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The Controller of Examinations,

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,

Lahore, Pakistan

We, the Supervisory Committee, certify that the contents and form of the thesis, submitted by

Mr. ABDUL KHALID Regd. No. 2017-VA-908, have been found satisfactory and recommend that

It should be processed for further evaluation by the External Examiner(s) for the award of the Degree.

Supervisor: ___________________________________________

(Associate Prof Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq)

Member: ___________________________________________

(Prof Dr. Mansur-U-Din)

Member: ___________________________________________

(Prof Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum)












In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in completing this thesis. I
humbly pay my respect to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PEACE BE upon Him) who is ever an ember of
guidance and knowledge for Humanity and whose life is an ultimate source of guidance for mankind.
Special apperatiation goes to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq department of
Epidemiology and Public Health UVAS Lahore. His invaluable help of constructive comments of and
suggestions throughout the experimental and thesis work have contributed to the success of this

The co-operation extended by the member of my supervisory committee, Prof Dr. Muhammad Aftab
Ahmad Anjum Department of Microbiology and Prof. Dr. Mansur-u-Din Department of epidemiology
and public health, University of veterinary sciences Lahore is very sincerely appreciated for the skillful
suggestions during the whole span of this investigation.

Sincere, thanks to all my friends especially Asfand Yar, Musa Naqvi, Paio khan, Sidra Saher, Aisha
Arshad, Hashmat Ullah, Muhammad Zeeshan and others for their kindness and moral support during
my study. Thanks for friendship and memories

Last but not, least my deepest gratitude goes my beloved parents, Mr. Abdur Rashid Khan and Mrs.
Abdur Rashid Khan and also to my sibling for their endless love , prayers and encouragement also not
forgetting my wife for her love and care and my beloved brother Dr. Abdul Wajid.

Abdul Khalid


DEDICATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- (i)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -------------------------------------------------- (ii)

LIST OF TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------- (v)










3.1.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Ravi Town district Lahore. 10

3.1.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Ravi 11

3.1.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 12

Ravi town district Lahore.

3.2.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Shalimar town district 13


3.2.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the 14

Shalimar town.

3.2.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 15

Shalimar town district Lahore.

3.3.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Wagha Town district 16


3.3.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Wagha 17

3.3.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 18

Wagha district Lahore.

3.4.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Aziz Bhatti Town district 19


3.4.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Aziz 20
Bhatti town.

3.4.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 21

Aziz Bhatti town district Lahore


3.5.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Data Gunj Buksh Town 22

district Lahore.

3.5.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the 23

Data Gunj Buksh town.

3.5.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 24

Data Gunj Buksh district Lahore.

3.6.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Gulberg Town district 25


3.6.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the 26

Gulberg town.

3.6.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 27

Gulberg Town district Lahore

3.7.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Samanabad Town district 28


3.7.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the 29

Samanabad Town.

3.7.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 30

Samanabad Town district Lahore.

3.8.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Nistar Town district Lahore. 31

3.8.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Nistar 32

3.8.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 33

Nistar Town district Lahore


3.9.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Cantonment Town district 34


3.9.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the 35

Cantonment town.

3.9.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 36

Cantonment Town district Lahore.

3.10.1 Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Iqbal town district Lahore. 37

3.10.2 Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Iqbal 38

3.10.3 Overall profile of the Physio-chemical properties of milk samples at 39

Iqbal town district Lahore


Milk, the primary nourishment man takes on birth (Chatterjee and Acharya 1992). It isn't actually
realized when man began using milk of different species for his advantage, however the significance
of milk in our eating regimen has been perceived since Vedic era (Chakravorty and Chakravarty
2011). Milk constitute 200 type of essential nutrients and said to be “complete diet”.it is utilized by all
eras of people including neonatal, pregnant women's, youth and mature age and has equivalent
preferred position for all congregations. Milk improves development and sustained our body (Ayub et
al. 2007). In the instance that milk shows its trademark structure it has high nutritious regard and set
up like heavenly quality proteins, fat, starches, supplements and minerals. Extra than its universal
necessity for public prosperity, milk proteins give amino acids, which are fundamental for bona fide
headway of younger and newborn child kids (Neumann et al. 2002).

Pakistan is the fifth biggest nation on the earth in milk generation. The milk generation in the year
2005-06 was 31295.7 thousand tons (Ayub et al. 2007). The milk from different species contains
various elements. As a rule, milk includes 86.9% liquid and 11.9% milk solid (3.6% fat, 7.98% milk
solid-not-fat). The assessment reveals that milk SNF comprises lactosse (4.6%), protein (3.2%), and
mineral (0.5%) (Chandan 1997).

The mostly gastro intestinal problems like stomach ulcer, accumulation of gases in intestines, colon
ulcer and imbalance electrolytes is due to adulteration of carbonic acid in milk (Beall and Scofield
1995).The another study conducted which reveals that if milk adulterated with chloride it cause to
damage alkalinity and imbalance blood PH (Hu and Murphy 2004).

An overview was directed in the year 2007-2008; Pakistan delivered 43.198 million tons of milk; of
which 63.14% was donated by dairy cows, 33.24% by buffaloes and 3.70% by sheep, goats and camels
(Athar et al. 2003). Milk is a short life expectancy and fastly denatures when temperature ascends in
the late spring season (Tipu et al. 2007).

Significantly, as a result of independent and non-controlled showing structures, the nature of milk isn't
generally held at buyer standard stage (Javaid et al. 2009). To save milk from its denaturation a
combination of adulterants are added to deplete during transportation and reservation (Barham et al.
2014). The purpose of adding water into milk to surge the volume of the milk. (Fakhar et al. 2006).

Veggetable oil, suggarcane or urea is added to compensate the fats, starch or proteins substance of
debilitated milk. A few synthetics, like, hydrogen peroxide, carbonates and even the maximum risky
compound formalin to enlarge the purpose of captivity age of milk (Tariq 2011). Ice is further enhance
the time expectancy of milk and reduce the soapy appearance of milk or calcium
thioglycollat/potasium thioglycollat/calcium salt of thioglycollic acid and urea for lighting up of milk
and giving it an authentic appearance (Walker et al. 2004).

As showed by (Staff Reporter in The Pakistan Times, 4 October 1974, Rawalpindi), milk is one of the
most basically polluted things in Pakistan (Anjum 1978). In genuine circumstances milk can go about
as a vehicle of thrashing from animals to human through microbes (Chandan 1997). Milk composed of
massive, appropriately absorbable, nutrious elements. The milk has boss pieces which are principal for
well development and physiology of our body. (Barham et al. 2015).


To improve their life expectancy and look they included different sorts of adulterants and added
substances into milk to build up the time length of milk like urea, sugar, vegetable oils, synthetics,
formalin, borax(Afzal et al. 2011). The usage of raw and adulterated milk can result a horrible threats
for public health (Marcus 1979). Development of water into milk is a fundamental spoiling source
in Pakistan. The milk defilement on exceptional degree that its hardships the genuine size and their
nutritious regard (Lateef et al. 2009; Lateef et al. 2010). Because of flexible and unpleasant nature of
milk the individuals experienced various dangers like gastroenteritis, vomiting, dyspepsia, intestinal
gases, asthma, urticarial, disturbance of circulatory system, kidney inflammation, metabolic acidosis,
and spasms (Haasnoot et al. 2004).


2.1. Milk. Adulteration

Polluted' was well-portrayed in the ninth (1875) arrival of Encyclopedia Britannica as 'the
including of those distortion substances or things in the sustenance to reduce their interesting quality
and augmentation sum for cash related benefits (Collins 1993).

2.2. Impact on Public Health

Tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria, red fever is damaging disease as a result of degradation or
contamination of milk. Contaminated meat was a huge source together of dyspepsia and gastric issue
(Collins 1993).

2.3. Adulteration of Milk

Because of nonattendance of checking and strategies, regardless, this is one of the most for the most
part saw ponders that have been ignored in different nations. Lamentably, rather than standard
principle, milk adulterants can show genuine thriving threats affecting dangerous pollution (Azad and
Ahmed 2016). Fluid milk has been an immense human upgrade hotspot for century’s survivals.
Regardless, the security of milk has dependably been attempted because of unlawful utilization of
included substances and contaminants, for example, benzoic acid, water, neutralizers, melammine
(Singh and Gandhi 2015).

