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Name: Isabella Pagnani

Registration #:

Date: April
1. Review your Professional Learning Plan.
2. As you engage in professional learning activities, complete the Record of
Professional Learning chart below and attach evidence or documentation of
participation in planned learning activities

Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of

Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
Transfer over the Provide brief List the evidence or Provide brief
three goals from your descriptions of the documentation that descriptions of how
Professional Learning professional learning shows you have you have integrated,
Plan. activities including the participated in your or will integrate, your
date and professional planned activities and learning into your
learning provider, if keep this with your professional practice.
applicable. record.
1. Working more Engage in creating Proof of creating a I will begin
in partnership relationships with healthy, safe, and communicating with
with families families- April 2022 inviting environment families through email
to create a by the relationships I and conversation. Will
healthy, safe, create with families reach out to families
and inviting for their opinion on
environment. things being done in
the classroom.

* You may choose to keep your documentation in any format (e.g. paper, electronic, audio/video/voice recordings).
Please ensure you indicate the form of your documentation and be prepared to share, or provide access to your
documentation if requested by the College.

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 1
Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of
Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
1. (Cont’d) Registration #:

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related
to meeting or not meeting your goals.
I have not met my goal yet, but I feel a challenge would be if a family member does not feel
comfortable creating a professional relationship or does not try to communicate and bring their
opinion to my attention.

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 2
Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of
Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
2. Strengthen my Reading books and HighlightRegistration
important #: I will use the
understanding articles to inform information, create information I gain to
on myself on theories notes. create better
knowledgeabl related to the impact responsive
e research of caring and relationships.
about theories responsive
related to the relationships- May
impact of 2022
caring and

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 3
Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of
Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
2. (Cont’d) Registration #:

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related
to meeting or not meeting your goals.
I have not yet reached my goal, but I feel a challenge would be finding the proper information on
this theory and creating informational notes.

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 4
Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of
Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
3. Become more Read books, articles, HighlightRegistration
important #: I will be able to create
knowledgeabl and watch information and make an inclusive
e and have informational videos notes on the environment once I
more on current legislation, important videos I have a better
information on policies, and watch. understanding of this
current procedures. information.
policies, and

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 5
Professional Learning Description of the Documentation of Application of
Goals Professional Learning Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice
3. (Cont’d) Registration #:

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related
to meeting or not meeting your goals.
I have not yet reached mt goal, but I feel a challenge would be using this information I gain in
my program.

All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College .

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Record of Professional Learning | 2019 6

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