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Philosophy of Teaching and Learning Assignment

Isabella Pagnani
Early Childhood Education,
Humber College
Ashley MacPhee
February 4, 2022

I have maintained Academic Integrity in my work by adhering to the values of honesty and
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Faculty of Health Sciences& Wellness. 
Student’s Digital Signature: Isabella Pagnani 
Student Number: N01429809

It is important to understand the philosophy of teaching and learning in early childhood

education. In this essay I will discuss my philosophy of teaching and learning and my view on the

child, families and communities, the environment, and the image and role of the educator.

My Image of the Child:

This semester is my first in person placement. As I have been in placement, I believe children

are most competent and content when learning by doing. As an educator for example, if the students

are learning about science, I will take the children on a field trip to the science center which will

allow them to learn by doing. My image of the child is supported by the Experiential Learning

Theory. This theory was identified by David Kolb, which was influenced by other theorists like John

Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget. This theory discusses the four stages of the Experiential

Learning Theory and how children learn and understand best from doing. The pedagogical approach

that supports my theory is the event-based approach. This pedagogical approach encourages children

to enact events in real-life experiences expanding on their knowledge. For example, children's ideas

and decision making are a main example of this approach.

My View of Family and Communities:

I believe that communicating and family centered practice is most important. From doing

placement in the classroom seeing the teacher's and ECE constantly communicating with parents

through email and in person helps keep parents involved in the child's day in school. It is important

to understand the children's family dynamics and family functions to understand the child's

behaviour. As an educator I will create a poster outside writing down a summary of each child's

behavior throughout the day. I will also create activities that are family based like a get to know me

assignment which will allow each child to bring in a photo of their family. Bowen's Family Systems
Theory supports my view of family and communities as it supports the family. This theory explains

that for example, the behaviour of one family member may influence the behaviour of another family

member. There are 8 concepts in Bowen's Family Systems Theory one being, "Family projection

process: The transmission of emotional problems from a parent to a child." (GenoPro, 2020) This

quote supports my view of family and communities and Bowen's Family Systems Theory as the

family projection process shows that the behaviour of one family member can affect the behaviour of

another family member.

My View of the Environment:

Through my experience in creating an environment plan for placement I believe that the

environment should be a positive environment. For example, in the classroom I am currently in for

placement teachers are constantly reinforcing positive behaviour and rewarding positive behaviour

allowing children to want to continue with the positive behaviour. I feel a positive environment is

best for children to learn in and create positive relationships with students and teachers. As an

educator to create a positive environment I will reward good behavior, for example if a child

completes all their homework, they can be the class leader for the day. The Behaviourism Learning

Theory supports my philosophy and view of the environment that the things we experience, and our

environment are the drivers of how we act. Positive reinforcement in the environment is one of the

most important things in the Behaviourism Theory. For example, the environment in the classroom

especially from the teachers should be positive like giving students a sticker each time they get a

good grade on a test. "This learning theory states that behaviors are learned from the environment

and says that innate or inherited factors have very little influence on behavior." (Western Governors

University, 2021) This quote supports my view of the environment by explaining that the

Behaviourism Learning Theory is based on what children learn from the environment and how it

influences them.
The Image and Role of the Educator:

Through my experience in being an Early Childhood Education student and my experience in

placement as an educator I will create an inclusive and positive environment for learning. I will make

sure there is a large table in the classroom where I can bring all the students together. I will also put

posters and flags from different cultures and write all the holidays from different cultures on the

calendar in the classroom. The pedagogical approach I will use as an educator is the explicit

instruction approach. I will teach skills, strategies, vocabulary terms, concepts, and rules that match

the children's instructional needs. I feel that this approach will create an inclusive environment and

allow children to learn based on their own needs. I will also review children's prior skills and

knowledge before beginning instruction.


In conclusion, my philosophy on my view of the child, families and communities, the

environment, and the image and role of the educator has all been based on my learnings in the past 2

years of education and experience in placement in childcare centers.

Western Governors University. (2021, March 23). What is the behavioral learning theory?
Western Governors University. Retrieved February 4, 2022, from

Explicit instruction. Early Childhood Education and Care. (2019, April 29). Retrieved February
4, 2022, from

GenoPro. (2020). Family systems theory. GenoPro. Retrieved February 4, 2022, from

Understanding families: Applying family systems theory to ... (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2022,

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