All at Sea

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All At Sea
ated by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, What are Amphibious
was that ‘we have to concentrate more on Operations?
the other defence arms. The navy should Amphibious operations are commonly
be small but highly trained and capable defined as ‘military operations charac-
of expansion when the time comes for it.’ terised by attacks launched from the sea
Despite their criticality, amphibious operations It was not that India was alone in ne- by naval and landing forces against hos-
remain a challenge for the Indian military glecting to build up its amphibious capa- tile shores’ while the Joint Operations
bilities in late 1940’s. Almost at the same 3-02 Amphibious Operations manual
Mandeep Singh (retd) and see it as ‘her’ Ocean. This view had time, as United States armed forces was issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff defines
been propounded even before indepen- still reorienting itself for its role and mis- them as:
The Indian Ocean dence when K.M. Panikkar had argued sions amidst large scale dismantling in ‘An amphibious operation is a mili-
is the third-largest in 1945 that ‘while to other countries, the the new world order, United States Ma- tary operation launched from the sea
body of water in the Indian Ocean is only one of the important rine Corps found itself in the cross hairs by an amphibious force (AF) to conduct
world dominated oceanic areas, to India it is the vital sea. once again as it was singled out for be- landing force (LF) operations within the
geographically by In- The Indian Ocean must therefore remain ing largely redundant. In October 1949, littorals. The littorals include those land
dia. No other nation truly Indian,’ i.e., India’s Ocean. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff areas (and their adjacent sea and asso-
dominates an ocean The view was echoed after indepen- Omar Bradley, had famously said that ciated air space) that are predominantly
in the way the great dence when Keshav Vaidya hoped in ‘large-scale amphibious operations... will susceptible to engagement and influ-
Indian peninsula does, projecting over 1949 that ‘even if we do not rule the never occur again.’ ence from the sea.’
2,400 kilometres ‘into’ the ocean. This waves of all the five oceans of the world, It is a different matter that United While in Indian context, the Joint Op- LAND TO SEA WhAP 8x8 is an indigenous amphibious wheeled armoured personnel carrier
gives India the coastline of its 7,517 ki- we must at least rule the waves of the In- States managed to turn the tide during erations Doctrine issued by Integrated
lometres and the ability to dominate not dian Ocean.’ the Korean War only with a bold and bril- Defence Staff defines it as: projecting power against adversaries. of humanitarian assistance, has largely
only the Arabian Sea to the West and With such views it would have been ex- liantly executed landing at Incheon. In ‘Amphibious Operations are launched In the 2015 book Development of Allied come from naval and amphibious forces.
Bay of Bengal to the East but the Indian pected of India to have focused on build- the years to follow United States carried from the sea by maritime forces for land- Amphibious Capability and the Policy of The projection of soft power during hu-
Ocean in the south as well. ing its navy after 1947 to take its rightful out amphibious operations successfully ing troops against a hostile or potentially Rebalance, Lt Colonel James Brandon manitarian assistance and disaster relief
India has over 1,000 islands and atolls place as the dominant maritime force to achieve significant objectives in Viet- hostile shore. Amphibious Operations Conway writes that amphibious forces (HADR) operations is an important facet
that along with its long coastline give her in the Indian Ocean. And given the large nam, Cambodia and Kuwait. Between integrate virtually all types of ships, air- provide the following advantages: of amphibious operations.
