Fruit Based Transition Detox Guide E Book l6brq2

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This guide is dedicated to all who are searching for the tools to
take their health into their own hands. It is the culmination of
years of study, practice and experience. What I present, I have
actually done. I would not feel right telling others to do
something that I have not actually, personally done and

This book would not be possible without the love, support and
help of my wonderful family and close friends.

A loving thank-you to:

My amazing husband Jim (my rock), my talented and creative
son Caleb, and my supportive and loving daughter Emma.

Copyright 2020
The Raw Herbalist

Table of Contents (Click heading to jump to section)
Introduction ......................................................................8
Forward .............................................................................9
My Story ..........................................................................11
The Value of Health ........................................................26
We Have Fallen from Nature ..........................................29
The Two Main Approaches to Disease ............................35
Understanding How the Human Body Works .................40
What Is Our Natural DIET!? ..........................................40
The Four Elimination Channels .....................................45
Our Biology ...................................................................49
Chemistry vs Biology .....................................................50
The Food & Dis-ease Connection ....................................54
Busting The Myths ..........................................................62
Deficiencies ...................................................................62
Protein ..........................................................................66
Sugar .............................................................................68
Fruit Juices ....................................................................70
Fat .................................................................................72
Hereditary Issues ..........................................................73
The Cure All...................................................................74
Fermented Foods ..........................................................75
Spirulina/Blue Green Algae and Chlorella: ...................77
Detoxing ..........................................................................80
What to Expect with Detoxification ..............................82
Weight Gain ..................................................................85
Muscle Gain & Weight-loss...........................................87
Cravings ........................................................................91
Medications ..................................................................93
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding ..........................................94
Hair Care .........................................................................99
Skin Care .......................................................................103
Tooth and Mouth Care..................................................105
Transitioning .................................................................111
Fruit Based Transition & Detox Levels ..........................114
S.A.D. – The Standard American Diet: ........................114
Level 1: - Fruit ‘Til Plant-Based ...................................114
Level 2 – Fruit ‘Til Whole Food ...................................115
Level 3 – Fruit ‘Til Raw Food .......................................115
Level 4 – Fruit ‘Til Greens ...........................................116

Level 5 – Fruit..............................................................116
Level 6 – Mono-Fruit...................................................117
Level 7 – Juice .............................................................117
Level 8 – Water Fast ...................................................118
Level 9 – Dry fast.........................................................118
How Much and How Often Do I Eat on Each Level? ...120
How Long Do I Stay in Each Level? .............................121
Food Combining & Digestion Cycles .............................126
Fruit Combining ..........................................................126
Food Combining ..........................................................129
How Long ‘Til It Leaves the Stomach ..........................132
Understanding Digestion Cycles .................................133
Water ............................................................................138
What water is best for the human body? ...................138
Distilled .......................................................................140
Reverse Osmosis .........................................................141
Herbs .............................................................................148
Additional Herbal Formulas ........................................152
Extra Care & Love During Detox....................................159
Thoughts and an Attitude of Gratitude ......................159

Spiritual/Metaphysical Health ....................................161
People and Support ....................................................162
Adequate Rest/Sleep: .................................................162
Sunshine .....................................................................162
Deep Breathing ...........................................................163
Grounding ...................................................................163
Nature .........................................................................164
Exercise/Stretching .....................................................164
Hot and Cold Showers: ...............................................165
Massage ......................................................................165
Chiropractic’s ..............................................................165
Essential Oils ...............................................................166
Sauna or Steam Room ................................................166
Dry Brushing ...............................................................166
What Produce Do I Use? ...............................................168
Hybrid .........................................................................169
Produce Wash .............................................................173
Kitchen Equipment........................................................174

Recipes ..........................................................................177
Fresh Juices .................................................................178
Smoothies ...................................................................181
Mono Meals ................................................................184
Fruit Salads .................................................................188
Sweet Treats ...............................................................190
Raw Foods & Salads ....................................................195
Dressings & Dips .........................................................206
Cooked, Whole-Food Dinners .....................................211
Daily Food Planner ........................................................221
Resources ......................................................................232
Vegan / Raw Food / Fruit ............................................232
Alternative Health / Natural Healing / Herbs .............233
Books ..........................................................................234
Documentaries ...........................................................235
Exercise / Fitness ........................................................236
Iridology ......................................................................237
Disclaimer .....................................................................238


Have you been wanting to transition yourself and or

your entire family to a plant-based diet, rich in fruits and
whole foods but you aren’t quite sure where to start or
how to go about it? I started transitioning my family back
in 2008 and over the years I have received many
questions that have helped to develop this Guide into
what it is. This is my way of reaching more than just one
person at a time! I have filled this Guide with everything
you need to succeed in taking back your health naturally!

“I am so excited to encourage you on

your Transitioning and Detoxification
Happy Healing!

Liz Bunting - The Raw Herbalist

- Certified Family Herbalist

- Certified Nutritional Herbologist
- Dr. Christopher Practitioner since 2008
- Plant-Based Nutritionist
- Detox Specialist

As you read through this guide, I want you to feel

encouraged and empowered. I wanted to give you a
basic understanding of how the body works, what it
needs to thrive and how to best care for it.
I present my Levels of Transition, from the Standard
American Diet (referred to as the S.A.D.). As you
transition through these levels, I want you to know that
you can stay in any one level as long as you need but
always strive to go further. My ultimate goal is not that
everyone gets to the top but that everyone at least gets
off the bottom. Go as high as you can. Know that you
are doing it for your health. Have a desire to be the best
you that you can be. Strive for excellence.
While this book could easily have been 500 pages
long, I felt that what I have included will give you a good
start to your journey. My ultimate goal is to get people
started and give you a thirst for knowledge but also keep
your wits about you. With the internet, you have all
information available to you all the time. Make sure that
any advice you follow is presented by someone who is
actually walking their talk.
My Story

I am so excited to finally sit down and take the time

to write out my own Transition & Detox Story for you all.
With a lot of healing that has happened in my life from
physical, mental and spiritual damage in the past, I have
been able to now look at my adversity as a HUGE
blessing! I would not have been able to experience the
“raw-ness” of what I am sharing with you in this Guide if I
had not passed through the events and experiences in
my life. This is not the road for the faint of heart. You
must truly understand what we are trying to accomplish
with moving back towards a Fruit-Based Diet.
Removing the old waste from our lifetime so far and
the generations before us is not something as simple as
“eat fruit”. This is so much more than that and I want to
share with you what I have personally experienced as a
38-year-young woman who started this journey in
January of 2008. I have been married to my childhood
sweetheart since 2000 and we have 2 amazing kiddos
that are now 17 and 16 years old. From the get-go we
knew that we wanted to homeschool and so that is
where my heart and energy have been for the past 17+

years. I love being a mother and wife and when I
reached a point in my weight gain where I stepped on
the scale and saw 276 pounds my heart sank into my
stomach and I knew right then and there that I was done.
I was done being uncomfortable in my own skin. I was
done feeling depressed. I wanted to be my best for my
family and that was not happening. I was always a happy
person, even overweight, and I loved my life BUT I was
struggling inside to accept my body where it was. I was
determined to do something about this. It wasn’t just
me either. My husband, Jim had gained weight, to
eventually top out at 189 lbs. and his allergies, that he
had since he was 3 years old, seemed to be getting
worse, plus his knees and hips were starting to bother
him at 32 years old! Our son, Caleb had been struggling
with allergies most of his life as well (he was 6 at this
time). Our daughter, Emma didn’t really show issues yet,
other than some cavities (she was 4 1/2 at this time).
I had always been into herbs and wanted to do
things the natural way. I even knew in my core at age 19
(after my mother in’ law shared some information with
me and then doing hours of my own research), without a
doubt, that our children were not going to receive
vaccinations. I am so grateful that I listened to my
intuition and stuck to it, regardless of the pressure all
around me. I received the same pressure and “looks”
when others heard that we were going to be
homeschooling/unschooling our children. I didn’t care
then and I don’t care now. I am not here to follow the
rules that were placed by society from a perspective of
limiting beliefs. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
Our two children are some of the most well-rounded and
grounded children I have met. They enjoy spending time
with us. They are our friends. And I am confident that
this will never change.
Now as I write this Guide, I remember the battles
(that’s what they felt like at the time) with family and
friends as they stood by with those same looks as we
began to transition & detox our family to a Whole-Food,
Plant-Based Diet. It’s funny, you can be almost 300
pounds and no one will say anything but the minute you
start losing weight and actually healing yourself, that’s
when the worry and concern comes out… go figure… And
they all act like they are experienced nutritionists.
In 2008, after doing some research online, I came
across Dr. Christopher’s School Of Natural Healing. It
was absolutely meant to be and after talking to Hubby,
we both decided it would be a great idea for me to enroll
into the online courses so that I could study from home
while still homeschooling the children. I dove in and
became a Certified Herbalist and Nutritional Herbologist
and I have never looked back! Dr. Christopher opened
my eyes to whole new way of looking at the body and I
am proud to call myself a Dr. Christopher Practitioner. In
the first 6 months of study I started Dr. Christopher’s
herbal formulas (I share these in the Herbs Section) to
cleanse and strengthen the main elimination channels. I
was juicing, I began drinking only distilled water and
eliminated dairy and red meat. In doing that I lost my
first 55 pounds!
I started having teeth issues and pain during this
time (my teeth were so bad from the old diet I was
eating my entire life). I was in my 20’s and had already
had a root canal and a crown. Looking back, I was one
acidic mama and I eventually had to have those teeth
pulled because they were already too far gone from the
previous dental work. When you get a root canal, the
end result is that bacteria becomes trapped inside the
tooth. During detox, these old symptoms will rear their
head. The options at this point are to get it refilled and
trap the issue once again or have it pulled and finally let
the body heal. Of course, the ultimate choice would be
to keep it but the body wants to get rid of the original
issue once and for all. Plus, there may come a time when
it is so painful that you have no other choice. During this
time when I was doing the herbal cleanses and juicing, I
was having pure acid come out of me during
eliminations. I had to have Jim pick me up a tube of butt
paste (no joke) because it hurt that bad. My butt was on
fire…welcome to detoxification!
We continued to eliminate as many processed foods
as we could and then eventually even the pork, poultry
and fish. I had hit a plateau at this point in my weight
release so I tried restricting calories, trying different
drops and herbs to get more weight off and although it
did work for a little while, the minute I started eating
cooked foods, grains, oils, etc. the weight would start
piling back on! Yes, even when eating the plant-based,
whole foods. I do know that even on the grains and
whole food, plant diet we were still detoxing because
during this time was when my first bald spot appeared
on the back of my head. Of course, once friends and
family saw it, they would comment that it is from a lack
of protein. Just another reason that I am writing this
Guide, so that you don’t have to feel alone.
I then started going deeper down the rabbit hole
and discovered Dr. Douglas Graham, another amazing
influence whose teachings changed my life!
Dr. Douglas Graham opened my eyes even more to
how the body works and that even more simplicity is
really the key. If you have not read any of his books yet,
then do it! You will want them for your library. Two of
his books that I suggest reading as soon as you can are,
80/10/10 Diet and Grain Damage. Both of these are
available on Amazon. After reading 80/10/10 Diet for the
first time I immediately started on the FRUIT DOMINANT
PATH! It was like I was finally given permission, in a way,
that fruit is not bad. I was raised on lots of fruits, my dad
loves fruit, but the rest of my diet was not so good. I am
grateful that my parents used the orchards and farms the
way they did though.
The first time I read Graham’s book it was 2012 and
by the beginning of 2013 we were officially low oil/fat &
fruit-dominant Vegans. This is when my health really
started to change. I started feeling really weak and
looked pale. I would go days where I just wanted to lay
in bed. I wanted to cry, scream, and laugh all at the same
time. My neck would seize up and I was almost
paralyzed (I know now that this was from the acids
draining from my head and pooling at the back of my
neck/base of head), my hair started falling out after I
would work out (and like a fool, I kept dying it), I would
walk up the stairs and feel like I was 100 years old. I kept
questioning what was happening to me. I thought I was
supposed to feel great eating fruits and low amounts of
fat. Well, that is not going to be the case with most
people in the beginning. Detoxification is real and it can
hit hard. I did have good days though of course, where I
felt like I could fly. Dr. Christopher warned of this during
cleansing but I guess it didn’t really set in until I went
through it personally.
Within a year, I was feeling better (to a degree) and
we were now all fruit dominant, plant-based. We were
eating cooked foods in the evenings and that almost
always meant starches like; rice noodles, potatoes,
bread, rice and other grains. I felt good that I was at
least soaking and sprouting the grains. We all started
suffering from eating the starchy dinners though and
over time we recognized that the grains and starches
were the culprit. All of us had some weight gain to a
degree and yeast/candida issues! My husband had a
huge patch on his leg of red itchy skin that would not go
away. I knew from my schooling that this was it was a
fungal issue. We used some herbs topically but we knew
that it stemmed from an internal issue. This was a huge
catapult to removing the grains and starches from our
diet. Even though we were eating plant starches instead
of animal products, which is a better choice, we noticed
as our bodies became cleaner that the starches were
even too much for the body as a staple food in our diet.
Knowing what I know now, I would have ditched the
grains along with the meats and dairy or used them less
in our transitioning, BUT it was all meant to be. I can
now share our trials and errors and how we have come
to the conclusion that a Fruit-Based, Grain-Free, Oil-Free
Vegan Diet is the way to experience true results and true
health (like I said, moderation is key if using grains and
After a couple of years (with me mainly doing fruits,
juices, salads and small amounts of cooked vegan foods)
and the family doing the same but with a little more of
the cooked vegan food, I was able to transition the whole
family off of all grains completely. Within a year our son
lost 60 pounds! Our daughter, who never even looked
overweight, lost 14 pounds, hubby lost another 10 and I
finally lost those last 30 stubborn-ass pounds that would
not budge even on plant-based foods! After removing
grains, starches and really focusing on my food and fruit
combining, my bloating finally went away! I had
struggled with bloating through my entire transition
journey until this point.
My best friend was actually the one who noticed it
when she came to visit after a long period of time. I was
telling her about my changes and she said, “You haven’t
complained about being bloated since I’ve been here.”
She said it used to be all the time! I said, “Oh my gosh,
you’re right, I don’t complain about it anymore because
it’s gone!” During this time, I also noticed that I had two
medium sized cysts that I could feel on the inside of my
vagina. Knowing how powerful citrus is, I decided to do
an orange/lemon and apple/lemon juice fast. Within a
few days they were already smaller and by day eight they
were gone, and haven’t returned to this day. My neck
was so stiff during these fasts as the acids drained from
my head and I started moving old lymph. There were
days when I felt paralyzed from stiff neck. My children
and husband would take turns rubbing my neck for me
and applying pressure (which was the only thing that
would help at that time). I was also still dealing with a
cold sore breakout every once in a while. I have been
getting cold sores on my upper lip since I was 15 years
old. They were SO bad! Huge, painful blisters that would
torment me for weeks. And, on top if it all, in Feb of
2018 after finally quitting my hair dying (it had been a
year by this time) and beginning a lime and water fast
that lasted for 13 days, my hair started to fall out more
than I had ever experienced in this process since starting
in 2008. I had experienced some hair loss by this time
but nothing like this. Every time I touched my head, hair
came out. The water fast hit me hard, even after years of
cleansing already. I believe this was my body being able
to really go deep since I was now off of grain as well. I
even tried to slow down the detox at this point with
some cooked veggies and nuts and seeds in the evening
but my body had started and wasn’t planning on
stopping until it was done doing what it was doing with
my head. I began seeing bald spots all over my head and
they hurt! There were days that I could not even touch
those spots because they felt like they were on fire and
burning. I had been through emotional and physical hell
already at this point in my journey but this hit me hard. I
was having to hide under hats as no one would have
understood (other than my hubby and kiddos) what was
really going on. This lasted 5 months! Yes, for 5 months
my hair came out in handfuls and piles in the shower. I
was afraid to even shower but I knew deep down what
was happening. Even though I didn’t have anyone telling
me this was normal, I rode it out and during the sixth
month my hair started growing in thick and dark. I have
no more scalp pain and no more hair loss! I believe that I
would have gone through this sooner in my journey if I
hadn’t kept dying it even through the cleanses I was
doing. I feel now that by stopping the dying, combined
with the water fast, I allowed my body to finally purge.
The acids that I was eliminating from my head were
literally burning the hairs at the follicles. Plus, the old
stuff needs to be removed before the body will rebuild
the new. It just made sense. Scary as hell, but it made
Here we are today, October 2019 and are we one
hundred percent healed? Not quite yet. This is a lifestyle
and our bodies are constantly cleansing. I am here as a
testimony, though, that the bald spots that covered my
head at one point are now all covered with fresh, dark
brown, healthy hair (something that many said couldn’t
be done). People will blame the diet and the lack of
protein for the hair loss but how can this be if the same
diet is kept as it is re-growing in. The cleaner I got the
faster I would see the hair loss happen after I would dye
it. On another note, my husband’s hair is actually
growing back, in his once bald spot, on the back of his
head! I have successfully kept off over 135 pounds for a
number of years now (something that was always a
struggle for me), plus I am almost forty and my energy
levels are through the roof! I feel strong and no longer
experience chronic fatigue. My cold sore, if it does show
up (especially when on all citrus), it is now just a small
dot. Yes, I have detoxed the herpes virus (again,
something they said cannot be done!). Viruses love lying
dormant in your spine and love a lymph full of waste.
Nothing gets them squirming like citrus fruits. My
husband’s and son’s allergies are a thing of the past. This
was an entire lifestyle change. This is not just a fad, not a
new diet to try. This is the real deal. This is about
removing the layers of mucus that have accumulated
over the years that literally hold us back from who we
really are. The stomach is our second brain and when we
just assume that what we eat doesn’t matter, we throw
away the most important connection to true health. We
are a real family that has been through a real transition
and detox process for the past 12 years, while helping
many others along the way. I pray that this Guide can
help you start or continue safely in your transformation.
I have tried my best to include as much information as I
could that I have gained over these years in this Guide for
you so that you may have a safe and smooth transition
into the best life possible!
This is not about being perfect. This is about being
real and getting through the layers to the real authentic
you. The changes for our family were not only physical
but very emotional and spiritual as well. We have seen
growth in all areas of our lives. We have felt the
difference in our body, mind & spirit and I am so excited
for you to
experience the
same! Knowledge
is our best
weapon. Health
comes when we
know what our
body needs.

