Jim Hightower - 8 Years of Bush-Cheney

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4 Hightower Lowdown April 2008

those places. What is it? Mazzocchi barnstormed Schultz, the founder and
The 8 (./%2(!25(%-)2:1!++
NAME THAT DRUG! Well, you and I have a across America, helping
THE DIMMING STAR former CEO of Starbucks! 1%%,%!1!120!2%')#
What does the word legal right to know in detail grassroots coalitions pass OF STARBUCKS Shortly after delivering his 2()-*%0!-$2(!2:,!"+%
“Prozac” say to you? Or what kind and how much dozens of local right-to- About a year ago, a sting- critique, Schultz returned 2.12!6&.#31%$.-!
“Viagra”? Yes, they’re toxic stuff these places are know laws and then the ing message was delivered to the helm, promising to 120!2%'62(!25)+++%!4%
brand names for widely releasing into our air, water, federal legislation. to the corporate honchos restore the “customer "%()-$/%!#%!-$(./%9
used prescription drugs, and soil. The national However, in 2001, George of Starbucks, the mega- experience.” 7   !,/!+.0)$!
but how did these meds Right-To-Know Program, W happened, and he’s chain of costly coffees. It’s not going well. He’s
get those names? passed in 1984, provides been doing his damned- The writer decried the gotten rid of the warmed- Edited by Jim Hightower and Phillip Frazer  Vol. 10 No.4  April 2008
Believe it or not, there is that data on air-borne tox- est to undo Tony’s work. “commoditization of the up egg sandwiches, whose
a naming industry—con- ins be made public. At the behest of corporate Starbucks experience,” smell overpowered the

What 8 years of BushCheney have

sulting firms that special- It was not Congress— executives who hate bemoaning the fact that heady aroma of coffee, but
ize in the art, science, and and certainly not the pol- the pesky public, W’s outlets “no longer have the push-button espresso
voodoo of coming up with luting corporations—that regulators have exempted the soul of the past and and inadequately trained
monikers that subliminally created this essential pub- some 3,500 toxic spew- [instead] reflect a chain staff remain. In the year

done to our economy

make consumers feel pos- lic tool. Rather, the spark- ers from the Right-To- of stores vs. the warm since Schultz’s return,
itive about drugs. plug was a guy named Know law. feeling of a neighbor- Starbucks’ stock price
Sound hokey? You be the Tony Mazzocchi, a wiry, Congress or a new pres- hood store.” He’s right, has fallen 40 percent as
judge. The consultants savvy, spirited labor leader ident must reverse W’s of course. You go into a customers have continued
(who get paid up to (one of the best ever) who monkeywrenching, and Starbucks these days, to return to locally owned
$500,000 per drug name) coined the phrase, “right- if they need inspiration and the barista who used coffee houses.

insist that letters are to-know.” Around 1970, they should read Les to make your cup is operat- What irony that
imbued with psychological ARRY TRUMAN SAID, “No man should be allowed to be president
Tony was getting hundreds Leopold’s new book, ing an automatic push- Starbucks yearns for
meaning. P,T, and K, they of complaints from chemi- The Man Who Loved button coffee machine. the image of the cool, who doesn’t understand hogs.” That’s never been more true than it
claim, convey effective- cal workers about plants Labor and Hated Work : The interesting thing independent hangouts will be for the man or woman who walks into the White House on
ness. Z is speed, X is sci- that were shrouded in The Life and Times of about the guy who wrote that Schultz spent the last
entific, and L is calming. what the corporate bosses Tony Mazzocchi (Chelsea to the honchos is that he is 20 years trying to drive out January 20, 2009.
The honcho of dismissively called “dust.” Publishing, Nov. 2007). none other than Howard of business. If you’ve ever entered an enclosed, industrialized hog facility replacement of military hardware, and the value of things we could
Namebase, the branding where hundreds of fattening porcines live out their short lives, you have produced (but didn’t) with that money over the past seven years.

firm that worked with Eli
know that the smell of pig excrement completely redefines “stink.”
I want to receive a full year of The Hightower Lowdown — BUSHITES HAVE FINISHED OFF the deregulation of banking that