a huge Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) number of islands and their spread one 1991 and 2011, United States carried out craft, weapons, special operations forces n Freedom of action as amphibious forc-
of 2,305,143sqkm. Around 95 per cent of key component was to have a credible 137 missions during 116 amphibious and combat forces in a concerted joint es have the ability to use the maritime The Indian Experience
India’s external trade passes through the capacity to undertake amphibious oper- operations ranging from amphibious military effort.’ domain as a base from which to con- Indian Navy had carried out a successful
sea. It is not surprising that it is important ations but the continental view inhibited assault and air strikes to evacuation and Adding to the multitude of definitions, duct operations, loiter prolonged pe- amphibious operation as early as Octo-
for India to dominate the seas around her navy’s growth. The official view, as enunci- humanitarian missions. the Indian Maritime Doctrine issued in riod in international waters, and ma- ber 1947 when the (then) Royal Indian
2016 mentions that ‘as a form of mar- noeuvre ashore at the time and place Navy carried out its first operation af-
SEA LIFT INS Jalashwa has significantly enhanced navy’s capacity to transport troops, a useful capability for amphibious operations itime power projection, amphibious of their choosing, ter independence code named Exercise
operations are joint military operations n Defence of Island territories by the Peace. The main phase was launched on
wherein land power is projected ashore ability to rapidly insert credible com- October 5. It landed 14 army officers, 251
from the sea.’ bat power as ‘boots on the ground’, Other Ranks, three tanks and 13 vehicles
There are four recognised types of am- n Assured access. Amphibious forces at Porbandar. The naval force for the op-
phibious operations: contribute unique and essential ca- eration consisted of two frigates, HMIS
Amphibious Demonstration: An am- pabilities toward the nation’s ability Kistna (Commander R.D. Katari, RIN,
phibious operation conducted for the to take advantage of the freedom of Senior Officer) and Cauvery; two mine-
purpose of deceiving the enemy by a the seas to enter a region without sweepers HMIS Konkan and Madras;
show of force with the expectation of regard to access constraints and to three Landing Craft (Tanks), LCTs 1310,
deluding the adversary into an unfavour- sustain sea-based operations almost 1358 and 1360; and one motor launch
able course of action. indefinitely without need for in-the- ML 420. This was followed by landings at
Amphibious Raid: An amphibious op- atre host-government support, Jaffarabad on October 17 and Magnrol
eration involving the swift incursion into n A Threat in Being. A credible amphib- on 1 November 1947.
or temporary occupation of an objective ious capability compels potential ad- Exercise Peace was not only the first
area followed by a planned withdrawal. versaries to invest in a broad range major naval operation undertaken by in-
Amphibious Assault: The principal of systems and spread their defences dependent India’s navy but also the first
type of amphibious operation, which in- over larger areas of concern. amphibious operation post-indepen-
volves establishing a force on a hostile or dence. Admiring the navy’s performance,
potentially hostile shore. Another important aspect of amphib- an army officer had said “The navy had
Amphibious Withdrawal: An amphib- ious capability is its increasing use in everything buttoned up to a fine edge
ious operation involving the extraction of recent years to support other operations and one got the impression that their
forces by sea in naval ships or craft from i.e., which contribute to conflict preven- officers were an efficient, well-tempered
a hostile or potentially hostile shore. tion or crisis mitigation such as security and honed bunch.” This was however not
cooperation, foreign humanitarian as- the first amphibious operation under-
The Relevance sistance, civil support, non-combatant taken by the (then) Royal Indian Navy
But what makes the amphibious opera- evacuation operations, peace opera- as it had earlier carried out a joint oper-
tions so relevant and important is that tions, recovery operations, disaster re- ation in May 1941 during the reoccupa-
they are equally essential for deterrence, lief etc. More often than not, access to tion of Berbera in the Gulf of Aden.
building alliances, denying sanctuary, coastal populations struck by natural Years of neglect with a dismal share of
projecting influence and, when required, disasters, and the follow-on provision the defence budget followed, blunting

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phibious forces are a key element for erations as it was confined traditionally Joint Doctrine for Indian Armed Forces
meeting these goals. on its task to assault and defence of small JDIAF-2017 notes that, ‘India’s threats
islands in the South China Sea. primarily emanate from the disputed
The China Factor land borders with our neighbours.’
The United States Department of De- Areas of Concern As Abhijen Rej and Shashank Joshi
fence in its annual report on China Mil- Comparably, India has one LPD (INS observed in their paper ‘India’s Joint
itary Power for 2020 acknowledged that Jalashwa), eight Landing Ships (three Doctrine: A Lost Opportunity’, it is ‘an ar-
the Chinese People’s Liberation Army LSM and five LST) with 11 landing my-centric joint doctrine that fails to pay
Navy (PLAN) is now the world’s largest crafts. The Indian capabilities to carry sufficient attention to the role of the oth-
navy and is ‘developing the capabilities out amphibious operations are accord- er two services… there is near-absence
and operational concepts to conduct ingly much limited as compared to that of force-projection and other issues in
offensive operations within the Second of China though they are adequate to the joint doctrine.’ It is important that
Island Chain, in the Pacific and Indian meet its existing needs of defending the these doctrinal issues are resolved and
Oceans, and in some cases, globally.’ In island territories. the doctrine is revised to incorporate the
recent years, one of the areas of increased The real challenge though lies in build- actual potential of the Navy.