Happy detoxing -
We need your light!
Xo Liz Bunting

The Value of Health

How to create vibrant health is valuable information

in this world. Taking control of our individual health is
our responsibility. It is our birthright!
When you really break it down, our health is the
most important thing we have.
- Without our health, what is left?
- What is the richest billionaire without his health?
- What is the most popular movie star without their
- What is your day like without health?
- How much does our quality of life improve when we
feel good?
- What does health look like and feel like?
- Is it the “glow”?
- Is it feeling vibrant and energetic?

All too often we feel that we have no control over

our health. I want to remind you that YOU can take your
health back into your own hands. Today, when someone
gets sick their reaction is to throw up their hands, call the
doctor and say “Fix me!”. If you are after true health
then you must stop shirking the responsibility of your
health and stop relying on doctors for every little thing.
Doctors are taught to prescribe antibiotics,
dangerous prescription drugs & chemicals to combat
symptoms only. It never really gets to the root cause of
dis-ease. Doctors were originally intended for accidents
and emergency situations that the average person
couldn't handle without special training. The emergency
room is where they belong. If you are bleeding to death
then you will definitely want somebody who knows how
to patch you up and save your life. However, even in
those situations, once the crisis is over, you can choose
to give your body the best nutrients to aid in healing and
help cause the best recovery possible. Getting back to
nature is the safest way to gain and maintain your

90% of doctors are treating symptoms for a lifestyle

condition. They are not using what nature has given us,
they are using poisons and toxins to control the body not
to help it.

We Have Fallen from Nature
Studies show that over half the population of the
U.S. will use some form of alternative or natural
medicine this year. What is causing this trend? What
has changed in the past 40 years that has so many
people turning from their doctors, drugs and the
allopathic way (atomistic approach) to herbology,
nutrition and other forms of alternative medicine? Here
are some statistics that help us see why this trend is
gaining momentum:
According to data from the CDC, there were
2,813,503 deaths registered in the United States in 2017.
Of all those deaths, nearly 75% were attributed to just 10
causes with the top 4 of these accounting for 56% of the
total number of deaths.

10 Leading Causes of Death in the US (2017):

1. Heart Disease 647,457 (23.0%)
2. Cancer 599,108 (21.3%)
3. Accidents 169,936 (6.0%)
4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 160,201 (5.7%)

5. Stroke 146,383 (5.2%)
6. Alzheimer’s 121,404 (4.3%)
7. Diabetes 83,564 (3.0%)
8. Influenza/Pneumonia 55,672 (2.0%)
9. Kidney Disease 50,633 (1.8%)
10. Suicide 47,173 (1.7%)

As you look over this list, keep in mind almost all the
causes of death mentioned are directly affected by diet
other than accidents and suicide. However, a strong case
can be made to suggest that people who are in better
health, both mentally and physically will naturally have
less accidents and will also be much less prone to
thoughts of suicide. What we eat, drink, listen to, watch
and the people we are around, all play a major role in the
outcome of our health.
As of 2017 the average life expectancy in the U.S.
was 78.6 years of age. This, is extremely low. The
human body is very capable of functioning vibrantly and
healthily well past 100 years of age, if given a healthy

According to a study released by the CDC, as of

- Adults aged 20-39 with obesity: 39.6%

- Adults aged 40-59 with obesity: 42.8%
- Adults aged 60 and over with obesity: 41.0%
- Children aged 2-5 years with obesity: 13.9%
- Children aged 6-11 years with obesity: 18.4%
- Children aged 12-19 years with obesity: 20.6%

The above numbers are staggering! All health-

related issues concerning weight are caused, and
curable, by diet (as well as mental/emotional conditions,
but I'll get to that in a later section). Exercise also plays a
role but you can't out work a bad diet, at least not for
very long before being confronted with some serious
health issues. With diet alone, you can manage healthy
weight and a low body fat percentage. However, if you
want to be fit, obviously adding in a regimen of moderate
exercise is the best way to develop healthy muscle tone.
Exercise also releases serotonin in the brain which has a
huge effect on how you feel.

In recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in
individuals seeking more natural ways of treating and
curing diseases. The above list does not even factor in
deaths that are attributed to medical mistakes,
unnecessary surgery, and adverse drug reactions from
correctly prescribed medications.
According to the medical 2003 report “Death By
Medicine”, the total number of deaths caused by
conventional medicine was an astounding 783,936 in
2003! Included in this number are a few of the causes
listed below.

Condition Deaths
- Adverse Drug Reactions 106,000
- Medical Error 98,000
- Bedsores 115,000
- Infection 88,000
- Malnutrition 108,800
- Outpatients 199,000
- Unnecessary Procedures 37,136
- Surgery Related 32,000

Total: 783,936
That's the equivalent of 4 jumbo jet crashes every
day for an entire year! Where is the media attention for
this tragedy? Where is the Government support for
stopping these medical mistakes before they happen?
When we realize that we can stop taking prescription
drugs & synthetic treatments and start utilizing the
natural foods and herbs around us, we begin to see that
getting out of the way while giving the body the building
blocks it needs to heal itself is the best approach.
Natural, whole herbs, used as our ancestors used
them have no side effects but they have been shown to
have numerous side-benefits.

“Natural forces within us are the true

healers of disease.”
- Hippocrates

The Two Main Approaches to Disease

Around 400 BC there emerged two different

approaches to treating and healing the human body. We
still see these two different approaches being applied
today. The first approach, promoted by Hippocrates (hi-
POC-ru-tees), was called the Vitalistic approach. It
focused on treating the body as a whole. Hippocrates'
belief was that the body had an inherent ability within
itself to heal itself.
On the other side of the fence was Democritus (de-
MOC-ri-tuss), another prominent philosopher, who
promoted the Atomistic approach. This focused only on
what the physician could physically see as a symptom
and then treat the symptom, for that was what was

The Vitalistic Approach: (Helper)

When a patient has a fever, BUILD THE FEVER!

The Atomistic Approach: (Controller)

When a patient has a fever, STOP THE FEVER!
With a fever, the body is trying to raise the
temperature of the system to liquify mucus so that toxins
can be carried out of the body more easily. When mucus
is thick, it tends to hang on and the body cannot
eliminate it very well. Another important note here is
that the body has an automatic shut-off at about 107
degrees. A fever will not build higher than that by
default. Unless the patient has suffered a head injury,
which could possibly interfere with that automatic shut-
off, a fever should be encouraged and helped so that the
body can more quickly do what it is designed to do.
Taking a hot bath helps this or wrapping up in a heavy
blanket will help the patient break that fever and begin
to flush the toxins out. Flushing out these toxins is key to
getting over the sickness as quickly as possible.
One good example is high blood pressure. We now
know that eating animal products, which are high in fat,
or foods that are high in sodium cause our blood
pressure to rise. The atomistic approach used to be
blood-letting. As ridiculous as it sounds today, as recent
as 200 years ago doctors would actually cut the patient
or use leaches to pull blood out of their system, resulting
in a lowered blood pressure. They were literally
mechanically relieving the pressure in the blood stream.

However, today's atomistic approach isn't much
different. Now they prescribe the patient blood thinners
so the pressure goes down. The vitalistic approach
would be to stop eating the foods that are causing the
blood pressure to go up in the first place! Sounds
simpler doesn't it? And cheaper too!
Controlling symptoms is like taking your car to a
crooked mechanic when the warning lights come on and
instead of changing the oil or adding air to your tires, he
simply snips the wires to the warning light. This is what
drugs are doing! They are not allowing the body to
communicate like it is supposed to. After years of eating
the wrong foods, the human body will eventually, and
inevitably, develop pains. Doctors prescribe medications
that will cause the pain to be deadened and not felt. Did
they do anything to change why the pain got there in the
first place? No, they went after the symptoms. Once we
clean up our diet and allow our body to go through a
detox period, the pain naturally goes away as the body
comes back into balance (becomes more alkaline).
Today we see two main treatments for cancer, 1)
radiation and 2) removal of the cancerous tumor. Cancer
is caused by an acidic system, period. Cancer is damaged
cells. The foods we put in on a daily basis will either
promote our systems to be acidic or alkaline. We'll get
into the chemistry balance a little later on. But instead of
changing the input, they either radiate the entire system,
killing the good and the bad, or they cut out a tumor or
growth. Does radiating or removal change anything
about why the tumor or cancerous cells grew in the first
place? No. It simply addresses the symptom. The key is
to change the internal environment so that dis-ease
cannot even grow. Symptoms are ways the body is
communicating with us that we are making mistakes.
Our health is up to us and with proper education we
can have the confidence to handle it ourselves. Every
single one of us has the ability to prevent and alleviate
dis-ease with the application of nutrition, movement,
wholesome herbs and positive thoughts. I am so excited
to take you on a learning adventure and share with you
what I have found to be the keys to vibrant health.

“We are born with the inherent ability

to heal ourselves”

Understanding How the Human Body

If we came across a new species and wanted to

study it, one of the first things we would try to determine
is what it eats. Right!?
To understand how the human body works, we must
first realize what we are supposed to eat. What are we
designed to process? And, how can we function at the
highest level of efficiency so we can lengthen our life,
increase our quality of life and minimize disease?

What Is Our Natural DIET!?

So, what are humans supposed to eat? Many people

will spout that we are “hunter/gatherers”. While our
ancestors may have practiced this at times, it does not
mean that we are supposed to eat meat and cook over
fire. Some of our ancestors practiced slavery and even
murder, but that is certainly not what our example
should be.

More and more archeological evidence is being
found that our ancestors actually ate a lot more plants
than previously assumed. One reason for this is that
plant material breaks down very quickly whereas stone
and bones do not. This is the reason that what
archeology finds is stones and bones. However, new
technology and techniques are finding microscopic
evidence that plants were very prevalent in our
ancestors’ diets.
Think of it this way. Plants were reliable. They were
literally everywhere. An animal might wander through
from time to time, or a hunting party would go out and
hunt, but there was no guarantee that anything would
result from it. Plants have always been a guaranteed
source of food. Reliable and plentiful.
If you take a good look at the following chart, you
will see that we are keenly designed to pick up fruit, to
spot ripe fruit on a tree, to eat fruit and to eliminate
fruit. Everything from our teeth structure to our
digestive tract demonstrates that our biology is that of a

Our bodies function most efficiently on fresh, ripe,
whole fruits. If you put stock in the Biblical story in
Genesis about Adam and Eve, we are told that Man was
placed “in a garden”. It doesn’t say anything about dead
animals, slaughterhouses or butchering.
Genesis 1:29 states: “Then God said, ‘I give you every
seed-bearing plant on the face of the earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for
food.” If you do not put stock in stories in the Bible, then
fine, science and example should suffice. More and
more scientific studies are now showing, beyond a
doubt, that a plant-based diet is the optimal diet for
human beings. From disease prevention to physical
performance, amazing results are being found by
removing animal products from our diet.
We are the only species on the earth that cooks it’s
food. We are the only species on earth that goes to
another species for its milk. We are the only species on
earth that practices large scale farming and processing of
our foods. These actions are not natural, they are by
choice and mostly driven by greed and addiction. They
are because we have been taught a lie. Why are we not
taught these basic principles in school? Our children are
taught their colors and shapes, how to read, write, add
and subtract but then they are herded into the cafeteria
and fed fried chicken, pizza and French fries! When you
look at all the choices that we make that deviate from
our nature, it is no wonder that we are the only species
on earth that routinely experiences degenerative
diseases (that continue to get worse as the years go by).
ALL degenerative diseases that modern man experiences
are directly related to our diet.

Our physical existence is connected to our ability to
raise our consciousness. Our body is a vehicle for our
true essence, our spirit. When we clog up the vehicle
that our spirit came to express itself through, our ability
to learn and experience things becomes more and more

We need to start moving back up the devolution

cycle. It’s time to alkalize and move away from eating
the heavy, dense foods that bog us down. Those “foods”
are not meant for our species! Raw Foods, especially
FRUIT, is our Natural Diet! Fruits, greens, vegetables and
some nuts and seeds have all we require. “Require” isn’t
even the right word. Did you know that some people
practice something called Breatharianism? That means
that they are surviving on breath and sunlight alone!
Now, I am not suggesting that you even attempt that
at this point but you will see on my Transition Levels
Chart that dry fasting is the last level and should be
worked into slowly.