In Pakistan, milk contamination is a making matter of fundamental significance. This issue endures at
each level; from producer point to utilize. This assessment was intended to monitor the different
contaminants in the marketplace milk vended in the region of Mirpurkhass region of Sindh, Pakistan
during the year 2013. An aggregate of hundred milk tests were assembled. Twentty milk tests from all
of milk creators, milk specialists, operators, processors and dairy factories were analyzed for many
contaminants. Amongst these contaminants water (72%) was originate in dominant piece of milk tests,
trailed by chemical (32%), unadulterated sugar (22%), sodium chlorid and skimed milk powderr
(17%), hydrogen peroxide (15%), starch (14%), formalin (12%), urea and vegetable oil (%), boric acid
(7%), amonium sulfate (7%), glucose (5%), sorbitol (2%) separately. The purpose of strengthening of
65% milk trial of milk creators, 75% of milk operator, 82% of processor and 84%% of dairy shop
seemed towards 0 C instead of that of control milk, and thought to be polluted with unessential liquid.
The landed at the midpoint of level of liquid in milk vended by P incredibly greater than that of other
milk advancing stations, anyway quantifiably non-significance (P>0.05) with all milk agents; milk
creators, milk operator, milk processor and dairy shop. The threat of debasement at dairy shop was
viewed as basically higher (P0.05) with processor and milk operator (Barham et al. 2014b).

This assessment was composed in the Dairy Technology Laboratory, National Agriculture Research
Center Islamabad, Pakistan during 2005 to assess varying dairy milk preliminary of various dairy
ranches masterminded in Chack Shehzadd, Dhoke Chaudherry, Abpharaa, Margaallah Town and
Sattellite Town of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. These models were broke down for piece and debased.
Results indicated that most phenomenal fat, protein and water substance were found in tests chackk
shehzadd (7.33%), Abpharaa (3.83%), chackk shehzadd (0.73%) and Sattellite Town (82.8%),
autonomously. Least estimations of fat, protein, waste and water were found in tests Margaallah Town
(5.99%), Dhokke Chaudherry (3.54%), Sattellite Town (0.63%) and Chackk Shehzadd (81.8%),

Review of Literature

autonomously. Most uncommon total solid were noted in test Chackk Shehzadd (16.32%), though
least in test Sattellite Town (15.22%). Our examination showed that no contaminants were found in
these samples. The quantifiable assessment showed that the fat, protein, water and garbage substance
of these milk tests accumulated from differ locales were in a general sense interesting (Ayub et al.

This assessment clarifies in aspect the spotless position of milk gave to several cafés, little residences
and other open and informational establishments. An aggregate of fifty samples were gathered from
various areas in Hyderabad, India and pursued for confirmation and level of corruption. Conceptual
evaluations were done on fifty milk tests; an ordinary milk polluted unit made by Himediaa look into
centers, Mumbai, India was utilized. Following are the fundamental perspective on the assessment: -
Sucrrose and skimmed milk powderr were open in 21% and 81% of the milk tests freely. Urea,
ammonium sulphate and Nacl were present in 62%, 25% and 84% of the milk tests autonomously.
Formaline, synthetic drinks and hydrogen peroxide were open in 33%, 43%, and 31% of the milk tests
got. All rate regards are expressive of substance of these adulterants (pursue, moderate and high
entireties joined). This abstract assessment which spread has out shown that the milk verified didn't
consent to the genuine measures and was adulterated with harmful caused mixes which are harming to

The examination was grasped to perceive the kind of contaminants and extra substances added to the
moving toward watery milk from provincial regions to the Barisaal town of Bangladesh. Hard and fast
fiftty milk tests were accumulated from 5 differing entry incentives behind Kara unadulterated,
Dabdopiaa, Shaestabadd, Goriarpaar and Khanpuraa of Barisaal area where 10 samples were taken
from respectively area. The outcomes demonstrated that, 99% of the milk tests were damaged with
liquid separately. Sugar, powderred milk and starchh were recognized as 25, 15 and 13% in the milk
tests, independently. 2 sorts of added substances specifically formalin and sodium bicarbonnate were
apparent in the fluid milk from the examination zones. Out everything considered, 9% was corrupted
with formalin and 21% with sodium bicarbonnate. Nevertheless, nobody of the samples restrained for
hydrogen peroxide or borax. There was a direct association between day temperature and intensity of
adding added substances to the liquid milk. As the day temperature extended, the amount of added
substance positive samples furthermore extended in a straight style and the different way. It could
along these lines be interpreted that, the clients must to be continuously attentive with respect to the
idea of unprocessed milk interestingly in summer season (Chanda et al. 2012).

The current valuation is planned to separate the milk excellence, defilement and mastitis pollution in
milk vended at different territories of Dehradunn. 100 irregular milk samples were assembled from
dairy holders from thirty special areas of Dehradunn. An absolute number of hundred models were
inspected for physical look, excellence, adulterants and mastitis polluting. 91 % milk samples were
white in covering and 9 % were yellowish white. PH ran between 6.7 – 6.9. Assessment of milk
excellence presented that fifteen milk samples were of remarkably low value, 73 samples were of
sensible class, 10 were incredible and only 02 models were of for the most part fantastic quality. Out
of 100 milk tests separated for debased, adulterants present were glucose (81%), skimmed milk
powderr (59%), salt (50%) and urea (36%) while showed negative for formalin, boric acid, starch and
ammonium sulfate. No mastitis infection was detected in the samples. The adulterants reduce the
nutritious estimation of milk and may moreover cause real human health associated issues (Nirwal et
al. 2013).

Review of Literature

The possibility of new milk vended at Queta for open use was examined through compound game-
plan. Hundred milk samples were aggregated from factories of ten self-emphatically picked locales of
2 townships of Queta. The Chemical strategy of milk was obliged by various parameters like Solid not
fat, Total Solid, Protein, and Acidity, Fat, and Specific Gravity%. The outcomes for uncooked milk
test presented most critical mean % of acidity 0.22% ±0.07, solid not fat 6.83% ±1.67, total solid 9%
±1.93, protein 3.43% ±0.62, fat 2.23% ±0.47, and specific gravity 1.024 ±0.00. Quantifiably the mean
steps of protein, total solid, solid not-fat, acidity and specific gravity of milk tests were exist non-
significance (P>0.05) while the mean steps of fat of milk tests were discovered inside and out non
significance. (P<0.05). The huge ingredients of milk like fat, protein, total solids and solid not fat of
milk advertised in Queta was a lot of lesser than the unadulterated milk which exhibited the weakened
sound nature of milk (Fahmid et al. 2016).

Degraded of nutrition can demonstrate bona fide hazard to man thriving. Essential nourishment
defilement happens with milk and milk things. This survey means to examine the effects of milk
degraded on sanitation and it raises the restricting human success impacts related with the utilization of
contaminated milk (Bhamare et al. 2016).

The assessment was driven in Boditi town and its linking, Southern Ethioppia to investigate milk and
milk things debasement in the zone. A entire of hundred twenty families were emotionally looked four
Kebelles, two in Boditi towns and the rest from surrounding. Dominating part (94%) of the defendants
in the considered zone concurred that there is contaminated of milk and milk things done by new
makers and merchants purposefully. The standard clarification (76%) for contamination of milk and
milk things was to bring higher money pay or to develop their total compensations. About 71.6% of
the defendants quick and dirty that the fundamental driver for debasement is untruthfulness of these
blameworthy gatherings and 28.2% called attention to the key driver are nonattendance of critical
worth control and catch up of the things excellence. The notable milk and milk things supposed biased
to debase in the inspected zone were rough milk (60.8%) and skim milk (7.98%). Among the
accidental elements included into milk and milk things; veggetable oil accounts 79.88%, fluid 60.15%
(more in towns) and skim milk (32%) were the huge ones. There must be rule and rule and care
creation in common zones to ease contaminated and its outcomes both on general prosperity and dairy
improvement. Further investigate should be cultivated for choosing and estimating the contaminants
and the influences in the considered place (Ayza and Yilma 2014a).