interest for China and its navy has been ing up its capabilities to meet the future
the Indian Ocean region with specula- roles and missions as the proposed ac- The Road Ahead
tion that China may even have an Indian quisition of four LPD approved in 2010 The threat to amphibious forces today
Ocean fleet in the not so distant future. fell through after a decade as the Request is no longer from state actors and the
China already has a military base at the for Proposal was withdrawn as the Navy adversary navies only but from terror-
facility in Djibouti which has a small but wanted the equipment with new specifi- ist groups and non-state actors as well.
constant presence of the PLAN. There cations. A new Request for Information In October 2016 the US guided-missile
JOINT OPERATION Amphibious landing during Exercise Tropex have been regular intrusion of Indian Ex- (RFI) has again been issued for four LPDs destroyer USS Mason was attacked by
clusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by Chinese with the anticipated delivery timeline Houthi rebels using anti-ship cruise
the edge and loss of any real amphibious eration Cactus in 1988 saw an assertive must possess and maintain a capability vessels including its submarine and re- for the first vessel of a maximum of 60 missiles (ASCMs). Earlier the same
capabilities. The 1950’s and 60’s saw the use of maritime power as a result. An all for sustained operations in our area of search vessels. China and Pakistan carry months, followed by delivery of one ves- rebel group had attacked a former U.S.
navy manage with less than 10 per cent too familiar neglect followed though in interest, including power projection”. out joint naval exercises ‘Sea Guardians’. sel every 12 months. high-speed vessel, burning it to the wa-
of the defence budget as its share, partly the early 1990’s the naval commanders With INS Jalashwa, three Shardul class The Red Flag is now a regular presence India has an infantry brigade ear- terline.
because of the land-centric strategic vi- had started flagging this state of affairs and the eight Kumbhir-class medium in the Indian Ocean region and it is only marked for amphibious operations but These incidents may seem far removed
sion of the establishment and the fault asking for a ‘clear-cut and assertive landing ships India now seemed to be going to grow in the coming years. has vessels only for a battalion plus. The geographically to Indian context but
was partly of senior army officers who maritime policy’ as S. Chopra wrote in on the path of acquiring a capability to The primary focus of Chinese Navy capability will build up only as and when highlight the emerging threat of non-
believed that navy expansion and projec- Naval Strategy in the Indian Ocean and match its doctrine. In recent years Indi- however remains Taiwan and the South the new LPDs enter service. Till such state actors and the ease with which
tion into the Indian Ocean was an ‘out- the Laws of the Sea. The new govern- an Navy has been carrying out regular China Sea for now. The build-up of its am- time the capability void will remain and capable long-range weapons can be
moded Imperial concept’. Maj. Gen. D. ment in 1998 gave a push to naval ex- amphibious exercises to hone its combat phibious forces has been impressive as it a mismatch between intentions and ca- obtained and used against navies. The
Palit wrote this in the Hindustan Times pansion that was continued even after capabilities. The Amphex series of exer- has added the first of multiple 40,000-ton pability exist. This is an obvious area of amphibious forces operating in hostile
newspaper on 29 December 1969. the change of government in 2004. As cises to hone the amphibious assault ca- Type 075 landing helicopter dock (LHD) concern, though more critical is the land waters need to be well configured to face
The long period of neglect meant that navy expanded, an important step to pabilities started in 2001 while ‘Exercise ships that was commissioned on 23 April centric vision of the establishment as the such threats and be capable of fulfilling
Indian Navy did not play any meaning- lay down the broad framework for the Tropex-2009’ at Madhavpur beach in 2021, with a second due to enter service the mission requirements.
ful role during the India Pakistan War of fundamental concepts to guide the ap- Gujarat in February 2009 was the largest imminently and a third under construc- The advances in precision long range
1965. It was only during the Bangladesh plication of emerging maritime power ever such exercise and the first after the tion. The Type 075 is a flat-top vessel able With INS Jalashwa, three weapons was one reason that in June
War of 1971 that the navy played an im- was the release of Indian Maritime Doc- joint doctrine on amphibious warfare to carry between 20 and 30 helicopters of Shardul class and the 2020, the Commandant of the U.S.