The Four Elimination Channels

For the body to function properly, it must be able to
eliminate waste properly and efficiently. If it can’t
eliminate waste, it gets backed up and bogged down.
This is never good. Think of your houses septic system.
If something gets plugged, does it ever result in a good
scenario? No. Usually it entails nasty stuff getting all
over the floor of your bathroom, or worse.
Remember the garbage strike of 1969 in New York
City? Most probably don’t, but basically the garbage
workers went on strike because they felt they should be
paid more. And rightly so. Regardless, the result was
that garbage piled up on the streets and eventually there
was an overpopulation of rats and other vermin.
If you liken this scenario to the human body, the rats
of New York are the parasites and bacteria that we see in
our bodies. They are often called “bad” bacteria but they
are there to perform a function: eat up the leftover dead
and rotting flesh that we have consumed. Our bodies
simply cannot process animal products without leaving a
toxic residue of fats, mucus and acidity.
I’d like to add to this that the value of the garbage
workers should be considered in this scenario too. The
people undervalued the sanitation workers and then
when they stopped doing their job, it became very
apparent how valuable they really were. This is often the
same with our body. We see “pooping” as gross but we
don’t fully realize how very important it really is.
I like to look at the body as a wood stove with four
chimneys. The chimney that the stove chooses to
eliminate smoke (ash) from depends on what type of
wood was put in or if the first two chimneys become
blocked then it uses the other two as back up.
The following chart shows a visual of the four main
elimination channels of the human body and their basic

The first two main elimination channels are the
Bowels and the Kidneys. If these two elimination
channels get plugged up and damaged then we will see
things manifest in the back-up elimination channels, the
Skin and the Lungs. If we see things like skin rashes or
break-outs then either the bowels or kidneys (or likely
both) are experiencing plugging and blockage. The same
goes for respiratory issues, because the Bowels and
Kidneys are experiencing blockage, the body chooses the
lungs to eliminate toxins. For example, pneumonia is a
symptom that the first two elimination channels are not
eliminating and that the lymph system (septic tank) is
If we concentrate on getting the Bowels and Kidneys
functioning efficiently, then we will see everything above
them start working properly again. This includes the
lymph system being able to eliminate its waste properly.
Again, a backed-up lymph system is just a symptom that
the two main elimination channels are not eliminating
Why are they not eliminating properly? Because the
food and drink that is being consumed is not designed for
a human’s biology.

Our Biology
Although scientists have long recognized that,
despite physical differences, all human populations are
genetically similar, the newest research concludes that
populations from different parts of the world share even
more genetic similarities than previously assumed.
All humans are 99.9% identical and, of that tiny 0.1
per cent difference, 94% of the variation is among
from the
and only six
per cent

Chemistry vs Biology
There is a prevalent myth out there that says: “We
are all different so the same thing doesn’t work for
The famous quotes are “We are not all the same!”
and “One size does not fit all.”
I will partly agree with that and say one person’s
approach with diet that is working for them may not
work exactly the same for another at that given time.
The problem is that you have methodologies emerge
that state that because your blood is a certain type, you
have to be treated differently for a given condition.
Homeopathy treats every person differently based on
many different determining factors. While this might be
effective when treating symptoms, the approach to
curing the cause is the same for everyone. Why?
The reason for this is NOT because our biology is
different BUT it is because the CHEMISTRY of people is
different at any given moment depending on health
history, diet and lifestyle choices. For example, if you
have someone who has been cleansing and using raw
foods throughout their life and you put them on a fruit
based diet vs someone who is still eating a standard

American garbage diet and put them on the same fruit
based diet, there will most definitely be different
reactions, results, detox symptoms etc. The proper,
species specific diet for our biology, our species, is the
same for all humans, but what we have personally eaten
and the lifestyle habits we have developed actually
change our CHEMISTRY not our BIOLOGY! The farther
away we moved from our biological understanding of
what we are designed to eat the more we corrupted our
chemistry. This is why we see the disease epidemic that
is happening today.
This is why certain foods, drinks and herbs are going
to react differently with people depending on their
chemistry at that time (take allergies for example, why
doesn’t everyone have them?). So, it’s not that we are
different biologically/physically and a Fruit-Based Vegan
diet won’t work for everyone, it’s that we have to
transition the body back into a balanced state of
chemistry slowly without stirring things up too quickly
otherwise we can see some pretty severe cleansing
crisis’. Can we change our chemistry? Yes, we can!
How? DIET, environment, lifestyle choices, attitude and
other natural modalities.

The Food & Dis-ease Connection

There are only two sides to chemistry. Alkaline and

Acid. We know through the scientific study of human
biology that we are an alkaline based species. Our blood
is kept at a constant, slightly alkaline state. Our blood
needs to remain between 7.35 – 7.45 and it usually stays
around 7.40. If it goes outside of that range it can mean
death. The pH Scale is how we can determine the Acidity
or Alkalinity of a substance, whether food or not. Certain
foods can be deceiving at first glance on the pH scale
because as the body processes them, they have a
different effect than before they are digested. For
example, lemons and limes are botanically acidic but
once digested they have an alkalizing footprint in the
body. In other words, even though they are an acidic
fruit, they actually have an alkalizing effect on the body
after digested.
In 1931, a German scientist named Otto Heinrich
Warburg, won a Nobel prize in physiology for his
hypothesis that an acidic environment promotes disease
and an alkaline environment eliminates disease.

The modern medical establishment will cite that it
is impossible to change the pH of the blood by the foods
you eat. That being said, they are actually partly correct.
Because of the body’s built in pre-programming to keep
the blood within that very small pH range (7.35-7.45), it
will sacrifice the rest of the body to protect the blood

“No disease, including cancer, can exist

in an alkaline environment.”
-Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931

So, even though foods don’t have much of a direct,
immediate, impact on the blood’s pH, the foods we eat
do affect the body's pH greatly. A major part of the
blood's job is to remove toxins while also delivering
nutrients. As it removes toxins, many of which are highly
acidic due to our diet, it requires a balancing compound
(alkaline) to keep the blood at healthy pH levels. The
alkaline element that the body has large quantities of is
calcium. It is found in the teeth, bones and walls of the
arteries & veins.
We see an obvious correlation between animal
product intake and all forms of arthritis, for example.
We've all heard the old ads "Milk, it does a body good",
right? That couldn't be farther from the truth. The U.S.
is one of the largest consumers of meat and dairy
products in the world and also has one of the largest
percentages of arthritis, osteo-arthritis, osteoporosis,
heart disease, arteriosclerosis, etc. These are all diseases
which are affected by the breakdown of those areas
mentioned above for the alkaline element calcium.
If what the medical establishment is saying is
actually true, we should be seeing the opposite results.
Being a high consumer of meat and dairy, the US should
have some of the lowest numbers of these diseases.
However, when we take individuals off of animal
products, we see an improvement in heart health, artery
health, cholesterol levels and every other degenerative
You see, modern science has a tendency to look at
individual processes, effects and components instead of
looking at how the body works as a whole. Couple that
with the fact that the meat & dairy industries are heavily
subsidized with government funding and it is hard not to
see what appears to be an agenda to keep us sick.
Alternative medicine and health practitioners, across
the board, are finding that by implementing a whole
food, plant-based diet, all degenerative diseases
(arthritis, heart disease, cancer, MS, Fibromyalgia,
Alzheimer’s, etc.) are getting better.
Hippocrates knew the truth. The body has an
inherent ability to heal itself... as long as it gets the
proper nutrients to do so. The Standard American Diet
(S.A.D.) is so completely filled with animal products and
cooked foods that we are not giving our bodies what
they need to heal from all the damage we are doing.
From fast foods to cooked foods to animal products and
processed foods, most of Americans’ diets are almost
completely devoid of the proper nutrients to keep us
healthy. We are seeing record numbers of people
struggling with degenerative diseases, not to mention
obesity. All of which are CURABLE with the proper diet.
If you never
give your body a
break, and keep
dumping in more
of things not
meant for the
system to process,
then eventually
the lymph system
(the septic tank)
becomes so full
and backed up
with waste that
we see diseases of all kinds.
This is something I am extremely passionate about
and I am dismayed at how the “medical mainstream”
handles these issues. All they do is treat symptoms with
drugs, anti-biotics, surgery or radiation. As I mentioned
before removing a tumor does not change why the
tumor grew in the first place. Removing the blockages
from arteries does not acknowledge or even touch on
why they are plugged in the first place! Drugs or anti-
biotics may have a short-term effect on the condition but
at what cost? These are not natural components that
our body is designed to process. They are often
dangerous and harmful toxins themselves that we then
need to detox from later on.
There is no remedy in treating symptoms. The only
true remedy is going to the cause and changing the
internal environment. Then all the symptoms will go
away naturally because the cause is no longer there.
The key to returning to health and vitality is TRUE
detoxification, not a one-week cleanse and then back to
the old ways. That will not cut it today.
Detoxification is about peeling back the layers of
mucus that have been formed to protect us from the acid
forming food and drink that we have consumed over the
years. As we remove these layers of mucus and plaque,
we become more sensitive to the unhealthy food and we
allow our body to start healing itself. It is not the food
that heals us, it is the astringency and hydration from the
raw living foods, especially fruits, that help to remove
these mucus layers and allow us to start thriving on very
little food! When our bowels and kidneys are eliminating
properly, the digestive system becomes clean and the
blood and lymph are flowing smoothly, then the body
requires very little outside help for “nutrition” (more on
this in the Deficiency section).
We have to get out of the body’s way and the best
place to start with this is adding in more fruits and living
foods and removing the clogging and mucus forming
foods that the bowels, kidneys, lymph, and so on, can’t
handle anymore of.

Busting The Myths

Myth: “Fruits and raw foods alone won’t give me all I
need nutritionally and I need to supplement.”
This is a big one and couldn’t be farther from the
truth. There is nothing that we get from animal products
that we can’t get, in better quality, from plants. Every
single animal that humans consume is simply a “middle-
man for nutrients that originated in plants. We are led to
believe that we need a “balanced diet” of a huge variety
of foods to make sure we get all we need. Let’s look to
nature for a moment. We can observe that just about
every other species on the planet eats a very simple diet
consisting of a very small variety of foods. If you take
cows, for example, they can exist and live a long, healthy
life on just grass. The same goes for elephant, rhinos,
giraffes, etc. They manage to get all the nutrients they
need from just one type of food.
Our closest relatives, the great apes, also eat a very
simple diet consisting of mostly fruit and leafy greens.
They are the closest to us physiologically and grow to be
much stronger than us on this simple diet, without
cooking, processing or refining anything. Animals in the
wild never seem to suffer from deficiencies (or
degenerative diseases) because their bodies are not
clogged with foods that they are not meant to eat.
The root cause for “deficiencies” is ultimately
malabsorption in the digestive system and the inability
for our endocrine system (glands) to manufacture and/or
utilize minerals and other nutrients. When our system is
free of obstruction and able to digest, absorb, utilize and
eliminate properly then we will no longer see deficiencies
and the body will actually create its own Vitamin B’s, D,
etc. that everyone believes we must supplement with. A
deficiency is not a Vegan issue, it is a malabsorption and
glandular issue. On our species-specific diet, we will get
more than enough nutrients to thrive. We just need to
get the old sludge out of the way so that our organs and
glands can begin to function properly and efficiently, as
they are meant to.
Another point to touch on about deficiencies is the
loss of minerals. We can see this with teeth problems,
arthritis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, weak or brittle
nails and bones, etc. This does not mean that the body is
not getting enough minerals but is because the body is
constantly being bombarded by acid forming food and
drink. Remember, the body will do whatever it takes to

keep the blood at a precise pH, even if that means
robbing itself of calcium (an alkaline mineral) from its
own bones, teeth, etc. to neutralize the acidity! We see
this happen and then, mistakenly, blame it on a
deficiency. We need to stop thinking we have all these
deficiencies and start realizing that we need to go to the
cause. When our digestive tract (i.e.: malabsorption
issues) and our endocrine system (i.e.: weak glands) get
plugged with obstructive waste they can no longer
function as they are supposed to. They can no longer
absorb the nutrients from our food properly and instead
of those nutrients being absorbed into our systems, they
are simply flushed out with our waste without being
utilized. When we clean up the digestive tract and heal
the glands then we will no longer see symptoms
associated with deficiencies. While you are cleansing
and healing you will most likely need some extra help
strengthening your main elimination channels and
glands. For this I recommend using whole, organic herbs
and herbal formulas. The Original Dr. Christopher’s
herbal formulas have set the standard for herbal healing.
As a Certified Family Herbalist and Dr. Christopher
practitioner since 2008, I have personally used them and
trust that they are of the highest quality and
effectiveness. (See the Herbal section for formulas).
If you look at the supplement market, you will see an
isolated and processed supplement for just about every
ailment known to man. In nature, we would not have
access to, or a need for, isolated supplements. The
problem is, the “ailment” is most often just the
symptom. The true cause of disease is never addressed.
We need to clean the system before we can utilize the
nutrients we need to thrive.
When we cleanse and detox our body and then give
it what it really needs (the building blocks and hydration
found in fruits, herbs, leafy greens and vegetables) then
the body can create the perfect balance to have vibrant
health. Clean up the body and eat according to our
species-specific diet and your body will do the rest. If
you live in a colder part of the world where you don’t
have sunshine as often then you can supplement with a
vegan and natural liquid Vit D, made from Lichen. If you
test low (tests are never 100%) or are concerned with B-
12 levels, then take a plant based, vegan supplement
until more healing has taken place.
Pro-Biotics are a waste of money and do not make it
past the stomach acid down into the lower part of the
intestines where we want it. What we eat determines
our gut flora.
If you are still having health issues (arthritis, aches,
pains, fatigue, high or low blood pressure, etc.) and you
have gone plant-based, I can guarantee it is because you
are STILL consuming oils, starches, processed foods, not
properly food and fruit combining or allowing complete
digestion cycles. Basically, your lymph system is still
PLUGGED UP! Don’t believe me? Then have your eyes
read by a certified Iridologist and they will most likely
confirm this.
The goal here is ultimately to get the body to the
point where it is functioning as it was designed to and
producing what it needs to naturally. In Nature we
would not have a supplement store. The Creator did not
forget to provide something for us. We have to get out
of the way and allow the body to do what it was
designed to do, heal itself!

Myth: “We need high protein foods like meat to survive.”
So many people, from all walks of life, have this
misconception that we have to get protein from animal
products to be healthy. There are a couple fallacies
wrapped up in this notion. One is how much protein we

actually need to live a healthy life? Another is that fruits
and vegetable don’t produce “complete” proteins. Fruits
and vegetables contain strings of amino acids that the
body turns into usable protein. Our bodies are not
designed to efficiently process and assimilate foods that
are HIGH IN PROTEIN like that found in meat, fish, dairy
and even plant-based foods such as beans, grains, soy,
nuts and seeds.

The proteins that we need are actually only the ones

found in plants. Proteins from animal products can cause
a significant amount of damage to our organs over years
of overconsumption.
The only reason that people are seeing any benefits
from the high protein diets for muscle building is because
protein does build muscle. People are mechanically
over-burdening their bodies. For those eating high
protein for weight loss it is because they are cutting out
most processed foods. This will bring temporary results
or relief but don’t buy into the hype. The long-term
consequences of eating a high protein diet (especially
with animal products) will result in severe suffering. A
well balanced, Plant-Based diet, even one of only fruits,

will provide ample amounts of protein, not just to
survive, but also to thrive!

