamp would press it into more to swell slightly on the surface, thus increasing the surface
intimate contact with the SAW device. Thus, the adhesion contact which results in greater attenuation of the surface
would be increased and the wave would be greatly attenuated. wave. The phenomenon was reversible and reproducible, as
There is additional evidence to support this hypothesis. one would expect. Thus, the SAW detector seems very well
T h e T , profiles of polymer films clamped to the surface were suited as a sensitive monitor of expansion coefficient changes
not reversible. T h a t is, if the sample was cooled down far associated with subtle polymer mechanical transitions.
below the glass transition temperature, the large surface wave The results of casting a poly(methy1 methacrylate) film on
attenuation would remain. (Cooling the film would not make the surface were very revealing. It was surprising that the
the surface rough again.) Further support of the hypothesis presence of such a small amount of polymer could produce
can be obtained by considering the time-temperature su- such a large interaction with the surface wave. The thickness
perposition principle (3). Essentially, this principle states that of the film (about 0.1 mil) was significantly less than the
the temperature at which a polymer transition occurs is wavelength of the surface wave (4 mils). This demonstrates
frequency dependent. Dynamic mechanical test systems that the surface wave interaction does not extend very far into
usually excite a periodically varying strain in the polymer and the adjacent layer. The most striking result, however, was
monitor the stress produced. The frequency of the strain the temperature at which the PMMA film exhibited its glass
commonly falls in the range of to lo3 Hz. Glass transition transition. Conventional, low frequency measurements in-
temperatures which are measured dynamically exhibit a dicate that the T, of PMMA is in the vicinity of 100 OC. The
frequency dependence. The SAW device was exciting strain SAW device indicated a T , of 150 "C. This large shift is
oscillations at a frequency of approximately 3 X lo7 Hz. The consistent with the time-temperature superposition principle.
time-temperature superposition principle predicts very large It, therefore, appears that the cast film was indeed coupled
shifts in the observed TB'sfor the polymers studied. But the to the propagating surface wave. An additional significant
glass transition temperature measurements experimentally feature of the profile shown in Figure 11 is that a minimum
obtained show very good agreement with low frequency occurs. This represents a maximum in the energy loss caused
dynamic measurements. This is proof that the adhesion of by the modulus ( 2 ) . Experiments with the PMMA cast film
the mechanically clamped polymer was not adequate for indicated that the phenomenon was reversible and repro-
coupling to the surface wave to occur, otherwise the exper- ducible. It is obvious then, that the dynamic mechanical
imentally observed T i s would have occurred at substantially measurements can be performed on very small polymer films
higher temperatures. The SAW device is not making a dy- cast on the surface of a SAW device.
namic mechanical measurement on polymer films clamped The final application of the SAW device was in the area
to the surface. Rather, the SAW device is monitoring changes of photoresist materials. Solvent evaporation rate during the
in surface contact. As the glass transition temperature is baking of the photoresist can have a significant effect on the
approached, the storage modulus (G,) decreases permitting quality of the film ( 7 ) . The use of a SAW device permits
better surface contact owing to the reduction in polymer investigations of this rate to be conducted with films that are
elasticity. The increased surface contact leads to a large the same thickness as those used in practice. Presently
attenuation of the surface wave from compressional wave available techniques which employ microbalance monitoring
energy loss into the polymer film. of bulk photo resists do not provide direct information about
The comparison illustrated in Table I shows relatively small film behavior (8). The effect of placing a drop of KPR
differences between the Rheovibron and the SAW device. It photo-resist on the surface is shown in Figure 12. Wild os-
should be understood that a number of methods exist for cillations experienced shortly after application of the liquid
determining polymer glass transition temperatures. These photoresist are caused by interference effects as the film
include DTA, DSC, TMA, dilatometry, and, of course, dy- thickness changes owing to solvent loss. A compressional wave
namic mechanical methods ( 4 ) . Each method requires in- is launched into the photoresist solution and partially reflected
terpretation to determine the glass transition temperature. back into the surface from the photoresist/air boundary. This
For this reason, exact agreement between measurement causes constructive and destructive interference effects to be
techniques is frequently not obtained. observed as the boundary distance changed. The visual
There are several factors which distinguish the SAW device observation of the photoresist being dry coincides with the
as a useful monitor of polymer glass transitions. The device end of the wild oscillations. Other effects persist in the sample
is very sensitive and this permits very small samples to be after the gross drying has occurred. Attenuation of the wave
used. Sample preparations and mounting are absolutely slowly increases until the trend reverses itself at about 1200

