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Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the basics”


Actividad 4

Gestión Logística
Ficha: 2348693

Juan Camilo Medina Muñoz
Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the basics”

The author wants to express the importance of the means and modes of transport
according to the characteristics of the product to be able to bring the customer in
optimal conditions taking into account the time factor and that the product arrives in
optimal conditions. Another aspect that must be taken into account are the
characteristics of the product as perishable, if they are dangerous substances, if
the merchandise is valuable or expensive, the amount of product that is required to
be shipped, what will be the means of transport to use according to the product.
This will also depend on the conditions that have been agreed with the client, it is
also important to take into account to ensure the merchandise and be clear when
negotiating what will be the responsibility that the supplier and the client will assume.
The modes of transport are the road: it is characterized by its flexibility, however, it
is not friendly with the environment, since today companies want to hire a company
interested in aspects such as

environment, since its policies are aimed at preserving the environment, in many
cases it is a promise of sale that differentiates it from the competition.

The railroad, in comparison with the highway, is usually inflexible and expensive. It
is recommended when it is used for long trips in which what is transported goes from
the point of origin to the destination or in which it is not necessary to use another
mode of transport. This is the transport of coal or also for dangerous products.
However, there are countries in which this modality shows relevance and great
importance in the transport of goods due to low costs. Air is one of the fastest to
travel long distances, but more expensive because it involves the payment of tariffs,
and generally you have to pay taxes, in addition to the merchandise being measured
per kg

Maritime or river: compared to air transport, it is usually much cheaper, although it

has its limitations such as the availability of ports, but it is very convenient for the
transport of grain, solid merchandise and containers, machinery, vehicles. used to
make the shipment will depend on the characteristics of the product and the
conditions that have been negotiated to choose the means of transport and delivery
Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the basics”


1. Aereo
2. Maritimo
3. Terrestre
4. Entregas
5. Producto
6. Impuestos
7. Mercancia
8. Empresa
9. Proveedor
10. Aranceles
11. Cantidades
12. Clientes
13. Distribuccion
14. Muelles
15. Ambiente
16. Competencia
17. Puerto
18. Tiempos
19. Fluvial
20. Recargos.

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