The examination was directed by (Amin 2016) to foreknow the contaminated of uncooked bovine's
milk in Egypt, Asyut City. An aggregate of 100 uncooked bovine's milk preliminaries were
haphazardly gathered from dairy yards and street merchants (50 samples each) in Egypt, Asyut city.
For the exposé of contaminated and warmth activity preliminaries were examined. Programmed milk
analyzer was utilized for reason for thickness, included water %, the point of solidification, fat%,
S.N.F% for the location of contaminated by expansion of water. Additionally, for the finding of
inhibitory materials milk tests were examined by generally speaking and exact tests, comparatively
introduction of about beneficial taste and warmth treatment. The general results uncovered by
debasement of milk preliminaries where in various rates. Though the road dealers' milk preliminaries
were presented to additional debasement as opposed to the dairy workshops. It may be chosen that
milk sold in Asyut city advertise is formed and influenced under insufficient chief occasions hire
greedy shops and producers to corrupt the milk to build their improvement.

A study was led by (Kishor and Thakur 2015) to upgrade the authentic and quick framework for
location and mid-infrared (MIR) spectrometers has been utilized for measurement of milk misuse.
From local included a superstores milk tests was purchased and pointed with water, urea,
formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide and glucose in various considerations in milk. Frequented certainties

Review of Literature

were created utilizing mid-infrared (MIR) spectrometers. To figure debasement level halfway least-
square relapse has been utilized and results exhibited by coefficients of assurance (R2) and standard
error of predication (SEP). The utilization of Fourier translates infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy alongside
chemo metric strategies to separate the milk polluting. These outcomes introduced that FTIR
spectroscopy in mixture alongside multivariate adjustment can be utilized for the further finding of
milk contaminated. The future technique is easy to utilize, fast, forthright and non-perilous.

This examination was led by (Islam et al. 2018) to assess the estimation of uncooked milk and to
recognize contaminations which were gathered from different neighborhood commercial centers in
Bangladesh. The photos of the uncooked milk were gathered from Sofir Mia Bazzar, Narikkali Bazzar
and Sokar Bazzar of Jabalppur zone in Bangladesh. Limitations were utilized to check the corruptions,
for example, measure of Formalin, Starrch, Cane Sugar the capacities of the models based on physical
tests (covering, taste, flavor, surface and specific gravity), compound tests [aciditty, protein , fat,
lactosse, total solid and solid not fat]-and biological tests. Based on physical test, it was build up that
every one of the photos were yellowish white in shading, standard in flavor and taste and free smooth
liquid in the condition of surface. Solely all the uncooked milk preliminaries didn't accomplish the
lawful normal of milk arrangement. However, in the Sokar Bazar the crude milk testers were dynamic
in fat, protein, lactose and SNF and TS inner parts as opposed to the next two delineations.
Microbiological limitations were additionally high in all uncooked milk pictures as opposed to the
normal. It was legitimate that no defilement was begun in any of the gathered uncooked milk pictures.
This examination clarifies that neatness protest didn't properly keep during draining and transport of
the total uncooked milk in the local shops.

For the location of pesticides in milk of buffaloes an examination was planned (Makadiya and Pandey
2017) of various regions of Chandigarh and Ahmedabad by a strategy for elegant layer
chromatography. Three pesticides Dichlorovos, DDT and Chloprifos were utilized to check the
pollution level in milk by utilizing TLC. Hexane: Acetone was utilized to perform extraction with the
proportion of 1:1. With pesticide models separated milk was spotted on TLC. It was seen that a large
portion of the milk test was tainted with pesticide. In the wake of splashing the reagents with norms,
through RF worth and shade of the spot produced for the ID of pesticide. Through GC-MS affirmation
of pesticide was finished. 40% of milk tests were pesticide positive. Organophosphorus was
extensively present in milk tests. Milk defiled with pesticide are damaging for human wellbeing.

Another investigation demonstrated that the most conspicuous kinds of corruption in commercially
available branded milk were expansion of water, fractional skimming or both. Then again, additives
and business added substances were missing in all milk(SHINAWY et al.).

2.4. Physio-Chemical quality of Milk

Ramya, Babu et al. 2016shown various assessments to get to physio-chemical improvement for dairy
cow milk from various sources for example dairy ranches, chilling focuses, dairy shops and road
traders. EKOMILK ANALYSER reviews unmistakable physio-chemical highlights of milk. It was
recorded that in open sort of defilements the state of analyzers made at dairy shops, road venders were
check of water, incomplete skimming or the two sorts, dairy farms and chilling midpoints when related
with dairy workshops and road merchants which produces degradation of milk with water gives us the
sample where we found fat (6.23), protein (18.8) specific gravity (1.032) and Solids Not Fat (10.30) . A
few wellbeing dangers are brought about by the debasement of milk with water from dairy shop and
street vendor. Milk has been a decent wellspring of different supplements including various synthetic
substances. Different milk samples was investigated and found that solid not fat was low when
compared with decreasing sugar in the milk. Buffalo’s milk test gave higher outcome as compared to

Review of Literature

Cow milk sample. Every one of these outcomes compared with its World Health Origin esteem,
diminishing sugar and solid not fat were unimportant (Navale and Gupta).

To extend the time length of ease of use for lengthy carriage of milk, formalin is added as a
contaminant to reduce. That is astoundingly unsafe roots for liver and kidney problems. Another Near
Infrared spectroscopy (NIR) got together with multivariate examination was made to recognize
similarly as to enumerate the standard of formalin damaged in dairy animal’s milk. In this assessment
four particular sorts of dairy animal’s milk samples were accumulated from Nizwaa territories of
Sultanaate of Oman and were explored. Those cow milk samples were then debased with formalin at
eight particular rate levels: 0.1%, 1.2%, 3.1%, 5.1%, 7.1%, 9.1%, 11.1%, 13.1% and 17.1% of
formalin (Mabood et al. 2017).

SHINGNE, GUBBAWAR et al. guided a valuation to feature "Nature of milk sold in Wardha city" in
2017-2018. from eateries, milk makers and milk merchants 80 samples are taken and co-usable people
of Wardha city and checked for level of corruption in milk at Post Graduate Laboratory, Section of
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, College of Agriculture, an result it was seen that
the 15% of milk samples for specific gravity level under 1.028 were made in milk creators and 5.60%
delivered from milk dealer with the particular gravity specific gravity level underneath 1.028. The
percent of milk sample corrupted with water as indicated by their particular gravity is milk merchants
(60.00) trailed by cafés (55.00%), co-employable developments (40.00%). the most reduced percent
start in milk makers (15.00%).

During the year 2013 So Omro, Khaskheli et al. 2014 thought about numerous adulterants and effect
on chemical features of business focus milk isolated at Badin. At the Department of Animal Products
Technology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University
Tandojam, 20 samples from milk merchant, and dairy workshops were evaluated for various
contaminants (water, urea, starch, chemicals, unadulterated sugar, and formalin and skimed milk
powder). Water is accessible as the adulterant in most by far of the milk analyzers. Corrupted with
inessential water have 95% of milk merchant and 100% of dairy shop milk near 0oC somehow or
another or another than that of the ordinary milk I.e. - 0.55oC. It was recorded that Nestle milk had
1.00±0.01% acidity, 5.44±0.01 pH, 4.00±0.06% protein, 15.84±0.10% total solids, 13.08±0.11% solids
not fat, and 8.47±0.12% carbohydrate/lactose(Khan et al. 2008).


There are many different ways to adulterate the milk and degrade their excellent quality of
milk shop and sale points to get more income. Recently we are looking for milk adulteration and milk
quality in Lahore. In this study the following aspects of milk will be check and examined

 To regulate the position of various adulterants in the milk vended at customer trade
points and branded milk.
 To regulate the physical and chemical superiority of milk.

Review of Literature



3.1. Study area
The current analysis has been coordinated in and around various town of Lahore divisions (Punjab),
which are wealthy area in Livestock cultivating.

3.2. Study project

The inspecting was done in which 50 ml milk specimen from the chosen zones were gathered
in cleaned glass bottle under cool chain and dispensed for additional assessment (Thru field, 2005).

3.3. Study period

The sampling period extended for 6 month starting from April to September, 2019.

