Whispir FrostSullivan Vonage Reimagining Insurance Whitepaper

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Reimagining Insurance:

The New World of Digital

Customer Engagement
Deliver tangible quick wins for digital
transformation projects

A Frost & Sullivan Whitepaper

In Collaboration with Whispir & Vonage

Personalisation as a path to sustained growth 3

What policyholders expect from their insurance providers 4

Building a mobile-first digital engagement 5

Whispir x Vonage: Delivering personalised Digital CX at scale 7

Rethinking distribution for hyper-growth 10

Delivering quantifiable quick wins in digital transformation 14

Empowering IT to modernise legacy systems 16

Transforming possibility into opportunity 18


Personalisation as a
path to sustained growth
The insurance sector has Apart from compliance and cost-efficiency Without the ability to revitalise fragmented
undergone profound priorities, insurers must recognise the impor- activities and leverage agile digital-first
tance of personalised interactions, integrated platforms that promote seamless customer
changes in the past few
communications, availability, and responsive- interactions and collaboration organisa-
years. Changing ness in building relationships with customers, tion-wide, insurers risk losing the trust and
customer expectations, prospects, agents, and intermediaries. loyalty of policyholders to the competition. To
rising use of online tools achieve sustainable growth, insurers need to
For insurance companies, this new approach prioritise the delivery of unified experiences to
to research, purchase,
poses significant challenges – and opportunity their policyholders through intelligent and
and manage their
– to embrace transformation. Insurers need to integrated digital capabilities to increase the
insurance alongside rethink their current path to attaining superior lifetime value of their customers.
competition from tech customer experiences while addressing the

start-ups and new restraints of legacy systems, a product-fo- While product quality and services are import-
cused distribution model, and tedious admin- ant, it is also about emotional connection and
business models are
istrative and claims processes. They must perceived value. Companies prioritising
increasingly impacting shift from inefficient engagement models to customer experience (CX) delivery generate
the way insurance more personalisation to attract and retain 60% higher profits than their competitors,2
companies operate. customers for sustainable differentiation. and higher success in cross-selling activities
when customers have optimal experiences. A
Research shows that a 2% increase in starting point is understanding policyholder
customer retention has the same effect on the requirements, designing communications and
business as reducing costs by 10%, under- 2
services around these needs, and then
scoring the importance of making every delivering at their convenience. "Close to
interaction count. This is pertinent now more 87% of respondents from insurance
than ever as organisations and customers companies acknowledged that CX offers a
demand greater clarity in communications competitive edge, while 60% consider it a
amid the disruption and uncertainty caused by primary differentiator."3
the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a hyper-connected world, customers have
Reimagining the future for insurance compa- easy access to information, more brand choic-
nies will involve a focus on creating custom- es, a higher likelihood of switching brands,
ised end-to-end customer journeys that reflect and more power to influence future business.
evolving customer needs and preferences. The ability to deliver meaningful experiences
Leading insurance companies are harnessing can be the difference between a struggling
CX is the totality of interactions a client has with a
brand, including each touchpoint with sales and the power of automation, data, and cloud to insurer and a thriving one. "79% of custom-
product teams, customer support areas, outsourcing
partners, its website, and advertising.
develop personalised customer communica- ers revealed that CX was a key determinant
Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy &
2 tions while optimising the multichannel in the choice of insurer, and 67% claimed
Mark Murphy
workflow efficiencies. However, many are still they discontinued patronage due to CX
Digital Trends in the Finance, Banking and
Insurance Industry – Global, Frost & Sullivan, 2019 hampered by siloed legacy systems and issues with their previous provider."4
Asia- Pacific Customer Experience Management
processes, as well as complex distribution
Study – Insurance, Frost & Sullivan, 2017
models as the biggest hurdles to digital trans-