“People ask me how I can get so big and strong, like

an ox, when I don’t eat meat. I ask them, ‘Have you ever
seen an ox eat meat?’.”
- Patrik Baboumian
World Record Holder
World Strongman Competitor

Myth: “Fruit has too much sugar and will give me
Blood sugar issues have two main contributors. The
first is a high intake of fats. When we consume high
amounts of fat, the insulin produced by our pancreas
cannot interact properly with the sugar molecules in the
blood because the fat molecules are attached to them
(think of trying to grab a slimy, slippery bar of soap). The
insulin is then too high in our system because it is not
being properly combined with the sugar and we are
diagnosed as “insulin resistant”. If we drop the fats out

of our diet, we can watch the blood sugar levels get back
to normal.
The second contributor is that the pancreas gets
overworked from eating too many processed foods and
starches (processed carbohydrates, breads, cakes,
cookies, flour, sugar, refined foods, etc.). When this
happens, it can no longer do its job of breaking down
carbohydrates properly. Bloating a major symptom of
this and not properly food combining. Using raw fruits
and juices, we can heal our pancreas and get it back to
where it can function as it should.
Natural sugar from fruit is not going to hurt us!
Processed sugar is what we should be avoiding. Sugars in
fresh, ripe fruit are different than the man-made, highly
processed sugars we see in other foods. Fructose in fruit
is our natural cellular fuel, it’s a simple sugar and does
not require insulin (like all other sugars) as a carrier to
cells. Our body runs on this sugar and, for us, it is like the
optimal fuel to a car.
If fruit and fruit juices are consumed correctly, you
won’t run into blood sugar issues (see Food Combining
Section). If you begin to add in more fruit and fresh
juice, you may feel some symptoms of hypoglycemia or
see your blood sugar levels rise. This will happen until
we transition off of the high fats and allow our
bloodstream to become clean of this fat. Fruits and fruit
juices are able to travel through the body very quickly
while providing nutrients IF the fats in the diet are kept
to a minimum or eliminated completely.
Many cases now exist to show that by removing fats
from a person’s diet and adding in high amounts of fruit,
diabetes can be cured.

Fruit Juices
Myth: “Fruit juices are a concentrated sugar and you
should only juice vegetables.”
First off, freshly made fruit juice is not concentrated.
Concentrated foods are those which have had water
removed from them and in doing so it concentrates the
nutrients within the fiber. Fresh fruit juice is actually a
very liquid food, comprised of mostly organic water of
the highest quality.
You can enjoy all the fresh fruit juice you desire as
long as it's natural and no artificial or additional sugar is
added. Fruit sugar is what our body runs on and needs
to survive. By juicing fruit, you are simply removing the
fiber and in doing so, giving the digestive system a break
while still taking advantage of the nutrient rich pure
water contained in those fruits. This allows the body to
obtain and transport those nutrients throughout the
body a lot easier and faster. This helps to speed up the
body's cleansing and healing process.
Fruit juices are very powerful and will start stirring
up old acids, waste and toxins due to their high
astringency (ability to pull). Use more of the vegetable
juices in the beginning to help transition yourself safely
and detox more slowly.

*If you are new to detoxing or consuming high amounts

of fruits, then make sure to see the Transitioning section
to transition properly and work your way into full fruit
juices properly.

*Store Bought Juices:

In situations where you can’t make your own juices,
using store bought juices can still be beneficial. It is not
ideal, of course, but because you are not eating high fat
foods, you will see detoxification.

Just make sure to look for “Organic”, “Not from
concentrate”, “no added ingredients”, “low heated”,
“flash pasteurized”, “cold-pressed”, etc.

Myth: “We need fat for our brains.”
Many people have the mistaken notion that we
somehow need fats for our brains to function properly.
For one, we are not a lipid-based species. We are carbon
based. This is why we thrive on whole food and raw
CARBOHYDRATES! Fruits and vegetables provide fatty
amino acids that the body can use. Foods that are HIGH
IN FAT like meat, fish, dairy, oil and butter and even
whole, plant-based fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives
and coconut meat can be a burden to our health in large
High fat in the diet causes HIGH BLOOD FAT LEVELS
that results in HIGH BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS. This is
because sugar can not exit the bloodstream efficiently
when blood fat levels are elevated. Lower the fat in the
diet and you can watch the blood sugar levels drop as

Hereditary Issues
Myth: “It’s my genetic weakness. It doesn’t matter what
I eat. It will still manifest itself eventually.”
One might contend that certain issues are hereditary
and thus inescapable. One has to understand though,
that the body is like a fine-tuned piece of machinery. It
needs high quality oil to keep it running at optimum
efficiency. Start feeding it low grade oil, and any dirt
flecks and impurities within the oil will get caught up and
accumulate at the weakest spots within the machine.
Some engines blow at 100,000 miles and others can go
many hundreds of thousands of miles, depending upon
how they were taken care of.
The weak points are why people apparently suffer
from different indispositions. On the surface it may look
like the guy with the dodgy knee, and the guy with the
heart problem are experiencing completely separate
issues, but the reality is that the sufferings of both are
profoundly connected. Hereditary issues are nothing
more than inherent “weak points” passed on from
generation to generation. By re-adopting healthy living
habits, they can quite easily be avoided.

Your genes may be your pre-disposition but they are
not your fate. A plant-based diet will turn off bad genes
and turn on good genes.

The Cure All

Myth: “If I go Plant-Based then all of my health issues will
go away!”
Well, I am sorry to be the one to break it to you if
you believe this. This is not the case at all. Now, you
should see dramatic improvements in your health when
you transition from the S.A.D. to a plant-based diet, but I
have known people who have come to see me that had
been plant-based for 40 years and they were still having
health issues. If you think that giving up animal products
is the cure-all then you will be disappointed. There are
so many different versions of plant-based diets out there.
I will say this, if you are still consuming processed or
cooked starches, oil (of ANY kind), high amounts of nuts
and seeds, processed foods, acidic drinks, or cooked
foods daily, then you will eventually plateau and NOT see
much more of a change from that point on in your health
and some may even continue to get worse. Oreo Cookies
happen to be vegan. This is not purposeful; it just so
happens to be the case. So, just because it is plant-based
does not mean it is healthy! I cannot emphasize this
enough. Using certain foods to transition is one thing but
don’t get stuck using them to maintain. This will only
lead to confusion and frustration and most likely
returning back to the even unhealthier choices. Don’t
give up, just keep moving your way up the Levels on my
chart and your health will improve with every step!

Fermented Foods
Myth: “Fermented foods are good for you and provide
probiotics that your body needs.”
This is something you will hear a lot about in the
health and supplement industry and have been popular
for years. Kombucha, vinegars, kimchi, nutritional yeast
and other fermented food and drink are acidic and are
fuels for fungus.
Fermented tea and sugar are far from healthy. Black
tea and other tea varieties are a stimulant and
stimulation equal aggravations. Anything that we
ferment to alcohol becomes acidic. Instead of focusing
on manipulating foods we need to understand how foods
were intended in nature’s system if we want to keep
proper balance within the human body. Nature made
the foods that are designed for us in the perfect ratio and
balance. Why go outside the laws of nature just because
intellectualism has taught humans to complicate it?
Kombucha is dead chemistry full of bacteria but it
also contains alcohol and acid. The tissue in the human
body was not designed to put up with acidic chemistry
and whenever you put in excess fermentation you feed
candida and create a nest of fungus in the body which
leads to brain fog, skin rashes, itching, bloating, and gas.
Fermented sugar is a recipe for disaster for feeding
parasites and fungus.
You’re not healing your digestion and giving your
body “healthy bacteria”. Instead you are putting
decayed rotting acidic chemistry in to the body and this
only creates a cycle of lymph back-up with unwanted
acids. Bacteria does help with symptoms because it can
break down metabolic waste in the body and buffer
inflammation. However, the rest of the chemistry is
acidic and will create blowbacks that you will have to
deal with eventually. When you fail to remove acids out
of the body then you will continue to accumulate waste.
We don’t need anything outside of fresh ripe organic
fruit, and herbal botanicals for healing. If you want to fix

digestion and restore a healthy microbiome you want to
rid the body of mucus and acids first. A simple diet of
fruits and healing herbs will help the body naturally build
up the good bacteria to help you break down metabolic
waste so that you can have optimal digestion and
eliminate lymph waste in harmony and ease. Fermented
products and probiotic supplements are a waste of
money and do not help your health in the long run.

Spirulina/Blue Green Algae and Chlorella:

Myth: “Spirulina is a super food, detoxifier and a great
protein supplement for those on a vegetarian or vegan
In the “Super Foods” craze that has been going on
for decades, you will inevitably hear about the health
benefits of Spirulina, Blue Green Algae and Chlorella.
Spirulina is touted as a “Super Food” because it is high in
protein and vitamins, and may have inflammation-
fighting properties. However, it is also hard on the
kidneys because it creates uric acid and the whole point
is to remove acids from our bodies.

Stop for a minute and use your common sense and
intuition. In all reality, would you want to dive down into
a pond and scoop up “pond scum” and eat it? Doubtful…
That’s where these “super green” powders come
from! They are dried and packaged but why take it in a
fancy package if we wouldn’t want it in its natural state?
The entire point of detox is to remove old scum from
the pond (the lymph) not add more in!

“Research your own experience,

Absorb what is useful,
Reject what is useless,
Add what is specifically your own.”

- Bruce Lee


You can’t TREAT diseases (aka acidosis) and

lymphatic congestion; you MUST go through
detoxification. Regardless of the symptoms or whatever
fancy name the doctors label it with, it’s all due to eating
chemistry that we are not designed to eat. The body fills
up with acids and mucus because of proteins and cooked
food that is not compatible with the human anatomy.
So, what is Detoxification in a nut shell? Detoxification
is about unlocking the old waste so that it can be
eliminated from the body. Below are four main things
we can do, right now:

1. Stop putting in the wrong food and drink and return

to our species specific and compatible foods.

2. Cleanse and strengthen the bowels and kidneys so

that they are flowing and eliminating freely. These 2
main doorways of elimination are where the
troubles start, first and foremost.

3. UNLOCK and MOVE the old waste out of the LYMPH!

4. Heal and strengthen the endocrine system (glands).

If we think that we can cleanse or detox the body by

adding in a smoothie per day or a salad at night and that
is going to do the job then we have a lot of clearing up to
The point of detox is to get the OLD WASTE OUT! If
we never stop putting things in the body that cause more
obstruction, how is the body ever supposed to get rid of
the old waste that has been in there for years?
Most people have been so perfectly programmed
that they just assume and except that most issues we see
today are just normal and come with age! This is why
preventative medicine is so important.
When you eat “their” food and take “their”
pharmaceuticals then you will most likely find yourself in
“their” hospitals. If you do choose to go the natural way
then you have to understand that there is a BIG
difference. Detox is not a short-term thing or quick fix.
This is a hero’s journey. It is not easy; this is why most
run to the doctor and hospital and say, “FIX ME!”

Then, add in a big dose of FEAR on top of it all. We
have put the power in their hands because of fear and
programming. We have had the truth hidden from us
and our power stripped away. Most are left thinking that
their health is not something they can control, that it’s
someone else’s responsibility. However, health is our
birthright. It truly is the one thing that we have complete
control over at any time.

“Hunger is the first element of self-discipline. If you can

control what you eat and drink, you can control
everything else.”
- Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

What to Expect with Detoxification

The Original Dr. John R Christopher had this to say:

“As the body begins the house-cleaning process
throughout the entire system, it will be accompanied by
periodic aches and pains in the areas where the cleaning
action is most acute and the toxins are loading the
elimination channels.

There are times when you may feel very rough! Do not
panic on your days during the cleansing. In fact, the
cleaning action may produce all the symptoms and effects
of severe illness, but you should act with knowledge and
not blame the temporary problem/condition onto the
detoxing solution that is taking place. Patience is required
here, and much comfort should be derived in the
realization that the healing process is well under way, and
the sooner such discomforts come and are felt, the better.
This elimination and cleansing will not be accomplished
instantaneously, and one should not expect these lifetime
accumulations that are packed into the system to be
miraculously squeezed and flushed out of the tissues and
organs in some "colonic fashion." This will all take time.
You will have high days and low days, and these will take
place in cycles. These "cleansing crises" come in cycles
and in most cases, during each of these cyclic periods
there will be cleansing and healing crises as the toxic
poisons break loose and are dumped into the blood
stream so they can be eliminated from the physical body,
you will feel pretty rough and quite frequently during a
crisis you may feel worse than you ever did before starting
the program--but again, do not panic! These crises are,
again, merely toxic poisons trying to get from your body
(wherein they heavily load the elimination channels) and
are doing you the favor of leaving as rapidly as possible
(causing pain and discomfort in the elimination process).
But the bad days will become fewer and fewer and the
good days greater and greater, if you are faithful to the
Do not be alarmed if you feel somewhat weak during or
after this detoxification. Nature uses our energies for a
housecleaning within us, and we soon regain greater
energy and vitality as a result of a cleaner and a healthier
body. I have found it beneficial to do a juice detox
monthly or several times a year.”
- Dr Christopher

Just remember on those low days that you are

having a healing crisis and it is part of the process. You
must go through detox in order to get to the other side
of health. The fact that you're having these reactions,
shows that your body is truly detoxing, and trying to heal
itself. This is a good thing to get the stuff out, because
it's been locked in your body not able to come out on
foods that don't promote detoxification and healing.
Let this reassure you that your body is starting to
finally heal itself. When you remove the mucus, and acid
forming foods, these reactions are going to occur
temporarily. Do what you can to make yourself as
comfortable as you can until you get to the other side of
your healing crisis. I love getting massages and rubbing
essential oils on topically to help me out on those days.

