Impact of Lockdown During COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Advantages

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Impact of lockdown during COVID‑19
pandemic and its advantages
Abhishek PR Nadig, K. L. Krishna

Abstract: COVID‑19, caused by novel coronavirus SARCoV2, is a contagious disease, emerged in the end of
December 2019, at Wuhan seafood market, China. This disease is spiraling like a wildfire and rapidly
10.4103/ijhas.IJHAS_77_20 spreading worldwide, overburdening the health system with newly infected cases. As of April 25,
2020, a total of 2,846,536 COVID‑19‑positive cases and 197,859 total deaths were reported across
the globe. This epidemic has exponential growth characteristics in the absence of specific vaccine
and treatment for COVID‑19. Many countries across the world including India, the USA, China, Italy,
and German are implementing the lockdown measures to control the COVID‑19 pandemic and to
maintain the infection at manageable levels. Keeping the prospectus of future such pandemics, we
reviewed; what is lockdown and containment? Does it works? What are the advantages of lockdown
and containment in cotrolling the spread of the virus?.  The present review answers these questions
and tries to spread light on the impact of lockdown. Our review concludes that the implementation of
lockdown has forced many countries in flattening the epidemic curve and strengthening the health‑care
system and improves the environmental quality during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
COVID‑19, epidemic, lockdown, pandemic, social distance, WHO

Introduction 2002–2003 and Middle East respiratory

syndrome coronavirus  (MERS‑CoV)

A case of unknown pneumonia in

late 2019 December was reported in
Wuhan, China. The clinical characteristic
epidemic in 2013–2015. Despite both
COVID‑19 and SARS‑CoV belong to
betacoronavirus subgroup.[3] Initially, cases
of this disease was very much similar of COVID‑19 reported that it may be less
to viral pneumonia. Analysis on case severe than SARS and MERS, but later,
samples by the Chinese Center For Disease the virus was transmitting rapidly from
Control and Communication  (CDC) human to human, and evidence suggested
officially declared that pneumonia was that novel coronavirus is more a infectious
Department of
Pharmacology, JSS
caused by novel coronavirus and named disease than SARS‑CoV and MERS‑CoV.[4,5]
College of Pharmacy, it as novel coronavirus pneumonia.[1] Later
JSS Academy of Higher on January 7, 2020, the World Health COVID‑19 is a respiratory disease,[6] which
Education and Research, Organization (WHO) officially named it as affects many people in different ways, and
Mysore, Karnataka, India infected people will get mild‑to‑moderate
COVID‑19. Novel coronavirus belongs to a
Address for large family of viruses, family Coronaviridae symptoms, usually seen after 2–14 days.
correspondence: and subfamily Coronavirinae.[2] According Common symptoms include fever,
Dr. K L Krishna, to the WHO, COVID‑19 belongs to Group 2 cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat,
Department of exacerbated asthma, and diarrhea.[7] The
of betacoronavirus, which is similar
Pharmacology, JSS
College of Pharmacy, to severe acute respiratory syndrome National Institutes of Health reported that
JSS Academy of Higher coronavirus  (SARS‑CoV) widespread of young children, people above 60 years
Education and Research, or older, pregnant women, and people
Mysore ‑ 570 015 underlying disease conditions have a higher
Karnataka, India. This is an open access journal, and articles are
E‑mail: klkrishna@jssuni. distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
risk of getting infected with the disease and Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which prone to mortality. Respiratory infections
allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
Received: 01-05-2020 non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and How to cite this article: Nadig AP, Krishna KL.
Revised: 02-05-2020 the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. Impact of lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic and
Accepted: 05-05-2020 its advantages. Int J Health Allied Sci 2020;9:316-21.
Published: 15-10-2020 For reprints contact:

316 © 2020 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow
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Nadig and Krishna: COVID-19: Lockdown and its advantages