3.4. Study Plan and Data collection

1. A sum of milk tests (n=200) were gathered haphazardly from business milk shops.

Specimens n=150 from ten towns of Lahore i.e., Ravi town (Aziz Abad association board 3,
Faisal Bagh association chamber 4, Qaiser association committee 5, ), Shalimar town ( Shad
Bagh association gathering 23, Wassanpura association chamber 24, Faiz Bagh association
gathering 25), Wagha town ( Muslim Abad association committee 39, Salamatpura association
committee 40, Lakhoder association chamber 49), Aziz Bhatti town ( Mughal Pura association
board 48, Main Meer association chamber 54, Mustafa awful association board 55),Data Gunj
Buksh town ( Anarkali association gathering 72 , Islam Pura association gathering 81, race
course park association gathering 78),Gulberg town ( Naseerabad association committee 99,
Model Town association board 127, Kot Lakh pat association chamber 130) ,Samanabad town
( Ichra association committee 100, Naya samanabad association board 101, Shah Jamal
association chamber 102), Iqbal town (channel association chamber 113, bakar mandi
association board 114, Sabzazar association chamber 112) Nistar town ( Ismailnagar
association gathering 135,Kahna Nau association board 146, Gajju Matta association board
145), Cantonment Lahore Defense, Cavalry ground, Islam Nagar association chamber 152).
(15 samples from every town).

2. Sample (n=50) was gathered from significant commercially milk branded organization.

3.5. Screening for milk adulterants

Entirely the milk samples were analyzed for the occurrence of various contaminants through
manually prepared kit by using book “Handbook on Analysis of Milk” in Department of Epidemiology
and Public Health Lab, UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan. A sum of 7 differ pollutants were noticed with the
help of kit.
Test Technique:

1. Urea Assessment:
Materials and Methods

 5 mili liter Para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde (16%) is mixed well with 5 ml of milk.
 If the color of solution changes into yellow, then the sample is said positive for urea (Singh et
al. 2012).
2. Pulverized Soap Test:
 Take 10 ml of milk in a test tube.
 Diluted it with equal amount of warm water.
 Mix 1 – 2 droplets of phenolphthalein indicator.
 If the solution turns into pink color, then the specimen is supposed to be positive for soap
(Singh et al. 2012).

3. Detergents:
 Take 5 ml of milk in a test tube.
 Mix 0.1 mili liter of bromocresol purple solution.
 Development of violet color shows the sample is positive for detergents. Negative milk
samples show a pale violet color.

4. Boric Acid Assessment:

 1mili liter milk sample was taken in a clean test tube.

 Then, 1ml reagent #7A was mixed.
 Same volume of reagent #7B was also mixed.
 Specific orange color indication of positive milk sample.
 Orange yellow color showed negative milk sample.

5. Formalin Assessment:

 Take 10 ml of milk in test tube.

 Without shaking on the side of the test tube 5ml of conc.H2SO4 is added. The positive sample
for formalin will show the blue or violet ring at the intersection point of the two layers.

6. Ammonium Sulphate:

 Take 5 mili liter hot milk in a test tube.

 Mixed with a appropriate acid e.g. citric acid and the whey thus separated is filtered.
 Gather the whey in additional test tube and mix 0.5 ml of 5% barium chloride.
 Presence of precipitate specifies the positive for ammonium sulphate in milk (Singh et al.

7. Water:

 The contamination of milk with water can be noticed by milk analyzer reading.

3.6. Physio-Chemical analysis of milk

Physio-substance parameters for example pH, protein, lactose, the freezing point, fat, SNF and
total solids of all the gathered milk tests were scrutinized utilizing through Milk Analyzer at Pattoki
Uvas Lahore.

This investigation was attempted in District Lahore (Punjab Province) to assess the worth and
violation of milk. The target of the investigation was to detect the impact of contaminated on the
physical and chemical features of the milk vended at milk shops in the investigation region (Lahore
District) in various towns.

4.1. Adulteration of milk Samples

The adulterants was evaluated in the collected specimens of the milk vended at different milk
workshops of following towns; Raavi Town, Shalimmar town, Waghaa town, Aziz Bhati town, Nistar,
Iqbal, Data Ganjj Buksh, Gulberg, Samanabad town, Cantonment town). The milk of selected zones
showed with various contaminants (Urea, Soap, Detergents, Water, Boric Acid, Ammonium Sulfate,
and Formalin) as showed up in Table 4.1.1.

Table4.1.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Ravi Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimen
specimen Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15)

1 Urea 3/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 14/15

4 Soap 2/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 1/15

7 Formalin 1/15

An aggregate of 15 milk tests were examined out of which Water was the most well-known adulterant
with a frequency of recorded in 93.33% (14/15) of milk tests. Furthermore, 6.66% (1/15) milk tests
were sure for Boric Acid and 6.66 % (1/15) for Formalin and ammonium sulfate, 13.33 % (2/15) for
Soap, urea was sure for 20%(3/15) while none of the milk test was certain for the Detergents. By and
large, water corruption/expansion recognized in the milk tests in the ebb and flow study utilizing Milk


analyzer was 95% (14/15) paying little mind to the status of different adulterants.

Table 4.1.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Ravi Town-

Adulterants Aziz Abad Faisal Bagh Qaiser union

noticed union union council 4 council 5
council 3

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 00/5 02/5

Detergents (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 0/5


Ammonium 01/5 0/5 0/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 01/5 0/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 04/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 1/5


In the Pere-urban areas of Ravi town, in Aziz Abbad, water was detected 100% (5/5), urea was
detected in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, followed by Soap, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin which
were positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples. Boric acid and detergents were not present in any of the
model. In the Faisal Bagh area of the peri-urban, water was detected 80% (4/5) of milk sample, soap
debasement was present in 20% (1/5) of milk samples. While Urea, Boric acid, Ammonium sulphate,
Detergents, and Formalin contamination was not noted for any of the milk samples from this zone.

In the rural areas of Qaiser union council, water was found to be the maximum common
contaminant recognized in 100% (5/5) milk samples. The debasement by Urea was present in 40%
(2/5) milk samples, although Boric Acid was recorded at lower frequency of adulteration 20% (1/5),
while none of the sample was positive for Soap, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin.

Table 4.1.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Ravi Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimen tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.1 3.25 -0.35 3.1 6.2 2.20 10.6

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the gathered milk tests of study territories (7.1) was fundamentally more than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the gathered milk tests was (03.25%) essentially
lower than the standard worth (4.8%). The mean of Freezing purpose of the milk examinations were
accurately more (- 0.35) than the standard Freezing point (- 0.53). Then again, the mean fat (3.1%) of
the tried milk tests was fundamentally lower than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk fat. So also, the
mean of Solid-not-fat (06.2%) were lesser than the standard range of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the
protein (2.20) and total solid (10.6) was essentially lower than standard rates of 3.40 and 12.60,


Table4.2.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Shalimar Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimen
specimen Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15)

1 Urea 0/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 0/15

3 Water 12/15

4 Soap 1/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 0/15

7 Formalin 0/15

An aggregate of 15 milk tests were measured out of which Water was the most well-known
adulterant with a frequency of recorded in 80% (12/15) of milk tests. Besides, 6.66% (1/15) milk tests
was certain for Soap while none of the milk test were sure for the Detergents, urea, Ammonium
sulfate, Boric Acid and Formalin. In any case, the frequency of various adulterants distinguished was
non-altogether distinctive recommending practically identical pattern in their utilization. In general,
water contaminated/expansion recognized in the milk tests in the ebb and flow study utilizing Milk


analyzer was 80% (12/15) paying little mind to the status of different adulterants.

Table 4.2.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Shalimar

Adulterants Shad Bagh Faiz Bagh Wassanpur

noticed union council union council a union
23 25 council 24

Urea (+ve/-ve) 00/5 00/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


Ammonium 00/5 00/5 00/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 00/5 00/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 00/5 00/5 00/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 03/5 04/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


In the Pere-urban area of Shalimar town, in Shad Bagh, water was detected 100% (5/5), Soap
which were positive in 20% (1/5) milk sample. Boric acid, detergents, Ammonium sulphate, Formalin
and Urea were not present in any of the sample. In the Faiz Bagh zone of the rural area, water was
detected 60% (3/5) While Soap, Ammonium sulphate, urea, Boric Acid, Detergents, and Formalin
corruption was not noted for any of the milk sample form this zone.