03 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement


What policyholders
expect from their
insurance providers
Insurers have long The key to developing unique positive bias among customers is catering to critical policyholder
struggled with customer expectations at each stage of the customer lifecycle, from initial engagement with a prospect to
signing up, customer support, claims processing, and renewals.
interaction capabilities,
with many not pursuing
engagement beyond the
buying, claims
Opportunities in Managing Critical
processing, and billing Policyholder Expectations
Personalised: Customers want to Productive: Customers expect each interaction to
be treated as unique individuals produce the desired outcome and quickly. More
and expect personalised policies than one-third of customers believe that the
Frost & Sullivan
that reflect their lifestyle, habits, convenience of "getting things done the first
research reveals that and digital/technology footprint, as time" is more important than contact options.4
well as how they interact. 73% of
insurers, like other Convenient:
buyers expect companies to
industry segments, understand their needs and
• Digital
• Mobile
need to excel in expectations at an individual
• Omnichannel
level while 62% want brands to
communications adapt based on their actions and
• Self-service
• Always on
experiences that are: behaviour.5
Customers seek easier
access to their
Proactive: Policyholders insurance providers,
expect their insurer to whether to enquire
proactively anticipate about policies, get a
their needs and add value quote, sign up, onboard,
to the interaction. 85% of make a claim and be
customers will share informed on its status,
relevant information on their preferred
about themselves in interaction platform.
exchange for proactive 71% of customers
customer service.4 Secure: Customers used some form of
treat robust security digital research before
protocols as a standard buying insurance (e.g.,
requirement for doing price comparison or
Predictive: Customers want seamless
business with their social media); 26%
Asia- Pacific Customer Experience Management
experiences irrespective of interaction
Study – Insurance, Frost & Sullivan, 2017 providers. 84% of bought their policies
channel and department. 78% of custom-
State of connected customer research, Salesforce
customers are more online (e.g., web or
Research, 2019 ers expect consistent interactions
loyal to companies mobile device)6
Insurance 2020: The digital prize – Taking customer across departments.4
connection to a new level that have strong
security controls.4

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 04


Building a mobile-first
digital engagement
Becoming mobile-first is Digital tools: The COVID-19 health crisis insurers to deliver consistent communications
front of mind for insurers highlights the broader potential of digitalisa- across various channels with integration of
tion post-pandemic, where remote contact disparate back-office systems. 69% of
in minimising customer
centre, as well as mobile and digital self-ser- customers expect connected experienc-
effort across self-service vices, are expected to remain the de facto es.4
or assisted service communications mode to interact with policy-
interactions. Insurers holders and conduct business. The evolution Self-service: Apart from the convenience of
of mobile messaging interfaces now allows using the web or mobile apps to find informa-
embracing CX-driven
insurers to establish a rich digital communica- tion and resolve issues, policyholders'
digital offerings will be
tion channel quickly. 86% of customers demand for self-service in the current
well-positioned for expect their experience to improve pandemic environment has further accelerat-
success. substantially in the connected digital ed the need for digital. 68% of customers
world. 4
prefer to use self-service channels.4

Omnichannel capability: Customers prefer Always on: Customers expect 24x7 support
to interact with brands using a mix of channels and rapid responses to their queries. 71% of
– email, web, mobile, social media, chat, customers expect businesses to commu-
apps, bots, voice, and video – and expect nicate with them in real-time.4
seamless experiences across all. Integration
of videoconferencing for policy advice and
telehealth services, e.g., appointment, consul-
tation, and photo- or screen-sharing features,
is also critical in the current business climate.
Adopting an omnichannel approach requires

Delivering frictionless and secure end-to-end experiences throughout the purchas-

ing lifecycle, both online and offline, requires insurers to understand policyholders'
needs and engage with them accordingly. However, the reality is much different.
Only less than 2% of insurance companies are highly satisfied with their CX capa-
bilities, over 21% remain dissatisfied while 77% believe CX personalisation capa-
bility is partially available in their organisations,2 suggesting ample opportunity for
Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy &
2 improvement. Harnessing the power of intelligent communications enables insur-
Mark Murphy
ers to capture quick wins while preparing for long-term transformation.
Asia- Pacific Customer Experience Management

