2nd Edition of Holicoe Digest

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A publication by Holy Child College of Education

APRIL 20022 | Issue 2


AKWAABA 2022 Some of the dignitaries who graced the occasion
were Mrs. Ama Mbeaba Quarshie, Dean of
By Asantewaa Mercy

Academics, Miss Diana Asare Diabene, Hall
Editorial Board Miss Benedicta Blankson, a member of

Joachim Hall won this year’s edition of Miss

Mistress, Mr. Amoako Ernest, a tutor from the

Editor-in-Chief Akwaaba held at the Cornelia Connelly Hall on Languages Department, Fuseine Mohammed
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Dolphyne Saturday, March 19, 2022. The theme for the Adama, former TTAG National Coordinator,
programme was “Challenging societal Torgbuivi Alex, TTAG WEC Sector Coordinator,

stereotype, the role of teacher trainees.” Rita Agbenyo, TTAG WEC Sector Women’s
This year’s competition saw 15 contestants Commissioner and the former SRC Executives of
Associate Editor
performing individual and pair modeling,
Mr. Lawrence Ewusi-Mensah the college.
choreography, talents exhibition, highlife

The Miss Akwaaba show is an entertainment
dance, and answering questions on selected

programme organized every academic year by
topics. Miss Benedicta Blankson emerged the
Member overall winner with 16.5%, while Miss Navadis the SRC for the level 100 students to welcome
Mr. Emmanuel S. Gillette Offeiba and Miss Jennifer Mensah obtained them to the college.

16% and 15.5 %to emerge first runner up and

second runner up respectively


Racheal Kulliams Mrs. Kafui Danku Diaba, Dean of Students’

Baaba Derby Affairs and Chairperson for the programme

expressed her appreciation to the contestants

for putting up a good show. She said, “Do not
Photographers be discouraged about what went wrong; keep
Dorcas Manso on pushing forward to achieve your ambitions
Emmanuella Nyarko in life. You have indeed done a good job.” She
stressed that no contestant was a loser.

Miss Ivy Apreku, the SRC Secretary, who gave

the vote of thanks, expressed her gratitude to

the dignitaries, the judges, SRC executives,
and the entire student body for making the
programme a success

