Hi Level Production Plan MS10 Working

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This is a work in progress! Not the final doc and should be used for reference only.

Those cells marked in Yellow are ones that have changed from the last MS version.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Milestone 9 - July 15th

Written Dialog and Gameplay Script
Final Game Design
Story Design for All Missions
FMV Storyboards
Driving Engine Tuning
1st Pass Tuning for 8 Vehicles
Collision Tuning (1st Pass)
Damage States Tuning (1st Pass)
Protyping "on foot" control
Jumping Playground
Collectibles & Reward System Designed
(1st pass)
Sega Style High Concept Doc.
<New Designer> Galan
Level 2 - 2nd Pass
8 Redo Characters + Truckasaurus
8 Main Vehicles
All Animations for 2 Walkers
All Driver Animations for 5 Body Types
All Passenger Animations for 3 Body Types
HUD Design Concepts - Ting
FMV Storyboards Complete
F/E Design Concept (Director)

Mission Manager (1st Pass) - Darryl
Road Network System (1st Pass) - Cary/Travis
Engine Sounds (1st Pass) - Esau
Character Out of Car Interactions w/ World (1st Pass) - Travis
HUD Implemented (1st Pass) - Tony
F/E Pipelines Complete - Tony
PAL Build - All Platforms- Cary, Darwin & Darren

Engine Sounds (1st pass)

Production MS 3

D-FMV/Storyboard Aprovals
D-List of Celebrities

Milestone 15 - January 15th

Alpha Delivered
All features complete
All Content Complete
All Design Tuning Complete
Milestone 10 - August 15th

Collision Tuning (1st Pass)
Jumping Playground - 1st in game jumping puzzle
All Action Button Moves Demo'd In Game
Breakable Survielance Cameras
Designer Track "Suburbs" Sign-Off
Level 1 Missions In Game (1/2 of total)
Start Creating Real Mission Data
Controller Tuning (1st Pass)
Implement Camera Paths
Collectible Design & Placement
On foot level design (All puzzle types - Level 1)
Suburbs Level - 1st Pass
6 New Characters w/ LOD's
Start Special FX
NIS Victory and Lose Animations
Driver Animations (1st Pass)
Continue Pedestrian Animations
1st Pass Gag NIS
3D Front End Animatic for Fox Approval
Credit Design Concept
<New Animator #2>?

Chase/Evade Mission Playable
Collection Mission Playable
All Mission Types Possible
Chase AI (1st Pass) - Darryl
Evade AI (1st Pass) - Darryl
Traffic System (1st Pass) - Cary
Sound FX & Music (1st Pass) - Esau
Jumping Puzzles (1st Pass) - Travis
Out of Car Functionality (2nd Pass) - Travis
Car Hailing System - (1st Pass) - Travis
1/2 Front End Screens Complete - Tony
Collectible Card System - Tony
Interiors (1st Pass) - Darwin
Movable Objects (Colliding & Moving) - Greg/Devin/Cary

Environmental Sound for Level 1, 2 & 3 (1st Pass)
Music Scripts for all Game Modes - TBD
3 Chase Music Tracks - TBD
Place Holder In-Game Music

Production MS 4
D-Recorded Dialog
Milestone 11 - September 15th

Level 1 - Final
Next 3 Levels 1st Pass
Damage States Tuning (1st Pass)
Designer Final Track "N" Sign-Off
Global AI Tuning (1st Pass)
Multiplayer Data Placed
Traffic System Tuning (1st Pass)
Collectibles/Conversation Tuning (1st Pass)
1st Pass Tuning for 6 Vehicles

Suburbs - Final
Downtown - 1st Pass
6 New Characters w/ LOD's
4 Redo Characters
4 FMV Characters (?)
All Interiors for Suburbs Complete
FMV Animation -Intro Movie (start)
NIS Intro for Level (Suburbs)
HUD Implementation Complete
Damage States
Frink, Lisa & Skinners Vehicle
Special FX
Matt Groening Approval Meeting
On Foot Puzzles for Suburbs Complete
Interior Gags for Suburbs Complete
Ongoing FE Implementation

Particle Effects (1st Pass)
Front End Complete - Tony
Memory Card Load/Save Working - Cary/Tony
Dialog System (Complete) - Esau
Pedestrian AI (1st Pass) - Anthony
Environmental Mapping - Devin
Toon Shading - Devin
Collectible System - Tony
Local World Spheres - Devin
Dynamic Load Cancelling - Devin/Darwin
H 2 H Complete - Anthony
Environmental Sound FX - Darren
All Mission Presentation Elements Complete - Darryl/Anthony
Car Hailing Complete - Travis
Damage States Complete - Greg
"Out of car" ambient sound for all levels (1st pass)
4 character song (4/8) - TBD
Dialog Playing in the Game (no new dialog)
Production MS 5
Milestone 12 - October 15th

Final 3 Levels 1st Pass
All Mission Data Placed (Oct 1st)
All Mission Tuning Starts (Oct 1st)
Multi-Player Data Tuned (1st Pass)

Downtown - Final Pass
All Boss Animations
FMV # 2 & 3
8 Redo Characters
Chase AI Vehicles
On Foot Puzzles for Downtown Complete
Interior Gags for Downtown Complete
Ambient FE Animations
Collector Cards Complete
All Load Screens Complete
Texture Tile Optimization Tool (P3d)
Water FX - Devin
Mouth Flapping Complete - Anthony
Eye Blinking Complete - Anthony

New collision sounds using real-time physics engine (1st Pass)

Production MS 6

Will Meet for Art Approval with FOX

Milestone 18 - May 1st
Milestone 13 - November 15th

Sound Trigger Placement (1st Pass)

Seaside - Final Pass
Level 7 (Halloween) - Complete
Generic Characters Complete
10 AI Vehicles
FMV's 4 & 5
Fine Tuning of In Game Animations
SFX Completed
On Foot & Interior Puzzles for Seaside Complete


Win / Lose songs for all characters - TBD
Engine sounds 2nd pass
Engine sounds Car Chase Vehicles

Production MS 7
Milestone 14 - December 15th

All Missions In & Tuned (1st Pass)
Pedestrian Data Placement & Tuning

Levels 4, 5, 6 - Complete
Characters Final
FMV's Final
In Game Animations Final
All Levels Final
FE, HUD Final
SFX Final
Vehicles Final
All Art Iterations Complete
Final Renders For Game Completion

New Dialog in game 1st pass
Dialogue & Music Implemented

Production MS 8

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