Study – Insurance, Frost & Sullivan, 2017

05 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement

Opportunities for Insurers across the
Insurance Buyers’ Journey

01 Awareness, consideration

05 Retain, renewal • Limited product engagement and doubt

about value
• Incomplete product understanding
• Limited or no access to quick, easy • Tendency to put off the purchase to later
self-service time

• Limited flexibility/ lack of empathy,

• Hyper-personalization - analyze,
understand, and predict the individual
• Proactive engagement, follow up for customer’s preferences and offer services
renewals accordingly
• Deliver an automated buying experience • Engage with prospects based on their
• Digital automation of customer policy behavior
• Incentivize customers with online
02 Research, convert

• Low trust in delivery

• Limited rapport with contact person

• Proactively engage with prospect, educate,

and instill confidence through self-service
channel, hand-off to human-assistant as
• Cognitive tools, automation of intensive
time-consuming processes like policy
quotes and servicing results in increased
04 Use services operational efficiencies

• Frustration about delay and lack of

03 Purchase, onboard
• Feeling rejected when application is
turned down
• Need for urgent help • Confusion about product features
• Doubt if the product in the right fit

• Fastens the claims processes by automating

the data collection steps • Proactive engagement (appointment
• Keep customers informed on their claim scheduling reminders, information sharing,
status survey etc.)
• Personalized pricing based on intelligence

• Easy authentication and communication

between prospect and other stake holders

Business leakage drivers
Engagement enhancement drivers

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 06


Whispir x Vonage:
Delivering personalised
Digital CX at scale

Clear communications Whispir, a leading software-as-a-service people to create conversations, engage

can raise the efficacy of (SaaS) communications workflow platform audiences, and streamline key communica-
helps insurers, irrespective of size; cost-effec- tions processes, enabling insurers to:
each stage of the buyer's
tively manage communication flows between
journey. applications and people. For insurers, the Connect: Instantly send compelling and
platform offers an opportunity to create relevant interactions to your audience by
personalised, relevant, and timely multichan- SMS, chat apps, push notifications, email,
nel interactions (e.g., SMS, chat apps, push personalised web app, personalised video
notifications, email, personalised web app, and video chat.
personalised video and video chat), that
deliver high-impact results. Vonage, a global Create: Use simple drag and drop tools to
provider of unified communications, contact create studio-quality content in minutes
centres and programmable communications without the need for designers or develop-
application programming interface (APIs) built ers; create engaging personalised content
flexible cloud platform, augments the Whispir for acquisition marketing, retention/renew-
platform to create agile new ways for insurers al, cross-sell, surveys, agency communica-
to overcome challenges such as lead times tions and more.
with traditional app development,
speed-to-market and secure information Automate: Simplify complex interactions
management. into scenario-based triggers that make
end-to-end solution workflows. Accelerate
Be it for the web, mobile or desktop, the Whis- customer journeys, provide proactive more
pir x Vonage solution is interoperable with seamless experiences, and manage
existing systems and can be integrated quick- business communications.
ly and seamlessly. The ease of implementa-
tion provides insurers with a competitive Report: Understand the target audience
advantage in advancing digital transformation and make data-driven decisions that lift
efforts for greater business agility. The Whispir call-to-action rates and levels of engage-
platform connects devices, systems, and ment with intuitive reporting features.

