Environment Plan Isabella

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Field Practicum 3

Detailed Responsive Inclusive Plan for: Environment

Initial Observation:
This is the process of documenting what you see and what you hear. Use the prompts indicated below to
construct your initial observation. Please type your insights below.
Record a descriptive Age(s) of child/children: __4-5 years old____________________________________
observation focused on one of
the following: Outdoor Environment
 Environment (Indoor), or  The children play outdoors in the morning and before lunch time.
 Environment (Outdoor)  During outdoor play in the morning, all the children participate in different
Observe the following:
stretches led by the teacher.
 The children touch their toes, touch their knees, roll their ankles, and so on.
“What did you see?”  Child A enjoys running back and forth through the playground.
“What did you hear?”  The cooperating teacher provides materials for outdoor play like hula hoops,
bikes, and small snow shovels.
Document the following in
the past tense:  Child B and Child C ride on the bike together.
WHEN, WHERE, HOW  Child B asks for some help with their bike and to help push them on the bike.
 Child D tries to use the hula hoop around their waist, instead just rolls it around
1. How is the environment set
the playground.
up for:
a. Individual experiences
 Child D goes down the slide and says “yay” when gets to the bottom.
b. Group experiences
c. Quiet/reflective play
d. Active/risky play The environment is set up for individual experiences as in the playground there was a
lot of room for children to sit alone in the playground, individually go down the slide or
2. What are some experiences use the monkey bars. The children were able to individually play with a hula hoop or
(indoor/outdoor) that:
(HDLH, 2014)
individually ride a bike. The environment is set up for group experiences as the children
were able to participate in stretching together at the beginning of class outside. The
a. provide opportunity for children would also enjoy running together or we would play ring around the rosy in
children to engage their small groups. For quiet/reflective play I would notice children sitting alone or using
body, mind and senses? water to write on the chalkboard outside. The environment was set up for a lot of
(OMEd, 2014b, p.34)
b. “..spark curiosity, invite active/risky play as children would use the slide, monkey bars, rolled the hula hoops
investigation, and provide around the playground, used the bikes with a partner or alone to go fast or slow, and
challenges that are would enjoy playing with any outdoor materials. Experiences outdoor that provide
responsive to individual opportunity for children to engage their body, mind, and senses (OMEd, 2014b, p.34)
capabilities” of children? are using the monkey bars as I observe that children learned how to use their arms and
(OMEd, 2014b, p.37)
legs, engaging their mind to push themselves through the monkey bars and get to the
c. “…offer opportunity for
children to have large other side. Opportunities that spark curiosity, invite investigation, and provide
blocks of time to promote challenges that are responsive to individual capabilities of children (OMEd, 2014b,
engagement, sustained p.37) is when children would use the bikes as this would provide children with a
play and inquiry” (OMEd, challenge that are responsive to their individual capabilities as they were learning the
2014b, p.37) different ways to use a bike and challenge them to learn how to use it. Experiences that
offer opportunity for children to have large blocks of time to promote engagement,
sustained play, and inquiry” (OMEd, 2014b, p.37) would be when children are engaging
in play outdoors in the playground and when we took the children on a walk. When we
took the children on a walk, they had a long block of sustained inquiry as we discuss the
birds outside, the planes we see pass by, and different animals we see outdoors, which
would allow children to ask questions and inquire about these different outdoor
This is the process of making meaning out of what you saw and what you heard. Use the prompts indicated to
interpret your initial observation. Please type your insights below.

