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Kally Conto


Standard: 2.NBT.8 Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10
or 100 from a given number 100-900.

Learning objective: Given three cups labeled hundreds, tens and ones and adding/ subtracting
10’s and 100’s work sheet, students will be able to use the cups to create a three-digit number by
randomly pulling three cards out of cups and mentally add and subtract from any given number
and record on paper.

Assessment Description: TSW receive three cups. On the three cups they will be labeled
hundreds, tens and ones. The goal of the assessment is for students to create a three-digit number
and add and subtract 10 from the first 4 numbers and add and subtract 100 from the last four
numbers pulled.

Rationale: This assessment aligns with the standard 2.NBT.8 because when students pull the
numbers and are adding and subtracting 10 and 100, they are following the standard by adding
and subtracting from a three-digit number.

Scoring Guide: For the scoring guide while students are working TC will be walking around the
room view what students are doing. TC will take antidotal notes while students work based off
their answers as partners. TC will take notes of what things to need be covered more, where
students’ strengths are and students’weaknesses.
Differentiation: The struggling students were asked to only pull four total numbers for the
assessment. Struggling learners will be assessed on the four numbers they fill out. Struggling
learners will also use base ten manipulatives to complete activity. While the Advanced students
were asked to us dice to create a three-digit number and once done did a challenge problem. For
example, students were asked to create a four-digit number and add and subtract 10 and 100
from the number.


Standard: 2.PS.1: Forces change the motion of an object.

Learning objective: Given magnets TSW identify contact vs. non-contact forces by using
magnets and ball to represent how forces change the motion of objects and fill out observation

Assessment description: Students were asked to participate in experiment. Students first

observed TC use magnets to pull one another without magnets touching, students will take
observations about what they see and if they are non-contact forces or contact forces. TC will
than model pushing a ball across the floor, students will than take observation notes again.

Rationale: This assessment aligns with the standard 2.PS.1 because students are learning about
different types of forces. On this particular assessment students are learning more about push and
pull as well as non-contact and contact forces. By the end of the experiment students will know
that magnetic force is a non-contact force and pushing a ball across the floor is a contact forces
since your hand is making contact with the ball.

Scoring guide: Students were scored based off of their observation sheet. They were scored on if
they were able to identify if a contact or non-contact when experiment was conducted. Their
observation notes were also scored. In their observation notes they were asked to write about
what they see; students were given a three if they went into detail. Last but not least students
were asked to turn the back of the paper and draw what they saw while conducting experiment.
Differentiation: Struggling learners were asked to just draw their observation instead of writing
out their observations during the experiment. They were asked to label or give phrases.

English Language Arts

Standard: W.2.1 Write opinion pieces that introduce the topic or book being written about,
express an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and
also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Learning objective: By completing a writing prompt, TSW write an opinion piece by

identifying the most important rule at school and supporting their response and providing a
concluding statement

Assessment description: After reviewing rules and laws students will be asked to write a
opinion piece about what they feel is the most important rule in school and provide three reasons
why they believe this.

Rationale: This assessment aligns with the standard W.2.1 because in the standard students are
asked to write an opinion piece about a topic and support their reasoning. During assessment
students were reminded to use linking words.

Scoring guide: A rubric was used as a form of a scoring guide for student. For students to get a
smiley face they had to stick to the main topic, provide two reasons and reader can understand
and read all of writing. Students did not receive a smiley if they did not meet these.

Differentiation: For struggling learners, students only needed to meet the second column to get
a smiley face. If they are able to try to stay on topic, provide one reason and reader can
understand most of the writing. Struggling learners also got support while writing such as
Social Studies

Standard: 2.12. rules and laws; There are different rules and laws that govern behavior in
different settings.

Learning objective: By completing a sorting activity on the projector, TSW identify rules and
laws by correctly sorting into corresponding categories.

Assessment description: Students will work together as class to put movable cards into two
categories, rules and laws. For example, a card says “wear your seat belt” students put it into the
law’s category, and I asked them to explain their reasoning.

Rationale: This assessment aligns with the standard 2.12 because the goal of the standard is for
students to know what rules and laws are and to identify when we might see these behaviors.

Scoring guide: Each individual student will be observed during activity where the TC will take
anecdotal notes about each student’s performance and when they are done doing activity, they
were then asked to write down one rule or law they learned today and state if it was a rule or a
law. TC will use checklist and see if students were able to correctly identify a rule/law.

Differentiation: Struggling learners will be helped to write response on exit slip and will be
reminded of what the rules and laws discussed in class were.

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