portant role with successful blockades trine in 2004. had been put into practice with its full undisclosed types, although naval vari- Marine Corps, General David Berger,
and bombardments carried out on both In 2005 as the tsunami affected eleven scope. Tanks, armoured personnel car- ants of the new Z-20 are possible. It also eight Kumbhir-class pinpointed the obsolescence of large-
flanks and the sea lines of communica- Indian Ocean littoral countries, Indian riers and Infantry troops of 91 Infantry has a well deck that can be flooded to medium landing ships scale amphibious assault as the ‘focus
tion between the two wings of Pakistan Navy resources were pressed into hu- Brigade of the Sudarshan Chakra Corps allow landing craft, hovercraft and am- India now seemed to be on a pacing threat that is both a mari-
being cut. While India’s naval missile manitarian assistance and disaster relief participated in both stand-off and hard phibious assault vehicles to disembark. on the path of acquiring time power and a nuclear power elimi-
attacks on Karachi were spectacularly (HADR) operations earning kudos for beaching modes. China already has six Type 071 Land- a capability to match its nates entirely the salience of large-scale
successful, Operation Beaver, the am- its relief work. Indian Navy deployed 32 The amphibious vessels of Indian ing Platform Dock (LPD), 49 landing forcible entry operations followed by
phibious operation carried out in East ships in all during the five rescue, relief Navy have carried out humanitarian craft to include 28 LST and 21 LSM with doctrine. In recent years sustained operations ashore.’ As India
Pakistan ‘got into serious trouble’ as the and reconstruction missions making it assistance and disaster relief opera- 55 Landing craft of various designations Indian Navy has been builds up its maritime capabilities, the
official history of the India Pakistan War the second largest deployment of naval tions in the Indian Ocean region, one in service. Even with such a line-up, ac- carrying out regular transformation of maritime operations
of 1971 puts it rather mildly. forces in the Indian Ocean, after United of the latest being Operation Samudra cording to some defence analysts China amphibious exercises and the new emerging security scenar-
The war of 1971 did not result in any States, but was needed most was major Setu—the repatriation of 3,992 Indi- does not have the capability to mount to hone its combat io wherein largescale amphibious op-
immediate expansion of the navy that amphibious ships to transport men and ans. India’s vision in deepening eco- a major amphibious operation and will erations may become redundant is an
had to wait for the 1980’s when the In- relief material to the spread-out islands. nomic and security cooperation in the take some time to mature this capability.
capabilities. The Amphex area that needs to be kept under a close
dian Navy saw a modest expansion in- As a logical corollary to the experi- littorals, enhancing capacities to safe- The role and missions of its amphibious series of exercises to watch and our maritime doctrines and
cluding the second aircraft carrier join- ence gained was the procurement of INS guard land and maritime territories, forces would principally remain defend- hone the amphibious forces to enforce them need to be con-
ing the Indian Navy in 1987. The mid Jalashwa, the former US amphibious as- working towards sustainable regional ing PLA bases in the South China Sea assault capabilities figured accordingly.
1980’s also saw the Polish Landing Ship sault ship USS Trenton in 2005 that gave development, Blue Economy, and pro- and abroad, conducting amphibious op- started in 2001 while There is large scope of exploiting the
Tank (LST) joining the fleet and LST India a modest amphibious operations moting collective action to deal with erations to seize and defend small reef ‘Exercise Tropex-2009’ capabilities of amphibious forces, both
(Large) being built in India giving India and power-projection capability. As Ad- non-traditional threats like natural and island outposts, and conducting during war and peace but they can only
a limited capability to carry out am- miral Arun Prakash, the then Chief of Na- disasters, piracy, terrorism etc. is now non-war military activities (NWMA). The at Madhavpur beach in deliver if India remains ahead of the
phibious operations and power projec- val Staff believed that “as the pre-eminent formally laid out as SAGAR (Security PLAN Marine Corps has only recently Gujarat was the largest curve as military technologies and prac-
tion. Operation Pawan in 1987 and Op- maritime power in the Indian Ocean, we and Growth for All in the Region). Am- started focussing on expeditionary op- ever such exercise tices transform, the world over.;

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