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Self-Assessment Name: Isabella Pagnani

Tool Registration #:

Date: April 2, 2022

Part 1: Reflection Questions
Answer all of the statements and questions below.
1. Reflect on your practice and think broadly about what impacts your work.
Think about your: Consider:
• role • new opportunities
• responsibilities • challenges
• daily practice • changes in the sector or in your work
• new experiences setting
• ongoing concerns or questions • leadership development
Brainstorm and make a list of things that impact your work.

 Community involvement
 Incorporating ELECT document into the program
 Creating and inclusive environment in the program
 Communication and relationships with colleagues and supervisors

2. Think about the role of others in your professional practice. How do you seek, offer and
consider feedback from others? What have you learned from others? What do others learn
from you?

I have received feedback from my cooperating teacher and other colleagues in my program
about my resource tool kits and lesson plans I need to complete for the program. I seek
feedback on what could have been done differently and how I can change my work to do
better. I have learned how to be inclusive and the environment and the importance of play. I
feel others learn from me how to be patient and charismatic towards the students.

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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 1
Self-Assessment Registration #:

3. Based on your professional practice and notes above, what additional knowledge, skills or
resources do you need to support your strengths, areas for growth, leadership development
or professional learning interests?
 Incorporating the ELECT document into the program.
 Information on how to change the environment to make it more inclusive for play.
 Resources with information on how to build communication skills with colleagues.

Part 2: Reviewing the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice


1. Before you begin Part 2, read the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Indicate, by ticking the corresponding boxes below, that you have read both the Code of
Ethics and each of the Standards of Practice.
3. Respond to the statement that accompanies each standard and reference the standards.
When responding, consider your reflections from Part 1.

Code of Ethics
☒ I have read the Code of Ethics on page 7 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

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Self-Assessment Registration #:


Standard I: Caring and Responsive Relationships

☒ I have read Standard I: A – C on pages 8-9 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard I. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard I: C.4).

I would like to strengthen my understanding on knowledgeable research about theories

related to the impact of caring and responsive relationships. (B.1)

Standard II: Curriculum and Pedagogy

☒ I have read Standard II: A – C on pages 10-11 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard II. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard II: B.3).

I strengthen in collaborating with children to co-plan and implement a child-centered and play-
based curriculum. (C.2)

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Self-Assessment Registration #:


Standard III: Safety, Health and Well-Being in the Learning Environment

☒ I have read Standard III: A – C on pages 12-13 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard III. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard III: C.8).

I am knowledgeable about a variety of methods to monitor and evaluate the quality of learning
environments. (B.3)

I would like to work more in partnership with families to create a healthy, safe, and inviting
environment. (C.1)

Standard IV: Professionalism and Leadership

☒ I have read Standard IV: A – C on pages 14-15 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard IV. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard IV: C.7).

I would like to become more knowledgeable and have more information on current legislation,
policies, and procedures. (B.1)

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Self-Assessment Registration
Registration #: #:


Standard V: Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest

☒ I have read Standard V: A – C on pages 16-18 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard V. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard V: C.6).

I am knowledgeable and understand that I am responsible for maintaining and managing

professional boundaries with children, families, and colleagues. (B.1)

I understand and have great knowledge to not use my professional position to coerce,
improperly influence, harass, abuse, or exploit a child who is under my professional
supervision. (C.2)

Standard VI: Confidentiality, Release of Information and Duty to Report

☒ I have read Standard VI: A – C on pages 19-20 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard VI. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard VI: C.2).

I understand that the Child and Family Services Act provisions about reporting suspected
abuse or neglect take precedence over an organization’s policies and procedures. (B.5)

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Part 3: Professional Learning Goals


1. Begin by reviewing your responses in Part 1 and 2.

2. Complete the chart below by identifying three goals for your professional learning over the
next two years.

3. For each goal, indicate the related Standard(s) of Practice.

4. You will work towards these three goals during this two-year portfolio cycle.

Professional Learning Goals Related Standard(s) of Practice

1. Working more in partnership with Standard III
families to create a healthy, safe, and
inviting environment.

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Self-Assessment Registration #:

Professional Learning Goals Related Standard(s) of Practice

2. Strengthen my understanding on Standard I
knowledgeable research about theories
related to the impact of caring and
responsive relationships

3. Become more knowledgeable and have Standard IV

more information on current legislation,
policies, and procedures.

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College.

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