In Wassanpura zone, water was strong-minded to be the maximum common contaminant

recognized in 80% (4/5) milk samples. None of the sample was positive for Soap, Detergents,
Ammonium sulphate, urea, Boric acid and Formalin from this area.

Table 4.2.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Shalimar Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimen tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.20 -0.33 3.3 6.2 2.3 10.2

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively more than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.20%)
expressively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically more (-0.33) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.3%) of the tested milk samples was significantly lower than the recommended range (3.70%) of
milk fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6.2%) were meaningfully lesser than the
standard concentration of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.3) and total solid (10.2) was
expressively lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.


Table4.3.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Wagha Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimen
specimen Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15)

1 Urea 4/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 15/15

4 Soap 5/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 2/15

7 Formalin 1/15

An entire of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the maximum communal
pollutant with an incidence of noted in 100% (15/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15) milk
samples were positive for Boric Acid and 26.66 % (4/15) for Urea, 33.33 % (5/15) for Soap, and
6.66% (1/15) for ammonium Sulphate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while nobody of the milk sample
was positive for the Detergents. Though, the incidence of different adulterants noticed was non-
significantly different suggesting comparable trend in their use. Overall, water adulteration/addition
noticed in the milk samples in the recent study using Milk analyzer was 100% (15/15) regardless of the


status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.3.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Wagha Town-

Adulterants Muslim Abad Salamatpura Lakhoder union

noticed union council union council council 49
39 40

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 03/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


Ammonium 01/5 00/5 00/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 02/5 02/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 00/5 00/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 05/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 02/5 00/5


In the Pere-urban zones of Wagha town, in Muslim Abbad, water was noticed 100% (5/5), urea
and soap were noticed in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, trailed by Ammonium sulphate and Formalin
which were positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples while Boric Acid, detergents were not present in any
of the sample. In the Salamatpura peri-urban zone, water was noticed 80% (4/5) of milk sample, urea
contamination was present in 60% (3/5) of milk samples. Boric acid and soap were noted in 40% (2/5)
of milk samples. While Ammonium sulphate, Detergents, and Formalin was negative from this zone.

In Lakhoder, water was resolute to be the maximum common pollutant recognized in 100%
(5/5) milk samples. The adulteration by Soap was present in 40% (2/5) milk samples, While Boric
Acid, urea, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin verified no indication of pollution in tested
milk samples.

Table 4.3.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Wagha Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimen tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was expressively more than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
suggestively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically more (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was expressively lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk
fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6.0%) were suggestively lesser than the standard
concentration of 8.90%. Additionally, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was
expressively lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.


Table4.4.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Aziz Bhatti Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimen
specimen Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15)

1 Urea 3/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 14/15

4 Soap 2/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 2/15

7 Formalin 1/15

An entire of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the maximum communal
contaminant with an incidence of noted in 93.33% (14/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15)
milk samples were positive for Boric Acid and 20 % (3/15) for Urea, 13.33 % (2/15) for Soap, and
6.66% (1/15) for ammonium Sulphate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while nobody of the milk sample
was positive for the Detergents. Though, the incidence of different adulterants noticed was non-
significantly different suggesting comparable trend in their use. Overall, water adulteration/addition
noticed in the milk samples in the current study using Milk analyzer was 95% (14/15) regardless of the


status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.4.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Aziz Bhatti Town-s

Adulterants Mughal Main Meer Mustafa bad

noticed Pura union union council union council 55
council 48 54

Urea (+ve/-ve) 00/5 03/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


Ammonium 01/5 00/5 00/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 01/5 00/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 00/5 00/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 04/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 2/5 00/5


In the Pere-urban zones of Aziz Bhatti town, i.e., in Mughal Pura, water was identified 100%
(5/5), urea was recognized in 20% (1/5) of milk tests, trailed by Soap, Ammonium sulfate and
Formalin which were sure in 20% (1/5) milk tests. Boric acid, Urea and cleansers were not found in
any of the example. In the Main Meer region of the peri-urban region, water was recognized 80% (4/5)
of milk test, urea contaminated was found in 60% (3/5) of milk tests. Boric acid was noted in 40%
(2/5) of milk tests and Soap were recognized 20% (1/5) While Ammonium sulfate, Detergents, and
Formalin contaminated was not recorded for any of the milk test structure this territory.

In Mustafa awful, water was resolved to be the most regular adulterant recognized in 100% (5/5) milk
tests. While Soap, Detergents, Ammonium sulfate and Formalin, Boric Acid and Urea exhibited no
proof of humiliation in tried milk tests.

Table 4.4.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Aziz Bhatti
Town district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimen tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the gathered milk tests of study regions (7.3) was profoundly more than the
standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the gathered milk tests was (3.22%) fundamentally lower
than the standard worth (4.80%). The mean of Freezing purpose of the milk tests were measurably
more (- 0.32) than the standard Freezing point (- 0.53). Then again, the mean fat (3.4%) of the tried
milk tests was essentially lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk fat. Likewise, the mean of
Solid-not-fat (6.0%) were fundamentally lower than the standard grouping of 8.90%. Besides, the

mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was essentially lower than standard rates of 3.40 and
12.60, individually.

Table4.5.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Data Gunj Buksh Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimen
specimen Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15)

1 Urea 3/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 15/15

4 Soap 2/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 1/15

7 Formalin 1/15

A sum of 15 milk tests were examined out of which Water was the most widely recognized
adulterant with a frequency of recorded in 100% (15/15) of milk tests and 20 % (3/15) for Urea, 13,33
% (2/15) for Soap, and 6.66% (1/15) for ammonium Sulfate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin, 6.66%( 1/15)
for Boric Acid while none of the milk test was sure for the Detergents. Be that as it may, the rate of
various adulterants identified was non-fundamentally distinctive recommending similar pattern in their
utilization. By and large, water corruption/expansion recognized in the milk tests in the ebb and flow
study utilizing Milk analyzer was 100% (15/15) paying little respect to the status of different


Table 4.5.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Data Gunj Buksh

Adulterants Anar kali Islam Pura Race Course park

noticed union council union council union council 5
78 82

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 02/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 0/5


Ammonium 00/5 0/5 01/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 01/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 05/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 02/5 00/5


In the Pere-urban areas of data Gunj Buksh town, i.e., in Anarkali, water was detected 100%
(5/5), urea was detected in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, trailed by Soap and Formalin which were
positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples. Boric acid, Ammonium sulphate and Detergents were not present
in any of the sample. In the Islam Pura of the rural area, water was noticed 100% (5/5) of milk sample,
urea and Boric acid adulteration were found in 40% (2/5) of milk samples. While Soap, Ammonium
sulphate, Detergents, and Formalin was negative from this zone.

In Race Course park area, water was resolute to be the maximum common contaminant
recognized in 100% (5/5) milk samples. The contamination by Soap and Ammonium sulphate were
present in 20% (1/5) milk sample, While Boric Acid, Urea, Detergents and Formalin confirmed no
indication of adulteration in tested milk samples.

Table 4.5.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Data Gunj
Buksh Town district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimen tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the gathered milk tests of study regions (7.3) was altogether more than the
standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the gathered milk tests was (3.22%) fundamentally lesser
than the standard worth (4.80%). The mean of Freezing purpose of the milk tests were measurably
greater (- 0.32) than the standard Freezing point (- 0.53). Then again, the mean fat (3.4%) of the tried
milk tests was altogether lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk fat. Correspondingly, the
mean of Solid-not-fat (6.0%) were essentially lesser than the standard convergence of 8.90%.


Moreover, the mean of the protein (2.40) and total solids (10.3) was fundamentally lesser than
standard rates of 3.40 and 12.60, separately.

