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Circle the number of the correct answer (ONLY ONE ANSWER) of the following:

1. Significant relaxation of smooth muscle of both venules and arterioles is produced by which of the
following drugs?
A. Hydralazine D. Sodium nitroprusside
B. Minoxidil E. Nifedipine
C. Diazoxide
2. ACE inhibitors are associated with a high incidence of which of the following adverse reactions?
A. Hepatitis D. Proteinuria
B. Hypokalemia E. Hirsutism
C. Agranulocytosis
3. In a hypertensive patient who is taking insulin to treat diabetes, which of the following drugs is to be
used with extra caution and advice to the patient?
A. Hydralazine D. Propranolol
B. Prazosin E. Methyldopa
C. Guanethidine
4. Selective β-1 blockers are preferred over nonselective beta blockers in some patients because they
A. cause less cardiodepression D. are more effective as an
B. are less likely to cause antiarrhythmics
bronchoconstriction E. have greater prophylactic value post-
C. are more effective for migraine MI
5. Enhancement of the effects of bradykinin is most likely to occur with drugs like
A. Clonidine D. Losartan
B. Diazoxide E. propranolol
C. Lisinopril
6. All of the following about calcium antagonists are true except?
A. they decrease peripheral vascular resistance
B. they increase coronary blood flow
C. they decrease cardiac afterload
D. they decrease serum calcium concentration
E. they may cause hypotension.
7. A 69-year-old male with essential hypertension develops severe constipation following treatment
A. Captopril C. Dobutamine
B. Verapamil D. Nitroglycerin
8. A 45-year-old man has recently been diagnosed with hypertension and started on monotherapy
designed to reduce peripheral resistance and prevent NaCl and water retention. He has developed a
persistent cough. Which of the following drugs would have the same benefits but would not cause
A. Losartan. C. Prazosin.
B. Nifedipine. D. Propranolol
9. .Metoprolol is a drug that can be used to treatment hypertension because it blocks the activity of
A. β1- adrenergic receptors C. α1& β1 adrenergic receptors
B. α1- adrenergic receptors D. β2 - adrenergic receptors
10. Which one of the following drugs has great selectivity for α1A subtype?
A. Prazosin C. Phenoxybenzamine
B. Tamsulosin D. Phentolamine
11. Which of the following beta receptor antagonists is preferable in patients with asthma, DM or PVD?
A. Propranolol C. Nadolol
B. Metoprolol D. Timolol

12. β -blocker-induced adverse effects include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Bronchoconstriction
B. Depression of myocardial contractility and excitability
C. Supersensitivity of beta-receptors associated with rapid withdrawal of drugs
D. Hyperglycemia
13. All of the following drugs are used topically in the treatment of chronic wide-angle glaucoma. Which
of these agents reduces intraocular pressure by decreasing the formation of the aqueous humor?
A. Timolol C. Pilocarpine
B. Echothiophate D. Physostigmine
14. A predictably dangerous side effect of nadolol that constitutes a contraindication to its clinical use in
susceptible patients is the induction of
A. Hypertension C. Asthmatic attacks
B. Cardiac arrhythmia D. Respiratory depression
15. Which of the following agents might mask the hypoglycemia in treated diabetics?
C. A β-adrenergic agonist A. An α-adrenergic agonist
D. A β-adrenergic antagonist B. An α-adrenergic antagonist
16. Which of the following drugs causes bronchodilation without significant cardiac stimulation?
A. Isoprenaline C. Xylometazoline
B. Terbutaline D. Methoxamine
17. The following drug effects have been correctly paired with the named drug except
A. Hydralazine – drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
B. Minoxidil – hirsutism
C. Captopril – first-dose hypotension
D. Atenolol – tremor
E. Candesartan – cough
18. Which one of the following antihypertensive drugs is ACE inhibitor?
A. Lisinopril D. Prazosin
B. Methyldopa E. Clonidine
C. Propranolol
19. Which of the following drugs blocks alpha-1 adrenergic receptors and used in the treatment
A. Prazosin C. Enalapril
B. Clonidine D. Nifedipine
20. All the following statements for sodium nitroprusside are correct except
A. Is administered by intravenous infusion
B. Prolonged administration can lead to cyanide poisoning
C. Has a half-life of about one week
D. Reduces cardiac pre-load and afterload

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