07 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement

Whispir x Vonage Platform Managing
End-to-End Communications across
the Policyholder Journey

SMS Rich Rich Message WhatsApp Rich Rich Message

Message workflow Message engagement

Targeted Campaign/ Complete Insurance Notification to Select “request

Renewal Notice Application connect a video Call”

Live Video

Rich Message WhatsApp Rich Send Message Rich Message

Workflow Message to Claim with attachment

Customer Status Filling a View Online Insurance

Survey Updates Claim contract Consultation

Whispir leverages Vonage's voice, video, and the attention of prospects, the platform also
messaging to deliver interactive SMS, video, and improves agent experience in areas such as
voice experiences reliably in real-time across the onboarding, services and support, billing and collec-
globe, helping businesses to easily create, deploy, tions, claims processes, and renewals through
and maintain communications applications without personalised communications.
having to build from scratch or requiring software
development or design skills. The platform empow- Onboarding: Provides interactive welcome and
ers insurers to manage end-to-end communications induction packs for new products and services,
at scale, allowing policyholders to interact with their such as contract and payment details on the
providers on their preferred channels, whether by policy.
SMS, voice, email, video communications or social
media messaging, anytime, anywhere, using any Service and support: Reduces manual handling
device. costs by automating and digitising operations,
including payment notifications, premiere custom-
Communications can be quickly customised accord- er relationship management, progress notifica-
ing to evolving requirements, allowing insurers to tions for applications, facilitating Two-Factor
optimise connections with target audiences across Authentication (2FA)/one time passwords, and
the journey. The flexibility is especially advanta- claims management.
geous in allowing insurers to proactively respond to
the needs of customers, prospects, agents, and Billing and collections: Maintains consistent
intermediaries, especially given the impacts of the services with policyholders when dealing with
pandemic on current operating environments. Apart transactional tasks, such as payment dates, late
from keeping policyholders updated and attracting payment reminders, and renewal notices.

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 08

The Whispir x Vonage solution creates immediate value
for insurers as a:

Single platform for all communications True omnichannel engagement

Whispir integrates multiple cross-channel Whispir leverages the Vonage APIs as its
customer engagement capabilities on a main engine to deliver rich communication
unified platform making it easier, convenient, messages securely across different geogra-
and more efficient for insurers to manage phies. Leveraging vast customer data
end-to-end interactions. Its robust, scalable, insights, Whispir can program interactions in
and customisable platform positions it to meet any way imaginable using the communication
the most stringent messaging requirements of APIs. Vonage's Live Video API allows Whispir
insurers. The communications stack is also customers to quickly and easily build interac-
flexible enough to meet the varying needs of tive video experiences to deliver the right
other business units within the organisation. information to the right person at the right time
on their preferred channel, creating truly
customised experiences.

Automating processes for higher efficiency

Integration of automated messaging systems with other customer-facing technologies, including CRM
and billing functions, minimises the need for many time-consuming manual tasks to launch products, as
well as carry out underwriting and claims processes, driving high-value CX. The Workflow function in
Whispir automatically carries out specific actions when certain triggers are activated. By using the visual
Workflow Builder, users can easily design communications workflow and automate interactions with or
without human involvement, allowing them to create products and services more closely aligned to
customer demands.

09 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement

Rethinking distribution
for hyper-growth

While the agent/broker network Improving operational excellence and Enabling phygital for direct-to-cus-
01 02
continues to be the primary channel engagement tomer interactions
channel across the insurance line Enhancing agent value is a critical parameter City lockdowns and social distancing
of business, contributing 60%-90% for insurers. Apart from education and product measures are prompting higher customer
of total sales, insurers now see the information, equipping agents with customer utilisation of direct self-service and online
wider potential of new ecosystem insights (e.g., behavioural analysis, claims aggregator channels, accelerating digitalisa-
partnerships and "phygital", data, risk profile) is essential to forging stron- tion of operations across the insurance sector
direct-to-customer approach in ger policyholder relationships to drive higher to respond to these needs. Increased digital
reinforcing their existing model and renewal rates and more cross-sell and up-sell adoption is also enabling primary insurers to
expanding their reach to new opportunities. Agents and brokers are already deploy the direct-to-customer model, reducing
markets. People buy from those using digital devices such as tablets to access the reliance on intermediaries and using
they trust, whether it is directly and share information with policyholders. self-service digital channels to handle adviso-
from the brand, retailers, agents, or Establishing enhanced communications, ry, transaction, and underwriting functions
brokers. Success will depend on leveraging conversational bot support, live (e.g., claims processing, risk assessments).
how effectively insurers connect, chat, videos, and interactive guides will AI, cloud, and automation technologies allow
communicate, and engage with enhance the experience of intermediaries and insurers to streamline procedures across the
relevant stakeholders by: allow them to be more productive. insurance value chain and leverage insights
from diverse data sources to offer rich
communications and contextual information in
real-time. Adopting a hybrid phygital model
also promotes convenient, low-cost channel
options for lower-value interactions, e.g.,
basic information and transaction capabilities
while freeing up face-to-face agent-policy
holder interactions to drive higher value,
long-term relationships.