Table4.6.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Gulberg Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimens
specimens tested Adulterants noticed
(n= 15)

1 Urea 01/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 00/15

3 Water 14/15

4 Soap 01/15

5 Detergents 00/15

6 Boric Acid 00/15

7 Formalin 01/15

A sum of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the maximum communal
contaminant with an incidence of noted in 93.33% (14/15) of milk samples. Besides 6.66 % (1/15) for
Soap and 6.66% (1/15) for Urea, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while no valid proof was found for
detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Boric acid. Though, the incidence of different adulterants noticed
was non-significantly different suggesting comparable trend in their use. Overall, water
adulteration/addition noticed in the milk samples in the current study using Milk analyzer was 95%


(14/15) regardless of the status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.6.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Gulberg Town-

Adulterants Naseer Abad Model town Kot Lakh Pat

noticed union council 99 union council union council 130

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 00/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


Ammonium 00/5 00/5 00/5

sulphate (+ve/-

Soap (+ve/-ve) 00/5 0/5 01/5

Formalin (+ve/- 01/5 0/5 0/5



Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 04/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


In the Rural areas of Gulberg, i.e., in Naseer Abad, water was detected 100% (5/5), Urea and
Formalin were detected in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, Boric acid, Ammonium Sulphate, Soap and
detergents were not present in any of the sample. In the Model town of the rural part, water was
noticed 80% (4/5) of milk sample.

While Soap, Boric Acid, Urea Ammonium sulphate, Detergents, and Formalin was negative from this

In Kot Lakh Pat area, water was resolute to be the maximum recurrent contaminant recognized
in 100% (5/5) milk samples, though Soap was noted at lesser frequency of pollution 20% (1/5), While
Boric Acid, Urea, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin verified no indication of adulteration
in tested milk samples.

Table 4.6.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Gulberg Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimens tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively more than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
expressively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically greater (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was suggestively lesser than the recommended range (3.70%) of
milk fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6%) were expressively lesser than the standard
concentration of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was suggestively
lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.


Table4.7.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Samanabad Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of spicemens
specimens tested Adulterants noticed
(n= 15)

1 Urea 06/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 00/15

3 Water 15/15

4 Soap 04/15

5 Detergents 00/15

6 Boric Acid 02/15

7 Formalin 00/15

A sum of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the maximum communal
contaminant with an incidence of noted in 100% (15/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15) milk
samples were positive for Boric Acid and 40 % (6/15) for Urea, 26.66 % (4/15) for Soap, while
Detergents, Formalin, Ammonium sulphate was negative. Though, the incidence of different
adulterants noticed was non-significantly different suggesting comparable trend in their use. Overall,
water adulteration/addition noticed in the milk samples in the recent study using Milk analyzer was


100% (15/15) regardless of the status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.7.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Samanabad

Adulterants Ichra union Naya Shah Jamal

noticed council 100 Samanabad union council
union council 102

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 03/5 02/5

Detergents (+ve/- 00/5 00/5 00/5


Ammonium 00/5 00/5 00/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 01/5 02/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 00/5 00/5 00/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 05/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 00/5 02/5 00/5


In the Pere-urban parts of Samanabad town, i.e., in Ichra, water was noticed 100% (5/5), Urea,
Soap were sensed in 20% (1/5) of milk samples. Boric acid, Ammonium sulphate, Formalin, and
detergents were not present in any of the sample. In the Naya Samanabad of the rural area, water was
perceived 80% (4/5) of milk sample; Urea adulteration was present in 60% (3/5) of milk samples.
Boric acid was noted in 40% (2/5) of milk samples, 20% (1/5) for Soap. While Ammonium sulphate,
Detergents, and Formalin adulteration were not verified for any of the milk sample form this zone.

In Shah Jamal area, water was resolute to be the maximum common contaminant recognized in
100% (5/5) milk samples. The adulteration by Urea and Soap were present in 40% (2/5) milk samples,
While Boric Acid, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin confirmed no indication of
adulteration in tested milk samples.

Table 4.7.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Samanabad
Town district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimens tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively greater than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
expressively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically greater (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean


fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was suggestively lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk
fat. Likewise, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6%) were suggestively lesser than the standard concentration
of 8.9%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was suggestively lesser than
standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.

Table4.8.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Nistar Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimens
specimens tested (n= Adulterants noticed

1 Urea 3/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 14/15

4 Soap 6/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 2/15

7 Formalin 1/15

A sum of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the maximum communal
contaminant with an incidence of noted in 93.33% (14/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15)
milk samples were positive for Boric Acid and 20 % (3/15) for Urea, 40 % (6/15) for Soap, and 6.66%
(1/15) for ammonium Sulphate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while no authentic proof was found for the
Detergents. Overall, water adulteration sensed in the milk samples in the recent study using Milk


analyzer was 95% (14/15) regardless of the status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.8.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Nistar Town-

Adulterants Ismail Nagar Gajju Matta Kahna Nau

noticed union council union council union council
135 145 146

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 03/5 02/5

Detergents (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 0/5


Ammonium 01/5 0/5 0/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 04/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 0/5 2/5 1/5


In the Pere-urban zones of Nistar town, i.e., in Ismail Nagar, water was noticed 100% (5/5),
urea was noticed in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, trailed by Soap, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin
which were positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples. Boric acid and detergents were not present in any of
the sample. In the Gajju Matta area, water was noticed 80% (4/5) of milk sample, urea adulteration
was present in 60% (3/5) of milk samples. Boric acid was eminent in 40% (2/5) of milk samples.
While none of the sample were positive for Soap, Ammonium sulphate, Detergents, and Formalin
form this zone.

In Kahna Nau zone, water was resolute to be the utmost common contaminant recognized in
100% (5/5) milk samples. Urea was present in 40% (2/5) milk samples, whereas Boric Acid was noted
at lesser frequency of adulteration 20% (1/5), While Soap, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and
Formalin confirmed no indication of adulteration in tested milk samples.

Table 4.8.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Nistar Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimens tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively greater than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
expressively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically greater (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was suggestively lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk
fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6%) were expressively lesser than the standard
concentration of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was expressively
lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.


Table4.9.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Cantonment Town District Lahore.

No. of milk
No. of specimens
specimens tested (n= Adulterants noticed

1 Urea 3/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 14/15

4 Soap 4/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 2/15

7 Formalin 1/15

A sum of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the greatest communal
pollutant with an incidence of noted in 93.33% (14/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15) milk
samples were positive for Boric Acid and 20 % (3/15) for Urea, 40 % (6/15) for Soap, and 6.66%
(1/15) for ammonium Sulphate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while nobody of the milk sample was
positive for the Detergents. Overall, water adulteration/addition sensed in the milk samples in the


recent study using Milk analyzer was 95% (14/15) regardless of the status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.9.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Cantonment Town-

Adulterants Defense union Cavalry union Islam Nagar

noticed council 152 council 152 union council

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 03/5 02/5

Detergents (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 0/5


Ammonium 01/5 0/5 0/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5


Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 04/5 05/5

Boric Acid (+ve/- 0/5 2/5 1/5


In the Rural zones of Cantonment town, i.e., in Defence, water was noticed 100% (5/5), urea
was sensed in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, trailed by Soap, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin which
were positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples. Boric acid and detergents were not present in any of the
sample. In the Cavalry area of the rural area, water was noticed 80% (4/5) of milk sample, urea
adulteration was present in 60% (3/5) of milk samples. Boric acid was recorded in 40% (2/5) of milk
samples. While Soap, Ammonium sulphate, Detergents, and Formalin adulteration was negative form
this zone.

In Islam Nagar zone, water was resolute to be the maximum common contaminant recognized
in 100% (5/5) milk samples. The adulteration by Urea was present in 40% (2/5) milk samples, though
Boric Acid was verified at lesser frequency of adulteration 20% (1/5), While Soap, Detergents,
Ammonium sulphate and Formalin confirmed no indication of adulteration in tested milk samples.

Table 4.9.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Cantonment
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimens tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively greater than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
suggestively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically greater (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was expressively lesser than the suggested range (3.70%) of milk
fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6%) were expressively lesser than the standard
concentration of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was suggestively
lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.


Table4.10.1: Overall estimate of milk adulteration in Iqbal Town District Lahore.