Time has been a major subject of In fact, many a student downplays the
religion, philosophy and science, but importance of time management forgetting
defining it in a non-controversial manner the maxims that time is money; time wasted
applicable to all fields of study has can never be regained; time and tide wait for
consistently eluded the greatest scholars. no man and procrastination is a thief of time.
Roughly, time can be defined as the In order to manage our time prudently, there
system of measuring the passing of the is the need to set our priorities right and
days, months and years. It also refers to
manage our time to meet deadlines.
all the years of the past, present and
Similarly, we need to uncover better options.
future. Time, unlike other resources,
This is done through making faster and
cannot be stored or saved for future use,
smart decisions which will help achieve our
thus it is irretrievable. Besides its
set goals. Kelly (2002) maintains that time
irretrievability, time is not
discriminatory. All humans have equal management includes making task lists,
quantity of time irrespective of ethnicity, organising resources and work, setting
religion, race or socio-economic status. It goals, creating and reviewing schedules,
is exact, precise and discrete. From the breaking down large tasks into smaller
above definitions and description of time, pieces, among others.
it becomes very crucial on our part to Crutsinger (1994) adds that setting goals,
delve into how this precious resource prioritising those goals, deciding on how
called time can be managed effectively to much time to allocate to specific tasks,
ensure increased productivity. adjusting plans as they change, revisiting
Time management is a set of principles, the goals and priorities regularly and
practices, skills, tools, and systems observing results are the effective time
working together to help one get more management techniques one can adhere to
value out of one’s time with the aim of for effective results. Relating these to our
improving the quality of one’s life. In situation in the tertiary education set up, as
other words, it refers to the effective and
students, we need to set our goals clearly
efficient use of time in such a way that
and identify our priority areas and work
important objectives are achieved within
seriously on them. We must stop wasting
a certain period of time. This involves
time on non-essential matters that turn to
planning the amount of time we spend on
which activities. In lieu of the several
disrupt our academic attention. We should
benefits of time management, many not put off to tomorrow what we can do
researchers have explained this subject today. We need to plan our own timetable to
and come up with different themes on cover the courses we are offering in order to
effective time management, especially know which time to learn what course.
the one which produces results. Finally, we have to periodically assess the
One major benefit we derive from time use of our time. Regularly, ask yourself if you
management is that it enables us to be have been making effective use of your time
more efficient, effective and productive The consequences of time mismanagement
in all fields of human endeavour. It helps are countless. One cannot lose sight of the
us to plan how to use our time judiciously fact that time mismanagement leads to poor
to increase productivity. By so doing, we results. This means that too much is invested
get rid of waste and our set targets are but too little is achieved. Many examination
usually achieved. Once we manage our failures suffered by students can be
time well, we are spared of unnecessary
attributed to this phenomenon yet many
stress, tension and anxiety. We are able
students seem not to care about this
to work within a normal pace and our
negative impact on their lives. It is not
output is characterised by accuracy,
uncommon to find people who mismanage
precision and quality.
their time face hardship in their future lives.
Contrary to the above, on our side of the
world, many people, especially students, Aside that, since their lives are unplanned
normally waste time unnecessarily in accordingly, they live to grumble with what
many spheres. Some spend close to an they will eat, where they will sleep, what
hour taking their bath. A sizeable number they will wear and above all, what they will
of them cuts classes and roam in town put down for posterity. Many have regretted
oblivious of the end of semester blowing their scarce chance but opportunity,
examinations. More often than not, they say, comes but once. You will never
students keep on postponing academic have time unless you create one for yourself.
work they could have done today to the Time is a resource so manage it well to get
next day and in the end, a backlog of
unfinished assignments awaits them in
the maximum results. The time is now!
"Be yourself, but
an apple pie order. The worst among all
the factors is the usage of mobile phones.
From dawn to dusk, students surf the
make that self
internet, downloading movies and their
favourite songs against downloading
information of academic importance.
exactly what God
wants it to be"
Most of them keep wake to chat their
partners and lovers and the next
morning, they attend lectures just to
sleep. Lecturers talk into the air because
the students are physically present but
--Mother Cornelia
mentally absent and at the end of the
semester, performance of students in the Connelly
examination is often disastrous


BYY : ASANTEWAA MERCY By Lawrence Ewusi-Mensah, Associate Editor

Holy Child College of Education in Takoradi on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, inaugurated its
convocation at the Cornelia Connelly Hall.

Dr. Francis Hull Adams, Acting Principal of the College in his address, spoke about the
importance of Convocation of the life of the College. “The College has moved away from Open
days, Speech and Prize-Giving Days to matriculations and graduation; such programme could
not be conducted without a procession of Convocation, hence the need for the inauguration
of the College’s Convocation.”
Prof. Peter Kojo Grant, of the Department of Classics and Philosophy of the University of Cape
Coast (UCC) and a former Chairman of Convocation of UCC from 2014 to 2019, in his keynote
address, explained the essence of Convocation. Prof. Grant said, “Things would be in
abeyance in the absence of a properly constituted Convocation.” He stressed that the
constitution of Convocation in Colleges is statutory because its establishment, composition,
and functions are spelled out clearly in the Statutes 26-30 of the Colleges of Education Act
2012, Act 847.
Prof. Grant added that the College’s Convocation is made up of the Principal, the Vice-
Principal, and all Senior Staff from both teaching and non-teaching staff. According to him,
Convocation plays a watchdog role in the College and provides an avenue for senior members
to express their opinion on all matters affecting the college.
Asantewaa : Tell us about yourself? He urged the gathering not to underestimate the importance of Convocation, especially,
since it has the power to elect a representative of the staff to serve on the College Council.
Benedicata (BB) : I am Benedicta Blankson . Twenty –
Prof Grant officially inaugurated the Convocation and swore in the members who were
one years of age, a student from the Primary Education present at the function. He entreated members to avail themselves for Convocation
in this noble institution and a proud member of the meetings so that the full relevance of its formation could be realized.
Joachim Hall.
He further advised the Chairman of Convocation not to personalize issues raised at
Asantewaa : What actually motivated you to
Convocation meetings but should see such functions as a medium for reflection and
participate? purgation. He advised that an Advisory Committee be formed to ensure that decisions taken
BB : What motivated me to partake is due to the special at convocation meetings were followed to ensure that the desired result were achieved.
treatment designated for Queens on campus and some Rev. Sr. Joana Duker, Acting College Secretary and Secretary to Convocation expressed her
gratitude to the Guest Speaker for sharing his worth of experience with the staff.
educational benefits which accompany it.
She gave assurance that the College would be guided by the recommendations he had made
Asantewaa : What have you gained for participating? and the provisions made in the College statutes.
BB : Being a participant had made me more confident, Holy Child College of Education, Takoradi is thus the first of the 46 Public Colleges of
polished my expressions and accorded me admiration Education in Ghana to inaugurate its convocation.
The program was enlivened by the College Choir led by Mr. Emmanuel S. Gillette.
from my colleagues.