Weight Gain
During your journey through detoxification and
transitioning to a plant-based diet you may see some
weight gain. This could actually be for many reasons and
when you know why, then you can adjust your habits
accordingly and see the results you are looking for.
One of the biggest reasons that people gain weight
on a plant-based diet, even high fruit diet, is improper
combining of foods. Look to the “Food Combining” and
“Digestion Cycles” Sections for an in-depth explanation.
Glandular weakness is extremely common in people
who have been eating the S.A.D. for any length of time.
As we consume foods that are more challenging for our
bodies to digest and process, it really takes a toll on our
glands. Our glands are chiefly responsible for mineral
uptake & utilization as well as producing hormones,
along with several other critical functions for the body
(more on this in the “Endocrine System” Section).
Many people who switch to a plant-based diet think
that eating fats is still ok, “as long as they’re plant-
based”. High consumption of fats is not healthy, period.
Avocados are one thing, a few times a week or even
every day, but when you eat high amounts of nuts and
oils, that’s another. In nature, we would not eat an
entire container’s worth of nuts. It is time consuming to
access them and they are higher fat. Small amounts
would be more natural.
Another huge reason for possible weight gain during
a detox or transition to a plant-based diet is that our
elimination channels are plugged up. Again, this is why it
is so important to do the internal elimination channel
herbal cleanses in addition to detoxing.
When you do a detox program it is very important
that you use natural herbs and herbal supplements to
assist in the process of the body cleansing itself. I use
and trust the products from The Original Dr.
Christopher’s Herb Shop. They are 100% natural and,
while they are dried, they are in their whole state with
nothing removed or refined.
The final thing I wanted to touch on when
experiencing weight gain on a detox or transitioning is,
how long did you give it a chance? Sometimes we may
see some weight gain before the body lets go of stuff.
The problem is that people see that weight gain and then
they stop because they get scared that it will continue.
Following the program to a “T” is important because
usually if you tough through it you will see the weight
begin to drop once the body has a chance to start

Muscle Gain & Weight-loss

The mainstream assumption has traditionally been
that you will not be able to gain muscle on a whole food
plant-based diet. More and more studies are showing
that this is blatantly not true. This has been due to
effective marketing by the meat and dairy industry but
also a misconception by the public about what our diets
should consist of. There are a lot of resources that
demonstrate that muscle can be and is built on strict
plant-based diets and the improvement on performance
in the athletic arena is beginning to be more and more
We must keep in mind that even though our society
puts such a focus on physical image, we are not designed
to be huge, muscle bound creatures. We are designed to
be able to build muscle, yes, but we are also designed to
climb trees, run fast and consume fruit. We see so many

guys, and gals, consuming high amounts of protein so
they can build muscle. That does work, but protein in
high amounts are damaging to our kidneys and cause an
acidic internal environment. This is why we can see
people with a great physical appearance but they
develop cancer, heart disease and so on. If we can keep
a balance between our desire to “look good” and to be
healthy we will be much better off. When beginning
your detox and working your way up the levels
(depending on consistency) you will lose weight and may
even lose muscle during this time because keep in mind
that the old muscle is built out of. Some become
concerned with the amount of weight loss they
experience and this is because the body is not going to
start rebuilding the new until the old has been stripped
away. The construction crew wouldn’t show up to build
the new house if the old one was still burning down,
right? When you are detoxing on a deep level with fruits,
herbs and fasting, then remember that there is a
transitioning time for your body. You will be able to
build harder, healthier muscle and put on healthy weight
once you have cleansed and are maintaining with the
proper diet of fruits, herbs, greens, vegetables, nuts,
seeds and some whole food. You will see every area of
your performance improve (especially the higher you are
in the levels).
Your body will
be healthy
from the inside
out! My
husband is 42
years old and
is in the best
shape of his
life. Of course,
I had to
include a pic of
his fruity and
whole food,
During a weight release journey, it is important to
stay physically active. I have personally lifted weights,
attended toning classes & dance classes at my local gym.
In releasing over 130 lbs, you would think that I would
have extra skin hanging around but I have very little. I
attribute that to my exercise routine as well as the
astringency of fruits. They kept my skin hydrated and
helped it retain its elasticity and tone.

Also, be sure to check out these body builders and
athletes who are thriving on a plant-based diet:

Robert Cheeke – Whole Food Vegan
John Rose – Fruit-Based Raw Vegan
Dr. Douglas Graham – Fruit-Based Raw Vegan
Orvel Douglas – Fruitarian
John Machin – Vegan

This is just a tiny sampling of the resources available

for plant-based muscle gain and body building. For more
inspiration about how possible it is to have muscles and
weight gain without costing you your health, check out Out with the
old to make room for the new!

Naturally, as you begin a detox, you will most likely
experience cravings. This is not your natural self that is
craving certain foods. Cravings are caused by the
environment that we have created and it is the parasites
that are craving the foods that they lived off of. Yes, I
said parasites. You are not alone. Most people have or
had parasites. If you have consumed animal products in
any amount for a length of time, you have parasites of
some sort inside you. When you remove their food
source, they cause you to have cravings.
As we add in more living foods and cleanse our body
of the old waste, we start to change our gut bacteria and
the cravings diminish. If you can ride through these
cravings with the confidence that you are literally
starving parasites, they will end up leaving your body
because there is nothing for them there. This is why pro-
biotics are a fairly non-effective band-aid, because it is
what we eat that determines our gut bacteria. Using Dr.
Christopher’s Parasite Syrup will help with this as well.
See “Herbal Section” for instructions.
Our culture has been so deeply programmed to turn
to food to ground us. From fun family get-togethers to
the depression of emotional stress, food is present in all
that we do. Every TV show we watch is littered with food
and alcohol, consumed so nonchalantly that it is not even
questioned. Even the cooking competitions are all about
“look” and “taste”. Nothing is ever said about how
healthy a food is or isn’t. Whether we should or
shouldn’t eat it isn’t even thought of, “If it tastes good
then eat up!” With that being said, the cravings for
yummy tastes are real. As we cleanse, we will
experience varying measures of cravings but if we use
some of the foods listed below to help get through those
cravings, we will find success and be empowered by what
we can do.
Here are some foods to help you through transition
and cravings for when or if you are struggling and don’t
know what to turn to. These are the tips that my
daughter and I have used during our moon cycles or the
boys of the house when they have those feelings of
cravings as well.
- Organic, Dark, Vegan Chocolate
- Dried Fruit
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Sunflower seeds in the shell
- Air popped popcorn with raw olive oil & sea salt
- Cooked, Whole-Food, Plant-Based comfort meal or
- Teeccino – This is a wonderful coffee substitute and
great for the entire family. We use fresh cashew
mylk and coconut sugar or pure maple syrup in ours.
Click link for more information or to purchase.

Emotional struggles are real. We are literally

undoing years-worth of damage, both physical and
emotional, that we have done with the foods that we
have eaten. It takes time, patience and compassion for
yourself to go through the process so that it can become
a permanent lifestyle. Keep the list above in moderation
and remember these foods will slow down detox but are
the best ones to turn to that won’t throw you back too
far when you need something. My best advice to using
this list would be to save them for the end of the day and
still follow the fruit and food combining principles.

If you are on any medications, and choosing to
detox, always seek the advice of your physician with
regards to cutting back and eventually eliminating those
medications. If you have been vaccinated, taken
medications, antibiotics or any pharmaceuticals then
your transition and detox may very well be even tougher
and can also take longer to go through BUT keep the
faith, the body can heal from these things. I have seen it
with my own eyes many, many times. It took years to
get sick, it takes years to get well. If you are having detox
symptoms and end up going to the doctor or hospital,
just keep in mind that they will not understand what you
are doing and what your body is doing. They will want to
treat the symptoms that they see. Use the emergency
rooms for what they were originally set up for,
emergency situations! Be patient and stay the course,
because the symptoms you are experiencing are because
you are stirring things up. Medications may become too
strong the cleaner you become.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding please see the
transitioning section of this guide to safely work your
way into a more fruit-based diet, juicing or detox
regimen. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding then I
suggest that you start with eliminating processed foods,
animal products, fast foods, etc. and start adding in more
raw and whole foods. Big salads, smoothies, steamed
vegetables, sweet potatoes, yams, nuts and seeds will
help to build a slower but consistent transitioning into
detoxification and a plant-based diet. Don’t be scared of
moving into a
plant-based diet
because you are
The better your
diet is, the better
you will be
feeding your
child. The only
reason I would
suggest not to do
a deep detox
while pregnant
or breastfeeding is because of how you will feel while
doing it. I would absolutely suggest that you detox
before even becoming pregnant if you want an easier
pregnancy. It will most definitely help you avoid many of
the pitfalls and complications during this time. You can
really hit it hard with a deep detox like juicing when you
are finished with the pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Hair Care

As you cleanse, you may notice that your hair feels

different or that you are losing hair. As I discussed in My
Story at the beginning of the Guide, I lost over half of my
hair! I am not saying that this is going to happen to
everyone who detoxes but it definitely can happen and if
it does, I don’t want you to feel alone.
As you detox, the body wants to get rid of the old
before it rebuilds the new. The hair is no exception to
this. I know that this can absolutely be the scariest thing
ever! Trust me, I was wearing hats for 5 months to cover
up my bald spots. KEEP THE FAITH! I promise, if you stay
consistent, it will come back thicker and better than
ever! Mine sure is!! I am a true testament and my
husband can witness that my hair is dark and healthy.
If you are dying your hair, please STOP!! This was a
HUGE mistake I continued to make all of these years,
even as I detoxed. I paid the price, that’s for sure.
Embrace your beautiful, natural mane and stop putting
chemicals on the top of your crown! Do some more
research on the dangers of dye and that should help you
quit pretty easy!
Below I have listed my top tips for hair care to use
during and after detox.

1. Switch to an organic, sulfate-free and cruelty-free

shampoo and conditioner. I love Avalon Organics.
You do not need to be washing your hair every day
either. This strips away our natural oils, especially if
done daily.

2. Massage your scalp with a natural herbal oil twice

per week to help cleanse and stimulate your scalp
and hair. I will have my Herbal Hair & Scalp Oil
available in my online Shoppe available soon.

3. Use hot and cold-water therapy on your head while

in the shower. This means running hot water over
your head and then turning it to cold, repeat a few
times as you can handle it. This brings blood flow to
the area and stimulates hair growth.

4. Avoid heat from curling irons, flat irons, blow dryers

during this time, especially if you are experiencing
hair loss or brittle hair.

5. Use the following herbs internally as a tincture, tea
or in capsule form to promote hair strength, growth
and scalp health:

- Nettles
- Horsetail
- Oat Straw
- Alfalfa
- Red Raspberry Leaf

Since we changed our diet we have seen and felt

amazing results overall, but in recent years, as my
husband has even tightened up his diet, his bald spot
that was forming, stopped getting bigger for a while and I
recently checked it and it is growing back hair as well.

Invest in your hair.

It is the crown you never take off.

Skin Care

Our skin is our largest organ (our 3rd kidney) and just
as our insides need to be cared for, we need to keep
toxic substances off of our skin as well. Do your best to
find non-toxic, cruelty-free household products and skin
care products. The skin does not need to be scrubbed
with soap daily. This strips us of our natural oils and good
bacteria! If you have to be in public and you are
experiencing body odor, which can definitely get worse
as we cleanse, then use an organic, toxic-free, aluminum-
free deodorant.
If your skin becomes worse during detox and/or you
experience acne, rashes, dark spots, itching, etc. Keep in
mind that you are stirring things up! When the body is
eliminating this old waste, the skin is most likely going to
show it because remember, the skin is our third kidney.
Treating these issues topically (naturally of course) is
ok but with some, these issues are going to get worse
before they get better. Don’t lose hope, this is part of the
cleansing and healing process. Be patient and make sure
to show yourself love through all the stages of your

Tooth and Mouth Care

Are teeth issues normal when transitioning into a

fruit-based diet?
When first transitioning to more raw living foods,
especially fruits, you may experience that your teeth
become more sensitive, painful, have cavities appear or
old ones become painful, fillings come out or even teeth
that become loose.
This is because teeth are made up of cells (like
everything else). This is part of detoxification AKA cellular
regeneration. This is the power of fruits. They start
pulling at acids and toxins on a cellular level.
As the fruits expose these acids and toxins that have
been stored in the head, mouth, teeth, lymph, etc. we
will see the above mentioned come through in the
transitioning and detoxification process. If teeth are too
sensitive to eat certain fruits during this stage, try
blending or juicing them and drink through a straw
and/or rinse your mouth after eating fruits.
Be patient, this will not be how it is forever. Your
teeth will heal with time and consistency.

When you get a root canal, the end result is that
bacteria becomes trapped inside the tooth. During
detox, these old issues will rear their head. The options
at this point are to get it refilled and trap the issue once
again or have it pulled and finally let the body heal. Of
course, the ultimate choice would be to keep it but the
body wants to get rid of the original issue once and for
all. Plus, there may come a time when it is so painful
that you have no other choice
Here are 3 of my top tips for taking care of your
teeth & mouth health while you transition and detox:

1. Oil pulling. Swish with a tsp or more of organic raw

coconut oil for 10-15 minutes 2 x per day. You can add
some peppermint essential oil and turmeric powder for
best results. Rinse with warm distilled after.

2. Use an herbal tooth powder to gently brush or your

preferred non-toxic, fluoride-free natural
toothpaste. My favorite is Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth
Brush gently with this.

3. Rinse with a mixture of distilled water and baking soda
after you consume fruits, especially citrus.
It is so important to take care of your mouth health,
especially during transition and detox, because
remember, fruit is not the problem but will only expose
the existing problems already in the body and the teeth
are no exception!
I want to share a personal story with you at this
point because it is such a powerful example of how the
human body can work.
I had taken my daughter to the dentist when she
was about 8 years old for a cavity and they installed a
cap. A year later or so she was complaining that that
tooth was hurting. I knew it was a baby tooth so I figured
they could just pull it and allow the adult tooth to grow
I took her in and they said that it was hurting
because her adult tooth was coming in behind it and it
would be fine if they just pulled the baby tooth.
Her adult tooth grew in and it had a dark spot on it
that appeared to be the start of a cavity and I could tell
that the sick baby tooth had damaged the new adult
Then, when my daughter was about 11 years old,
she came to me and said she had a loose tooth. I asked
her which one and she pointed out the adult tooth that
had grown in on the one that we had pulled. I felt it and
verified that it was indeed completely loose. Like, to the
point of falling out soon. I said, “no way, this tooth has
already fallen out and this is the adult tooth.”
My husband gently pulled it and it popped right out.
As I examined it, I found that another tooth was coming
in underneath. A third tooth!
We had been plant-based for a couple years at this
point and I am a firm believer that my daughter not being
bombarded by the typical diet these days was able to
grow a second adult tooth to replace the damage from
the original baby tooth. It was like her body knew that
the first adult tooth was not good enough!
My daughter has always been a very simple eater
and fortunately she was young enough when we
transitioned to a plant-based diet that she didn’t have a
whole lot of detoxing to do. Couple this with the fact
that her body was still in tooth growing mode and it is a
true testament to how her body just decided to purge
itself of the damage and produce a new tooth that was
completely fine and has been ever since. I truly believe
not being vaccinated helped her body tremendously as
I have seen clients whose fingernails fell off and
teeth that have become loose and even chipped away
during detoxification. With time these things turned
around and began growing and repairing.


Remember, every human has the same BIOLOGY as

we discussed above, BUT each person will have a
different CHEMISTRY at any given time depending on
their health history and diet.
We must work with each individual where they are
at on a chemistry level. For example, if someone is
coming off of a S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) which is
a very acidic diet, then we must transition them safely
onto the more alkalizing and cleansing foods slowly and
with caution. It takes time to work your way up to the
higher levels of detox.
This is to make sure that people do not get hurt and
also so that they can still continue to work and take care
of their families while transitioning and detoxing.
Transitioning is very important and should not be
underestimated when deciding to start a detox of any
kind. Just by increasing your raw fruits and vegetables
you will begin to free up energy and allow the body to do
some house cleaning.
When we don’t transition properly, we can either
begin to detox too rapidly, causing a painful experience,
or have blowbacks from not making permanent lifestyle
changes and returning to the old habits (foods) that
caused the original issues in the first place.
If you have experience with cleansing or have been
eating a pretty clean diet for some time, then dive in and
have fun!
If you are new to using fruits and raw living food in
high quantities or are coming off of the S.A.D. (Standard
American Diet) then this is where looking over the
Transition & Detox Levels on my chart would be the best
place to start.
My suggestion, during transition, is for you to spend
2 -4 weeks or more (depending on your case) in each
level before moving up to the higher levels. Again, this is
for your own safety and because I am not working with
each of you one on one, then this is the best advice that I
feel comfortable with giving as a broad direction.
Keep in Mind why each Level on the chart (next
page) is called Fruit Til’ whatever follows. This is because
no more fruit should be eaten after other foods have
been consumed. More on this later in the Food
Combining and Digestion Cycles Section.