usually transmit from person to person through droplets Government to control the infectious virus by massive
varying of different sizes, when the diameter of droplet lockdown which involves of travel restriction, work from
size  >5 μm is called respiratory droplets and <5 μm home, etc., Lockdown in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei
is called droplet nuclei.[8] According to the WHO, the province of China was commenced from 23 January 2020.
spread of coronavirus is basically through respiratory Implementation of such lockdown resulted in reduced
droplets and contacts.[9,10] spread of the virus both in Hubei and in other parts of
China by 2 weeks period. The epidemic was peaked on
The novel coronavirus epidemic has an exponential 5 February 2020 in Hubei and 3 February 2020 in the rest
growth characteristic; till now, no specific vaccines of China and thereafter it was declined.[19] According to
and antiviral treatment are approved for COVID‑19 Union Health Ministry, Govt. of India, India would have
treatment. [11] According to the WHO, it will take seen 8.2 lakh COVID-19 positive cases by April 15, 2020
at least 18 months since from March 2020; hence, if there was no lockdown and containment measures
nonpharmaceutical interventions are the only way to were implemented. If containment measures were taken
control this pandemic and thereby impact on individual but no lockdown, then the cases would have raised to
health can be reduced.[12,13] 1.2 lakh. However, after implementation of complete
nationwide lockdown and containment measure India
According to the WHO and Johns Hopkins University, witnessed only 7,447 COVID19 positive cases by April
COVID‑19 has affected more than 28,46,536 people and 15, 2020. Hence, lockdown was effective in controlling
total deaths were 1,97,859 across worldwide. Countries the spread of virus.
including the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Germany,
the UK, and China have been exposed to this virus Social distancing
intensely.[14] By imposing the largest and continuous Social distancing also called as physical distancing
lockdown in India, according to Ministry of Health is a non-pharmaceutical intervention or measures
and Family Welfare (MoHFW) by 25 April 2020, a total undertaken to prevent the spread of contagious diseases
24,530 positive cases were witnessed among 1.3 billion by reducing the close contact between the individual. It
population which is almost 4 times more population than typically involves avoid of gathering and maintaining
US, thus number of positive cases reported were less as a physical distance from each others. This could be, one
compared to other countries.[15] If in case, the epidemic of the best way of controlling the spread of disease in
of coronavirus hits with the speed of the USA, Spain, or the absence of available pharmaceutical remedies.[20]
Italy, then it is very much difficult to handle the situation The reason behind the social distancing is to reduce
without having the specific vaccine.[14] The main reason the outbreak of an infectious disease. Epidemiologists
behind the increased number of COVID‑19‑positive cases quantify the intensity of outbreak of COVID‑19 using
and maximum death in European countries such as Italy Ro number, unlike SARS pandemic in 2003, H1N1
and Spain is because of late response to the outbreak and influenza in 2009, and Ebola in 2014.[21] Ro indicates
delayed lockdown measures.[16] It is reported that after the reproduction number which describes an average
lockdown in China, the number of COVID‑19‑positive number of patients getting infected during the infectious
cases was decreased.[17] Our analysis reports the impact period. Ro is calculated by the following formula.[22]
and advantages of lockdown during COVID‑19.
RO = p × c × D
Where, P = probability of transmission per exposure,
An emergence protocol prevents the spread of infection c = number of contacts per unit time, and D = duration
between individuals from staying in a given area. The of infectiousness
lockdown protocol usually allows essential supplies
such as pharmacies, hospitals, banks, and grocery shops From the knowledge of epidemiologists, if RO is above 1
and shut down of all nonessential activities throughout infection will become epidemic, RO is equal to 1 infection
the period. Around the world, most of the countries will become endemic, and if RO is <1, then the infection
including India, America, China, Italy, and Spain are will disappear.[23] An earlier study by Tim Churches
implementing the lockdown protocol to control the reported on March 3, 2020, that the reproductive number
spread of COVID‑19.[18] Even the WHO recommends the of COVID‑19 in the United States ranges from 1.4 to 6.5
strict lockdown protocol to fight against the COVID‑19. on an average of 2.5, which indicates that infection will
become epidemic in the coming days. Researchers from
The epidemic of COVID‑19 began by the end of the Indian Council of Medical Research and Imperial
December 2019 in Wuhan seafood market, China, and a College, London, suggested that the epidemic of
day‑by‑day number of cases are increasing; due to this, COVID‑19 cases can be reduced up to 62% if quarantine
remarkable and unparalleled steps took by the China and social distancing are strictly followed.[24] Similarly,
International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences - Volume 9, Issue 4, October-December 2020 317
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Nadig and Krishna: COVID-19: Lockdown and its advantages