Lilly to name the antide- This stench will knock you to your knees, sear your lungs and brain,
pressant Prozac, loves the 12 issues in all—for an unbelievably ridiculous, low, low price. began in earnest during Bill Clinton’s presidency. This ideolo-
and make you scream for mercy. For nearly eight years, the White
impact of just the first syl-  Send me one year of The Hightower Lowdown for just $15.  Jim Hightower, Phillip Frazer House has been a confined hog pen for corporate porkers, right-wing gical madness has caused the collapse of investment funds,
lable. “Pro,” he explained (Seniors & students—$12.)   Laura Ehrlich   John Ernst
ideologues, imperialists, autocrats, and other swinish mess-makers. banks, and the stock value of corporations that depend on
 Gwenda Blair  Matt Wuerker
to an AP reporter, “makes  Send me two years of the Lowdown for $27.   Sahu Barron    Deanna Zandt America’s next president must not only set a new direction but them (which is to say most of Wall Street and much of the financial
the speaker pucker up and (Seniors & students—$22.)   Phillip Frazer
will also have to clean up the mess and eradicate the stink left by world), as well as a steep decline in the value of most homes in
The Hightower Lowdown !!   -537&/-5,)( America and a sharp rise in the
push out a burst of air, To give a gift of the Lowdown, enter the recipient’s name and address 0216,/; &; 7&/-' 16)//-+)1') 1'   !276, 1( 8) the Bushites.
cost of living in them.
which grabs attention and below and include your name and address on a separate sheet.   )9 $24. $   <  -1 6,) #1-6)( !6%6)5 To help presidential contenders, congressional candidates and the
)4-2(-'%/53256%+)3%-(%6)9$24.$ !7&5'4-36-215
implies effectiveness.”  ;)%4    ;)%45    (( 
;)%4 *24 ):-'2 24 rest of us get perspective on the odiferous legacy of the Bush-
NAME %1%(%%((
;)%4*2428)45)%5%-40%-/ %'.-557)5
Hmmm. Would that burst 32563%-( //299)).5*244)')-362**-456-557)%1(*24
Cheney regime, the Lowdown is presenting a two-part factual
of positiveness also apply %//57&5'4-36-2164%15%'6-215 !"!" !)1(%((4)55 accounting of the administration’s achievements since
to “profane,” “profligate,” CITY STATE ',%1+)5 62 The Hightower Lowdown    2:  2001. This issue will feature Bush’s domestic per-
or “promiscuous”? ZIP formance, and the May issue will highlight his
Moving? Missed an issue? %//27457&5'4-36-21*2/.562//
How about “Viagra”? Mail this coupon with your payment to: *4))%6   2494-6)lowdown@pipeline.com international agenda. Hold your nose—and
!)1( 75 *%1 0%-/ 24 ,%6) 0%-/ %6    2:  )9
Anthony Shore, who is The Hightower Lowdown, P.O. Box 20596, New York, NY 10011 04/08 $24.$ 24editors@hightowerlowdown.org. get out your scrubbers.
“global director of nam- 4-16)(9-6, 71-21/%&2421 4)';'/)(3%3)4
ing” for another branding The 3 biggest hits to the

firm, says that “Viagra” is
You can comment on stories in the Lowdown on the new and improved website
all about power, causing Moving? Missed an issue? BUSH’S TAX CUTS
gullible consumers to ()'(2.5%0+.5$.5-.0' /)%5)'%//2494-6)75%6
The Hightower Lowdown
for the rich have
associate the product with  
'  reduced annual
Niagara Falls. & "  tax revenue avail-
 & & !! 
The word that comes to %#""#($ "
able for public needs by
mind when I hear this is %"   $300 billion each year.

artifice, humbuggery, and   /0)+
a deep sense of being had.
WHAT 8 YEARS OF Afghanistan and
RIGHT-TO-KNOW TO OUR ECONOMY $700 billion, according to
If you live near any kind New York, NY  $$ "% the Congressional Research
of factory, chemical plant, $$  &
Postage Paid at
New York, NY 10011
or similar facility, you #$" $"%#
P.O. Box 20596
The Hightower Lowdown That’s about $400 million a day. Nobel Prize-
might have noticed curi- winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says the tab is well
ous smells emanating from over $2 trillion when you add rehabilitation for injured vets,