Asantewaa : How would you use the crown to project

the image of the college?

BB : I can do this by hosting programme on social media

( Facebook, YouTube etc ) showcasing the spirit of

professionalism that the college has equipped in its
Asantewaa :What message do you have for the other
BB : The message I have for them is that , they should not
discourage because the enthusiasm for contesting
makes you a winner .
Asantewaa : What do you think should be maintained or
BB: The good preparations towards the programme
must be always maintained and there should be
proper stage lighting to help get the clear view of the

Asantewaa :What message do you have for the organizers

of the programme?
BB : I appreciate their good work done for making the
event a success and granting us such an opportunity to
be part of the programme. And It is my plead that they
continue to organize such enlightening programmes to
help students advance in their academic achievements,





Holy Child College of Education is a centre of discipline. Students who
The Takoradi branch of the Public Utilities
Regulatory Commission (PURC) on Sunday, March
20, 2022 held an interactive session with students
pass through the College and allow the College to pass through them go
out there in the world of work and excel. No wonder, the products of of Holy Child College of Education, Takoradi at the
the College are excelling everywhere. Many headteachers in basic
schools in Ghana who are Holy Child- trained prefer to have some of College Chapel.
their staff members being products of the College. They know what a Mr. Raphael Nordine, the PRO, who spoke on the
Holy Child trained can do to turn around their institutions. This poses a
challenge to the current teacher trainees of the College. Your recent power outages in the Takoradi Sekondi-
predecessors are being admired all over because they demonstrate and
practice what they were taught in college.
Metropolis, especially the College campus,
attributed the problem to the use of faulty and
This write-up therefore focuses on self-discipline, its impact on the
students and the immediate community in which the student find unapproved gadgets. He said, “These gadgets tend
herself. So what exactly is self discipline and how can it relate to to consume more power in the case of electricity.”
students? Self discipline is not one of the concepts subjected to verbal
confusion. Indeed, it is a process of regulating oneself and making He further explained that some of the outages are
corrections to one’s thoughts and behaviours in order to improve
caused by faulty connection.
oneself. For my dear students in this noble institution, this can mean:
keeping yourself focused and not deviating from routines. Religiously On her part, Ms. Nardia Aryeequaye, the
observing routines, and observing rules and regulations governing the
College is the pith and core of wearing and demonstrating self-
Complaints Officer of the Commission assured
discipline. Self discipline also entails attending lecture regularly and members of the Holy Child community that her
punctually without fail, doing all assignments given by tutors,
discharging your social duties without complaining and without waiting outfit was ready to receive any complaints and
to be prompted. Not getting yourself distracted during lectures or times work at rectifying them. She said, “Our doors are
of study and making sure that you’re on track with deadlines are
attitudes worthy of mention. open to receive your complaints and we don’t
Importance of self discipline to the student
demand money for our services. You can visit our
Power to achieve your goals office at the Market Circle between the hours of
Feeling of being in control of yourself
Helps you stick to your decisions and not lose sight of your goals
7am – 4pm or call the office on 0540-126203.”
Helps you accomplish goals The Government of Ghana established the Public
Self-control and inner strength
Gives you the ability to not give up Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) as a multi-
·How to Be a Disciplined Student in School sectorial regulator in October 1997 under the Public
Feeling of being in control of yourself
Higher rates of goal achievement and success Utilities Regulatory Act, 1997 (Act 538) as part of the
Overcome addictions and procrastination
Feeling more motivation towards your goals
utility sector reform process to regulate the
Higher satisfaction of accomplishments provision of utility services in the electricity and
How to be a disciplined student in HOLICO
As a student, here are some ways to help you attain self discipline: water sectors
Put away your phone or other distractions
Take good notes. Note taking is an academic skill that all students
should have
Update your calendar and review deadlines often
Make your own personal deadlines and be determined to abide by it.
Set up a good study area at home for yourself
Make friends in school, but know when it’s time to socialize and
when it’s time to study
Take up your duties willingly
Always take permission before leaving campus
Respect your colleagues and respect staff
Manage your time well. Prepare a personal time table and stick to it
Attend all social gatherings regularly and punctually
Let your academic work take precedence over other matters
Always prepare well for examinations and comport yourself during
Adopt zero tolerance for examination malpractices