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 10

Whispir's intelligent workflow communications platform helps insur-
ers deliver targeted customer insights via personalised videos to
agents and intermediaries. The platform also assists agents and
third-party providers with the digital tools to deliver relevant rich
messages, alerts or promotional offers to specific customers for
better engagement and monetisation opportunities. It also allows
insurers to directly target prospects with personalised rich messag-
es to connect, engage, and convert into subscribers without agent

Creating a digital ecosystem to online experiences, and partnering strategi-

capture whitespace and differentiate cally with online vendors, e.g., social media,
Through digitalisation, insurers can gain a travel, payment, telcos, banking, and
360-degree view of their policyholders and insurtech* players, insurers now have the
offer value-added products and services potential to create channel differentiation and
mapping the full range of their financial and product diversification to tap into new custom-
lifestyle needs. By embedding insurance er bases.
point-of-sale options into customers' other

By leveraging an intelligent communications workflow platform,

insurers can not only bring together various components of the
ecosystem to ensure seamless experiences for all stakeholders, be
it customers, agents, brokers, and partners, it can also connect with
prospects and policyholders using personalised rich messaging to
engage and promote quick purchasing decisions in driving new
sales and renewals. Demand for mobile communications is on the
rise across all insurance distribution channels. Whispir empowers
*Insurtech refers to the use of
technology innovations designed insurers to deliver personalised content for prospects and policy-
to squeeze out savings and
efficiency from the current holders during sales, fulfilment/onboarding, and claims processes
insurance industry model.
that offer tangible, immediate value.

11 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement

Whispir's Intelligent Communications Platform
Delivers Personalised Engagement and CX

1 2 3
Personalized offer Policy summary Successful payment


4 5 6
Video call scheduling with Agent booking confirmation Video call with agent

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 12

7 8
Form signing Payment successful-home


9 10 11
Claim request Claim approval-refer a friend Feedback-thank you page

13 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement


Delivering quantifiable
quick wins in digital
Companies that excel in Insurers recognise that the biggest payoff of Research shows that over 70% of insurers