197941M_11X17LD 1 4/3/08 4:33:03 PM

2 Hightower Lowdown April 2008 April 2008 Hightower Lowdown 3

U.S. national debt

$5.7 trillion
* Of which China holds IOUs worth $390 billion

$9.2 trillion*
BUSH SAYS: “In the long run, Americans can be confident about
Median pre-tax
THEN 2008
 ’  %
BUSH SAYS: “We have increased funding
$49,158 $48,201 for veterans by more than 95 percent.”
Real GDP growth over our economic growth.” household income
(State of the Union speech 2008)
prior 8 years 4.09% 2.65%
(State of the Union speech 2008) HOW THE CORPORATIONS  decrease for African American households
under Bush $2,766
U.S. trade deficit per year $380 billion $759 billion
THE FACTS SAY: While the overall
GET BY 2001 THEN 2008
 decrease for Asian American households $1,381
Cost of imported consumer Corporate profits before tax $719.2 billion $1,769.5 billion In 2004 nearly 1.8 million veterans were unin-
goods $1,147 billion $1,954 billion economy has grown, the wages  decrease for Hispanic households $1,043
Corporate profits after tax $503.8 billion $1,351.9 billion* sured and unable to get care in veterans’ facilities. An additional 3.8 million members of
Value of consumer goods of the average worker have not decrease for white households $745
imported from China $102.3 billion $322 billion Pharmaceutical company $30 billion $80 billion

their households were also uninsured and ineligible for VA care. No new study has been
even kept up with inflation. profits WORKING:
(in 2007 China became #1 source of U.S. imported consumer goods) (top 9) (top12)** done since 2004 but things have only gotten worse.
Meanwhile, nearly five million Salary of full-time minimum-wage earner in 2007 $12,168
Cost of one euro $1.01 $1.45 *Standard & Poor’s 500 top corporations’ profits more than doubled in the
more Americans have fallen period 2001-2005 and reached 8.6% of Gross Domestic Product in 2006–the Increase in productivity of American workers HEALTHCARE
Cost of one ounce of gold $319 $892

into poverty since 2001.
highest percentage of GDP on record. under Bush
+ $236 billion - $354 billion **Drug-companies’ profits continue to be around 18.5% of their sales income,
U.S. budget surplus/deficit Increase in real earnings of American workers CONSERVATISM 2001 2008
versus 3.1%for other top-500 companies.
"   #
under Bush 9%
Americans without
17.3 million 14.2 million
HOW THE RICH Total # manufacturing jobs
THE WORLD HEALTH health insurance 38.4 million 46.9 million
GET BY 2001 THEN 2008
Avg new jobs per year in
prior 8 years 1.76 million 369,000 ORGANIZATION ranks U.S. Children without health insurance 8.7 million
Net worth of the wealthiest 1% $186 billion $816 billion health care 37th in the  African American households uninsured 20.5%
National unemployment rate 3.5% 5%
Number of billionaires 186 415  Asian American households uninsured 15.5%
Number unemployed Americans 5.6 million 7.7 million world, behind France (1),
Their combined wealth $816 billion $3.5 trillion  Hispanic households uninsured 34.1%
Number including discouraged Singapore (6), Japan (10),
Average salary of top 500 corp CEOs in 2007 $15.2 million or underemployed 9.9 million 13.5 million  White households uninsured 10.8%
In 2006, buyout mogul Henry Kravis paid himself $51,400…an hour. United Kingdom (18),
LIVING: Cost of family health insurance
Bush tax cuts to the top 1% 2001-2007 $546 billion Americans living in poverty 31.6 million 36.5 million Colombia (22), and per year $6,230 $12,106
Americans going hungry
Costa Rica (36). Cost of family health insurance

according to the USDA 31 million 38.2 million per month $519 $1,009
Of six nations studied
Cost of a gallon of milk $3 $3.79 FOOD SAFETY:
by the New York-based Number of shipments of
WHILE MILITARY SPENDING has grown 7.5% since Bush took Cost of a loaf of bread $.98 $1.32 4.5 million 9 million
Commonwealth Fund— agricultural imports
office, spending on almost all domestic discretionary pro- Rent of 2-bedroom home
grams has been cut. “Discretionary” means that Congress in Los Angeles (per month) $1,658 $2,229 Australia, Canada, Number of U.S. FDA inspectors
of imports 3,500 3,488