Fruit Based Transition & Detox Levels

S.A.D. – The Standard American Diet:

This food is toxic and poisonous and should not be
consumed. We’ve all been trained to think that food is
just something to eat when we’re hungry. As long as it
tastes good and fills you up then it’s fine. The processed
and GMO foods being fed to people today is Frankenfood
and should not be consumed. The damage that is being
done to ourselves, the Earth and the animals due to
animal agriculture is terrifying. If you have not seen the
Documentary Cowspiracy yet, please watch it

Level 1: - Fruit ‘Til Plant-Based

Moving to Level 1 means that you have now
eliminated all animal products. This is where the real
healing can begin. Enjoy fruits during the day until other
plant-based foods. Foods that can really help someone
get off the meat and dairy are rice, rice noodles, plant-
based burgers, dairy-free cheese and ice cream, etc.
There is a vast array of choices on the market now that
you can use as substitutes that will help you with the
transition away from animal products. This level is very
helpful but can be dangerous if you get stuck there for
too long. It is much better than eating animal products
but remember, these are to help those who really need
that extra step. If you can, just skip over the processed
plant-based options. Some of them are just as bad for
your health as animal products and will definitely cause a
plateau in your detox.

Level 2 – Fruit ‘Til Whole Food

In this level you have eliminated the processed
plant-based foods and are now focusing on fruits and
whole foods only. That means nothing that has been
refined in any way. Enjoy fruits during the day until a
whole food, plant-based cooked dinner in the evening.
Examples of Whole Foods are: sweet potatoes, lentils,
chickpeas, all vegetables, nuts, seeds, quinoa, beans, etc.
Keep in mind that Level 2 and higher are oil-free. Oils are
isolated parts of the plant. We are focusing on FRUITS &
WHOLE FOODS from this point on.

Level 3 – Fruit ‘Til Raw Food

In this level you have now moved away from cooked
foods entirely. Every other creature on this planet eats

their food raw and if we do so as well, we will see our
health improve even more. Enjoy fruits during the day
until raw foods and salads. Just keep in mind, once you
have had anything other than fruit, do not consume
anymore fruit for that day. This is a reminder for all the

Level 4 – Fruit ‘Til Greens

In this level, you will have now eliminated
vegetables, nuts and seeds. Even though vegetables,
nuts and seeds are whole foods, they are harder to digest
which slows everything down when it comes to
cleansing. Enjoy fruits during the day until greens and
the non-sweet fruits like tomatoes, avocados,
cucumbers, peppers, etc. Squeeze some lemon or lime
juice if having a salad for a dressing. Greens include
Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Collard Greens, Chard & Kale.

Level 5 – Fruit
At this point, you have now eliminated greens and
non-sweet fruits. Even though greens and non-sweet
fruits won’t cause harm, they are not as electrical as the
sweet, high-water fruits and can slow detox to a certain

degree as they take more energy to digest. Enjoy any
high-water fruits you like during the day while doing your
best to be combining properly to maximize digestion and
push detoxification to a whole new level. You may be
juicing or drinking smoothies or just munching on fresh
whole fruit, it is up to you. The best fruits for the fruit
levels are: melons, berries, all citrus, grapes, pineapple,
mangoes, apples, peaches, etc.

Level 6 – Mono-Fruit
Here you will be pushing detox even further by
consuming only one type of high-water fruit at a time,
where you will be cleaning out your digestive tract even
more. A mono-fruit meal is very easy to digest and gives
more energy to other parts of the body.

Level 7 – Juice
In this level you will be consuming nothing but fresh
juices (or some store bought if needed, we discuss this in
the Busting the Myths section) to do a juice feast. This
allows the body to go deep into detox while still receiving
nutrients and calories. This helps for those who wish to
go deeper but have to work and/or have others to take

care of. The digestive system is freed up and all of that
extra energy can help go to other parts of the body in
need when doing nothing but juices for a period of time.

Level 8 – Water Fast

Doing a water fast is just one step deeper into detox.
Your digestion can really heal once it is given the chance
to not actually be working on digesting foods for a while,
including juices. Start with short periods of time and
work your way toward longer ones.

Level 9 – Dry fast

This Level is where your body’s ability to heal itself
really has a chance to shine. By not consuming anything,
your body is able to only utilize what is in the body. It
doesn’t have to try and process anything new. You are
digging as deep as you can to squeeze out stored toxins
and move stubborn lymph. If you stop eating and
drinking at 7:00 P.M and don’t eat or drink anything until
7:00 A.M. then you just did a 12-hour dry fast. I would
suggest that you begin dry fasting by just going longer
before you eat in the morning. By moving your break-
fast later and later you can eventually go as long as you

like. This level is not something to just jump into. It
should be worked up to slowly and as your body can
handle it.
Dry fasting is a natural, built-in process. All animals
in nature will stop eating (dry fast) if they are sick and
trying to heal something (injury). Humans are not an
exception and also have this instinctual sign when we get
sick. Dry fasting is part of nature’s design as well as
water fasting. Dry fasting is an amazing method to help
remove acids from the lymphatic system and move them
to the kidneys for elimination. If you have been
hydrating your body for at least a few months on a fruit-
based diet then you will be able to handle dry fasting at
least on an intermittent basis because you have hydrated
your body enough to handle this level. We would never
want to take someone who is already dehydrated and
have them do a dry fast. Fasting is not only created by
nature for physical strength and healing but it’s also
created for spiritual strength and to help you get
connected to the divine. Dry fasting is amazing as it will
channel nourishment from the elements of the earth
which already created hydrogen nitrogen and vitamins
from the air that we breathe, and the sun that shines on

Dry fasting truly took my healing to the next level,
from stubborn weight, to anxiety, to strengthening self-
discipline and strengthening spiritual connection.

*The huge point of this guide is to remember FRUIT

FIRST! When working your way up the levels, always
keep in mind that fruit should be consumed before any
other type of foods, even veggies. Once other foods have
been eaten, fruits should be avoided until the next day.
This will maximize digestion and avoid the gas and
bloating that come from rotting and putrefaction of
foods. This is so important for those who are still very
compromised with their health.

How Much and How Often Do I Eat on Each Level?

How much and how often you eat will vary
depending upon which level you are on.
On the levels where you are eating just fruit, fresh
juices or raw foods then you are free to eat as much as
you like until you are satisfied, and as often as you like.
On levels where you are still eating cooked meals,
nuts, seeds and sea salt then this is where moderation
comes in. When you are done with fruits for the day
then have a moderate size cooked meal (from the recipes
section) with foods from the level you are on. If you feel
that you need more later on then eat more of what you
had for dinner or have some fresh cucumber, celery or
tomatoes with some dip or guacamole. Even though
these are healthier cooked foods, make sure to be
moderate about your proportions. Be sensible. This
journey is as much about learning and practicing self-
discipline as it is about detoxing. Remember, if you can
control what you eat, you can control anything.

How Long Do I Stay in Each Level?

The level of transition you choose to start with and
how long you stay in each level will depend upon your
personal case and how sick you are. Your lifestyle will
determine how fast you can work up the levels. Do you
work a full-time job, do you take care of children, can
you afford to spend a couple days not feeling great as
you detox? These are all things that will play a part in
your transition and detox.
Say for example that you are in the Level 7 - Juice.
This does not mean that you are now going to be a
“juicetarian” for the rest of your life. It means that you
are using this level to go deeper into cleansing. The
reality is that moving in and out of the levels is how this
works best. If you are in Level 2 - Fruit Til’ Whole Food
and then you move into Level 7 - Juice for a few days and
then return back to Level 2 - Fruit Til’ Whole Food for a
couple of weeks and then do Level 5 - Fruit for a week
and so on. This is how this Guide is set up, for real
people with real lives, to use! This guide is to help you
focus on returning to the higher levels to maintain or to
go deeper into detoxing when illness does arise. Please
don’t wait for something to go wrong before you start
the journey up the levels.
The further up the levels you go and the cleaner you
get, the more you will naturally want to stay in the higher
levels. Your consistency will lead you to a point where
you really don’t have a choice. My husband never
thought he would get off of grains. He didn’t decide, his
body did. And while he may eat rice or rice noodles once
a month or so, it is not part of his daily practice as they
make him feel tired and cause mucus.
For my family, fruits, raw foods with some whole
food, plant-based foods for comfort, when needed, is
where we have seen success as a maintenance diet. I
personally fluctuate between Level 3 and Level 9. I have
done dry fasts of more than 24 hours but I also (rarely)
eat a plant-based cooked meal. While I maintain at a
higher level than my husband, we have found what
works best for us individually with our personal goals.
We honestly have no desire to eat anything out of the
S.A.D. Level. Our cravings for those foods were short
lived and quickly left behind.
Find what works best for you. If you jump up a level
and start experiencing a serious detox, then step back
down a level momentarily, if you are having a tough time
with the detox symptoms.
However, if you want true success with weight loss,
degenerative diseases, acute illnesses, mental clarity,
emotional damage, you must find what works for you. If
you feel that it is too stressful then you probably won’t
stick with it. If you feel that you are depriving yourself it
will be harder to stick with it.
The picture on the next page shows a visual
representation of the different stages of my transition
journey as I learned more about our species-specific
foods, food combining and digestion time cycles, while
applying what I was learning. For example, you’ll see in
the third photo that I was still overweight at Level 1 –
Fruit ‘Til Plant-Based. I had come a long way but I had
plateaued. To squeeze deeper I had to step up my level
of detox! The reality is that if you are eating cooked
foods, you are slowing or stopping detoxification from
happening at a certain level even if they are plant-based.
This is why it is so important to go up to those higher
levels. Those last 30 pounds finally came off!
The higher I went up the levels the deeper I was able
to cleanse and heal physically, mentally and spiritually.

Food Combining & Digestion Cycles

Fruit Combining
When consuming fruit, we must always remember
the rule, “Fruit First”. Fruit is easier to digest than any
other food. As such, it will move through the digestive
system faster than anything else and require less energy
to digest than anything else.
Most of us probably grew up eating cooked meals of
a mixed variety of foods for dinner and then, often, fruit
would be included in
our desserts. This is
one of the worst
practices because
cooked foods and
animal products
take much longer to
digest than fruit.
So, what
happens is that we
get a fermentation
factory going on in
our gut and experience bloating and gas. This happens
because the fruit wants to get through the system
quickly. However, there are all these slow-moving foods
ahead of it and as a result it is forced to sit. Because it
breaks down so much quicker, we see it begin to rot and
putrefy instead of efficiently being digested.
If you note the chart on the next page, you will see
that some fruits combine well with others while certain
fruits are best eaten alone and on an empty stomach.
Each food we consume, whether fruit or vegetable,
requires certain digestive enzymes to break it down
properly and efficiently. If we consume two fruits that
require different digestive times then again, we cause
fermentation. Fermentation calls upon the fungal family
(as a life-saving mode) and we see yeast/candida
overgrowth happen.
Some fruits go well with other fruits and some even
go well with certain vegetables. Refer to the following
charts for guidelines on fruit and food combining so that
you can maximize the efficiency of your digestion and
minimize the uncomfortable bloating, gas and

Food Combining
Food combining has been completely lost on most
people. In this day and age, the motto seems to be the
more the better and If I don’t have variety or a good mix
of different food then I am not getting enough.
Proper food combining is important to prevent
digestive issues, fermentation, bloating, constipation,
candida and fungal overgrowth. All of the recipes I have
provided in this guide for you are properly combined
with the exception of two recipes.
Properly combining foods is important because each
food takes a certain amount of time to digest and require
different enzymes. Fruits naturally travel a lot faster
through the digestion cycle than any other foods, even
vegetables. Fruits are converted to energy very quickly.
We have been so programmed that our “dessert”
after a meal must contain fruit. Think of Apple Pie, Apple
Crisp, Peach Cobbler, etc. This is such a bad habit for
your digestive system. Fruits take the least amount of
time, of any food we could eat, to digest. Think of the
S.A.D. Thanksgiving. Humans will eat turkey, mashed
potatoes, stuffing, casseroles, and breads, usually in high
amounts. Then, not only will they eat a cranberry sauce
mixed in there, but they will finish the meal off with fruit
pies, cobblers, and crisps. Then they typically want to
crash on the couch. This is because they have so
overtaxed their system that it has to put much more of
its energy into digesting. And then, because fruit came
after, you experience bloating and gas, due to
There are a few Fruit and Food combining exceptions
that I list below:

1. Using apples combined with greens and

vegetables in juices is fine.
2. Some leafy greens in a smoothie with fruits seem
to do ok as well.
3. Lemons, limes and fresh herbs are freebies and
can be used freely in combination with all fruits,
greens, vegetables and even cooked plant foods.

When I started taking fruit and food combining

seriously, I was able to take my health to the next level. I
had no more bloating at all.
See the chart on the following page for combining

How Long ‘Til It Leaves the Stomach

Understanding the time that it takes for foods to get

through our system is critical. The following chart
illustrates how long it takes for foods to leave the

Understanding Digestion Cycles
While it is good to know how long foods stay in the
stomach, it is also imperative that we understand how
long it takes to actually fully digest certain foods. Our
small intestines are an average of 23 feet long and our
large intestine is another 5 feet long.
Fruit will travel through the entire digestive tract
very quickly while cooked foods will take the trip much
slower. Animal products and not mis combined meals
stay in the digestive tract the longest and produce most
of our digestive discomfort, weight gain and eventually
If we consume a cooked meal, even plant-based, and
then consume fruits afterward, the fruit will eventually
catch up to the other food and cannot move as it should
through our system. As this fruit sits then, it actually
putrefies and rots, causing you to feel bloated and gassy.
It also begins to rot the food that it caught up to and
eventually our gut is a steaming bog of bloating and
putrefaction. This creates a bloom out of the fungal
family to now clean some of it up.
While the previous chart shows plant-based foods
only and stomach time only, I feel that it is extremely

important to note that animal products can stay in the
digestive tract for as much as 72 hours!
This means that if someone who eats animal
products isn’t feeling well it can very well be something
that they ate up to three days before that!
These reasons are why my motto is “Fruit First and
then no more fruit after any other food until the next
day!” (this works best for plant-based diets). If you
adhere to just this one principle you will be amazed at
the positive affects it will have on your life.
This brings up another point: If you are eating any
animal products at all and also eating fruits in your diet
THEN BE WARNED! Because animal products take so
long to digest, let’s look at it this way: Say you have a
steak for dinner. Then you wake up the next morning
and decide you want to start the day with a healthy fruit
smoothie. The problem is that the steak is still down
there trying to be digested. The fruit will catch up with it
in just a couple hours and then you will still experience
the gas and bloating and eventually putrefaction which
can, over time, lead to weight gain, bowel cancer, heart
disease, etc. Not only is this from a digestion cycles

standpoint, but also is critical when dealing with
I’m sure we’ve all heard the story of Steve Jobs who,
tried battling his pancreatic cancer with “alternative
medicine”, including special fruit juices, acupuncture and
“spiritualism”. If he didn’t change his diet, these
alternative modalities won’t do much. You cannot
acupuncture out a disease that is caused by a poor diet.
Fruit juices, while eating a diet high in animal products
won’t do much. It is sad to see that people embark on
some of these journeys without a good understanding of
what to expect and how to handle the process.
Ashton Kutcher apparently had a similar experience
with a high fruit diet when preparing to play Steve Jobs in
the movie about his life. He stated that his pancreas
levels were “out of whack”.
What was happening was that because fruits are so
astringent, they will actively pull at toxins and help our
body detox very quickly. This book was written as a
transition & detox guide because it is so important to
transition slowly to minimize the potentially negative
effects of detoxification. When you jump into an all-fruit
diet when coming from the S.A.D. you will see your body

try and detox so quickly that you likely won’t be able to
handle it. Fruit will reveal what is already weak in the
body. Ashton Kutcher’s pancreas was already shot from
eating unhealthy foods his whole life. When you
consume processed carbohydrates for much of your life,
your pancreas will get overworked.
I’ve heard so many people say, “I tried a plant-based
diet or tried increasing my fruits but it made me sick, so I
went back to eating meat.” This slows or stops detox
and the diet of meat and or protein is given the credit for
the person feeling “better”. You have to give your body
a chance to detox without freaking out that you are not
getting what you need.
When you take control of your own health, you have
to know what to expect so that you can keep fear at bay.
Fear is one of the most detrimental factors to taking your
health into your own hands. You have to trust that the
body has the ability to heal itself once we stop putting in
the things that disable this inherent ability. You also
have to realize that raw and whole, plant-based foods
are the single best thing you can consume in your diet
and for all of us who decide to eat. There are those who
live off of sunlight and air only, they are called
breatharians! Keep the faith in fruits, herbs and fasting.