managing digital digital transformation is shifting from a product take six months to more than a year to move a
focus to customer-facing applications. While digital initiative from idea to implementation,9
some have made progress; the vast majority indicating low success in attaining short-term
capabilities are 26% are yet to make significant inroads into quantifiable gains. Within this context, the
more profitable, generate harnessing the power of digital technology in Whispir intelligent communication platform
9% more revenue from every aspect of their business. Even with the demonstrates significant ability in generating
right intentions, fewer than 30% of companies immediate, tangible business value through
their physical assets, and
succeed in transformation efforts.8 swift deployment in days, often with little or no
achieve 12% higher
intervention required from IT. Below are sever-
market valuation than al use cases insurers can explore for quick
Multiplying the ROI of marketing
their peers. While the
and quantifiable returns:
need for digital Whispir's intelligent workflow communi-
transformation is clear, cations platform helps insurers unlock Migrating customers from paper to
managing, funding, and insights from their CRM data and digital
third-party tools to design and deliver The platform automates many manual,
overseeing such projects
timely, highly-targeted, and distrac- paper-based tasks, e.g., distribution of
for optimal outcomes
tion-free rich messaging that resonate account statements, special offers, and
remains a challenge. well with target audiences, offering compliance information to policyholders.
immediate, tangible value and attracting Whispir helps insurers to quickly transi-
high engagement rate. The effective- tion to paperless communications via
ness of rich messages delivered via sms simple yet rich messaging options. By
is evident from up to 98% open rate, migrating from paper to digital, insurers
maximising customer reach and cost-ef- can streamline complex processes and
ficient scalable communications. increase digital engagement with
Increased engagement translates into customers efficiently. The platform also
more people reading, engaging, allows insurers to continuously track
clicking, and absorbing messages than and measure communications across all
before, achieving a higher return on workspaces in real-time, resulting in
investment (ROI) for insurers. Following better cross-selling opportunities over
this up with intuitive interactions on the other digital channels.
micro-app assists customers in making
a decision, resulting in high conversion
rates. The solution demonstrates great-
MIT Initiative on Digital Economy – Digitally mature
firms are 26% more profitable than their peers er effectiveness than traditional email
McKinsey Blog - Unlocking success in digital prospecting and sales calls, signalling
its considerable potential in capturing
Digital disruption in insurance: Cutting through the
noise, McKinsey Digital, 2017 whitespace market opportunities.

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 14

App for everything to boost customer Automating communications processes
adoption for swift deployment and cost-efficiencies
Insurance is a low-frequency touch journey, The Workflow feature in Whispir allows clients
with low app adoption among the policyholder to design an automated communications
base. Whispir helps insurers to increase the workflow using pre-defined templates and
use of its mobile app by cross-promoting the determine specific actions when certain
tool as part of the communications occurring triggers are activated. The automated
via SMS or email after successful transac- processes can be easily scaled with the click
tions. Personalised messages promoting the of a button according to need and without
app, its features/capability, and promotions human involvement. As the volume of custom-
available only via the app act as an excellent er insights increases, the platform is expected
trigger for policyholders to start using the app. to eventually be able to predict the relevancy
Whispir's platform is also a great option to and efficacy of particular interactions better,
provide an app-like experience for those who helping to reduce the effort and costs of
choose not to install native apps. communications.

How the Whisper x Vonage Solution

Creates Value

Create automated Provide easily-used Harness real-time, Personalise Secured communication /data
workflows drag-and-drop data-driven insights targeted protection with customisable
that enable templates from different experiences at scale permissions and controls,
organisations to that can be used sources to provide to people in the ISO27001 certified to support
engage with people with pre-existing context and build channel they want, at regulatory compliance and
everywhere instantly systems trust the time they want it multi-jurisdiction privacy

Easy to use APIs Global reach - Agile - Future Proof -

to embed verification, fraud connect across clients can keep continues to exceed
detection, automated alerts, voice, 190+ countries only what they need customer expectations
video and customer insights and over 1,600 as they design, test as communication
directly into each interactions networks and scale rapidly evolves

15 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement


Empowering IT to
modernise legacy
Top 5 Challenges Inhibiting CX Delivery Capability2

Two-thirds of global CEOs

position digital transformation 57.5%
at the centre of their corporate 50.0%
strategy.10 When asked about 45.0%
their CX strategy, only 5.1% of 37.5%
insurers rated it as optimised
while the majority (66.7%)
believed it to be in progress.2
Obstacles to realising CX
strategy vary across organisa-
tions based on the operating
environment, size, business, Legacy Complexity integrating Securing Ability to customize Skill shortages
geography, and technology systems multiple technology budget/costs solutions (i.e. on emerging
inflexibility systems effectively technologies)