Reflect on the following:

“What does it mean?” The children seem to be interested in any play materials that are provided outdoors and seem to
Consider the following: enjoy all active/risky play. Most of the students seem to engage with each other and would rather
 What are the children’s play as a small group rather than alone. The children are interested in using bikes and riding
interests, questions, them with a partner or alone. Parallel play is evident as the children seem to play alongside each
curiosities and other when playing with the hula hoops, but each use their own hula hoop and do not play
experimentations? How do together with one hula hoop. Cooperative play is evident as it seems the children enjoy playing
you know? racing games, tag, and hide and go seek and have interest in both the activity and the other
 What early childhood children that are involved in playing the different games. The space played a factor in what I
concepts or theories are observed as the playground where the children play outdoors is very large and allows children to
evident (e.g. types of play:
be able to run around and move freely while engaging with one another. The materials including
solitary, parallel, onlooker,
the hula hoops, bikes, small shovels, slide, and monkey bars have a factor in what I observed as
cooperative and associative
play, elements of responsive the children can use these materials to enhance different skills and play with one another using
inclusive practice, etc.)? these different materials. The time of outdoor play is right in the morning and before lunch which
is a factor on what I observed as I find that during the morning children do not have as much
Consider the use of the energy as when they are outside before lunch. The role of the educator has a factor in what I
environment as a ‘third observed as the educator enhances the play as she encourages the children to use different
teacher’ (OMEd, 2014a, p. 14): materials and provides examples on different ways to use these outdoor materials. The children
 What role did the following can all individually do 5.2 Gross Motor Skills, walking, jumping, and hopping (OMEd, 2014b,
factors play in what you p.52) as when outdoors the cooperating teacher created a game for children to run from one end
observed (i.e. enhance of the playground to the other and all the children participated and enjoyed running in the race. I
and/or limit play)? also see the children jumping through the hula hoops and hopping around the playground. With
a. Space support Child D can do 5.2 Gross Motor Skills, riding (OMEd, 2014b, p. 53) as Child D would
b. Materials ask me for help when riding the bike and seemed to need assistance in learning how to pedal the
c. Time bike to move around faster.
d. The role of the educator

Consider the image of the child

as “competent, capable of
complex thinking, curious and
rich in potential” (OMEd,
2014a, p. 6):
 What can the child/children
do independently? Describe
1 strength derived from
Excerpt from E.L.E.C.T.’s
(OMEd, 2014b) continuum
of development as follows:
 Identify domain (biosocial,
psychosocial and cognitive),
developmental area
(physical, cognitive, social,
emotional, communication,
language and literacy), skill,
& skill reference #.
 Provide evidence from your
observation to support your

 What can the child/children

do with support? Describe 1
opportunity for growth
derived from Excerpt from
E.L.E.C.T.’s (OMEd,
2014b) continuum of
development as follows:
 Identify domain,
developmental area, skill, &
skill reference #.
 Provide evidence from your
observation to support your

Planned Response:

This is based on your initial observation and interpretation. Use the prompts indicated to describe your planned
response. Please type your insights below.

Reflect on the following:

“How will you respond?” For my planned response I will create a game of bowling outdoors for the children to play.
For this experience I will bring 6 empty water bottles filled with different materials like
Discuss your planned different colored and shaped beads, pasta, beans, and buttons and these will be the
response: bowling pins. I will also provide students with different sized and colored balls for
 What will you do? What children to choose from. I will do this activity during outdoor time in the morning and
changes/contributions will before lunch time. The role the children will play as co-learners is they will be able to
you make to the choose materials as they will choose which size and color ball, they would like to use to hit
environment (indoor or the bowling pins. My cooperating teacher helped me choose this plan and thinks it is a
outdoor). Be specific!. great idea as she believes a gross motor activity would interest the children most. The
 When you will do it? children would think this is a fun activity and enjoy participating in playing bowling
 Where you will do it? outdoors. How I will do this activity is place the “bowling pins” (water bottles filled with
 What role will the different materials) on the ground in different arrangements and line the children up in a
child/children play as co- single file line and give each child 3 chances to hit the pins and see how many they can
learners (e.g. choosing knock down.
materials; modifying
 What does your cooperating
teacher think of your plan?
 What do the children think
about your plan?
 How will you do it?