What water is best for the human body?

When we think
of water, we have all
heard what
mainstream health
"professionals" have
told us, “Drink eight
8-ounce glasses of
water per day to
remain healthy and
hydrated.” There is
much confusion
about what type of
water a person
should drink.
Most people think we need to drink water to get our
minerals. This actually couldn't be farther from the
truth. Minerals from water are all "hard" minerals,
meaning that they are basically very small crushed rocks.
This type of mineral is called inorganic and as such can
not be utilized by our bodies. The only minerals that can
be utilized by our bodies are minerals that have gone
through the osmosis process in plants. During this
process they are taken up from the ground and have a
carbon atom added to their molecules. They are now
considered organic mineral compounds and are the only
way our body can utilize them in our system. When hard
(inorganic) minerals are consumed, our bodies actually
treat them like toxins and cannot break them down. As a
result of not being able to process them (assimilation,
absorption, utilization and elimination) completely, we
end up with things like calcium deposits.
The best source of water is from fresh plant foods.
Fruits and vegetables contain all the minerals that we will
ever need and always in the form that our bodies can
utilize most efficiently.
However, during your transition period from the
S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) to a Plant-Based and
eventually Fruit-Based diet, you will still need to be
consuming some water to help your body flush out years
of built up toxins, clean the organs and help eliminate
the cooked foods you are still eating. Cooked foods dry
up the kidneys. Remember, water does not hydrate us
on an interstitial (cellular) level, being alkaline does.
True alkalinity comes from the foods we eat, not the
water we drink.
The only two waters that I can personally
recommend would be, 1) Distilled, and 2) Reverse

I recommend distilled first and foremost because it is
truly an "empty" water. Pure, distilled water is only
hydrogen and oxygen (H2O). Just like water picks up
hard minerals from the ground as it flows through it,
distilled water will also pick up or attract hard minerals as
it flows through our bodies. It has been shown to be a
very effective tool for the removal of mineral deposits
throughout the system. Because minerals that have a
carbon atom are usable by our body and hard minerals
are not, the body will release the hard minerals into the
water as it flushes through and the minerals that our
body has assimilated are viewed as "self" and will never
be touched by the flushing distilled water. Once we get
clean enough through our detox transition then we can
start getting all the water we need through a diet that is
high in fruits and vegetables. Below is a link to a great
little counter-top distiller for a reasonable price. We
have used similar distillers since I started this journey
back in 2008 and, while they don’t last forever, they are a
good choice for those wanting to distill their own water
at home. We used ours to run 3-4 batches (1 gallon
each) per day and it lasted 2 years. That’s a lot of usage!
If you only run one per day it should last you a long time.
The proof will be in the distiller after you run it. We
are on well water and it is very “hard”. After each batch
we will clean out a thick white sludge of calcium and
other minerals. Just imagine that in your body!
If you are buying distilled water, until you can
purchase a distiller, you can transfer your water from
plastic containers to glass ones to store at your home.
Be sure to recycle the plastic containers!

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water treatment process
that removes contaminants from water by using pressure
to force water molecules through a semipermeable
membrane. During this process, the contaminants are
filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean drinking
water. While this is not my number one choice it is a
good second choice if you cannot get distilled or distill
your own.
Dr. N.W. Walker explains it very well in his book,
"Water Can Undermine Your Health" (Norwalk Press,
Publishers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1974). He quotes, "What
happens to the minerals in your water?"

"Once the liquid, whatever it happens to be,

reaches the liver it is completely divested and
cleared of everything whatever that was a
component part of that liquid, except only the
hydrogen and oxygen which, together, form the
water molecule.
Water containing nothing but hydrogen and
oxygen is pure water, and this is the only kind of
water which the blood and lymph can use in their
work. Both the blood and the lymph require pure
water to assist them in their functions.
Distilled water is the purest water you can have.
Whatever mineral and chemical elements were
present in the water when it first reached the liver,
are segregated by the anatomizing processes in the
liver and either passed on into the blood stream or
are filed away as reserve material. The liver has no
selective ability to determine whether the item

which comes to it is "alive" or inactive, whether it is
constructive or detrimental.
Natural water, by which we will classify all
waters that come from springs, wells, rivers and
lakes, and from the faucet, is replete with mineral
elements which it has collected from being in
contact with earth, soil and rocks. Dust thou art, to
dust shalt thou return, was not spoken of the soul.
All minerals in the human body - and the body is
composed of minerals - are the same as the minerals
of which the earth is composed. Man's body was
created from the dust of the Earth. But there is a
vast difference between the minerals in the human
body and those in the earth, not in the kind or
quality, but in the vitality of those which compose
the human anatomy, vitality (or life) which is lacking
in the earth minerals.
The tiny microscopic cells of the body are each a
collection of mineral atoms, of live, vital atoms. The
kind, quality and variety of the mineral elements
vary with each group of cells, in accordance with the
functions and activities called for in the cell's allotted

Your cells need food they can swallow - without
choking to death!
These cells must be furnished the mineral
nourishment they need, in order to accomplish their
work. Minerals which a cell or a group of cells
cannot use, will only interfere with the cells'
function. Minerals which are larger than in colloidal
particles would, figuratively speaking, choke the cells
to death!
The minerals in Natural Waters are gross and
lifeless, a kind and quality which are incompatible
with the cells' needs. The cells therefore reject
them. In due course this rejection leaves a surprising
accumulation of discarded minerals which is nothing
more or less than debris.
Distilled water leaches out only unusable lime,
etc. Distilled water has something inherent in it in
the nature of a magnet, so to speak, whereby it can
pick up these rejected and discarded minerals and,
with the assistance of the blood and the lymph,
transport them to the kidneys for elimination from
the system. This cleaning-up function is not

It is this kind of mineral elimination that is
erroneously referred to as leaching. The expression
that distilled water leaches minerals from the body is
entirely inaccurate. It does not leach out body
minerals, it collects and removes minerals which
have been rejected by the cells of the body and are
therefore nothing more or less than debris,
obstructing the normal functions of the system.
As a matter of fact, try drinking nothing but
distilled water for two or three weeks. Have a
urinalysis made before you start and see if you will
not be astonished at the mineral sediments in the
urine after a mere three weeks! There is no
substitute for experience.
The accumulation of minerals in the body, from
drinking natural waters, and the elimination of
rejected minerals as a result of drinking distilled
water is conclusive evidence of the use and value of
distilled water for drinking and for food preparation
What minerals do humans need?
It is not intended that we should furnish the
body with the minerals it must have for regeneration

and replenishment, by means of the natural waters.
The minerals which the cells of the body will use for
constructive purposes must come from the raw food
we eat.
The only live food, food replete with enzymes,
which is intended for the nourishment of man is
obtained from fresh raw vegetables, fruit, herbs,
nuts and seeds.”
The current
craze about
alkaline water is
simply water
that has
minerals added
to it to make it
alkaline. Again,
hard minerals
are not able to
be processed in
our body and as
such alkaline
water should be

As a Certified Herbalist and Nutritional Herbologist, I
must stress the importance of herbs and herbal formulas
when transitioning away from the S.A.D. (Standard
American Diet). They are a natural way to help cleanse
and nourish your organs and bring them back to health
and vitality. The Original Dr. John R. Christopher
developed many different combinations of herbs into
effective formulas (all organic), specifically designed to
help cleanse, nourish and strengthen certain areas of the
body. Herbs can be a wonderful and comforting ally as
we transition and detox.

Most people’s health is SO COMPROMISED

nowadays that HERBAL FORMULAS are IMPERATIVE for
DEEP Cellular Detoxification and Regeneration!

As you begin to transition, your system will need

help that food (fruits) alone cannot provide, or may take
much longer than desired. The in0depth herbal protocol
I am about to share with you will help to cleanse and
strengthen specific areas so that as you detox, you will be

able to effectively and efficiently eliminate the toxins
that you are trying to get rid of. I have been a Dr.
Christopher’s Practitioner since 2008 and have used his
original formulas ever since. They have helped our
family, friends and clients tremendously through
transition and detox, even for those who are not willing
to change their diets.
The following four formulas should be taken in the
order I have listed them. You can take the Lower Bowel,
Liver/Gallbladder and Kidney Formulas together if you
choose BUT be sure to follow the directions before
beginning the Bloodstream Formula. This will be sure to
encourage the main channels of elimination to be open
so that it can handle the waste that will be coming their
way from other parts of the body! I always encourage at
least 6 months or longer on these four herbal formulas
(with resting from the herbs one day per week) along
with implementing the diet changes suggested in this

Herbal Formulas

Lower Bowel Formula: Since the Lower Bowel is the

place where all the solid waste goes to be eliminated it is
of utmost importance that we begin to cleanse this
channel first. Dr. Christopher taught that 96% of disease
starts in the bowels. This formula will assist with
constipation, gas, bloating, headaches, migraines and
PMS. This formula will also start chipping away at the old
waste that gets encrusted on the bowels and the walls of
the intestines. The herbs in this formula will strengthen
the bowels and promote healthy elimination of waste &
assist the motor activity of the intestines in a natural
way. Take two capsules, three times per day or more as
needed until you have loose stools, then back down as
needed. If you get gassy or feel bloated after taking this
formula, increase the amount. If you start having
diarrhea then lower the dose.

Liver/Gallbladder Formula: The Liver and Gallbladder

are next in line because one of the main functions of the
Liver is to filter out toxins. We wouldn’t change the oil in
our car without changing the filter, right? So, to keep
things operating properly, we must clean out and
strengthen that filter, especially after all of the abuse
that it has been through. This formula can assist with
bloating, sluggish digestion, acid reflux, gallbladder
stones, liver spots on the skin and blood sugar issues.
This formula will cleanse & strengthen the liver and
promote healthy digestion. Two capsules, twice per day.

Kidney Formula: Next, we move on to the Kidneys.

They, too, are a filtration system and must be kept clean
and strong in order to function at their best. The Kidneys
are the main channel of elimination for the lymphatic
system so it is imperative to keep the kidneys healthy.
This formula can assist with high or low blood pressure,
urinary tract infections, kidney stones, all issues
pertaining to the skin, heart congestion and lower back
pain. This formula will cleanse and strengthen the
kidneys, bladder and urinary tract while promoting
healthy kidney filtration. Two capsules, twice per day.

Bloodstream Formula: Once we have taken the above

three formulas for a minimum of two weeks, we can
slowly add in the Bloodstream Formula. Most peoples’
bloodstream is toxic and the herbs in this formula are
very powerful, so if taken too soon in your cleanse they
will send toxins downstream before the main elimination
channels are capable of handling them. However, once
the Lower Bowel, Liver/Gallbladder and Kidney Formulas
have been taken for 2-4 weeks, your body should be able
to handle the load. This formula will assist in elasticity &
support the walls of your veins & arteries. The
bloodstream is life itself, and it is important to keep it as
clean & pure as possible so that as nutrients are
efficiently delivered to the body, waste products are
picked up & taken for elimination. Two capsules, twice
per day.

Additional Herbal Formulas

The following herbal formulas I am about to share

with you have been extremely beneficial for many people
that I have worked with as well as for myself. I have
found that there are some very common issues that keep
coming up and these formulas address the issues that
many people are dealing with.

Lung & Bronchial Formula: The Lungs are another
one of our main elimination channels and during
transition and detox I have seen many suffer from
breathing issues, coughs and mucus trying to surface that
causes discomfort. This formula will assist with asthma,
difficulty breathing, persistent cough and to overall help
cleanse and strengthen the respiratory system. Ten
drops, three times per day or more as needed.

Adrenal Formula: Most people have overworked their

adrenals to the point of exhaustion through high protein
and acidic food and drink (cooked food, coffee, soda,
stress). Remember, the adrenal glands sit on top of the
kidneys and we can see through a blood pressure reading
how these important glands and organs are functioning.
The top number of your blood pressure represents your
adrenals and the bottom number your kidneys. This
formula can assist with high or low blood pressure, salt
and sugar (carb) cravings, deficiencies, fatigue, hormonal
issues, anxiety, depression, brain fog, dizziness, insomnia,
joint and muscle pain, never satisfied. Two capsules,
twice per day.

Thyroid Maintenance Formula: Fatigue, muscle
weakness, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, irregular
menstrual periods in girls may all be linked to a thyroid
that isn't functioning properly. Our thyroid is a small
gland in front of the neck just below the skin & muscles.
Although small, the thyroid has an enormously important
job. Producing hormones that control metabolism,
growth, sexual development and affects most organs. If
our thyroid isn't operating properly, we can have
problems all over our body. This formula nourishes the
thyroid gland & supports a healthy metabolism. Two
capsules, twice per day.

Female Reproductive Formula: This is an amazing

combination of herbs to aid in rebuilding a
malfunctioning reproductive system (uterus, ovaries,
fallopian tubes, etc.). Over the years, herbalists and
patients have seen painful menstruations, heavy flowing,
cramps, irregularity, etc., that have been helped and the
patient now has a painless menstrual period, good
menstrual timing, and a new outlook on life by using
these aids to readjust the malfunctioning areas.
In addition, you can take the Hormonal Changease
Formula (see below) to work out problems in the
feminine tract. These formulas, when taken together,
promote fertility. Two capsules two times per day of
each formula.

Male Tonic Formula: This formula will help promote

vitality, balance and overall health of the male
reproductive system (prostate, testes, etc.). As young
boys experience puberty and men age, gradual changes
occur in sexual functioning. As men age, levels of the
male sex hormone (testosterone) tends to decrease,
reducing sex drive (libido) & possibly causing other male
reproductive changes or problems to occur. Use to
support the reproductive functions of the male body and
to help promote fertility. Two capsules, twice per day.