Extending the Being highly regulated, insurers rely heavily Whispir's scalable SaaS platform delivers
on reliable infrastructure to handle large data quick wins for IT teams by modernising
viability of legacy volumes. Many have grown over decades legacy back-end systems without costly
systems through expansion, as well as mergers and capital expenses. The Whispir solution can
acquisitions, creating new products and enter- draw out the necessary data from existing
ing new markets, adding to the technology infrastructure to effectively visualise and
complexity. Legacy back-office systems execute workflows to deliver clean digital
consume not only substantial budget and experiences tailored for their agents/bro-
resources, but are also inflexible and difficult kers, staff, and customers. The platform
to adapt in a way that supports new digital enables businesses to seamlessly add
initiatives. new functionality and features, extending
the agility of existing back-end systems.
Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy &

Mark Murphy

Top End User Priorities in Digital Transformation,


Global, Frost & Sullivan, 2019

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 16

Mitigating Transformation projects often face resource Whispir's cloud-enabled solution offers a
restraints, be it lack of budget or required skills robust set of communications APIs that
resource internally. As a result, many organisations, enable quick deployment of programmable
constraints including insurers, end up depleting as much experiences without requiring developers
as 60% to 70% of their budget on keep- to have channel-specific expertise. This
ing-the-lights-on activities, 7
leaving little provides companies with the flexibility to
investment for CX innovation. To succeed, deploy channels and features with just a
insurers need to partner with solutions provid- few lines of code without the need for
ers that provide easy to integrate low-code costly maintenance and on-premises
platforms that reduce dependency on costly implementation.
internal resources.

Liberating IT from Lengthy development cycles integrating new Whispir's cross-channel messaging
solutions into existing infrastructure pose a big solutions, layered communication work-
backlogs challenge for insurers, with nearly 62% of IT flows, real-time CX analytics, and market-
teams having a backlog in mobile apps devel- ing automation web apps across the
opment. Partnering with a reliable technolo-
customer lifecycle help insurers transform
gy solutions partner can help bridge legacy customer-facing tasks. The workflow layer
system integration with modern applications provides insurers with the agility to enrich
and extend the platform with plug-in technolo- communications with a prospect, policy-
gies, including tools for authentication, service holder or agent. Communications can be
MIT Initiative on Digital Economy – Digitally mature
firms are 26% more profitable than their peers access, and effective communications. designed easily and quickly using pre-built
The State of Application Development Report: Is IT
templates or visual designer with no need
Ready for Disruption?, 2019
for coding expertise.

Modernising Legacy Systems the

Whispir Way

Whispir integrates An event occurs that Whispir’s platform Whispir’s solution

with existing needs to either automatically or expands
operational communicated manually distributes a communication
databases message to the possibilities and
desired stakeholders enriches engagement
group via the desired via contextualised,
communication repeatable and
channel interactive messaging

17 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement


Transforming possibility
into opportunity
Accelerating digital The innovative functionalities offered by the such as scalability, streamlined workflows,

transformation for a Whispir x Vonage platform allow insurers to and the ability to securely transform customer
integrate and seamlessly manage employee, interactions through data analytics to attain
360-degree view of the
agent/broker, and customer communications business outcomes that organisations are
customer in improving and messaging on a single, scalable platform, unlikely to get from competitors. Insurers can
engagement and with high-impact business outcomes. build personalised mobile or web experiences
operational efficiencies is for policyholders using the pre-built templates.
A key differentiation is the use of APIs that
fast becoming a strategic
extend the communications functionalities
and experiences on existing systems, applica-
tions. This provides businesses with benefits

API as the Building Blocks of

Intelligent Communications
Voice Video
High-quality, scalable, and Live video chat with
flexible voice experiences with face-to-face human
user context and data. interaction.

Messaging Authentication
MMS, SMS, social chat apps Two-factor authentication used
like WhatsApp, Facebook to validate an account and
Messenger, or Viber. prevent fraud.

