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Timothy Aidan Zoe S.

11 STEM Darwin

Data and Results

LIQUID RANK (1:highest- 5: lowest)

water 4

oil 1

Honey 2

acetone 3

ethanol 5

Guide questions:

1. Discuss the intermolecular forces of attraction exhibit by water, oil, glycerol, acetone and
-Water and Glycerol molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds, acetone has a dipole-
dipole forces. Ethanol is a polar molecule and has a dipole-dipole interactions but can be also
called a hydrogen bond same as water. Oil have a London dispersion forces, which for small
molecules are the weakest types of intermolecular forces.
2. Which among the liquids has the highest viscosity? Why?

The glycerol or the honey. Because it’s more viscous or thicker than ethanol or the others sue to strong
intermolecular forces

3. Which among the liquids has the lowest viscosity? Why?

The glycerol or the honey. Because it’s more viscous or thicker than ethanol or the others
sue to strong intermolecular forces


In conclusion, the liquid with high viscosity is slower to flow than the liquid with low viscosity since it’s
denser. Hence, the liquid with low viscosity has the least viscous at any temperature. It is freer to flow
than the high viscosity.

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