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English is very important in the time in which we live since it allows us to communicate with
people from another country since English is one of the languages that many people must know by
default. English is also the language of business which makes it more essential as it shows that
cross-border business communication is carried out more frequently in English, so English could
change your work life as well as your personal life.


Negotiation is the heart of business, which is why English is important if we are negotiating with
someone from abroad or with an international company. We negotiate wages, partnerships,

prices, terms, deadlines, commercial agreements and almost everything. And to do this, we
discuss, persuade and make concessions all in the name of closing the deal.

Making deals and reaching an agreement can be a tricky business. we give, and we took. We win a
little and we lose a little. And both parties hope that they can get more than they need to give up.
This is tough competition known as negotiation, a competition that puts the drama in the world of


Applying for jobs in a language other than your natural language can be a very difficult task that
requires a good understanding of the demands on that idiom. That is why the design of a CV
(curriculum vitae) is very important since it will help you practice what you could say in your
interview, but it must also have a good structure, terminology and writing style.

With the purpose of successfully apply for a job, you need to be aware of all This differences.

As noted above, English is the most widely used language within the international work
environment and even companies located in Non-English speaking countries may use English as
their common shared language.

language within the company. In addition, many business relationships with companies in other
countries will be conducted in English. In order to apply for positions within such companies, it is
useful to have a CV in English and cover letter in hand.


Presenting well is challenging at the best of times. However, to do in another language, you may
find yourself especially worried before your presentation. some tips that will help us deliver a
more successful presentation and with style, ease and confidence are as follows:

Use plain language. Clear communication is powerful

Speak slowly. Remember that everyone has an accent.

Get your images professionally edited There's nothing worse than professional footage with
grammatical and spelling errors

Use verbs instead of nouns. Spoken English, which is quite conversational.

If we achieve all these aspects mentioned, we will have a good presentation.


To make a report it is very important to write as little as possible and add graphs, images, tables
are the best allies. write as as little as possible, use other tools to place important information and
paragraphs just to make a point or highlight some information.

Reports are needed, the easier to understand the better, if people When reading it, you have any
concerns or some information catches your attention, they will ask you, but most of the time they
just need to highlight important information.

To send an e-mail, you need to know who the mail is sent and the subject. The subject must be
short, memorable, and contain significant information about the containment of the mail. Most of
the time, the subject will determine if the mail is open immediately, delay or not open at all.

Next, you need to begin the mail itself, you may start with a formal greeting. In English, the
greeting that you choose will depend on who you are writing to and what you know about them,
which is where things can get slightly.

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