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Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot

serve 2 masters Choose who you will serve

Well the genie is out of the bottle now and the

reports are out, but its up to you now to choose
Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot have
both. We are commanded in Isaiah 58:1 to cry aloud
and dont care about your feelings on matters of

WARNING if you cannot understand how serious

this is from this article and are blind to biblical
prophecy then I will refer you to James 1:5 fast and
pray for wisdom in this matter.

But there are more than 3 articles on this site alone

that deal extensivly with various topics but
expecially the Jab Covid19 and Transhumanism also
5G and how they are ALL tied together. The
scripture says after 3 admonishments leave them
alone so this is my 3rd.

These articles take time and research and our time

is short so I pray everyone and I mean from the
small to the great free and bond read and
FB, because they are lying to you and censoring the
real deal. Its the same with CNN, MSNBC and all
other main stream media liars.

Now back to the scriptures and the truth.

The scriptures are clear when it comes to this

matter especially with passages like Revelation 3:15
or Joshua 24:15. You have to make a choice true
israelite no one can make it for you.
1. Transhumanism = The merging of Machine and
man (Yes im not bullshitting via nanobots). This is a
system of control like they TRIED to show you in
bloodshot or Matrix.
Transhuman, or trans-human, is the concept of an
intermediary form between human and posthuman.
In other words, a transhuman is a being that
resembles a human in most respects but who has
powers and abilities beyond those of standard

((In otherwords you will become a god like being

using technology vs the holy Spirit. Both systems
answers to a higher power))

2 Being transformed into an incorruptable power 1

Corinthians 15:38:52. ((This power is unmeasurable
and comes free from Yahawahshi and Yahawah for
those that are faithful unto death))

You cannot have both Choose your master!

Now 1 year ago many Israelites told you the

absolute truth about what was coming via the
Vaxx19 Jab or Nanobot Graphene particles in the
shot but we were viewed as crazy or quacks. Even
when the white man and the social media repated
our truth it was labeled as "Misinformation".

Are we bitter? Absolutely not we are sitting back

watching God be true and every man a liar the Joke
is on YOU all that pushed that poison into your

Ever since we started talking about this Plandemic

(Yea I said it) we have been catching straight hell but
its all glory to the father. When you choose
Transhumanism over Yahawah you are placing lust
over truth. You must understand this is the end
game and this is the last time I reach out on this
matter on this website.

There are even gentiles telling you about the

Nanobot, Transhuman, Covid19 inoculation that is it
not safe but they banned them from speaking out of
Facebook and Youtube.

((Video here))

You cannot serve Yahawah and Man you have to

choose Carnal or Spiritual because 2 temples cannot
exist on the same foundation (Matthew 6:24). Look
im done playing biblical symatics and the warning
was given. Transhumanism Nanotech is part of the
mark of the beast system. If you placed that
graphene robot cocktail in your system you are
FINISHED and will answer to the father very soon
for your disbelief.

To the rest of you Israelites and Heathens world

wide that have some sense the rest of this article is
for you. If you have not taken the Covid19 Jab
Inoculation then you still have a chance. But to be
clear time is running out the test of your faith is
knocking at the door will you stand strong? Speaking
of knocking at your door you do know Biden is trying
to pass a law that allows the military to go door to
door to force Jab you?

Before I continue showing you examples of those

who stood strong against ALL ODDS to follow the
truth I have to quote Yahawahshi for those of you
that lack vision.

Matthew 15:13
For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with
their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and
So that I should heal them.’


Isaiah 6:10
“Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”

We need to go back to understand this reacurring

issue with the Israelites. We are a stiff necked and
hard hearted people and love to do our own thing
and love Idolatry and worshiping of other things.

Examples of Disobedience choosing another God

AKA Transhumanism

Example 1 MOSES WARNED YOU = Exodus 32:26

is clear the israelites earlier in the same chapter were
building another idol like the ones that were in egypt
and worshiping it. Moses told them ALL of you that
stand with the lord come to my side. Now the Levites
at that time repesented the law keepers and teachers.

Now you have already been promised as Israelites

that the world and all that is within was made for
your sakes (2 Esdras 6:54-58). Why would you
choose to make you an idol when you KNOW its

The Transhuman Agenda has been in play for over

20 years. You think Nanobots are in the shot for no
reason? When and if you place that crap in your
body you are choosing another interface and their
mark, so you can what buy groceries?