No. of milk specimens No. of specimens

Adulterants noticed
tested (n= 15) adulterated

1 Urea 2/15

2 Ammonium sulphate 1/15

3 Water 15/15

4 Soap 3/15

5 Detergents 0/15

6 Boric Acid 1/15

7 Formalin 1/15

A sum of 15 milk samples were assayed out of which Water was the utmost communal
pollutant with an incidence of noted in 100% (15/15) of milk samples. Besides, 13.33% (2/15) milk
samples were positive for urea and 6.66 % (1/15) for Boric acid, 20 % (3/15) for Soap, and 6.66%
(1/15) for ammonium Sulphate, 6.66% (1/15) for Formalin while none of the sample was positive for
the Detergents. Overall, water adulteration/addition sensed in the milk samples in the recent study


using Milk analyzer was 95% (14/15) regardless of the status of the other adulterants.

Table 4.10.2: Area specific estimate of milk adulteration in and around the Iqbal Town-

Adulterants Canal union Bakar Mandi Sabzazar

noticed council 113 union council union council
114 112

Urea (+ve/-ve) 01/5 01/5 00/5

Detergents (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 0/5


Ammonium 01/5 0/5 0/5

sulphate (+ve/-ve)

Soap (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5

Formalin (+ve/-ve) 01/5 0/5 0/5

Water (+ve/-ve) 05/5 05/5 05/5


Boric Acid (+ve/- 0/5 0/5 1/5


In the Rural zones of Iqbal town, i.e., in Canal, water was sensed 100% (5/5), urea was
identified in 20% (1/5) of milk samples, trailed by Soap, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin which
were positive in 20% (1/5) milk samples. Boric acid and detergents were not present in any of the
sample. In the Bakar mandi of the rural area, water was noticed 100% (5/5) of milk sample, urea
adulteration was present in 20% (1/5) of milk samples. While none of the sample was positive for
Soap, Ammonium sulphate, Detergents, Boric acid and Formalin adulteration from this zone.

In Sabzazar zone, water was resolute to be the supreme common contaminant recognized in
100% (5/5) milk samples. Though Boric Acid was noted at lesser frequency of adulteration 20% (1/5),
While Urea, Soap, Detergents, Ammonium sulphate and Formalin verified no indication of
adulteration in tested milk samples.

Table 4.10.3: Overall summary of the Physio-chemical features of milk samples at Iqbal Town
district Lahore.

No. of milk Physio-chemical parameters of Milk

specimens tested
pH Lactose Freezing Fat Solids- Protein Total
%age point %age not-fat %age Solids
%age %age

15 7.3 3.22 -0.32 3.4 6.0 2.4 10.3

Standard Values 6.70 4.80 -0.53 3.70 8.90 3.40 12.60

The mean pH of the composed milk samples of study zones (7.3) was suggestively greater than
the standard pH 6.70. The mean of Lactose from the composed milk samples was (3.22%)
expressively lesser than the standard value (4.80%). The mean of Freezing point of the milk samples
were statistically greater (-0.32) than the standard Freezing point (-0.53). On the other hand, the mean
fat (3.4%) of the tested milk samples was suggestively lesser than the recommended range (3.70%) of
milk fat. Correspondingly, the mean of Solid-not-fat (6%) were suggestively lesser than the standard
concentration of 8.90%. Besides, the mean of the protein (2.4) and total solid (10.3) was expressively
lesser than standard percentages of 3.40 and 12.60, respectively.

Milk is viewed as the necessary piece of the intake routine and elementary because of its extraordinary
nutritious worth assuming significant job in the human and animal wellbeing. Milk has every one of
the elements required by a life form in its effectively vulnerable structure (Kandpal et al. 2012).
Development of liquid is one of the basic erroneous works on influencing the physical and chemical
nature of milk. Milk organization studies have shown steady disintegration in the nature of milk
acquired from differed foundations and in a few occasions being too little to even think about meeting
even the base lawful necessities. Bhatti (2011) announced that increase of water to the typical milk is
expected to increase the milk volume. Be that as it may, the development of water to drain diminishes
its healthy benefit as well as presents a wellbeing risk (Pitty, 2011).

5.1. Milk Adulteration

Water violation recognized by Milk analyzer in the present investigation was seen as 95% in
the milk tests. This discovery of the ebb and flow study is in accordance with a prior report revealing
92.33% water corruption in milk tests taken from Faisalabbad (Lateef et al.2009). This is additionally
in harmony with extra investigation directed on the milk tests got from the canteens of instructive
societies and open spots of Faisalabbad indicating 97% and 93% water violation individually (Faraz et
al. 2013). Almost identical outcomes have been represented by Shaikh et al. (2013) and Awais (2013)
from the milk tests starting from Hyderabad, Latifabad and Qasimabad.

In the present investigation, the frequency of Urea humiliation was 14% (28/200) which was
very lower than 63.20 and 86.30% verified in Faisalabbad by Faraz et al. (2013) The degree of urea
humiliation (100%) estimated in Gandhhinagar, India (Jivraj and Astha, 2015) had been very higher
yet no urea violation was recorded by Rao et al. (2002) and Naseer et al. (2013) which varies
altogether from the present study. Urea is mixed to the milk to upsurge its whiteness and to give glossy
look, to build the constancy of milk and for leveling the solid not fat substance as existing in normal
milk. Hardly any grams of urea are tolerable to grant milk it’s one of a compassionate state (Walker et
al. 2004).

The adulteration of detergents in recent study was 0% which is accordance with a prior report 0%
(Nirwal et al. 2013) and lesser than the 44% (Singuluri and Sukumaran 2014) and 25%(Swathi and
Naazia 2015).
The polluted of soap in the present investigation was 64% which is greater than the 0% (Naseer et al.
2013) and 41% (Walker et al. 2004). Then again, 99% milk tests were seen as despoiled with soap in
India (Kandpal et al. 2012). Subsequent to evacuating the milk fat, increase of soap gives frothy and
gleaming look to drain. As current investigation is directed in the urban and peri urban regions of
District Lahore, fewer fat evacuating machines are accessible so less soap increase occurred. Soaps are
mixed to blend and break down the oil in water giving the foamy arrangement, the emblem white
shade of milk.
In recent study, formalin was noticed 4% which was lower than the outcomes 12% (Sanjveni et al.
2011) quite lesser than 13% (Walker et al. 2004), 20% (Barham et al. 2014), 22% and 26% formalin
existing in milk specimens from various cafeterias of Educational Institutes and public places of
Faisalabad (Fraz et al. 2013) and 27.34% in Peshawar (Naseer et al. 2013). But the value of such milk


becomes relatively distressing particularly for the GIT, circulatory, reproductive and other body
systems also being quite hazardous.

In current examination, Boric acid was identified 26% which is higher than 11.66% (Naseer et al.
2013) and 7% (Barham et al. 2014) revealed previously on the estates that Boric acid has been
frequently used as a milk preservative.

In recent study ammonium sulphate was identified 3.5% which is quite lower than the previous
outcomes 25 %(Singuluri and Sukumaran 2014) and 7%(Barham et al. 2014) and greater than 0%
(Nirwal et al. 2013).

In recent study commercially available branded milk N1, G2 and N3 group adulteration was identified
0% which is accordance with a former report 0%(SHINAWY et al.).


5.2. Physio-Chemical structures of Milk

In recent analysis, decided pH of milk tests (7.4 ) was greater than standard pH (6.7) of milk and
furthermore more than revealed in other related examinations as 6.75% (Kader et al. 2015). Greater
pH in present study might be because of soluble nature of the adulterants and additives simultaneously
included milk raising pH of milk. Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate kill pH and acridity of
milk (Fakhar and walker 2006; Afzal et al, 2011).

In current examination the mean of Lactose in milk was 3.22% being lesser than standard
estimation of Lactose 4.8% and 2-4% revealed by Hassan (2005). Lactose is otherwise called milk

The mean an inducement for the freezing point in the current investigation was - 0.320oC
which was higher than the standard worth (- 0.540 oC) of the freezing point (Nida et al. 2013) and the
greater part of the milk tests from numerous zones drew nearer towards 0oC. This might be because of
the nearness of unessential water in milk. In any case, recent discoveries are in harmony with the
freezing point of seller and dairy workshops milk towards 0oC (Javaid et al. 2009). Current finding are
moreover boosted by Awais (2013) and Shaikh et al. (2013).

