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Artist tasks for milestone 13, 14, 15

Aryan, Eric

Milestone 13

All mission effects (Final)

Mission effects Remaining for suburbs
Special effects for location volumes
Special effects for powerplant
Special effects for Downtown
Mission effects for Downtown (Probably done once suburbs mission effects final)
Breakables for Downtown
Breakables for Suburbs final

Milestone 14

All spfx for Seaside complete

All breakables for seaside complete
Water effects complete

Milestone 15

Final art for all special effects

Eric Madill

Milestone 13

2 interiors for Downtown complete

design 2 interior for Seaside

Milestone 14

2 interiors for Seaside complete

Final art polish

Milestone 15

Assist world builders to polish all world art.

Jeremy, Ron, Yosuf, Trevor

Milestone 13

Finalize intro movie (Pending Title for game approved)

FMV #2 40% complete (% percentage will be higher if dialogue recorded)
Remaining in-game animations final (dependent on Driver, passenger, pedestrian all
implemented in game)
FMV #3 and #4 #5 #6 #7 animatic completed (Pending on FOx Approval)
Gags all working for suburbs and Downtown

Milestone 14 and 15
Gags all working for Seaside
Finish all FMV's

Jeff, Sanela, Ross, Bob, Sarah, Vincent

Milestone 13

2 weeks on Seaside (all people)

1 week halloween complete (2 people)
1 week Seaside complete (3 people)

Milestone 14

time of day changes Downtown (2 people)

time of day changes Seaside (2 people)
Time of day changes Suburbs (1 person)

Milestone 15

Final art polish on all levels

2 people per level (INcludes intern)

Slava CHorney

Milestone 13

Sea Captain
Sideshow Bob float
Generic ped kid F
Generic ped kid M
Generic ped adult M2
Generic ped adult F2
(Slava talk to Dusit about More gens)

Zombie character

(Need to find out from designers about monkey status)

Milestone 14 and 15

Character skins rewards (Yet to be determined with designers)+

Changes pending FOX updates
Assist with FMV modeling (Talk to Jeremy)

Kevin Fink

Milestone 13

Damage states for all driver vehicles complete

Cartoonify Traffic vehicles
Environmental mapping complete on vehicles.
Track sprays and SKid marks final
More vehicles
Generic Gremlin (Race)
(3) Black Limo (Chase and Destroy)*
(5) Cola truck and Black Sedans (Chase and evade) (red /white siren )
(5) Armored Truck (Chase and destroy)
(5) Curator vehicle (Race)
(6) Krusty’s Limo (race)
(7) Black Ferrini (race)
(7) Generic Zombie Hearse Vehicle ???? ( Evade) (green/orange siren )

more reward vehicles (have yet to be determined with designers)

Milestone 14

More reward vehicles

Ufo Docking Bay
Kang and Kodos UFO
Front end art final (To review with Yayoi)

Milestone 15

Final all vehicles with FOX approval (Review with Yayoi when FOX feedback arrives)

Ting Ting Chen

Milestone 13

Finalize Navigation map on hud (Needs redesign)

Mission object icons for HUD
All collector cards complete for all levels (This may not be feasible pending new design
Finalize Card Gallery
Finalize Pause Menu
Design menu screens for new designs (Need to clarify with Carey)

Milestone 14

FInalize all HUD elements and animation

Finalize all Front END art

Milestone 15

FInal ART POLISH for all.

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