Learn from the following quotations on self discipline

“‎Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else
expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard
master to yourself and be lenient to everybody else.”
(Henry Ward Beecher)
“Self-discipline is often disguised as short-term pain, which often leads
to long-term gains. The mistake many of us make is the need and want
for short-term gains -immediate gratification, which often leads to long-
term pain.”
(Charles F. Glassman)
“It's a lot more than mind over matter. It takes relentless self discipline
to schedule suffering into your day, every day.”
(David Goggins)
“Only those who value self-knowledge over self-satisfaction can achieve
wisdom, only those who value self-perfection over "self-fulfillment" can
retain dignity, and only those who value self-discipline over self-
indulgence can enjoy liberty.”
(Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski)

By: Tracy Baaba Derby, Anastasia Egyan & Gifty

Ampiaa Kwakye

Three level 200 students of
Holy Child College of Anastasia Egyan
Education on Saturday, March 26, 2022, took part
Time is too slow
in a news writing workshop at the St. Kizito Time is too fast
Pastoral and Catechetical Center at Apowa in You can lose yourself
You can lose your mind
Takoradi. But time is powerful,
Time alone persists

The workshop was organized by the Department We gain wealth, we lose wealth
We boost health, we lose health
of Pastoral and Social Communication We lose spirit into spirits, a great loss
(DEPSOCOM), of the Catholic Diocese of Sekondi- But time is eternal
Time alone remains
Takoradi in collaboration with the Department of
Pastoral and Social Communication (DEPSOCOM), Time bestows success
And no man can lock its door
National Catholic Secretariat, Accra. Time destroys and disrupts
No man can restore
Time alone remains
The one-day workshop aimed at training writers
As death passes man away,
from Catholic institutions and parishes in the Birth creates us again
Diocese. Participants were enlightened on the “ Live and toil in pain”, we say
Soon we will pass a day
elements and sources of news, styles of news Time is eternal, it alone remains.

writing for radio and television and print, as well TIME -

as qualities of a good writer and its impact on Gifty Ampiaa Kwakye

society. Time is free, yet costly

Can time be bought?
Gifted by the Creator,
Facilitators of the event were Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Priceless and cannot be manipulated.
Dolphyne, Director, DEPSOCOM, Sekondi- Timely, it comes and goes

Takoradi, Mr. Kojo Koomson, General Manager, Greatly needed by the great and small
With opportunities comes time,
Mining City Radio and Rev. Fr. Dieu-Donne Kofi To be valued and utilized,
Davor, Executive Secretary, DEPSOCOM, National Time comes sooner to one but
Later to another.
Catholic Secretariat, Accra.


