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Brand Prism
Dwayne Johnson – Hollywood actor and professional wrestler

Physique Personality
He represents well-built body, strength, power Stubborn, hopeful, Charismatic, optimistic,

fit, toned, good looking. Powerful, happy, friendly.

Relationship Culture
Establishes brotherhood American lifestyle,

friendship, loyalty, trust, free mindset

chivalry, gentlemanship Down to earth


Reflection Self-Image
He reflects on other people as, hardworking My self-image would be

Energetic, aggressive, sturdy, strong, inspirational, confident, cool,

Fashionable, trendy bold.

Physique – He represents good and well-built body, strength and well-toned body as
he has even worked as a professional wrestler before. He shows strength and
endurance as well. He has tattooed most of his body parts which shows the
ruggedness. He is good looking as well, which explains his wide female fanbase all
over the world.

Personality- He has this stubborn attitude, that’s the reason behind his success . where
he rose from an underdog to the world class wrestler and doing really well in the
movies as well. He has this hopeful attitude where he does not lose hope, hope is
what kept him walking through all his struggles. He is happy and charismatic. Believes
in optimism. He has this powerful vibe in him. uses powerful words to address his
feelings and emotions. Most of his roles involves happiness and friendliness, he’s
really good at spreading the good vibes.

Culture – He lives The American Dream, and is a symbol of a good American lifestyle.
He has this free and broad mindset . where he has donated a lot of money to the
charity. He is down to earth and is grateful for what he has achieved as he came from
a very average family of the wrestlers and had no money at all. His optimism has kept
him going and I do not feel he will stop here. He will keep going till he can .

Self-Image – The way I picture him would be inspirational, where his story has lot to
teach us. The confidence the he radiates is amazing specially from a person who has
had a life of battles and struggles. He is cool and always keeps up with the young
generations and new trends. That is the reason why he has big fan base of young
adults and teenagers as well.

Reflection – When people mention him, they associate him with the following traits
hardworking, energetic, aggressive, sturdy, strong, fashionable and trendy. This is the
reason why he is the brand ambassador of many sportswear and sports nutrition. He
also does action movies because of these traits suits him.

Relationship – Among people he establishes brotherhood, friendship, trust and loyalty.

He is a true gentleman and treats women nicely. Because of people like him chivalry is
not dead yet.

Name – Rahul Das

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