Your lust to get that shot for fear was so great you
tossed gods laws to the side and sided with the
wicked to make yourself dumb Idols. Like Moses
said all those that have not had their minds poluted
stand with us. The unvaccinated purified soilders of
Yahawah the strong the True Israelite will not be
moved. We believe Moses and the father and the
son, in contrast you that have sold out to the devil
now work for that system.

Elijah warned you about being of 2 minds but are

you listening? Being Double Minded is Death.

Example 2 Elijah and the priest of Mahon or Baal : 1

Kings 18:21 Elijah said plainly to the Israelites and
the priests of Baal. If you believe in God or Yahawah
let HIM be true (Romans 3:3 James 1:8). You cannot
have a double mind.

You KNOW what Revelation 13 is talking about and

you know the word Mark in that verse is Charagma
which means incision under the skin.

TMH power of Israel told you and commanded all

israelites to trust HIM. If your body is the temple of
Yahawah and he lives in you why would you choose
another God? If Yahawah is your power why choose
another? Although we are a small number of
unvaccinated heros of truth we know who we server
and will NEVER bend the trust of the father and trim
our ways to be able to have a Covid19 Pass.

For us that love Yahawahshi this choice is easy and

straight forward but to those who do not study to
show themselves approved its a stumbling block no
matter how many scriptures we bring or how much
crystal clear we make it they that have sold out have
not been chosen to endure (Matthew 13:10). To
those in the light we hear and see but those in
darkness have chosen destruction.

We realize we are outnumbered but so was Gideon

we realize we are not harkened to but no one listened
to Jeremiah. We told you and showed you the
Nanobot, Transhuman, Covid19 plan but just like the
israelites of old a lot of you have tossed it behind
your back.

Eleazar and the Rightous woman and 7 sons they

were also given the choice to conform or die

2 Maccabees Chapter 6 & 7 Strength of Yah over

conformaity of the nations = Most of us know the
term "go along to get along" but is that biblical? Did
not the Israelites get separatated by the most high to
be a holy nation to himself? Did we not have our
OWN laws and commandments for our people? Was
the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy written in
In Leviticus it tells you as an Israelite you cannot
eat certain foods because they are poisonous. Now
today we eat just about anything but that was not
always the case.

As a matter of fact Eleazar and The Woman with

her 7 children left us an example of resisting
conformity and choosing rather to die in
rightousness than to die in sin because they KNEW
defiling their temples was a sin. They were told to eat
pork and live and get gifts and other trinkets but
they said absolitely not.

Some of us took the Jab to keep a job some of us

took it to travel whatever the excuse did they tell you
that the Spike Protien made from the shot not only is
transmitable to others that are not Vaccinated but
also weakens your immune system just like pork?

If you read the bible you would know this basic

truth. Even the book of Barnabas tells you this. The
book of 3rd Maccabees tells you the plight of these 2
heros of Israel a stand against tyranny and
oppresion. They resisted unto death where will you
stand? Did you know that ALL the ingerdients in the
Covid19 Jab are against the commandments?

My family has chosen the Covid Jab but I do not

want it what do I do?

When push comes to shove you have to stand your

ground and tell whoever is trying to persuade you to
take that madness to back off. They have religous
exemptions and other protections you can do. For
some of you it might mean moving out of Mom and
Dads basement. Pray and fast should be the first
thing on your list of things to do. TMH will seal your
instructions while you sleep (Job 33:4).

If it's your job ask them for a way to work remotely

or if you can separate from everyone else so not to
disturb them. If you have not taken the poison yet
their is still hope. Some brothers and sisters have
moved to states that have no manditoty mandates.
Even some have moved to other countries as
Ludachris once put it MOVE GET OUT THE WAY.

Again Christ said in the NT revelation 18:5 get away

from her. That means the system the people who are
a part of that system etc. Find like minded hebrews
that will stand with you (Ecceseasties 4:9).

People are dying from the Transhuman Conversion

via the C-19 Vax inoculation.

This is not Sci-Fi Mumbo Jumbo we are not crazy

even in Spain they got the vials of fresh Vaxx bottles
and what is in them is shocking and they are not
telling you. Did you know people who took the Jab
are Magnetic?