The event was graced by Most Rev. John Baptist PROGRAMME HELD AT HOLICOE
Attakruh, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Sekondi- By: Mercy Asantewaa

The Sisters of the Holy Cross Congregation in collaboration with the

Administrative Board of Holy Child College of Education recently held

a programme on awareness and sensitization on the environmental
sanitation at the Cornelia Cornelly Hall.

The programme was in line with Ghana’s sanitation policy of 1999
which covers all aspects of environmental health, including excreta
disposal and solid waste management.

Rev. Sr. Joan Duker, the College Secretary, stated that it has recently

become necessary for every individual to know the impact of
protecting the earth and urged participants to pay attention to the
Rev. Sr. Callister Tetteh emphasized the need to properly dispose
plastic waste in order to promote a hygienic way of life.
She said, “The use of sachet water rubber and plastic waste should be
disposed at their proper place to avoid the phenomenon of
indiscriminate waste disposal to help create a serene environment”.
Rev. Sr. Comfort Arthur addressing the effects of littering stated that
it makes the soil infertile, pollute the environment and sometimes
leads to outbreak of diseases.
She highlighted the importance of recycling as a means of helping to
reduce cost, preventing the pollution of the environment and making
the environment safe for plant growth and human sustenance.
Dr. Francis Hull Adams, Acting Principal of the College, applauded the
Sisters of the Holy Cross for the initiative.
Dr. Adams urged the students to embrace the initiative because of the
benefit of the project to the school and the environment.
The Holy Cross Sisters made a donation of four dustbins to the
The dustbins would be placed at vantage points in the community for
waste collection particularly, sachet water rubber and plastic waste
on every Friday.