  !    $  and the administration can decide, year by year, how much
each program deserves. Under BushCheney, that means less
Rent of 1-bedroom home
in Boston (per month) $1,453 $2,000
Germany, New Zealand, the
United Kingdom, and the
Percentage of imported food inspected by FDA 1.3%

THE TOP 1% include many more Wall of anything that serves the common good, like (in order Total consumer credit debt $7.65 trillion $12.8 trillion United States—
of size) education, highways and other ground transporta- +2.3% -0.5%
Street financiers than CEOs. The 25 tion, housing assistance, biomedical research, federal law
Personal savings rate the U.S. ranks last.
highest-paid hedge-fund managers are enforcement, public-health services, regulation of air traffic, Increase in number of home foreclosures from 2006 68%
and space flight. EDUCATION
earning more than the CEOs of the largest 500 Households currently at high risk of foreclosure 2 million
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has
Households paying more than half their income
companies combined. Several of these fund tracked federal spending over the course of BushCheney’s for housing 13 million LEFT BEHIND 2001
THEN 2008

reign of error and concludes that almost all of these pro-
managers are taking home more than a grams have shrunk when measured in relation to the growth
Households unable to afford even the lowest- Average cost per year at a
priced home rentals in the U.S. 2.8 million public four-year college $8,400 $13,000
billion dollars a year. And guess what? of the economy as a whole. The Center reports that outlays to Average cost per year at a private BUSH SAYS: “We reaffirm
mandated federal programs—Social Security, Medicare and four-year college $22,000 $29,000 our pledge to help them
Democratic party campaigns get twice as much in contributions
from hedge-fund types as do Republicans!
Medicaid—have declined 2.4%, while discretionary pro-
grams have been cut by 3.7%.
!’  ! 
…deals with the housing crisis by proposing to:
Average debt shouldered by
college graduates $12,000 $21,000
build stronger and better
than before.”


BUSH SAYS: “a new $300 million program called Pell Grants for Kids
 Cut the number of housing vouchers that help very poor

people pay their rent by 100,000.

 Cut the budget for housing for poor elderly people by 27%.
Gap between the maximum federal Pell
Grant and the cost of a 4-year
degree in a public school $5,282 $8,746
(State of the Union speech 2008)
BUSHCHENEY: [will] help liberate poor children trapped in failing public schools.”  Cut the budget for housing for people with disabilities by 32%. “Almost 40% of the people
THEN 2008
 Cut the fund for repair and maintenance of public housing displaced from New Orleans
Average price of a gallon of Bush’s Pell Grants for Kids is a plan to shift government funding from by 17% and eliminate funding to repair public housing by Hurricane Katrina [lived]
home-heating oil $1.40 $3.39 public schools to private schools, mostly Christian schools. THE NATIONAL damaged by natural disasters. below the poverty line last year,”
Average price of a gallon of gas $1.47 $3.14 CENTER FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS (NCES) says: the average adjusted school mean for  Cut the lead-hazard reduction funds by 20%. and “nearly a third of those who
Portion of our liquid fuels Conservative Christian schools “in reading was not significantly different from that of public  Cut the block grants to cities and states for housing and fled the hurricane could not find
* Most figures are derived from U.S. government statistics. An excellent
imported 52.75% 60.38% schools. In mathematics, the average adjusted school mean for Conservative Christian schools community-development programs by 18%. fact-and-figure overview is at ourfuture.org (Campaign for America’s jobs last year, and thousands
ExxonMobil profits $7.9 billion $36.1 billion was significantly lower than that of public schools.”  Cut low-income energy assistance by 20%. Future). For more sources, go to www.hightowerlowdown.org. more [had given up] trying.”

197941M_11X17LD 2 4/3/08 4:33:14 PM

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