Draw the set-up of your

experience and include the
 The arrangement of the
space (including the
placement of furniture).
NOTE: These decisions are
always subject to change
based on the emerging
interests of the
 A list of the materials and a
description of their
properties (size, colour,
Cooperating Teacher Signature: ________________________________________

Reflect on the following: My planned response connects to my observation and interpretation as the children enjoy and
have strengths in gross motor skills and bowling outdoors is a gross motor activity. This
“Why will you respond this way?” planned response will allow children to use their gross motor throwing skills to throw the ball
and hit the pins. The children also are interested in any play materials that can be used outdoors
Discuss the rationale for your and providing the children with different sized and colored balls will allow the children to have
planned response: different materials to play with. Co-creating and co- constructing with the children has
 How does your planned influenced my plan as observing their interests and what they enjoy doing or need to work on
response connect to your allows me to create a plan based on their skills and co-creating and co-constructing with my
observation and cooperating teacher has helped influence my plan as she helps me to figure out what would be
interpretation? Refer to the most appropriate for the classroom and what would interest the children the most.
interests(s), strength and
opportunity for growth you My planned response is inclusive as it involves belonging, expression, and engagement as all
identified in your children in the classroom are presented with my planned response and all get the chance to
interpretation. engage in my planned response. Children also get the chance to show expression in my planned
response as they can choose which color and size ball, they would like to use to hit the pins in
 How has the bowling game. The importance of play and connecting children to nature is represented in
co-constructing/co-creating my planned response as the importance of playing the outdoor bowling game allows children to
with children and your enhance their gross motor skills. Also, bowling is usually known as an indoor activity, but
cooperating teacher allowing children to bowl outside connects them to the outdoor environment.
influenced your plan?

How is your plan responsive


 Discuss one of the

Foundations for Learning
 Belonging,
 Wellbeing,
 Expression or
 Engagement)
[OMEd, 2014]

 Discuss one of the elements

of responsive inclusive
 The value of relationships;
 Honouring diversity and
 The importance of play;
 Supporting the whole child;
 Connecting children to
Follow-up Reflection & Curriculum Extension:
This is based on what happened when you implemented your planned response, what you have learned and
what you will do next to extend your initial planned experience.

Reflect on the following: The children all lined up and were very interested in my planned response, as I was setting up the
(within your Block Week and game children came up to me asking questions like, “what is this?” and “look at all the different
implement) balls.” My planned response supported my anticipated focus as children have strengths in gross
“What happened?” motor skills and were able to enhance their throwing skills by learning how to properly throw a
“What did you learn?” ball when bowling. With the support of my cooperating teacher, I encouraged and showed the
“What might you do next?” children an example of how to throw the ball underhand rather than overhand as this is the proper
way to bowl. I learned that the children enjoyed using the balls that had brighter colors and some
Discuss what happened during children noticed that the larger ball would knock down more pins than the smaller balls. For my
the implementation of your extension the children will use the water bottle pins as music instruments and see that they can be
initial planned experience:
multipurpose and not just bowling pins. The children were given the chance to shake the water
 How did your planned bottles up and down, side to side and make different sounds like musical instruments.
response support your
anticipated focus? Refer to
the interests(s), strength and
opportunity for growth you
identified in your
Discuss what you will do to
extend your initial experience:
 What will you do next?
Why will you do it?
Comment on changes or
modifications to any 1 or
more of the following:
 Experience focus (linked
to interests, strengths,
opportunities for growth);
 Role/expectations of child/
 Role of educator;
 Material choices;
 Location of experience;
 Arrangement of furniture;
 Time
 Range of opportunity:
what are some things you
did to present new
challenges in the

Cooperating Teacher Feedback:

Feedback on Initial Implementation of Detailed Responsive Inclusive Plan:

Feedback on 2nd implementation: Student must implement the Curriculum Extension on the next placement day

Cooperating Teacher Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________

Field Advisor Signature___________________________________________________Date:________________

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