s. The activity observed in the film levels off after about 5000 polymer film samples and valuable discussions.
s has elapsed. Further research will be necessary before the
nature of the observed behavior can be completely understood. LITERATURE CITED
The presence of this unexposed photoresist on the surface of Wohltjen, H., Dessy, R . E. Anal. Chem., preceding paper in this issue.
Ward, I.M. "Mechanical hoperties of Soli Polymers", Wiley Interscience:
the SAW device provided a convenient opportunity to study New York, 1971; p 98.
the effects of photo cross-linking of the resist. When polymers Rosen, S.L. "Fundamental hinciples of Polymeric Materialsfor Practicing
Engineers"; Barnes & Noble, New York, 1971; p 229.
are cross-linked the effect is to raise the Tg(Le., make the Wendlandt, W. W. "Thermal Methods of Analysis", 2nd ed., Wiley In-
polymer more brittle). This is seen in Figure 13. After il- terscience: New York, 1974.
lumination with UV light, the attenuation of the wave is Haldon, R . A,; Schell, W. J.; Simha, R. "Transitions in Glasses at Low
Temperatures," "Cryogenic Propertiesof Polymers", Koenig and Serafini,
reduced which is precisely the response expected. The sig- Ed., Marcel Dekker: New York, 1968; p 152.
nal-to-noise ratio obtained was poor. I t should be noted that Haldon. R . A.; Schell, W. J.; Simha, R. Ref. 5 , p 148.
Dill, F. H.; Shaw, J. M. "Thermal Effects on the Photoresist AZ1350J,"
there was no attempt made to filter the signal either by analog IBM J . Res. Dev. 1977, 21, 210.
or digital means in both experiments. The important fact is Hatzakis, M., Thomas J. Watson Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 218,
that it was possible to observe the effect of UV induced Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598, private communication, April 25, 1978.
cross-linking in a very small photoresist film. Improvements
in instrumentation could provide significantly greater sig- RECEIVED for review January 22,1979. Accepted May 1,1979.
nal-to-noise ratios. The authors thank the Gillette Charitable and Educational
Foundation whose funds helped support this research. All
ACKNOWLEDGMENT plots were made on a Benson Lehner Plotter, a gift from
The authors thank A. J. Wnuk and T. C. Ward for the Corning.

Detection of Explos ves with a Coated Piezoelectr c Quartz

Yutaka Tomita, Mat H. Ho, and George G. Guilbault"
Department of Chemistry, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana 70 722

A coated pierolelectric quartz crystal, which has potential use developed a sensitive piezoelectric-sorption detector for
as a simple device for assay of explosives, is used for the monitoring hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Janghorbani and
detection of mononitrotoluenes (MNT). The detector can Freund (12) have described the use of these crystals as digital
indicate the presence of trinitrotoluene, the less volatile parent sensors for sulfur compounds commonly found in pulp mill
molecule. Carbowax 1000 was found to be useful as a coating effluents. Frechette and Fasching (13)have proposed their
for the Sensitive and selective detection. With the coating, use in a static system for the detection of sulfur dioxide.
MNT vapor in the ppb-ppm range can be detected without Cheney et al. (14) have described several coatings suitable for
serious interferences. The response time observed was only sulfur dioxide detection. Guilbault et al. (15-21) developed
10 s and a complete reversibility of response was obtained
a sensitive crystal cell design and coatings for organo-
phosphorus pesticides, and inorganic gases such as SO2,NO2,
in less than 50 s. Some parameters that affect the efficiency
NH3, HCl, and H2S in the atmosphere.
of the detector (amount of coating, interferences, flow rate,
The principle of the detector is that the frequency of vi-
temperature) were also investigated.
bration of an oscillating crystal is decreased by the adsorption
of a foreign material on its surface. A gaseous pollutant is
selectively adsorbed by a coating on the crystal surface,
A highly sensitive and selective method for detection of thereby increasing the weight on the crystal and decreasing
explosives is in great need. For example, airport surveillance the frequency of vibration. The decrease in the frequency in
is only able to check for the presence of metallic materials but proportional to the increase in weight due to the presence of
cannot detect explosives strapped to an individual's body. gas adsorbed on the coating, according to the following
Some of the recent skyjackings have been caused by this equation (20).
threat. A number of techniques for detection of explosives AF = K-LC (1)
have been reported using gas chromatography ( I , Z ) , mass
spectrometry (3),NMR ( 4 ) ,plasma chromatography ( 5 , 61, where AF is the frequency change (Hz), K is a constant which
thin-layer chromatography (71, and visible spectrometry (8). refers to the basic frequency of the quartz plate, area coated,
While some of these laboratory techniques are capable of ppb and a factor to convert the weight of injected gas (9) into
detection and may be satisfactory for a specific purpose, the concentration (ppm), and I C is concentration (ppm), of
detection systems need elaborate techniques for operation and sample gas. Previous works (22, 23) have shown that the
are usually not portable and simple, thus are not useful for theoretical limit of detection for a coated crystal is about
field use. g and that a commercially available 9-MHz crystal would have
In recent years there has been a growing interest in coated a mass sensitivity of about 400 Hz/pg.
piezoelectric quartz crystals, not only as a highly sensitive and We examined many commercially available materials as
selective detector of various air pollutants (9) but also as a coatings for the detection of mononitrotoluene (MNT), which
simple, inexpensive, and portable device which is even small is a volatile substance that can serve as a reliable indicator
enough to be carried in a worker's pocket (10). King ( I I ) , for the presence of its less volatile parent, trinitrotoluene
0003-2700/79/0351-1475$01.00/0 C 1979 American Chemical Society

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