From simple appointment reminders to solving complex challenges like process automation for
a mobile workforce, the Whispir solution is trusted by a growing number of enterprises from
Fortune 100 companies to SMBs, boasting over 10,000 different uses from customer marketing
to community safety.

Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement 18

Competitive Advantages of Whispir's
Intelligent Communications Platform
Scalable platform with on demand Built on open architecture, easily integrate
capacity with existing IT systems

Fast development with modern tools and

Low code, no code platform

Cost-effective infrastructure and Repeatability (single use: off-the- shelf >

service delivery smart bundles > full enterprise solutions

Reliable communication process Customisable workflows - flexibility of

automation approach, deploy as need evolves

Excellent digital experiences can help insurers win, serve, and retain customers. Whispir's intelli-
gent communications platform is enabling insurance companies to evolve digitally around emerg-
ing channels and create the best communication experiences possible for policyholders, staff, as
well as agents and intermediaries, reaching more prospects across the customer journey.

Benefits of the Whispir x Vonage

Across the Insurance Value Chain
IT Line of business
Policy buyers Modernize legacy system Digital/ omnichannel engagement –
An experience that resonates with Quick access to digital capability Differentiate through CX
Overcome resource constraints Expand distribution
their expectation (Personalised,
Saving costs Improved NPS
proactive, predictive, productive,
Fast value creation for LOBs/ customers Enhance agent experience
convenient and overall secured)
Revenue, market share growth
Higher satisfaction rate

Transforming to be brand Marketing Customer support/ Operations

advocate than passive buyer Hyper-personalisation Enhance efficiency in the end-to-end process
Better click-through Proactive engagement
Affinity to get more service from
Rich engagement Call deflection/ self-help
the same insurer
Improved lead qualification Improved NPS/ loyalty

As CX overtakes price and product as the new competitive battleground, insurers need to focus
on delivering personalised interactions to stay competitive and win in new markets. The scalabili-
ty and flexibility of SaaS platforms and innovative APIs will be critical to how insurers manage
integrated end-to-end intelligent communications with customers, agents, and partners and build
an ecosystem of services. With Whispir's robust and scalable SaaS platform leveraging
Vonage's innovative communication APIs, it is now easier than ever for insurers to reimagine a
future that transcends silos and embraces innovation in meeting customer expectations, deliver-
ing immediate, tangible business results.

19 Reimagining Insurance – The New World of Digital Customer Engagement

About Whispir About Vonage
Whispir is a global scale SaaS company, founded in Vonage is redefining business communications
2001, to provide a communications workflow once again. We're making communications more
platform that automates interactions between flexible, intelligent, and personal, to help enter-
organisations and people. Our products enable prises the world over, stay ahead. We provide
organisations to improve their communications unified communications, contact centres, and
through automated workflows to ensure programmable communications APIs, built on the
stakeholders receive accurate, timely, useful and world's most flexible cloud communications
actionable insights in a manner that is sensitive to platform. True to our roots as a technology
individual contexts and preferences. Our custom- disruptor, our flexible approach helps us to better
ers use Whispir’s software to create interactive, serve the growing collaboration, communications,
multi-party and omnichannel communications and customer experience needs of companies,
from templates, solving simple to complex across all communications channels.
communications workflow tasks. Whispir
operates across three key regions of ANZ, Asia More information www.vonage.com
and North America.

More information www.whispir.com


Frost & Sullivan is a growth partnership company focused on helping our clients achieve transformational growth as they are
impacted by an economic environment dominated by accelerating change, driven by disruptive technologies, mega trends, and new
business models. The research practice conducts monitoring and analyzing technical, economic, mega trends, competitive, customer,
best practices and emerging markets research into one system which supports the entire “growth cycle”, which enables clients to
have a complete picture of their industry, as well as how all other industries are impacted by these factors.
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The contents of these pages are copyright © Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Except with the prior written permission of Frost & Sullivan,
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