1. People are getting heart attacks

2.People are getting blood clots
3.Metalic objects are sticking to folks
4.Lightbulbs are glowing off injection sites
5. Spike Protien is shedding to other people
6.You are replacing Gods Immune System with a
Synthtic one so any new "Virus" you will need a
new shot.
7. Pilots are dying while flying from brain clots and
other complications.
9.Children are having heart attacks and other
massive heath complications
10. Palsy and paralisis, dementia and other
neruological alliments

They hid these results from you on PURPOSE. But

even more sinister than all of that even more critical
is the Luciferace protien that is in it need I say more?

Us versus Them the Unvaccinated versus the

Vaccinated the division and war has started

In this agenda of transformation to the beast there

are 2 classes emerging the Vaccinated vs the
Unvaccinated. The believers of Yahawah and the
ones who believe in Science and that Esau can do no

We are called to be separate and not to join with

those who choose wickedness. Remember the Devil
and his followers can appear as the angels of light.
Ask yourself why wont your congregation tell you
that Nephelim exist? Why will they not tell you the
real breakdown of Ephesians 6:10-11 and how these
are not flesh and blood enemies we fight?

This fight is nothing new its Esau vs Jacob the

final fight written about in 2 Esdras 6:9, Genesis
25:21-25, Amos 1:11-12. You have to ask yourself a
question if all of what the Israelites have been saying
was a why silence them? Hell even Gentiles that are
cleaving to Israel are seeing the Nanobot
Transhuman Agenda and are speaking out.
We are being divided into 2 teams for 1 final war for
all the marbles and all the chips. They are trying to
change you into Techno Gods when the scripture
says that you are already GODS (Psalms 82:5) so
what is the devil offering that you do not already

1. We are already promised the world

2. We are already promised eternal life and
3. We are promised Eternal power the acts of Christ
we will do even greater.
4. We are joint heirs with the Messiah with an
eternal covenant.
5. Every place we set our foot on this planet or other
ones belongs to us.
6 The blessings in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 are already
locked in stone for us.
7. The kingdom shall be returned to us never to be
taken again.
shot you are trading everything Yahawah has
promised you for a bowl of soup that will perish.
Esau is trying to get his birthright back. If you have
eyes to see and ears to hear.

((So what can the devil offer you that you do not own

Luke 4:4 Christ is tempted as we have been this day,

If you have eyes to see everything the devil tried to
give Yahawahshi he outright rejected. He was trying
to recruit him to his team while he was weak.

Now Manditory Lockdowns and Vaccines are

coming they will use their political power and
influance to try to pass laws to get you Jabbed and
working for Satan. Your Vmat2 Gene will be
destroyed you will be marked and when Yahawahshi
cracks those skies their will be weaping and
gnashing of teeth.

Does ANYONE know what a Lipid Nano Particle is?

How about mRNA? Does anyone understand what a
Spike Protien is or how it will destroy you immune
system? This is not fear its truth why would you
place that shit in you unless the father has rejected

What would you trade for your eternal soul? Well

you might say my friend/family member got the shot
but they are OK.

The bible says NEVER trust your enemies (Sirach

12:10) what your friend is not telling you is that they
got a placebo shot or a saline. When they go back for
one of the real shot out of the batch that has the
Graphene in it then you will see what we have been

In Matthew 10:37 Christ warns us that he was going

to place family member against family member to
CAUSE division. Now I see one method he is trying
to see who is really about that life. He is willing to
place his children through the fire as he was tested
with the Devil.

Alot of us with our mouths profess we will do such

and such for the faith but now the angels and the
righteous one is watching closely. In my previous
article I taught you about the Sorcerers in Revelation
21:8 that word is Pharmakia or workers of Poison
(See Graphene Nano Particles) and its in the major
FFS if you believe in the Messiah you at least need
to look this stuff up go to Bitchute and see what they
have been hiding from youtube and why.

In closing I will leave you with some videos they

have tried to scrub from the internet. Good thing the
door of salvation is still open and Yahawahshi is
coming. Will you resist unto death or take the deal
Esau took. No more games no more Christanity Lies
pushing this poison.

They are Vaccinating, Inoculating Chidren without

parents consent when they have a 99.99 chance of
totaly resisting Covid. People are dying from the shot
those who got the double Jab. Choose
Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2
masters Choose who you will serve!

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