many studies had reported that the spread of COVID‑19 system [Figure 1]. [7] Strictly practicing the strong
can be controlled by maintaining social distance.[25,26] massive lockdown rules in China, the saturation or
Hence, the main aim of social distancing is to reduce the flattening epidemic curve of COVID‑19 is observed.
reproduction or R value below 1.[13] Similar to COVID-19, Hence, lockdown measures are necessary for epidemic
In the year 1957-1958 Influenza infection (Asian Flu) management. The probability of infected person contact
infected 50% of the population but on implementing with uninfected person can be reduced, which helps to
lockdown, social distance and containment measures, suppress the community spread of illness.[5]
this epidemic was reduced by more than 90% was
observed.[27] Lockdown and health system
Health‑care system has a major role in controlling the
Researchers from the University of Johns Hopkins report epidemic of COVID‑19. Massive lockdown protocol
the spread of COVID‑19 before and after lockdown benefits the national and global communities. In addition
in India. With the absence of lockdown, the disease to that, burden and pressure on health‑care system get
would continue to spread without any interventions reduced, which helps to serve the COVID‑19 as well
and reproduction number (RO) = 2.66. At lockdown, as non‑COVID patients [Figure 2]. If the transmission
the reproduction number will reduce to 2. After of COVID‑19 is not curtailed or the lockdown breaks,
hard lockdown and continuation of interventions, the spread of the virus cannot be controlled easily, and
the reproduction number will reduce to 1.5; hence, finally, health‑care system becomes overwhelmed. We
the continuation of lockdown with interventions have seen such increasing scenario in many countries
significantly reduces the epidemic of COVID‑19 in India. including Italy, Spain, and the UK.[16] Hence, lockdown
and nonpharmaceutical intervention play a major role
Saturation of epic curve in building the health‑care system.
Epic curve is also known as Epidemic curve. A statistical
Lockdown and environmental changes
graph in epidemiology displays the onset of illness
To reduce the spread of novel coronavirus, most of
the countries across the globe adopted lockdown. This
Epidemic curve helps us to predict: action has put automobiles, trains, planes, and major
1. Illness magnitude industrial activity on hold. Due to this, unparalleled
2. Its time trend of disease outbreak decrease in air pollution is being noticed in most of
3. Inference of illness spread pattern the countries.[29] During lockdown, according to the
4. Time period of exposure Central Pollution Control Board  (CPCB) of India, air
5. Mode of transmission identification. quality index was improved up to 90% in major cities
of India including Delhi, Mumbai, and North India’s
As per the report by CDC, nonpharmaceutical many industrial areas [Table 1]. A recent study reported
intervention including lockdown, social distancing, that China has found a big relief in anthropogenic
hand sanitizing, quarantine, and cleaning surfaces can pollution emission which results in a 25% reduction
lower the transmission of coronavirus epidemic in the in carbon mission and a 30% reduction in NO2 level
community which helps to improves the health‑care during lockdown.[30] The WHO reports that more than
90% of the global population are living in the area

Figure 1: Flattening the curve improves the health‑care system[44] Figure 2: Illustration of management health‑care system

318 International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences - Volume 9, Issue 4, October-December 2020
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Nadig and Krishna: COVID-19: Lockdown and its advantages

Table 1: Before and after lockdown air pollution in North India’s industrial areas
City Before lockdown days (16‑24 March) During lockdown days (25‑27) Change (%)
Noida 152 71 −54
Mandi Gobindgarh 117 42 −64
Manesar 123 46 −63
Khanna 73 34 −54
Ballabhgarh 102 51 −50
Ghaziabad 188 81 −57
Bhiwadi 207 42 −80

