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Should Spanish be Banned in the English Language Classroom?

Darian J. Pineda

Foreign Languages Program, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

English Workshop V

Mr. Zapata

August 13, 2021

Should Spanish be Banned in the English Language Classroom?

English has become the universal language being the most widely spoken idiom in
the world. For this reason, thousands of people decide to study English as a second
language because having a good knowledge and understanding of English will only bring
you advantages both personally and professionally. ( 2021) The importance
of practice the second language in the classroom is that the acquisition of it requires
significant interaction in the target language in which the learner focuses on communicating
and expressing himself as naturally as possible. No matter how much vocabulary, concepts
or grammar students learned, if they are not put into practice at the same time as they learn
them, the most certain thing is that the learning falls on deaf ears. (blog de eduacion y TIC
2019) To practice the second language in the classroom is very important because students
locate errors in the moment, both lexical and grammatical, and in both oral and written
production and improve your fluency and pronunciation (El blog de eduacion y TIC 2019).

There are many reasons why teachers want to stablish the rule of only speak English
on the classroom, if students are not speaking English, they are not practicing the
vocabulary, academic language and grammatical structures that they need to learn.
Teachers should think strategically about the purpose of a given activity or lesson. The
development of academic language and vocabulary should be a priority in every classroom
(Use of native language in the English classroom, 2021). The student is the beneficiary in
this practice because due to the efforts of the teacher they learn to Assimilate and acquire
foreign language expressions, be aware of their own learning, Developing increasingly
complex structures in the language.
There are several practices and strategies that can help students to improve their L2,
these exercises prepared the student and he can be better day by day between these are:
Summarizing what they just read, heard or learned, discussing background knowledge and
experiences, brainstorming and quick-writes: (Use of native language in the English
classroom, 2021). In addition, another important practice in learning another language is
think in English and not in our native language, Studies have shown that thinking about
things in a foreign language makes your decisions better and more rational. Better decision-
making is not the only benefit of thinking in English, though. When you think in English,
you learn the language faster and have an easier time speaking out loud. If you’re
“speaking” English in your mind, it’s easier to speak it with your mouth. Additionally,
thinking in English is an excellent way to build your vocabulary with words you actually
use. (Geikhman, 2021)

Only speaking and practicing English improve our fluency because it will help you
to speak with native speakers without any concern, is time to put into practice what has
been learned since you were studying this language, you will feel safe from yourself of
what will come out of your mouth once you start to speak with them (English Live 2019).
Just in this way you will have a better command of the language because the experience
you gain from practicing with native speakers is the best exercise you can do, also you can
access to authentic English and They have a better command of vocabulary and
expressions. You must learn this language in the right way to unfold better when we go to
practice to real life
To conclude, speak English in the classroom give us many benefits, , we will be
better professionals and we will teach our future students the correct pronunciation of the
words, we will have better opportunities, you can study abroad and opens many roads for us
to join in the field of work in the future. It will support our knowledge in learning and we
will speak well, the benefit of speaking English also depends on the goals you pursue when
learning English. Every student has a dream they want to fulfill speaking English. Try your
best to make every day better in your language of learning

Herrmann Erick (2021, 1 enero) Help or hindrance? Use of native language in the English
classroom. MultiBriefs.

Geikhman, Y. (2021, 22 enero). How to Think in English in 6 Simple Steps. FluentU


Gómez Lorenzo Paula (2019, 13 mayo). ¿Por qué es tan importante hablar inglés en la clase
de inglés? El Blog de Educación y TIC. (2021, 1 enero). ¿Por qué estudiar inglés? Razones para aprender inglés |
Sprachcaffe. 2021.

British Council (2020, 3 noviembre). Uno a uno, te contamos los beneficios de hablar
inglés British Council.

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