The mean motivation for fat substance in milk tests collected from Lahore was 3.4% which
was lesser than fat (3.7%) in standard milk, in dairy animals milk (4.5 %) and in buffaloes milk (7.6%)
(Khan et al. 2005). The mean of the fat in the current investigation was greater than the mean of milk
tests gathered from cafeterias of different instructive foundations and open commercials where the
milk fat went from 2.05+0.12, 1.41+0.16 and from 1.82 to 2.44 and 0.94 to 1.76, individually (Faraz et
al. 2013). The milk vendor obviously removes the fat from milk to improve the life expectancy of

The mean qualities for Solid-not-fat substance recorded in the present examination were 6.0%,
being not exactly the lawful standard of solid not fat content 8.90% in milk (Chandan, 1993). The
mean of solids not fat was lower because of unreasonable and false crusade of dishonesty by the
majority of the milk vendors and furthermore attributable to the utilization of various damaging
adulterants so as to cover the increase of water.

The mean estimation of protein in the current examination exposed that the normal protein
substance was 2.4% that didn't coordinate with estimated protein in typical dairy animal’s milk 3.8%
(Khan et al. 2005). The mean of protein was visibly greater than the mean estimations of 1.2+0.09,
1.33+0.24 and ran from 0.91 to 1.48 and 0.88 to 2.24 percent from different cafeterias of instructive
foundations and open spots, individually (Faraz et al. 2013). Such low protein esteem without a doubt
came about because of user humiliation practices of milk with liquid. In this way the end buyers are
being deprived of remarkably important and nutritious component of milk.

The mean potentials for total solid as saw in the current study10.3% were evidently great as
distinguished 6.17+0.26, 5.16+0.69 and prolonged from 6.42 to 7.95 and 4.76 to 7.53 from numerous
containers of instructive establishments and open spots, separately (Faraz et al. 2013). These qualities
were seen as a lot of lower when looked at than those of ordinary qualities for dairy animal’s milk
17.1% and 13.8% (Khan et al. 2005).


It recent study commercially available branded milk N1 group pH was monitored 5.44 which is lesser
than the standard 6.7(Chandan, 1993), protein 4 % which is greater than the standard 3.4 (Chandan,
1993), 15.83 total solids which is greater than the standard 12.60, 13.07 solids not fat which is more
greater than the standard 8.90, and 8.46% lactose is very than the standard 4.8 (Chandan, 1993).

In recent study commercially available branded milk G2 group pH was examined 5.51 which is lesser
than the standard 6.7(Chandan, 1993), protein 3.72 % which is greater than the standard 3.4 (Chandan,
1993), 11.35% total solids which is lesser than the standard 12.60, 10.90% solids not fat which is more
higher than the standard 8.90, and 6.25% lactose is very greater than the standard 4.8 (Chandan, 1993).

In recent study commercially available branded milk N3 group pH was observed 5.43 which is lesser
than the standard 6.7(Chandan, 1993), protein 3.83 % which is greater than the standard 3.4 (Chandan,
1993), 11.52 total solids which is greater than the standard 12.60, 11.81 solids not fat which is more
greater than the standard 8.90, and 6.91% lactose is higher than the standard 4.8 (Chandan, 1993).

5.3. Conclusion: The discoveries of this study climax the necessity to implement better-quality
hygiene practices and to apply active checking all over the production to distribution chain. Training
and education is also necessary for all peoples who deal with milk production, marketing and

Outcomes of current examination are in accordance with that of Khan et al. (1999), Lateef et al.
(2009) Javaid et al. (2009), Faraz et al. (2013), Awais (2013), Shaikh et al. (2013) and Kader et al.
(2015) that milk solids at these spots were widely put to acts of neglect, for example, skimming and
dishonesty with water, which are most likely done during the treatment of milk beginning from
draining till it arrives at the buyers and milk was diffused based on considerate and they don't utilize
any estimating or metering tool.

Milk founds one of the most significant nourishments for individuals. It is commonly supposed as a
complete diet for its basic fragments like proteins, lactose, milk fat, minerals and nutrients in a
profoundly absorbable structure and is suggested as required piece of day by day diet for the hopeful
mothers just as developing youngsters.
Milk violation is a distinctive and genuine worry of dairy industry in several nations of the
world. Individuals utilize various varieties of adulterants to develop various compensations. One of
the slightest and most reputable approaches for contaminating milk is expansion of water to form its
volume for more remarkable subsidy. Further tremendously normal adulterants, to expand the
volume of milk are expansion of fluid whey. The exclusivity of this defilement is that it doesn't alter
the lactose substance of the milk yet builds the acridity. So also, May different corruptions are made
which crumble the wholesome nature of milk as well as influence the purchasers' wellbeing gravely.

The recent investigation was directed in various towns of District Lahore of Punjab, Pakistan.
A sum of 200 milk specimen was gathered from the business sectors of area Lahore. Each example
was gathered in sanitized glass bottle, named and afterward promptly acquired refrigerator to the lab
for performing various judgments, for example, level of defilement in the milk and the effect of
contaminated on Physio-compound features of milk.
From total of 200 milk samples Formalin 8, Soap 30, Boric Acid 13, 28 for the Urea
adulteration, 142 were adulterated with water, Ammonium sulphate 07, , and the samples for
detergents was sensed negative.

The influence is also Perceived on the physicochemical values of milk that indicates mean of
fat reduced than the standard (3.70), solid not fat (8.90), Proteins (3.40), Lactose (4.80), Total Solid
(12.60) .And increased the value of Freezing point (-0.53) and pH (6.70).


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Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Nirwal S, Pant R, Rai N. 2013. Analysis of milk quality, adulteration and mastitis in milk samples
collected from different regions of Dehradun. International Journal of PharmTech
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Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
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the levels of different adulterants present in milk. Journal of Chromatography & Separation
Techniques. 5(1): 1.
Swathi J, Naazia K. 2015. A study on adulteration of milk and milk products from local vendors.
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Literature cited

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Nirwal S, Pant R, Rai N. 2013. Analysis of milk quality, adulteration and mastitis in milk samples
collected from different regions of Dehradun. International Journal of PharmTech
Research. 5(2): 359-364.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.
Singuluri H, Sukumaran M. 2014. Milk adulteration in Hyderabad, India-a comparative study on
the levels of different adulterants present in milk. Journal of Chromatography & Separation
Techniques. 5(1): 1.
Swathi J, Naazia K. 2015. A study on adulteration of milk and milk products from local vendors.
Int J Biomed Adv Res. 6(9): 678-681.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Nirwal S, Pant R, Rai N. 2013. Analysis of milk quality, adulteration and mastitis in milk samples
collected from different regions of Dehradun. International Journal of PharmTech
Research. 5(2): 359-364.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.
Singuluri H, Sukumaran M. 2014. Milk adulteration in Hyderabad, India-a comparative study on
the levels of different adulterants present in milk. Journal of Chromatography & Separation
Techniques. 5(1): 1.
Swathi J, Naazia K. 2015. A study on adulteration of milk and milk products from local vendors.
Int J Biomed Adv Res. 6(9): 678-681.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Nirwal S, Pant R, Rai N. 2013. Analysis of milk quality, adulteration and mastitis in milk samples
collected from different regions of Dehradun. International Journal of PharmTech
Research. 5(2): 359-364.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.

Literature cited

Singuluri H, Sukumaran M. 2014. Milk adulteration in Hyderabad, India-a comparative study on

the levels of different adulterants present in milk. Journal of Chromatography & Separation
Techniques. 5(1): 1.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.
Singuluri H, Sukumaran M. 2014. Milk adulteration in Hyderabad, India-a comparative study on
the levels of different adulterants present in milk. Journal of Chromatography & Separation
Techniques. 5(1): 1.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-
Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.
Singh A, Chandra G, Aggarwal A, Kumar P. 2012. Adulteration detection in milk. Double Helix
Res. 5: 52-55.

Chakravorty S, Chakravarty A. 2011. An Investigation of adulteration in milk obtained from

different localities of Varanasi city. The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki. 5: 120-123.
Literature cited

Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.

Chatterjee A, Acharya R. 1992. Heading for 21st century. Dairy India, Delhi. 4-24.


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