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A Summer of Peace and Finding the Self

By: Blessie C. Coleta

The end of class is fast approaching and Mira's mind is all about what would happen at
summer. She would go to her auntie's house where she can eat delicious food, can go camping
in a week with devotional messages you can keep after, and especially she can go to an
Adventist Church where she can enjoy the melody of hymnal songs, the holy gospel, and
personal ministry of the church members.

She is not an Adventist but deep in her heart, she wants to be one. Her main family is a
devoted Roman Catholic especially her uncle who is always the lead when there is an event to
be organized by the church. And it saddens her what her family would think about her
perception in planning to change her religion when the right time comes. It would be not easy
for sure since it is "religion" they are talking about and it is big for them.

"Summer vacation's now near, dear. Would you like to go again to your auntie's house?", her
mother started between their breakfast together.

"Yes, mother. Auntie is already aware that I will go there once our recognition ends.", she
answered happily and excitement was very evident on her face. "I'll love to go.", she added.

The church she is in every summer which is the Seventh-Day Adventist is a place where she can
see a positive community that respects everyone. Life there for her is an ideal where there is no
deep conflict, perfectly pacific and just be normal. She didn't feel like she belonged at their
house where her parents had moved in with her grandmother, cousins, and uncle. Most of
them are harsh towards her, and she doesn't understand why so many people in their
community love and respect her uncle simply because he is religious but cannot even treat Mira
good the same way her cousins who have lived there for years.

One hot morning, she heard that they are planning to swim that day however they did not
inform her or even just ask if she wants to join. All as if, she is not there and they have their
own world which does not include her.
"What a very cold day! Let's swim this afternoon!", her cousin Cleo nudging to their cousin
Baddie, whispering the last sentence for her not hear anything but she did.

Also one time, she wants to ask something in History and since her uncle is a teacher who has
this major, it is more convenient not to enter a computer shop to avoid spending.

"Uncle, do you know what two countries were already involved in a military conflict before the
beginning of World War II?", Mira asked hoping for an answer.

"Huh? I can't recall what exactly those countries. Is it Korea?," he pause. "No, I think Japan and
Russia. Uh- no! I really forgot!", he replied with a sarcastic smile. She smiled bitterly. She knows
inside that he perfectly knows it since he answered her cousin when it asked the same
assignment as her.

So when recognition ended, she travelled alone to her auntie's house to spend again her
vacation together with the old woman and to get at least month away from her family.

"Oh, you're here now! Hello there, lovely. It's nice to see you back here again! Come inside",
she was greeted by her aunt who's smiling contagiously at her which she can't help but smile
back with the same energy she was receiving. How she long to have that feeling since the
school year had started and right at that moment she wants to cry however she holds back not
wanting her aunt to worry why she is being emotional.

The next morning, it was Sabbath Day. She was happy to enter the church again and to meet
her brothers and sisters in Christ. Mira knows that even when they did not see each other for a
couple of months, still they would familiarize one another.

Days passed and all she could feel is being safe under the peaceful haven she is in. The feels she
is longing to have, the fair treatment, the respect, the joy and fun that never harm. This is all
she could ask for at that moment and how she wishes for a lifetime.

"Let's go, honey. Bring the Bible and the Hymnal.", her aunt while preparing to go again for
another related church visit.
She grows more committed to the church that she wants to be converted. So when she had a
chance to learn more about the doctrine, she grabbed the opportunity with no second
thoughts, even her family does not know it. For her, they would still understand since she feels
like her mother would support her for whatever decision she is going to make. She feels like it is
not important to make them know at first.

The time came and she had been baptized in a Seventh-Day Adventist church. The joy she feels
is nothing compared to all the happiness she has been feeling all her life. The light shines bright
inside of her that being amazing and wonderful is an understatement of what she is feeling at
that moment. The holy bliss is just staying in her heart that all she could feel is the love of her
great Father above.

Mira looked up and closed her eyes and whispered to the wind for a silent prayer.

"Thank you, my God. For choosing me to understand more about your unfaltering love to us
and for giving me the opportunity to seek you and your truth." She was quietly tearing up in the
middle of her prayer appreciating in her head how blessed she is despite having people that
making her feel like she is not worthy of love. Because at the end, she found it in the arms and
under the mercy of the Lord.

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