General Questions

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General questions
1.Does the main character have any siblings?
2.Is Douglas good at jogging?
3.Is ice-cream a symbol of summer for the boy?
4.Can Douglas ride a bicycle?
5.Does Douglas have problems with health because he is a sweet-tooth?
6.Does Tom call Douglas “sleepyhead”?
7.Does the boy have bad habits such as eating a lot of sweets and interrupting people during
8.Has Douglas ever travelled abroad?
9.Do his parents keep old things in the garage?
10.Has he ever been deceived by his friends?

Alternative Questions
1.What was Douglas' favorite season: summer or spring?
2.Does Douglas prefer raspberry jam or dandelion wine?
3.Does the boy like to send postcards or letters to his friends?
4. Does Tom eat a lot or a few?
5. Does Douglas like strawberry ice-cream or does his brother?
6.How do the boys get home: by train or on foot?
7.Do the boys usually eat pancakes on Sundays or Saturdays?
8.Does Tom like sitting on summer-night porch or running in the grass?
9.Do the boys live with parents or grandparents?
10.Does Douglas prefer reading books or newspapers?

Tag questions.
1.Douglas believes in aliens, doesn’t he?
2.Tom and Douglas are dreamy boys ,aren’t they?
3.The boys always help their parent with housework, don’t they?
4. Douglas experienced a lot of hard events, didn’t he?
5. The boy always tries to be optimistic, doesn’t he?
6.The boy was trying to remember all smells of the countryside, wasn’t he?
7. Douglas was born in the summer , wasn’t he?
8.Walking in the forest was the main reason for Douglas to live in the countryside , wasn’t it?
9. Douglas hardly ever sleeps at night, does he?
10. Douglas always tries to be like Tom , doesn’t he?
Question to the subject.
1.Who is an authority for Douglas?
2. What were the most pleasant memories of last summer for Douglas?
3.Who is the role model for the boys?
4.What makes Douglas happy when he goes for a walk?
5.What helped the boy to cope with disease?
6.Who always supports Douglas in difficult situations?
7.Who was the best friend of Tom?
8.What makes dandelion wine so tasty?
9.What is the difference between recipe of dandelion and flower wine?
10.What was the first their impression of trying dandelion wine?
Special questions
1. What trees grow in their garden?
2. Who often makes the decisions for Tom?
3. Who usually  bakes bread once a week?
4.Why was it so difficult to do dandelion wine for the first time?
5. What does Douglas often complain of?
6. How many times did the boys go to the forest during the summer?
7. Whose photo album did Tom find in the bedroom?
8.How many books did Douglas read during the summer?
9.How old is the boys’ grandfather?
10.Where is their countryside situated?

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