Hormonal Changease Formula: When experiencing

the 'change of life' women often experience hot flashes,
mood swings, difficulty sleeping, problems with
concentration & fatigue among other symptoms. This
formula was designed to aid menopausal symptoms &
support female hormone function during puberty. Two
capsules, twice per day.

Lymph/Infection Formula: Remember, we have miles
of lymph and hundreds of lymph nodes that are
responsible for removing waste and harmful substances
from the body. This formula will assist in moving the
waste that is stagnant in the lymph and lymph nodes,
fight infection and relieve inflammation. Two capsules,
twice per day.

Nerve Formula: This Formula is a synergistic blend of

herbs for the overall nervous system. This formula will
assist with poor equilibrium, vertigo, aiding the motor
nerves, helping to rebuild the nerves and nervous
system, epilepsy, earaches, hearing loss and relieving
stress. Take 5-10 drops internally two to three times per
day and place a few drops in the ears three days per
week before bed (gently rinse with warm distilled water
the next day).

Heavy Metal & Hard Mineral Bugleweed Formula:

Unfortunately, we are exposed to heavy metals and hard
minerals on a daily basis. We are exposed to lead,
mercury, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, calcium and iron
through our drinking water, foods we eat, pesticides,
dental work & many products we use daily such as
cooking utensils. This formula will assist the body in
removing heavy metals and minerals, replenish
important minerals and supports the liver. Two capsule
two times per day.

Parasite Syrup: This formula will assist to eliminate

parasites, fungus and yeast while helping to curb
cravings. This syrup should always be taken along with
the lower bowel formula to assure that the kill off is
eliminated properly. Take one teaspoon in the morning,
and one teaspoon in the evening, for three days. Do one
round then rest for a few days. Repeat this twice per
month (or more if needed) during your cleansing.

Extra Care & Love During Detox

When looking at your overall health, we must realize

that, while diet is the foundation to vibrant health and
one of the most important factors, there are other
contributors to both disease and health. I have included
some of those other connections to help you along with
your growth and healing that we must be consciously
aware of.

Thoughts and an Attitude of Gratitude

Our thoughts are just as important as the foods that
we choose to consume. They go hand in hand. They are
partners. There is no separating them! Our physical
matter is affected by other physical matter yes, but our
repetitive thoughts (the emotions and feeling we feel as
a result of those thoughts) are energy. Everything is
energy. Food, thought, emotion and feeling. Just as we
have discussed choosing high vibrating foods to raise our
vibration, the same goes for choosing high vibrating
thoughts. When we live in a space of gratitude, the body,
mind and spirit are attracting only circumstances that
match their frequency. If I am constantly thinking “I am
so grateful for my vibrant health”, then my emotions,
feelings and actions are going to match that thought and
by the law of the Universe that same energy must return
to me. Just the same, if I am constantly putting out
energy of negativity, worry, fear, anxiety, etc. that same
energy will return at some point into my life. Trust me, I
have personally seen this principle in action and
recognizing it is a power tool to begin to take control of
your own life and destiny.
Gratitude, joy and bliss create a surge in our aura,
putting us on the fast track to manifest what we desire
into reality. If we are in pain and always sick then
creating this surge does not happen very often or at all!

Spiritual/Metaphysical Health
We are not just a physical body. We are a spiritual
being having a physical experience here on this earth.
Just about every religion preaches this as well as non-
religious spiritualism. It is heard throughout history in
many cultures around the world.
Our spirit is housed in our physical body. This is why
it is called our temple. It is our vessel in this 3-
dimensional reality. Cleanse the temple and spirit can be
It has been demonstrated time and time again that
diets consisting of high-vibrating fruit results in higher
spiritual awareness than those of heavy, cooked and
animal-based acidic diets. We need to stop burying
ourselves behind heavy, cooked foods and allow the
toxins to drain and bring emotional healing.
Our goal here on Earth-School is to heal so that we
may help others heal. We are all part of the great
collective consciousness and when we start caring for
ourselves, we will be able to more effectively care for
others and benefit the whole.

People and Support
Having supportive people in your life during a time
of detox is very important. If you do not have this, then
please reach out online to the many holistic groups and
forums out there. There are so many that are full of
helpful and caring people. Having an outlet and knowing
that you are not alone will help tremendously with your
ability to stay consistent and remain confident in what
you are doing.

Adequate Rest/Sleep:
One of the most important parts to healing is making
sure to rest when you need it and to get adequate sleep.
This is an important time for the body to be able to flush,
repair and re-coop during this time. The cleaner you do
get, the less sleep you will notice that you require.

Make sure to get plenty of sunshine as it is very
helpful in the detox and healing of our body, mind and
spirit. The sun will only bring to the surface what is
already present in the body. People who burn severely or
blister are experiencing a toxic burn. The sun will draw
toxins to the surface of the skin. We will then blame the
sun as the culprit but in truth is was only showing us
what was already there. Use sun hats and sun shirts to
minimize exposure as you increase your raw living foods
or as you are coming out of the winter months. The
cleaner you become the less the sun has to expose and
you will be left with soft, tan skin! I always imagine
myself as a plant when I sit in the sun while I eat my
fruits which are my water & natural fertilizer!

Deep Breathing
There is nothing more important than the breath of
life. Be sure to deep breathe daily to help oxygenate your
cells and help the body cast off old waste and cells.

How often are we having contact between our bare
feet and the earth? When we go long periods of time
without this contact, we create a build-up of static
electricity that can cause a stagnation in the natural flow
of our energy. We can see things manifest like anxiety,
nervousness, etc. This is why grounding or earthing is so

Stress reduction is one of the most well-known
benefits of being in nature. Getting outdoors can help to
reduce anger, fear, and stress while increasing pleasant

Moderate exercise like yoga, rebounding, walking
and swimming are great additions to your transition and
detox and the intensity will vary depending on what
Level you are in. Listen to your body, if you can work out
and feel good then do it! Working out is a great way to
help flush out toxins, but when your body says rest, rest!
If you are super toxic and coming off of the standard
American diet then rest and sleep extra when you feel
the need while the body is cleaning house. We cannot
expect to build the new when the old is still being taken
down. If you have done some cleansing already and
know what to expect then exercise according to how you

Hot and Cold Showers:
Using hot and cold water to increase blood flow is
also known to reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis
and other rheumatologic conditions. This was a huge
help for me with my severe neck and shoulder pain
during my detox. In addition, hot and cold showers
(water therapy) reduces the effects of stress by
increasing endorphin production, improves sleep,
prevents headaches and reduces anxiety and panic

Massage and lymphatic massage are a wonderful
modality to help assist in your detox and help to relieve
pain or stiffness. Be sure to massage towards the kidneys
as this will help to eliminate what we are moving around.

A chiropractic adjustment can help to alleviate pain
and strengthen the nervous system.

Essential Oils
Using essential oils during detox and even as a daily
habit is a wonderful way to assist the body naturally with
pain, stiffness, headaches, earaches, injuries, stress,
anxiety, emotional release, insomnia and so much more.
Dilute with a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil, as
essential oils are concentrated.

Sauna or Steam Room

Sauna and/or steam room sessions are very valuable
in the detoxification process as they open up the skin
(our largest organ) to help with eliminating toxins.
Getting the skin to sweat also brings relief to the kidneys.

Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is not only wonderful for exfoliating dry
skin but it also helps detoxify by increasing blood
circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. It also
stimulates your nervous system, which can make you feel
invigorated afterward.

What Produce Do I Use?
Organic, GMO, Hybrid…Oh My!

Organic means that a produce is grown without the
use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge,
genetically modified organisms (GMO), livestock feed
additives or ionizing radiation. Try to buy organic
whenever you can.

A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result
of genetic material being altered in a way that does not
occur in nature by mating and/or natural recombination.
It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from
one organism to another, also between non-related
species. The foreign genes may come from bacteria,
viruses, insects, animals or even humans. I try my best to
absolutely stay away from GMO foods. Always ask if you
are not sure if something is GMO, or even call the
company directly and they will let you know.

Hybrid means a thing made by combining two
different elements; a mixture. Careful breeding of plants
to yield desired results, such as small seeds, or bigger
fruits, has been done since the dawn of agriculture.
A hybrid plant is created when plant breeders
intentionally cross-pollinate two different varieties of a
plant, aiming to produce an offspring, or hybrid, that
contains the best traits of each of the parents. Cross-
pollination is a process that can occur naturally within
members of the same plant species. I would choose
hybrid or seedless produce over GMO produce any day.
For example, let’s talk about the carrot. You will
hear and read a lot of information regarding the carrot
being man-made or hybrid. Why would this make the
carrot not good for us?
According to many great healers who have used
fresh, organic carrot juice to help heal tens of thousands
of people, this amazing orange root vegetable has
something very powerful and helpful to offer us. Just
because something is hybrid does not mean that it has
no benefit to us.

According to N.W. Walker, a brilliant healer with
over 70 years of experience using raw foods and fresh
juices to help heal his clients, fresh carrot juice is the
richest source of vitamin A, B, C, D, E, G and K. It is an aid
in digestion and the maintenance of the bone structure
of the teeth. It is a wonderful fresh juice for nursing
mothers as it enhances the quantity and quality of their
Fresh carrot juice is a natural solvent for ulcerous
and cancerous conditions. It is very rich in alkaline
elements sodium and potassium. It also contains a good
supply of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulphur
and silica.
Carrot juice nourishes the optic system particularly.
There are a number of examples of young men who
applied for admission as pilots to the schools of the army
and navy but were rejected at their first physical
examination because of defective eyesight. A few weeks
later after drinking an abundance of fresh carrot juice
daily, they were examined again. They were accepted
with the requisite of perfection of eyesight!
If this were to happen just once, it would no doubt
be considered a phenomenon. If it were to happen only
twice then it would go down in the history of healing as a
coincidence. When it happens repeatedly, however,
there is certainly sufficient reason to remove doubt
about this wonderful little vegetable.
The same thing goes for all of the starchy vegetables
(carrots, beets and sweet potatoes). When RAW and
juiced, they provide many wonderful health benefits.
Cooking these foods is what destroys them. Juicing them
helps to unlock their goodies without having to eat them
raw and use up a lot of energy trying to digest them.
Juicing fruits and vegetables gives us a mega dose of live
Can I find organic and seeded produce 100% of the
time for our family of four? No, but does that mean we
still won't benefit from the commercially produced fruits
and vegetables that are available? What is the next best
option then? Commercially grown produce eaten raw is
still much better for us than even organic food that has
been cooked. My husband and I do the best we can for
our circumstances, our location and with the stores that
we have available. The reality is that not everyone can
pick up and head to Costa Rica or Hawaii. Our truth is
that we have roots where we are. So, our biggest advice
to you all is DO YOUR BEST and feel good about it!

When you don’t have organic as an option make
sure to soak your produce in a produce wash (see
Produce Wash below for instructions). I wash mine
whether it is organic or not!
We are seeing many others heal on commercial
produce as they are the next best thing available to us at
this time, after organic. I pray that all farmers one day
will be organic and that we can personally be self-
sustained up here on our property, but for now let me
share with you my top tips for protecting ourselves from
pesticides and GMOs:
- Do your best to buy organic
- Soak any produce without a thick peel in a baking soda
bath for at least 15 minutes. Be sure to rinse well.
- Look for local orchards around you and use them.
- Find your local Farmer's Markets and support them and
yourself by buying local produce.
- Grow as much of your own organic food as you can
- Eat what is in season.

Produce Wash
As a rule, produce that has a thick skin that you
would throw away, doesn’t need to be soaked in the
produce wash. Otherwise, soak all other produce in a
bath of distilled water with a couple tablespoons of
baking soda to help break down and wash away as many
pesticides and any other unwanted hitch hikers that
might be there. Be sure to rinse well after soaking

Kitchen Equipment


Fresh Juices


Mono Meals

Fruit Salads

Sweet Treats

Raw Foods & Salads

Dressings & Dips

Cooked, Whole-Food Dinners

Daily Food Planner

Below is a list of resources for you to browse to further your
understanding in your journey to better health.

Vegan / Raw Food / Fruit

• Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

• T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
• Dr. Robert Morse
• Dr. Douglas Graham
• Dr. Sebi
• John A. McDougall, M.D.
• Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
• Craig B. Sommers, N.D., C.N.
• The Raw Food Family
• David Avocado Wolfe
• Fully Raw Kristina

• Mango Wodzak
• Adam A. Graham
• Paul Nison
• Kevin Gianni
• John Rose

Alternative Health / Natural Healing / Herbs

• The School of Natural Healing

• Dr. John R. Christopher
• Dr. Richard Schulze, N.D., M.H.
• Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
• Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.
• Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn
• Anthony Williams (Medical Medium)

• Professor Spira
• Ann Wigmore
• Susun Weed


• “Back To Eden” – Jethro Kloss

• “Don’t Drink Your Milk!” – Frank A. Oski, M.D.
• “Fit For Life” – Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond
• “Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices” – Dr. N. W. Walker
• “Fruit: The Ultimate Diet” – Rejean Durette
• “High Raw” – Kevin Gianni
• “How to Raise a Healthy Child Inspite of Your Doctor” – Dr
Robert S Mendelsohn
• “Milk – The Deadly Poison” – Robert Cohen
• “Spiritual Nutrition and The Rainbow Diet” – Gabriel Cousens,
• “The Choice is Clear” – Dr. Allen E. Banik, M.D.
• “The Essene Gospel of Peace” – Barry J. Peterson (editor),
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (translator)
• “The Four Agreements” – don Miguel Ruiz
• “The Mucusless Diet Healing System” – Prof. Arnold Ehret
• “The Science and Fine Art of Food and Nutrition” – Herbert M.
Shelton, Naturopath
• “Traci’s Transformational Health Principles” – Traci & Cal Sellers


• “Forks Over Knives” – – Also

on: Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Google Play Movies & TV,
VUDU, iTunes
• “Plant Pure Nation” –
• “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” – – Also on: Netflix
• “What the Health” – –
Also on: Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Google Play
• “Earthlings” – – Also on:
• “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” – – Also on: YouTube, Google Play
Movies & TV, VUDU, iTunes
• “GMO OMG” – – Also on: Netflix,
Youtube, Amazon Prime, Google Play Movies & TV, VUDU, iTunes
• “A Plastic Ocean” – – Also
on: Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies &
TV, VUDU, iTunes
• “Bag It” – – Also on: TubiTv,
VUDU, iTunes
• “Food, Inc.” – – Also on:
iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies & TV,
VUDU, hulu
• “The Game Changers” – – Also
on: YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies & TV,

Exercise / Fitness

• John Rose
• Robert Cheeke
• Vegan Body Building
• Patrik Baboumian


• Caroline Myss, Ph.D.

• Don Miguel Ruiz
• Doreen Virtue
• Esther (Abraham) Hicks
• Evette Rose
• Matt Kahn
• Robert Reeves, N.D.

• Teal Swan
• University of Metaphysical Sciences

• Dr. Bernard Jensen
• Dr. Robert Morse
• Dr. John R. Christopher
• Farida Sharan
• Dr. Ignaz Von Peczely

For more on what I promote, please feel free to
check out my social media channels:

This guide should not be construed as medical advice. It is simply knowledge gleaned from
years of practice and study. This Guide is not “FDA Approved” and is only presented as an
educational resource. Always consult with your health care provider.


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