where the quality of air is below the guideline level. nutrients which are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C,
An ambient air pollution kills nearly 7 million people Vitamin E, Vitamin D, selenium, copper, and zinc‑rich
annually across the globe, and majority of the deaths foods. In addition to that, regular exercise, yoga, and
are in China and India. An increase in NO2 has linked sufficient sleeping (8–10 h) help reconstruct the immune
to various diseases including respiratory,[31] cardiac,[32] system to fight against pathogens. Most of the working
diabetes,[33] asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary people are at home in the lockdown period, whereas the
disease,[34] and hypertension[33] diseases and increased free time helped them to get good food and sufficient
rate of hospitalization.[35] The fatality rate of COVID‑19 sleep and lead a stress‑free lifestyle which contributed
is significantly higher with the patient who already very much in increasing their immunity.
had preexisting health conditions, specifically those
with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory Online classes
disease, and these diseases are strongly connected As lockdown continuous, online classes have surged
with the air pollution.[36] In addition to that, the quality in popularity and most of the universities and colleges
of water has seen a significant improvement since across the globe are continuing their classes through
enforcement of the lockdown shuts the dumping of online to help the students. It is reported that till April
industrial waste. According to CPCB, out of 36 water 17, 2020, more than 2,23,930 online classes on various
monitoring points, 27 had shown improvement in the
subjects have been conducted, and these are attended
quality of water of river Ganga. The following parameter
by students in an average of 144,431/day. In addition
data were measured to assess the quality of water of
to that, various online courses are conducted and
the river: biochemical oxygen demand  (<2  mg/l),
researchers are published more than 2823 research and
dissolved oxygen (>6 mg/l), coliform level (500/10 ml),
review papers and books.
and pH (6.5–8.5). Hence, the quality of air, water, and
health indices improved after the complete lockdown,
which directly helps to fight against the coronavirus.
Work from home
To ensure the continuity of business, most of the IT and
Life easier during lockdown BPO company employees are continuing their work
from home.
Strength of health system
Working against COVID‑19 victim is necessary, in
addition to that health supporters are also continuing 24 × 7 helpline
their work for non‑COVID patients who require To tackle the complaints and problems faced by citizens,
regular treatment, especially for chemotherapy, the government has provided helpline number.
dialysis patients, etc., [Figure 2]. To minimize the
overcrowd in hospitals, health‑care global has Emergency passes
emphasized to monitor through telemedicine, video People will get access to emergency purposes including
calls, 24 × 7 health emergency helpline, mobile medical medical and pharmacy and need to specify the place
transport units, etc., Suspected COVID‑19 patients are and time.
quarantined for 14 days; if the patients get COVID‑19
positive, then the treatment is followed as per the Carps as friend
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare  (MoHFW) Even during the lockdown, carps are serving their
protocols at COVID‑19 care centers, fever clinics, duty to help and support the individual on streets with
dedicated COVID‑19 health center, and dedicated problems.
COVID‑19 hospital.
Relief funds
Strengthening immune system The government announced immediate financial
To keep any disease at bay, one must boost and packages, essential grains, and relief measure to rescue
strengthen the immune system, by supplementing the poor people of the country.
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Nadig and Krishna: COVID-19: Lockdown and its advantages

Psychological benefits during COVID‑19 These prosocial behaviors include washing hands more
lockdown frequently and for longer, avoiding public gatherings,
One of these factors is an emerging sense of shared canceling travel plans, and keeping distance from others.
identity, and concern for others, which arises from a If measures like these are adopted on a temporary basis,
common experience of being in a disaster. This feeling experts suggest that the deaths caused by coronavirus
can be harnessed by addressing the public in collective would drop dramatically. Hence, all these things will
terms and by urging “us” to act for the common good help in limiting social activity. To prevent the spread of
and to help others. When individual thinks, they do so in contagious disease, travel restrictions were implemented
conformity to norms. Their perception of what others are except the emergency services. Work from home option
doing or what they think, others approve or disapprove were provided to all professional activities wherever
of, is from an inherent desire to learn from them. During possible to maintain good interpersonal relationship
this lockdown, since there is social distance, people crave and stable economy by maintaining social distancing to
to gain affiliation, even though the scenario is different.[37] avoid spread of virus.[40]

A study on numerous models of mass emergency Conclusion

behavior suggests a social psychological basis for
resilience. Normative approaches and affiliation seem The coronavirus epidemic has exponential growth
to be most preferred. They are based on the principles characteristics and caused a global mayhem. Due to
of self‑categorization theory, comprehending the high degree of contagiousness and absence of specific
psychological nature of resilience, and probable vaccine, nonpharmaceutical intervention like lockdown
conditions will supplement planning of evacuation is the only prescription to battle the virus. Lockdown
procedure, emergency services, and suitable after‑care prevents the local and global spread of virus which has
procedures.[38] It is interesting to note that moral and forced many countries in flattening the epidemic curve
political orientation were of less concern in comparison and strengthening the health‑care system and improves
with fear and anxiety symptom predictors on complaint the environmental quality.
behavior. Fear and anxiety symptoms led individuals
into compliance with necessary public health behaviors Acknowledgment
such as personal hygiene and social distance. Further, We thank everyone who is working to control the
the prescribed behavioral change is not noted to have epidemic of COVID‑19.
had any decline in quality of life. For some during the
lockdown period, they work as usual and they stay with Financial support and sponsorship
family that make them feel more comfortable rather than Nil.
thinking of any other issues.[39]
Conflicts of interest
To control the spread of virus, lockdown is a strict action There are no conflicts of interest.
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