Assistant College Secretary, Dean of Academic Affairs, Heads of department Distinguished
TELLING THE HOLY CHILD STORY: OUR Members of Convocation, Parents, Matriculants, Students, Ladies and Gentlemen, I
welcome you all, most heartily, to this brief but very important occasion that marks the
IDENTITY AND MISSION official entry of every student into higher institutions of learning. It is significant because
it is a statutory gathering to formally admit deserving and qualified candidates who are
fortunate to be offered admission into University or College and in this case Holy Child
My heartfelt gratitude to Holy Child College of Education for College of Education Takoradi. By taking the “Matriculation oath” today and writing your
names in the Register of Students, you will become “bona fide members” of the
inviting me as a Special Guest at the Launching of the College’s e- community of Holy Child College of Education, Takoradi.
newsletter, HOLICOE DIGEST. I am also privileged to be associated
with Holy Child College. I served as assistant Chaplain and Chaplain Why should the matriculating students of today count themselves fortunate? This is
because many people applied but not all of them got admission. This year a total of one
of this noble institution from 1988 to 1991. thousand, one hundred and sixty (1,160) people applied for admission to Holy Child
I have been duly informed that, with this newsletter, the College College of Education. Out of that only 318 were taken. The breakdown is as follows: Early
Grade: 84, Primary: 126 JHS: 108. We need to expand our infrastructure facilities in order
seeks to provide her stakeholders updates and information on her to qualify to admit more students. We call on the private sector, Non-Governmental
activities. For the students, it will serve as an avenue to learn Organizations (NGOs). Past students of the College and groups and individuals to come to
the aid of the College to help address our infrastructure deficit.
writing, editing, designing and acquire skills in photography; it is
hoped to aid the students acquire the habit of reading. The College has continued to focus on her pursuit of excellence in teaching, research and
service to society. As stated in the vision and mission statements of the College, Holy
I salute you for conceiving and putting into reality a digital
Child College of Education is a Centre of Excellence. The motto of the College is “Action,
newsletter; you are abreast with time. We are in a digital and Not Words”. Your stay in this College will be a blessing to you because here, authorities
electronic age. For us to be smart, we cannot but catch up with the will not compromise with the standards. This will challenge you to put in your best to
excel at the end of your studies. You need to continually remember that the distance
new wave. Indeed, this e-newsletter we are launching this evening between today’s ceremony and graduation ceremony is not so long and it is important
will serve as the most effective, efficient, affordable, and fastest that the journey ends successfully. For this to happen, you need to be regular in
attendance at lectures, carrying out all your assignments, shunning deviant behaviours
means of ‘Telling the Holy Child Story…’ With this medium of and other vices that can expose you and others to dangers.
communication, you will aptly share and reveal your identity and
Holy Child College of Education has zero tolerance for examination malpractices, any form
mission. It is obvious that Holy Child is a College of Education, a of hooliganism and disdain attitude. I need to further advise you to show respect to your
pacesetter in the training of knowledgeable and dedicated colleagues and lecturers in the College to make your stay fruitful and productive. Be
teachers for basic schools in Ghana. However, it should be a modest and decent in your approach to issues. Be reminded that the oath you have taken
today is to be obedient to the Principal, and all those in authority, and to be of good
teacher training institute with a difference; and the difference is conduct throughout your stay in Holy Child College of Education. Do not just pass through
found in her name. It is Holy Child; it is Catholic, and it is Christian. this College, but allow the College to pass through you, mould and prepare you for the
world of work and social life. Please, be informed that a breach of the oath taken today
Its mission of instilling in her trainees academic and professional will definitely attract appropriate sanctions.
competence aimed at facilitating learning with finesse is
Whilst on campus, make effective use of your time, and take advantage of the conducive
adequately effected by moral discipline and Christian values. This is and congenial teaching and learning environment to unearth your maximum potentials. I
the hallmark of Holy Child College of Education. pray that the Almighty God will watch over all of you, prosper you and make you all a
source of pride to your families, the country and humanity at large.
Holy Child Schools and Colleges were founded by the Congregation
On behalf of the Director General of Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), the
of the Holy Child Sisters upon the vision of the foundress, Mother Academic Board of the College, Management, Staff and Continuing students, I
Cornella Connelly: To create a learning environment based on trust congratulate all the matriculating students and wish you a productive and fruitful stay in
Holy Child College of Education, Takoradi.
and reverence for the dignity and uniqueness of each person. This
vision is at the core of the identity and mission of Holy Child May God bless us all.
Thank you
College of Education, and this makes her unique and special. Every
member of the College, and more especially every student, is

treated as a Holy Child, with respect and honour. And this ‘Holy
Child’ is eventually sent to make more ‘holy children’.
The founding members of this great institution of higher learning
sowed the seed of what Holy Child College would be and embedded
in its identity its mission. They established an institution that
identified itself with the child Jesus, born in Bethlehem and
nurtured in Nazareth by Joseph and Mary. Holy Child was and is the

name of the institution and Holy Child is its identity. We need not
go far to tell the story of her identity and mission. I salute the
composer of the School and College anthem of the Holy Child
institutions. I select some key lines from the anthem to present to
you the identity and mission of Holy Child and our identity and
mission as Stakeholders, administrators, lecturers, workers, and
Thou art
-The key to treasure new and old that turns the toil of every day to
-The crown, the bud which blossomed forth from David’s stem (to)
teach us to love thee poor in Bethlehem
-The king to whom our loyalty is proved by Deeds, Not Words of
Fr. Lemaire in chasuble with Dr.
-The truth, from proud and wise concealed, in swaddling bands to
little ones revealed
Taken from Verse 1-4 of the Anthem
The identity is Holy Child and its mission is what Holy Child gives to
the world through those who train, who are trained and sent. This
story needs to be told by us all; and what an effective means to tell
the story via HOLICOE DIGEST we launch this evening.


Very Rev. Fr. Francis Lemaire

Vicar General, Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi


Mother Cornelia Connelley

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